A/N: Hi! I AM SOOOO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO UPDATE! I am an extremely lazy person and I am sorry that you guys have to suffer the consequences of that! But here it it. I apologize if it's kind of sucky. I personally don't like it very much but I couldn't find a way to make it better. Well I'm gonna shut up now and let you guys read! Here we go…

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight if I did I would be one happy gal!

Chapter 10

It's been two weeks since me and Quil "broke up", for lack of better terms. And ever since then I feel so… empty. Like a part of me is missing. I even find myself asking myself if I'm even conscious. I find myself wondering if this is just a dream. A nightmare is more like it. I mean, why does it hurt so much? We were never together, we aren't together, and we will never be together! I don't ever want to see him again!

Sometimes I cry myself to sleep. I don't feel like going out or hanging out with anyone. I barely talk and I can't remember the last time I smiled. And I don't care. I don't care about anything anymore. But I am the perfect student. I do my homework everyday. I study for a test weeks before it's do. I'm always prepared for a pop quiz and I'm never tardy. My teachers must love me.

From what I've noticed no one has noticed that I'm not being myself, and if someone did notice… I don't know. I don't care. I've forgotten what caring what feeling is like! I won't say it out loud, but I miss him. A lot. It hurts how much I miss him. I will never understand anything anymore. And… it doesn't matter.

"Sweetie, are you ready to go to school?" asked my mother. I nodded and got up from the table. I took my backpack from the couch and walked out to the car. I sat in the front seat and turned up the heat. It has to be the coldest November ever. Well according to the weather channel I frankly don't feel it. No surprise. I don't feel anything anymore. The car ride to school was silent. Like always. Nothing changes. Everything is always the same. No good times, nothing to look forward too.

We got to school and opened the car door. "Bye, honey, have a nice day at school," she said and gave me a shy smile.

"Bye," I said so sad in a voice so low I could barely hear it. She probably didn't hear it ether, but I didn't care. I slammed the car door and walked up the steps and went to school. I walked over to my looker, got my math book and headed straight to class. I got there a couple of minutes before the bell rang. So I sat down at my desk and started skimming threw my math book.

"Claire, may I speak with you?" said my math teacher.

"Yes Mr. Evans? Is there something wrong?"

"No, no of coarse not. I mean, you grades are better than ever, you've turned in all of your projects and assignment on time and sometimes early."

"Then what's the problem?"

"I just wanted you to give this to your parents," he said handing me a piece of paper.

I read the paper quickly. "My parents? Why do you want to see my parents?" I know I was supposed to sound angrier, but there was no emotion it came out… flat.

"I just need to talk to your parents, hopefully the both of them if possible."


"This Friday, Miss. Young." At that note the bell rang. "Time for class, sit down."

I turned around and sat on my desk. I should be angry. I should be stomping and yelling and giving my teacher death glares, but I just couldn't get myself to feel angry. How did I use to do it…? I sat through the rest of math class taking one too many notes. The bell rang and I was the first out of the room.

The rest of the morning flew by quickly. I paid perfect attention, took notes, and didn't disrupt the class once. They didn't seem to mind. Mr. Evans is just crazy. I got my food and sat down in my table. I started playing with my peas. I'm not really hungry. I was playing with my food for at least another two minutes. Right when I was going to get up and dump the food someone sat in the seat next to me. I looked up and the first thing I saw were some familiar chocolate brown eyes. Cody. "Hey," he said his voice full of concern.

"Hi." Wow, my voice sounded weird. Very… unused. It sounded horse and it even cracked when I said 'hi'.

"We haven't talked in a while, have we? What's up?"

I shrugged. "Nothing."

"Anything new?"



"What?" I just wanna leave.

"Claire, I'm worried about you. Are you sick?"

I looked up from my food and looked at him straight in the eye. "Sick? Why would you think I'm sick?"

"Because, well –don't take this the wrong way- but you don't look so great Claire." I raised an eye brow. I have no idea what he's talking about. He sighed. "Well you look skinnier, and tired, and, well, sick." I looked down at my food again, kind of ashamed. Am I really that bad? "But most importantly you look sad," he said, concern in his voice. He took my hand in his. I can feel the tears coming. "Claire, what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything, right?"

I finally looked up at him. I looked into his eyes, full of concern and worry. He really wants to know. He really wants to… help me. "It's… it's nothing. I-I just," I said the tears falling from my eyes. "I… I… I" and that is when I just lost it. I just burst into tears. I tried to stop but I couldn't.

Cody pulled me closer and I buried my face into his chest and just cried. He stroked my hair as I completely lost my sanity. "Shh, Claire, it's ok, it's ok. Everything is going to be fine." I managed to pull myself together a couple of minutes after.

"I'm so sorry. I'm just… going through a tough time right now."

"It's ok. We don't have to talk about it here. You wanna leave?" I nodded. He smiled, "Ok, come on let's go." He got up from the table and helped me get out of my chair.

I looked around, no one appeared to notice my little breakdown over there. He took my hand and we walked out of the cafeteria. It was kind of awkward him holding my hand, but if I pulled away it might hurt his feelings so I just tried to ignore it. "Where are we going?" I asked him wiping my tear off with the sleeve of my jacket.

"Home. I'm taking you to your house."

"How are we going to leave school?"

"I have my ways."

"Is it illegal?" He laughed. I chuckled too but I'm still worried. Is it…?

It turns out I got sick from the cafeteria food. I threw up all over the cafeteria and had to be sent home immediately. Cody is going to escort me because he just wasn't comfortable letting me go home all by myself. That's the excuse we gave the nurse to let us go home early. She bought the whole thing.

"Ok then," she said scribbling something down on a blue piece of paper. "I'll give this note to all of your teachers make sure they don't think your ditching," she said as she ripped the piece of paper out with a smile. "No you get plenty of rest, ok? The food probably just didn't agree with you, if by tomorrow you're still like this I want you to go visit your doctor, alright?" I nodded. "Good. Now go. Make sure your boyfriend takes good care of you now."

"Wait, wait, whoa, um, he- he's not my boyfriend."

"Oh, sorry," said and then winked at me. A wink? What the heck does that mean?

"Thanks, Ms. Hudson. I'll take her home don't worry, thank you," he said and we headed toward the door. Cody opened the door for me; I smiled at him and walked out of the office. We walked down the now empty hallways. The bell rang like two seconds ago. "See? I told you I'd get you home."

I smiled at him. "I apologize for my doubt, all powerful Cody."

"I guess I'll let it slide, just this once." He looked down at me and smiled. We walked out of the school and outside to the front steps. I looked up at the sky the gray clouds were pretty thick. It looks like it's going to rain. "So do we walk or do we call a cab?"

I thought about it for a second. Hm… "Let's walk. I don't think it'll start raining soon. How long could it take us to get to my house?"

"Alright then, we walk," he said smiling. I smiled back and with that we were off to my house. Walking fast enough trying to beat the rain.

We were almost to my front porch when it started raining. I unlocked the door and ran inside, both of us laughing. Hm, haven't done that in a while. It's feels nice. "I guess no matter how hard you try you can't beat Mother Nature."

I giggled. "Guess not," I said twisting up my hair to try and get some of the water out. I turned around to look at Cody. He was grinning; little drops of water were falling from his wet hair to his face. His clothes were a little wet but they would dry soon. "Take off your shoes."


"Take off your shoes and leave 'em by the door so they'll dry," I said taking off my shoes. He nodded and did the same. "Now let me get you a towel," I said walking toward the hall closet. I took two towels and walked back to the living room. Cody was exactly where I left him. I smiled and tossed him one of the towels. He caught it right on time and started drying his hair. I started drying my hair too.

"Um, I'm gonna go to my room and change. You'll be ok out here by yourself for a couple of minutes?"

"Yeah, totally you go, I'll stay here." I smiled and headed for my room.

I changed into some old sweats pulled my hair back and walked out. I headed toward the living room where I found Cody was sitting on the couch. I sat down next to him and sighed. It feels a lot better to be here. "So… you hungry?" asked Cody.

"A little." I'm not sure if that's a lie. Cuz I really don't feel hungry but I didn't eat anything for lunch, shouldn't I be hungry?

"Cool, wanna order pizza?"

I giggled. "Sure." I got up and headed toward the phone. I took the phone and headed toward the fridge where all the emergency numbers are. It has all the names and numbers of the food places that deliver and all the local hospitals and whatever. I dialed the number of pizza joint in Forks that delivers here to La Push. I ordered a large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese, he told me it be delivered in thirty minutes or less, told me the price and I hung up. "Pizza will be here soon," I told Cody walking over to the couch.

"Cool. So Claire…"

"So Cody."

"How's the weather?"

I laughed at the question. "Seriously? Your asking me about the weather?"

"What? I'm making small talk! Now I'm going to ask you again and this time you're not going to laugh, got it?" I nodded, holding back the laughter. "Good. Now, how's the weather lately?"

"Cold," I said giggling a little.

"It has been cold hasn't it? You see that's how small talk works."

"Really? Tell me more o your small talk ways, please."

"Well, if you insist." We kept talking about small talk for the next half hour. That has to be the most interesting conversation topic I've ever heard. I was laughing so hard that I thought I might pee on myself.

Our conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Pizza guys here," I said after a contained my laughter. "You let him in while I go get the money."


I walked into my room and looked for my wallet. It took me a while but I found it. When I walked out Cody just closed the door pizza in hand. "Um… where's the pizza guy?"

"He left. They tend to do that once they give you the pizza."

"But I didn't pay him yet."

"No I did."

"But I said I was going to pay."

He exaggeratedly gasped. "You actually thought I was going to let you pay? I am insulted. What kind of man do you think I am?"

"Oh… well then here," I said handing him the ten dollars.

"Nah, don't worry about it. Let's eat," he said walking to the living room.

"Okay…" I walked over to the kitchen and got two sodas from the fridge and walked pack to the living room. I sat down in my previous spot next to Cody and handed him his soda.

"Thank you." He opened his soda and took a sip. We were sting in a way that we were facing each other and the pizza box in front of us. "Now, Claire, I think we've avoided the conversation for too long."

"What conversation?" I said getting a slice of pizza.

"Why did you start crying earlier at lunch today?" he asked concerned once more.

I sighed. I was hoping he would forget. Obviously he didn't. "It's a, um… long… complicated story," I said putting the pizza back in the box.

I kept looking down like the pizza box contained this amazing secret. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and met Cody's gaze. "I've got time," he said with a shy reassuring smile.

I sighed. How can anyone deny him anything with those big brown eyes? "Well I had this friend. He's been my friend since as long as I can remember. We use to do everything together. We hung out almost everyday, up until about a month ago." I felt the tears coming. "That's when things got… complicated. We barely talked he started canceling our plans and after a while we just stop talking to each other completely. I kept trying to make plans so we could hang out but in the end he ended up canceling them. Actually he never really gave me a reason… Anyway one night I just totally lost it. I yelled at him and told him to never talk to me again. That was two weeks ago." It felt silly. To be acting this way over losing your best friend, but it's totally different with Quil. I can't explain why. "It's kind of when you have a best friend since kindergarten an you were inseparable and then when you get to middle school they decide never to talk to you again."

He nodded."I understand. I know what it's like to lose a friend like that. Sometimes the people that you care about the most are the people that can hurt you the most," he said wiping a tear running down my cheek with his thumb.

"I guess that makes since."

"Don't worry, Claire, things will get better. I promise." Suddenly his shy smile turned into a grin. "You know what? I'm going to make it my personal burden to make you happy."

"Until I get over it?"

He chuckled. "Sure."

"Thanks," I said with a giggle. "Now let's eat this pizza before it gets cold."

"You don't have to tell me twice."

We laughed and talked and made bad jokes for the rest of the afternoon. We devoured the entire pizza and before we knew it was three o' clock and Cody had to go home. "Oh, um, I'll walk you out."

"Cool, thanks."

We got up from the couch and toward the door. It stopped raining, that's a first. "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked him, walking down the porch steps.

"Yeah, you will. Bye."

"Bye." I watched as he headed toward his house next door to mine apparently.

I turned around and started up the steps into my house. "Claire, wait," I herd Cody say.

I turned around to find him in my front yard. "Cody? Is something wrong?"

"Uh… no. I just… um can-can I ask you something?"

"Uh, sure."

"Um, would you like to… um… go out… with me… this… Saturday ?"

This caught me of guard. I could feel my eyes widening with shock. Did, Cody, just ask me out on a… date? Yeah, I think he did. What am I gonna do? I don't want to hurt his feelings… Maybe I should say yes. How could one date hurt? It's just one date. I can do that. "Um, sure. I-I'd l-love to go on a date with you."

"Really?" He sounds really exited. Aw! How sweet. "That's great! I'll pick you up at six, alright?"

"That sounds good."

"Cool. Um, see you later! Bye!" And with that he went to his house.

I shook my head and went inside an to my room. This morning I was totally deprest and now I have a date with Cody Summers? This has been a long odd day…

A/N: What I say? Sucky. I don't think it's one of my better chapters but I promise the next one will be less sucky! And waaaaaay longer. But that's just my opinion tell me what you guys think! That's right review! I'm really looking forward to what you guys have to say. Oh and:

42nd Blackbone: Aw thanks! That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said! I'm glad you like the story! And don't worry Quil will make it up to her! Aw… so you sense there potential as well… Don't get ahead of me yet… Thank you so much for your kind words and I hope you like this chapter!

Claire: Hi Claire! I'm glad you liked the chapter! I'm sorry it took me so long I'll try to get off my lazy butt and type! I hope your still reading!

C: Thanks! I hope so too Quil-y hasn't bee a proper imprinter has he? :] I'm glad you liked it and I will try to update faster in the future.

Well that's everyone I think! Thank you all for your kind comments! You're the reason why I keep writing! And I promise to put the books down and write! I'm in summer vacation now so I have loads of time so if I don't update sooner you all have permission to yell at me. Oh and I want everyone to know that I will finish this story! It will not be abandoned! Even if it takes me ten years to finish it I will! So don't give up hope! So I'm gonna shut up now! Thanks for reading! BYE! :D