
The wizarding world seemed to stand completely still. Aurors and Death Eaters were sprawled out across the land...few survived from either side.

The spell had set off an explosion that blew up the house and sent a fiery mess throughout the cave taking out everything and everyone in its path.

Anyone who survived was sure that both leaders were dead.

And they were...

...To the wizard world.


Around 16 Years Later

"Collin! Hurry up you're going to be late for school!" Violet yelled up the stairs to her sixteen-year-old son.

"Mom, I'm right here," a male voice whispered in her ear.

She instantly jumped and faced her black haired, blue eyed son, "What did I tell you about apparating in this house?" She lectured placing a hand lazily on her hip.

She was thirty-five years young now and still looked the same. Her black hair was still long and her violet eyes still glowing.

Collin, her oldest, was two weeks from his sixteenth birthday. She found out she was pregnant right after the battle.

Eight months later, Collin emerged from a small muggle hospital in a town called Traton just 30 miles outside of Boston.

It was a small, yet lively, town that in which the wizard population consisted of five.

Which was made up from her family.

"But mom, it's not my fault I have these powers, I can't use them anywhere else, so why not in here?"

She let out a frustrated sigh, she had gone over this with him since he was five and realized he had powers.

"Collin, I told you a million times, this family is special which means that we are different, no one else is going to understand us so we have to keep our gift hidden, if you continue to not understand that then I will bind your powers, end of discussion!"

Her son sighed in defeat, he was annoyed with her but at the same time he understood.

"Now go in the kitchen and get yourself some cereal, you're not missing the bus again." She wasn't much different, she didn't like giving instructions but she did realize that she was a mother.

"Charlie! Tyler! You have ten minutes until the bus comes, you miss it and you're grounded!"

Instantly, a thin framed blonde haired fourteen-year-old girl came downstairs followed by her eleven-year-old, brown haired brother.

"Mom, it takes a long time to look this desirable." Oh yes, Charlie was much like her father; she looked like him and had an ego the size of his. Her name was Charoline, but since it was a rather odd name, she was nicknamed, Charlie.

Tyler was much more like Violet, rather shy but for some reason it happened to get him even more attention, this was probably because he was very impressive looking.

Violet gave them both kisses on their forehead before they headed off towards the kitchen.

"She takes forever in the bathroom," Tyler muttered as he walked past his mom.

"I heard that you twerp," Charlie commented shooting him a glare.

Violet couldn't help but grin at their harmless sibling rivalry, "Enough you two, now I'm serious about missing the bus, that would mean no dates this weekend, Charoline."

"Like I'd let her go on one anyways," a gruff voice called out from the top of the stairs. Violet grinned at her husband as her daughter pouted to her father.

She smiled at the love of her life, Draco, as he came down the stairs, fixing up his tie as he made his way into the kitchen.

"Good morning," she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Ewww," said Tyler in an almost predictable manor.

Draco rolled his eyes but smiled at his child.

Draco was still the same man deep down, but since he had children, his evil, or more egotistical side had calmed down a tad. Well, at least in front of the children. For example, no longer would he brag about his sexual skill. Good thing too.

Draco and Violet had a secret life that not even their children were aware about; and they intended on keeping it that way for their protection.

Almost exactly 16 years ago, Draco Malfoy, and at the time, betrothed enemy Violet Riddle, secretively pulled off the biggest hoax of the wizarding world...and got away with it! At the time, the Death Eaters had just gone to war with the Ministry of Magic, only after years of fighting and desperately trying to bring the opponent down.

It was known to everyone that whilst the armies for both Death Eaters and the Ministry battled it out in the then secret location of The Cave, the Dark Lord would battle the Minister (or Mistress) of Magic himself. Every soul that was a Death Eater prayed that their precious Dark Lord would make it out alive, and of course every soul hoped for the Mistress to survive from the Ministry. Little did anyone know that both would be destroyed in the battle.

...or were they?

Flashback to Sixteen Years Ago -- Days Before the War (If you're confused look back at Part 25, that's when this takes place)

"Relax, Riddle, I just want to take a shower with you," Draco explained smirking mischievously at Violet. She smiled at him and took his hand allowing him to pull her out of bed.

He led her towards the bathroom but stopped suddenly and turned towards her.

He grabbed her other hand and pulled her towards him, resting her hands on his shoulders, he then wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her into him so every part of their bodies were touching each other.

She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck allowing him to hold her, ecstatic that he wanted to.

"I love you," Draco reminded her, "I love every part of you, Violet, and I want to be with you forever."

She just couldn't stop smiling after that.

"Come on Riddle, you smell like me," he said mockingly, "...not that that's a bad thing. I smell quite nice if I do say so myself," he continued with the same egotistical side of himself.

Violet rolled her eyes and pushed his chest so he stepped back into the glass shower.

He turned on the water and hopped in as it warmed up. He pulled Violet's hand and led her into the shower.

She walked under the water and pressed herself up against him, wrapping her arms around his strong shoulders in such a familiar way.

She ran her hands through his platinum hair, letting the water soak in as he did the same to her under the showerhead.

"Violet, we need to figure something out," he said rather seriously as he brought his lips down to her own.

She looked at him dead in the face and bit her lip, "I know."

He poured some shampoo in the palm of his hand and began to massage her scalp with it, working the shampoo into a lather.

"I don't know what we should do Draco, but one thing is certain, eventually the Ministry will be going to war against you, and that means that one of us will die -- or at least we'll be separated," she said grimly, tears filling up in her eyes.

He didn't say anything but kissed her neck gently.

"Draco," she paused, "I honestly don't think I can live without you again."

He pulled her lips up to his own and let the water cascade down from her hair, sending suds to the drain.

He kissed her momentarily with passion, "We might not have to."

She looked at him, a bit taken off guard by his statement.

"Do you have a plan or something?" she whispered, subconsciously trying to be extra quiet so no one could possibly hear.

"I always do love," he whispered in her ear.

She turned towards him and began to wash his body with soap gently.

He closed his eyes in ecstasy but continued to talk, "We're going to cheat out the most deadly of curses ever."

She stopped moving her hands on his chest. She looked up at him as though he was crazy there was no way to cheat out Avada Kadavra.

Sensing her confusion he smirked, "There is something called an immunity charm, it was something your father had created, it's pretty brilliant but extremely dangerous, no one has ever actually tested it before."

"So you want to set up a battle then?" She asked catching onto his brain waves.

He smirked at her, "I think the cave would be a perfect place, since you are the Mistress of Magic, my death eaters will easily believe that you have escaped, you can then inform your aurors that you want to attack the cave."

"I still don't understand how a charm is going to save us both from Avada Kadavra, I don't even think my father could come up with something that would be able to save us from that."

Draco trailed a finger along her cheek, neck, and then chest stopping in between her breasts, "We aren't going to cheat out the spell, love, we're going to cheat out the explosion the curse is going to cause when we both say it at the same time."

She stared down at his finger and then back up to his face, "I took a test today a pregnancy test, I got pregnant yesterday evening."

Draco knew she wasn't lying, for wizarding pregnancy tests were much more advanced then any muggle ones. He couldn't help but smile soon there would be a younger version of him running around. He wrapped his arms around her bare, wet, shoulders and kissed the top of her head. "Just think," he began closing his eyes as if he was actually imagining it, "it just a mere day or so we'll be out of this place."

"Draco you do realize that we need to not just move away from here, we need to move far away from England."

"Of course I know that, there are some fine, very exclusive wizarding towns in France, or Germany, I would even settle for some random place like Norway, I know they have wizards there-"

"Draco! If you want to say safe and if you want to raise a family then we need to get away from wizards and witches all-together. We need to move somewhere where there isn't magic, I was thinking of a small town in America."

He gently pushed her away, "You expect me to live in a muggle town."

"Well you didn't expect me to let you get away with all the hell you put me through that easily now did you?"

He grunted and began to pout like a child, "Draco it's the only thing we can do if you want to have a family."

"It's just a good thing none of my friends are going to find out about this."

She laughed at him and then started giggling as he got onto his knees and kissed just below her belly button, "This is all for you and the baby, I hope you realize."

"I would call it finally getting what you deserve."

Back to Present in Violet's Point of View

"Dad! This is ridiculous! I should be able to go out with Brian, he's a nice guy!" Charlie whined following Draco as he walked through the kitchen.

"He's a year older then Colin, Charlie, you're fourteen years old, you just entered your freshman year and he's a senior!!!"

"But ddddddaaaaaadddddd do you have any idea what dating a senior, who's in a band, will do for my reputation! It will make me the most popular girl in school!"

Collin snorted winning him a glare from his younger sister, "She's right dad, she'll fit in...with all the suicidal emo people in the school," he explained mumbling the last part.

Draco shot Colin a look and then looked back at Charlie, "You're not dating him!"

"Ow!" Collin exclaimed looking up from his cereal and placing a hand on the spot of his head where his sister had hit him.

"I HATE you!!!" she screamed at him and grabbed her shoulder bag storming outside.

Colin rolled his eyes and scooped another spoonful of lucky charms, smashing it into his mouth.

"Colin, how many times do I have to tell you to stay out of your sisters battles," Violet lectured entering the kitchen, changed into her work attire.

"I'm just looking out for my baby sister, is that so wrong?" He asked batting his eye lashes innocently.

I cocked my eyebrow at him, "Go to school," he slammed his head on the counter, stalling, "NOW!" I said raising my voice.

He sighed in annoyance and grabbed his backpack and car keys, "Bye," he groaned walking out of the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes and looked over at the table where Tyler was reading the comic section of the newspaper, Draco sitting across from him reading the paper as well.

"You know she's going to go out with him anyways, it's what you would've done."

Draco looked up from his paper, "She won't if she knows what's good for her."

"Tyler, how about you go to your bus stop now," I said, not wanting to have this conversation in front of him.

He didn't say anything, but picked up his backpack from the chair next to him, put on his headphones and headed towards the door.

"Are you sure that boy is my child?" Draco said watching his oddball son walked out the front door.

"Don't talk about him that way, just because he isn't conceited like you doesn't mean he isn't yours; it takes two sets of genes to make a child in case you didn't know."

He placed his paper down and grabbed his plate he walked passed me and placed it in the sink, "You know I do remember hearing that somewhere." He placed his hands on either side of the counter, "trapping" me, "how about you remind me how that works."

I grinned and let him kiss my lips hungrily before pulling back slightly, "Now stop trying to change the subject about your daughter."

His smirk turned to a frown, "I don't want her dating a seventeen-year-old, end of discussion."

"I don't want her to either but you know it isn't that easy. If she likes him enough she's going to see him whether we like it or not."

"How could she possibly go out with someone who she's banned from seeing?" he said as though he was aggravated.

I laughed and cocked an eyebrow at him, "We did."

He didn't have anything to say after that statement. I mean, after all, we're still together even though if the Ministry or if the Death Eaters found out there would be chaos.

I put my hand on his chin and pulled it ever so slightly into a kiss.

He put his hands on my butt playfully, and I couldn't help but giggle still.

He smirked into my lips and I kissed him again with more passion.

He slipped his tongue into my mouth and as I was wrapping my arms around him he stopped, "I've got to go to work, love," he said smirking.

"You're going to just stop?" I whined not wanting him to go.

"Well, it was your idea to move here and get jobs, so really you're the one stopping," he said cocking an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes, "You knew it was for the better. I think life here is just fine, and I'm one hundred percent sure you'll survive," I said back.

He rolled his eyes but kissed me once more, "I'll be home later."

"Have a good day," I said smacking his butt playfully.

He stopped in his tracks and turned around giving me a sad face, "Must I go?"

"You must," I said curling my lips into a sad face as well.

He put his head down and shook it with disappointment before walking out of the kitchen and into the garage.

I grabbed some glasses and plates off of the kitchen table, and placed them in the sink.

After cleaning up the kitchen a bit, I went to the bathroom and fixed my hair into a bun, adjusted my business suit, and after giving myself the look over and becoming satisfied with my final result, I flicked off the light and walked out of the bathroom.

Even after going through three pregnancies, raising three children, and aging another whole 16 years, I still had about the same frame of body. I was still thin, and both Draco and myself made it a point to stay in shape. Maybe it's because of our past jobs, which required ultimate fitness, or maybe it was because we both wanted to still look attractive.

Our family was very much set money wise, so technically I didn't have to work. But I choose to keep working once the kids had grown up enough to be a bit more independent. Draco's job was very demanding, but he makes lots of money and is doing well in the business world as a lawyer.


Well awhile I stayed at home, it's would've been hard for us to both have demanding jobs and three kids. So as soon as Tyler hit three and we put him in preschool I decided to open a...well can you guess?


Okay I opened up a new library/coffee and tea shop.

It's in Boston, which is only a forty-five minute drive from our house. I open at 8:00AM and then the manager closes it at 11:00PM. I wanted it to stay open late that way more teens and young adults would use it and not just business people. It has become extremely successful and I'm in the works to open up a chain of them all across the United States. It would be a multi-million dollar deal but I haven't told Draco that, he thinks he's the bacon bringer in the house.

Which he believed because could you honestly picture Draco Malfoy paying bills and balancing a checkbook?

All in all, we're happy. Draco constantly wants to pull his hair out with his daughter because she is the female version of him.

When he told me that he had lost his virginity at 14 I almost passed out. Now I think it's funny because he is constantly checking on her when she's sleeping just to make sure she is still there.

I looked at the clock and it read 7:15AM, I grabbed my purse and car keys, I made sure everything was straightened and turned off and head out to the garage myself.

I drove a black Lincoln Zephyr, it was a nice luxury car that fit the family comfortably since Draco insisted on a small four seated sports car.

I pulled out of the driveway and drove down our street, I saw some body that for a moment I thought could've been...


Another Sixteen Year Flashback in Violet's Bedroom (A serious talk with Harry)

He walked over towards me and sat at the edge of my bed, "Violet I know you must be nervous-"

"I'm not nerv-"

"...let me finish," he said sternly looking at me through the top of his glasses, "as I was saying, I know you must be nervous because no matter how much you want to deny it, I know you had feelings for Draco...you told me yourself, remember? When you asked me to kiss you, you were trying to find out if a kiss always felt like that or if it only did with Malfoy, I knew it, I've always known it."

I looked up into his eyes, which were blurry from the water flooding them.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked keeping my breaths calm because I didn't want to cry.

"I knew you didn't want me to know, I figured if you weren't going to tell you're best friend, you weren't going to tell anyone."

"It wasn't exactly something I could shout out to the world," I defended, but I didn't raise my voice.

"I know, I'm not angry, I mean I wish you could've trusted me back when you first knew."

"I didn't want to admit it to myself and Harry I honestly didn't think it was going to happen this time either, I had put so much hate into him."

"So are you going to tell me what's really going on tomorrow?" he asked looking at him over the brim of his glasses.

I took a long pause and stared at him, I was trying to figure out if I could really trust him, after all if they find out that he knew information like this and didn't tell them he would be in just as much trouble as I would.

"Harry I don't want to put that on you."

"I don't care if you want to put that on me or not, I want to know. I would hope you know that you can trust me."

"It's not about that! It's about you having to carry that information for the rest of your life and not be able to tell anyone."

"Vi, please, just tell me I will help you, I promise."

So I did. I told him everything I completely spilled my guts.

"So the both of you will still be alive then?" He asked after I told him about the plan. His head was resting on one of my pillows and my head resting on the other.

"Yes, and we're leaving the country to hopefully start a family."

"Are you going to tell me where?" he asked as he was yawning.

"Probably somewhere in the States, we're thinking east coast," I was practically asleep so maybe I shouldn't have said all those things but at this point I just really didn't care.

"I'll make sure no one finds you," he promised rolling onto his side to face me.

I turned my head towards him and smiled, "I know, let's just go to sleep now."

He took off his glasses and placed them on the nightstand.

I didn't comment on him staying with me, I didn't care, I just rolled on my side and feel fast asleep.

Yes, Violet and Draco's new world was quite the challenge for them and yet it was one they started a long time ago. But this seemingly new and strong love wasn't only felt by young Violet, but Draco had expressed his love one night after a certain Slytherin party.

19 Years Ago, Violet's room, Draco's Point of View (Chapter 16)

"Am I shaggable?" She asked with a hiccup

I couldn't help but laugh at her she was so drunk she just hiccupped. Then I sort of realized the question she asked me. Instead of answering though I decided to change the subject.

"Go to bed" I said simply.

"ANSWER THE QUESTION?!" She screamed back at me.

I watched her in shock, the bloody girl had just taken off her shirt.

I should have her drink more often.

I couldn't help but let my eyes linger to her half exposed chest, Merlin did I want her.

Focus Draco, focus.

She then started to unbutton her pants and at this point I felt my heart begin to race. I couldn't even deny myself.

She started to stumble and it wasn't long before she fell on her arse. I however couldn't help but to laugh, I cupped her face with my hands. She looked me into the eyes and I left her gaze to long as I brought my lips to hers. She didn't struggle when I laid her down onto her back and I crawled on top of her. My tongue played with hers for a few minutes and I smirked into her lips enjoying her pleasure reactions.

My lips slid there way to her ear, I almost couldn't control myself any longer, so I answered her question.

"I would shag you, any minute of any day."

I felt her hands on my shirt, she started to pull it up.

I really did want her to take my shirt off. I wanted so badly to be inside her, to become a part of her, but even I knew now was not the right time.

I sighed and sat up on her hips, I patted her waist and got off of her, "As much as I want to, we aren't going to do this tonight. I don't have you're dad's powers yet, he can still kill me. Plus I want you to be sober the first time we do it."

Part of me couldn't believe I had said that, however I also know that she would hate me in the morning, I guess that could've been best for both of us, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

I was torn out of my thoughts when a pillow hit my face...hard.

I laughed at her childish behavior, but I guess I couldn't blame her, I would want to shag me too.

I walked over to her door and closed it, I wanted to stay with her tonight no matter how mad she was at me.

I snuggled close to her, struggling for a moment as she held onto the blankets, but she soon gave in and laid still. I spent a few moments looking at her almost passed out form. I had to tell her tonight I couldn't hold it back any longer.

"I love you Violet", I whispered in her ear.

She wouldn't remember it in the morning anyways.

The End.

Ok well that really is the end. I want to thank all of you who stuck long enough to read this chapter. Special thanks to everyone who reviewed and favorited (I'm making up my own words) this story. I hope you enjoyed how it ended, I'm a hopeless romantic so all of you who were hoping for a tragic ending…well wrong author, sorry.

I do have another story "When a Malfoy Loves a Muggle" that I am considering editing and placing on here too. If you're interested let me know, I also hope you'll take the time to review this, it would mean a lot to me.

Thanks again guys um…girls.