61. Grammar

It really grinds his gears when people don't have proper grammar. Especially when Jim tried to write in a Southern accent, for Christ's sakes he puts 'y'all'! After eight grammar lessons Jim assures his lover he now knows to put 'ya'll'.

62. Popcorn

They organise a Bridge crew movie night, well more like Uhura organises it and everyone else bickers about which movie to watch. Half an hour through the classic comedy horror 'Saw' and a popcorn fight breaks out. Sulu is crowned victor.

63. Nightmares

Sometimes the Doctor has horrible nightmares about the ship being destroyed and everyone dying and he having to watch it all while safe in an escape shuttle. One day on shore leave on Earth when talking to Jim's mom he confesses this and saw tears in her eyes and rolling down her cheeks because she understands.

64. Diplomacy

They hatch their plan over many hours before finally agreeing. "Right so I get Bones on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays." Jim starts. "That means Daddy and I can have quality time together on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays." Joanna continues marking it down on her E-Padd.

"So he gets Wednesdays free?"

"Yups, that gives him time for his paperwork."

"I like how you think Miss McCoy."

"What am I? A friggin puppy?"

65. Sleep

During their third year aboard the Enterprise and unknown strain of Flu breaks out. The result is half the crew down with illness and the other half where displaying symptoms. It was so bad even Spock was down with a fever and nausea. McCoy finally finds an antibody capable of completely destroying the strain that had developed. He had been working for fifty straight hours before he could finally pass the immunisation onto Nurse Chapel and collapse into a fitful sleep next to his microscope.

When he wakes at 0857 there was a blanket wrapped around him that smells like Kirk and a cup of coffee by his elbow.

66. Stab

McCoy sighed happily as a petty officer yelps as the Hypospray is jammed into his neck. Yep Hyposprays truly where his first love. That feeling of pure love just couldn't be replaced by anything else.

67. Freeze

"Y..You know in situations like this it's normal for survivors to take their clothes off and h..h..huddle together for warmth." Jim noted. The Bridge crew had all been granted Shore Leave and decided to go to the same bar together. They hadn't expected to be transported from sunny Dirgt to the Arctic chill of Aquant.

He receives four pointed glares (Bones, Sulu, Uhura and Scotty) and a raised eyebrow (Spock). Thankfully for Kirk the Ensign's voice pitches in. "The Keptin has a point. I vas taught that in my first school as part of survival training." At the younger genius' input the all shuffle towards the nearest cave and huddle together under a massive blanket. Spock in the center because he was the warmest, Uhura snuggled into his right side and Sulu on his other. McCoy was tucked in next to Uhura and Jim was sandwiched in next to him with Scotty on the edge. The youngest, Chekov was sprawled across Sulu and seemed to be lightly dozing.

"Well I'm nice and toasty now. We should do this more often." Kirk smirked. McCoy sighed and pulled him closer. It was cold Damnit.

68. Dance

"A dinner dance?"

"Yep. Y'know you eat then you move to the music."

"Not going."

"Why not? You love dancing. Plus you can laugh at Spock falling all over the place. You know you like making fun of him."

"Used to go to those sort of things with her. Never gone to one since."

"Will you go if I give you a kiss?"

"No. Get out Jim."

"Two kisses?"

"Goodbye Jim."


69. Intuition

McCoy's blood runs cold as he takes a large bite into his lunch. His face pales as he gropes his hip for the communicator, flipping it open he practically yells for Jim. He's shaking now waiting for the reply. The mess hall is silent. "Ow. What the hell do you want Bones!" The whine comes through .

"What happened?" The doctor questioned, visibly more relaxed. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. "Fell over. How the hell do you always know I'm hurt?" The Captain whines. The southern man laughs lightly and tells him.


70. Common Sense

Jim is a genius. That is a fact. Being a genius however does not make up for a complete lack of common sense.

71. Shelter

To the Captain his lover is like a rock. Providing constant support and protection. When he voices that opinion the doctor admits it's the happiest he's ever been while being compared to a stone.

72. Chocolate

"So in the21st century they named chocolate bars after space?" Bones asks amazed. The two friends are sitting in his quarters making good haste through a bottle of whiskey. "Yep you heard me, Mars, Milky way, Galaxy and Milky stars. They where a bit obsessed with outer space."

73. Nap

Jim adored having daytime naps.. It was a bad habit gained through nights in Iowa picking up women in bars. He was in a monogamous relationship now but he still loved his naps.

74. Dress

Another Day. Another Away Mission. Another Matriarch.

McCoy waited with Scotty as the landing party beamed up again. He knew they had been forced to wear costumes in order to fit in and none of the crew had been allowed to see the party going down. Which only added to the curiosity of it all. "Energizing." The transported buzzed and dematerialised four figures.

"Not a freakin' word Bones?" Jim says and flounces off. Much aided by the long blonde wig and massive hoop skirted dress. The doctor just stares then follows him out of the room.

75. Curse

Most of the time while they are doing it. All that Jim can understand from the muttering and moans is very loud and very crude curses. For some reason it turns him on more though.

A/n: OMG! Over 2000 readers! I love you all!

Thank you all so much for your continued support, reviews and advice.

Please remember to R&R.

Particular thanks go to all my reviewers especially audi katia (for her lovely long reviews and telling me about the comics on DA!) , incoherantreality (For noticing my lil mistake), Albert Einstein's Fan girl (for the really cute reviews), RID3RLVR (For the awesome prompts) and most of all to Hover who got the scrubs quote! This chapter is dedicated to you all!