Disclaimer: Every single chapter, the answer's still the same. I own absolutely nothing, now stop asking or I'll go insane.
((Author Note: Wai! Another chapter done. Is it just me, or are the chapters getting shorter and shorter? Oh, well. At least now I have an actual idea of where the story's heading, so I can finish it soon. I now know how it will end. So long as I remember, all will be well. Of course, chances are the story will not be able to find its final destination that easily...))
Adventures in Insanity
Episode 6: Shainingu! Draco no Kakusei! Densetsu no Senshi...
Last time, our heroes -- having been promised free food -- were lured into a trap. The powerful spellcaster had been knocked unconscious after being momentarily distracted, leaving our hero all alone with the egotistical villain who had done said luring and distracting.
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Draco stood, surrounded by gold sparks. "She was my only chance at getting out of here. You can tie the ghost of Cedric Diggory in a broom closet, you can lie to us about there being free donuts, but you can NOT ruin my only chance of getting out of this damn place! YOU WILL PAY!" The sparks around him flared up into a golden aura, surrounding him. His purple hair turned gold (and stood up in spikes), and his blue eyes turned jade green.
Lockhart quickly tried to back away. Finding his way blocked by some conveniently placed furniture, he cowered. "But there are free donuts! Over there!" He pointed to a box of donuts sitting innocently on yet another table. "And you can get out! The door's over there!" He pointed to the door.
Draco's aura flickered once more, then returned to 'normal'. He ran over to the box of donuts. "Ooh! Food! I'm starved!"
Ginny woke up, despite having been unconscious for only a few seconds. "Did someone say 'food'? Mine!" She beat Draco to the donuts, devouring them all before he had a chance to get there. "Mmm..."
Draco cried a river of tears at the thought of food long gone. Lockhart just stood there blinking. Ginny just smiled, then proclaimed that she was still hungry.
Snapping out of his grief, Draco turned back to Lockhart, his aura flickering gold once more. "Where was I? Oh, yeah. FAINARU FURASSHU!" He shot a very powerful beam of ki at Lockhart, who only had the time to widen his eyes before he was consumed by it.
Ginny grabbed Draco's still outstretched hand and dragged him out of the room. "Let's see if there's any food at the Great Hall. Maybe we'll find one of the other cast members we're supposed to get."
After marveling at her obliviousness for a few moments, Draco powered down, as it made being dragged a lot easier. "Shouldn't it be over? We killed the bad guy, after all."
The sorceress shook her head. "Iie. He's not dead. Even if he was, we still have to contend with whoever he was working for. An ending is never that easy." She stopped in her tracks, causing Draco to crash into her. In front of them stood Pansy Parkinson -- garbed in priestess robes -- who appeared to be waiting for them. The two heroes took fighting stances, preparing for another battle.
Pansy scoffed and looked down at the floor. "You know, I've had a real hard time trying to find a role in this fic. The author doesn't really seem to like me much, because she's had me killed off twice already. But I think third time's a charm, ne? We've sort of reached an agreement, because she was at a loss for a character, and I wanted a chance to prove myself." She looked up, holding a knife in one of her hands. The others' fighting stances deepened. She smiled and ran the knife across one of her arms. The others blinked. She placed the knife back in its sheath, and held her hand over her injured arm. "Heal!"
Draco and Ginny stood in relaxed astonishment as sparkly bright green light emitted from Pansy's hand. Her self-inflicted wound healed itself, and she looked up at them, smiling. "I heard you're in need of a healer."
The warrior was still dumbstruck, but Ginny was able to regain her wits. "Chotto matte! You can't just waltz right up to us and claim to be the healer we're looking for! We're supposed to quest, dammit! And besides, what series are you supposed to be from, anyway?"
Pansy merely waved her off. "I'm one of those general anime characters of the healing variety. I won't let my character define my personality. Oh ho ho ho ho ho!!" As she laughed the 'Laugh of the Annoying Female Anime Character' laugh, everyone else in the vicinity covered their ears. (Including a suit of armor, despite not really having ears.)
"Ah! My ears! They're bleeding!" Draco complained, writing on the ground in pain as the healer laughed on.
At last she stopped, not caring about her companions' discomfort. Her eyes widened as she saw something behind them. "Minna!" Before anything further could be said, she was sent flying by a blast of energy, this time not from Draco.
Lockhart smiled as Ginny and Draco turned around. Wires and other mechanical stuff could be seen where some of his skin had been melted off by the Final Flash he had endured earlier. Draco powered up again, scowling. Ginny sent half a dozen fireballs towards Robo-Lockhart, who withstood each of them.
"Naughty children. Those who stand in the way will die!" The robot formerly known as Lockhart sent an energy blast their way, which Draco easily caught and tossed aside. A mountain blew up. Although what a mountain was doing in the hallway was one of the many mysteries best left unsolved.
Draco smirked, and spit onto the floor. "Che. You've got to do better than that. Allow me to demonstrate. FAINARU FURASSHU!"
Even though being hit with both attacks at once would kill your average person, since Robo-Lockhart was indeed a robot (or android, if you want to go into technicalities) and not a normal person by any means, he was able to remain standing, although more wiring and metal were exposed. The robot began to laugh while it powered up another attack.
Both Ginny and Draco tried to hide behind the other, looking very comical in doing so. With a sigh, Pansy -- who had been recovering from her own blast as everything had taken place -- stood up and charged at Lockhart, knife in hand. The robot sweatdropped, although no one was quite sure how, as robots normally don't have sweat glands. But hey, if inanimate objects can sweatdrop, why not robots?
"Divine Blade!" The blade of Pansy's knife extended until it was the length of a sword. Before the mechanical maniac had time to react, the sword had cut into him, snapping wires and cutting through metal. In seconds, the villain was scrapped.
The miko turned to her more experienced companions and sweatdropped. They were engaged in a shoving match, still trying to hide behind each other. With a sigh, she retracted the long blade back until it was a knife again. Looking up at them again, she laughed the 'Laugh of the Annoying Female Anime Character'. The two stopped fighting at once to cover their ears, and Pansy stopped.
She smiled and flashed the 'victory' sign. "Victory!"
Draco and Ginny glanced at the remains of Robo-Lockhart and sweatdropped.
Pansy: "Yay! I've finally made it through a chapter of this without getting killed!"
Draco: "That's not exactly saying much."
Ginny: "At least now we've come one step closer to ending this."
Draco: "That's not exactly saying much."
Ginny: "Next time! The Obligatory Cross-Dressing Episode!"
Draco: "Nani?!?!"
Pansy: "Oh, Drakkie-chan, you'd look so kawaii in a dress!"
Draco: "I would not!!"
Ginny: "Me thinks thou dost protest too much!"
Draco: "Not fair not fair not fair!!!"
Wai! = Yay!
"Shainingu! Draco no Kakusei! Densetsu no Senshi..." = "Shining! Draco's Awakening! The Soldier of Legend..." Or at least that's what the intended title is. My grammar is poor.
"Fainaru Furasshu" = "Final Flash" (Yes, I know whose move it really is, but it was the first attack that came to mind. And it just sounds cool.)
Ki = Energy
Iie = No
Ne? = Right?
Chotto matte! = Wait just a minute!
Minna = Everyone
Che = An interjection.
Kuso = Crap.
Miko = Priestess
Nani = What
-chan = Honorific used mainly for girls. Pansy still hasn't learned correct honorific usage.
Kawaii = Cute
((Author Note: Wai! Another chapter done. Is it just me, or are the chapters getting shorter and shorter? Oh, well. At least now I have an actual idea of where the story's heading, so I can finish it soon. I now know how it will end. So long as I remember, all will be well. Of course, chances are the story will not be able to find its final destination that easily...))
Episode 6: Shainingu! Draco no Kakusei! Densetsu no Senshi...
Last time, our heroes -- having been promised free food -- were lured into a trap. The powerful spellcaster had been knocked unconscious after being momentarily distracted, leaving our hero all alone with the egotistical villain who had done said luring and distracting.
----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Draco stood, surrounded by gold sparks. "She was my only chance at getting out of here. You can tie the ghost of Cedric Diggory in a broom closet, you can lie to us about there being free donuts, but you can NOT ruin my only chance of getting out of this damn place! YOU WILL PAY!" The sparks around him flared up into a golden aura, surrounding him. His purple hair turned gold (and stood up in spikes), and his blue eyes turned jade green.
Lockhart quickly tried to back away. Finding his way blocked by some conveniently placed furniture, he cowered. "But there are free donuts! Over there!" He pointed to a box of donuts sitting innocently on yet another table. "And you can get out! The door's over there!" He pointed to the door.
Draco's aura flickered once more, then returned to 'normal'. He ran over to the box of donuts. "Ooh! Food! I'm starved!"
Ginny woke up, despite having been unconscious for only a few seconds. "Did someone say 'food'? Mine!" She beat Draco to the donuts, devouring them all before he had a chance to get there. "Mmm..."
Draco cried a river of tears at the thought of food long gone. Lockhart just stood there blinking. Ginny just smiled, then proclaimed that she was still hungry.
Snapping out of his grief, Draco turned back to Lockhart, his aura flickering gold once more. "Where was I? Oh, yeah. FAINARU FURASSHU!" He shot a very powerful beam of ki at Lockhart, who only had the time to widen his eyes before he was consumed by it.
Ginny grabbed Draco's still outstretched hand and dragged him out of the room. "Let's see if there's any food at the Great Hall. Maybe we'll find one of the other cast members we're supposed to get."
After marveling at her obliviousness for a few moments, Draco powered down, as it made being dragged a lot easier. "Shouldn't it be over? We killed the bad guy, after all."
The sorceress shook her head. "Iie. He's not dead. Even if he was, we still have to contend with whoever he was working for. An ending is never that easy." She stopped in her tracks, causing Draco to crash into her. In front of them stood Pansy Parkinson -- garbed in priestess robes -- who appeared to be waiting for them. The two heroes took fighting stances, preparing for another battle.
Pansy scoffed and looked down at the floor. "You know, I've had a real hard time trying to find a role in this fic. The author doesn't really seem to like me much, because she's had me killed off twice already. But I think third time's a charm, ne? We've sort of reached an agreement, because she was at a loss for a character, and I wanted a chance to prove myself." She looked up, holding a knife in one of her hands. The others' fighting stances deepened. She smiled and ran the knife across one of her arms. The others blinked. She placed the knife back in its sheath, and held her hand over her injured arm. "Heal!"
Draco and Ginny stood in relaxed astonishment as sparkly bright green light emitted from Pansy's hand. Her self-inflicted wound healed itself, and she looked up at them, smiling. "I heard you're in need of a healer."
The warrior was still dumbstruck, but Ginny was able to regain her wits. "Chotto matte! You can't just waltz right up to us and claim to be the healer we're looking for! We're supposed to quest, dammit! And besides, what series are you supposed to be from, anyway?"
Pansy merely waved her off. "I'm one of those general anime characters of the healing variety. I won't let my character define my personality. Oh ho ho ho ho ho!!" As she laughed the 'Laugh of the Annoying Female Anime Character' laugh, everyone else in the vicinity covered their ears. (Including a suit of armor, despite not really having ears.)
"Ah! My ears! They're bleeding!" Draco complained, writing on the ground in pain as the healer laughed on.
At last she stopped, not caring about her companions' discomfort. Her eyes widened as she saw something behind them. "Minna!" Before anything further could be said, she was sent flying by a blast of energy, this time not from Draco.
Lockhart smiled as Ginny and Draco turned around. Wires and other mechanical stuff could be seen where some of his skin had been melted off by the Final Flash he had endured earlier. Draco powered up again, scowling. Ginny sent half a dozen fireballs towards Robo-Lockhart, who withstood each of them.
"Naughty children. Those who stand in the way will die!" The robot formerly known as Lockhart sent an energy blast their way, which Draco easily caught and tossed aside. A mountain blew up. Although what a mountain was doing in the hallway was one of the many mysteries best left unsolved.
Draco smirked, and spit onto the floor. "Che. You've got to do better than that. Allow me to demonstrate. FAINARU FURASSHU!"
Even though being hit with both attacks at once would kill your average person, since Robo-Lockhart was indeed a robot (or android, if you want to go into technicalities) and not a normal person by any means, he was able to remain standing, although more wiring and metal were exposed. The robot began to laugh while it powered up another attack.
Both Ginny and Draco tried to hide behind the other, looking very comical in doing so. With a sigh, Pansy -- who had been recovering from her own blast as everything had taken place -- stood up and charged at Lockhart, knife in hand. The robot sweatdropped, although no one was quite sure how, as robots normally don't have sweat glands. But hey, if inanimate objects can sweatdrop, why not robots?
"Divine Blade!" The blade of Pansy's knife extended until it was the length of a sword. Before the mechanical maniac had time to react, the sword had cut into him, snapping wires and cutting through metal. In seconds, the villain was scrapped.
The miko turned to her more experienced companions and sweatdropped. They were engaged in a shoving match, still trying to hide behind each other. With a sigh, she retracted the long blade back until it was a knife again. Looking up at them again, she laughed the 'Laugh of the Annoying Female Anime Character'. The two stopped fighting at once to cover their ears, and Pansy stopped.
She smiled and flashed the 'victory' sign. "Victory!"
Draco and Ginny glanced at the remains of Robo-Lockhart and sweatdropped.
Pansy: "Yay! I've finally made it through a chapter of this without getting killed!"
Draco: "That's not exactly saying much."
Ginny: "At least now we've come one step closer to ending this."
Draco: "That's not exactly saying much."
Ginny: "Next time! The Obligatory Cross-Dressing Episode!"
Draco: "Nani?!?!"
Pansy: "Oh, Drakkie-chan, you'd look so kawaii in a dress!"
Draco: "I would not!!"
Ginny: "Me thinks thou dost protest too much!"
Draco: "Not fair not fair not fair!!!"
Wai! = Yay!
"Shainingu! Draco no Kakusei! Densetsu no Senshi..." = "Shining! Draco's Awakening! The Soldier of Legend..." Or at least that's what the intended title is. My grammar is poor.
"Fainaru Furasshu" = "Final Flash" (Yes, I know whose move it really is, but it was the first attack that came to mind. And it just sounds cool.)
Ki = Energy
Iie = No
Ne? = Right?
Chotto matte! = Wait just a minute!
Minna = Everyone
Che = An interjection.
Kuso = Crap.
Miko = Priestess
Nani = What
-chan = Honorific used mainly for girls. Pansy still hasn't learned correct honorific usage.
Kawaii = Cute