Chaos nutter: hey all. A new fanfic from me, the worst writer in the history of writing ever. Well thats according to my friends who think I'm a douche bag but meh. This is a Naruto/pokegirl crossover. Thats right there will be lemons ahoy. However unlike most other pokegirl fics the characters won't be screwing like bunnies on speed in the mating season. This will also be AU, therefore Naruto will know more then two damn techniques. I will be attempting to put a storyline in between the smut I will try to write.
Kuro Kaen: You? Write smut? This will be hilarious.
Chaos nutter: Screw you Kuro! I don't abuse your fics! Well I do but thats beside the point.
Kuro Kaen: YOU PERV! *gains Tsunade like strength and beats the shit outta Naruto.*
Chaos nutter: That folks is why you aren't a perv in front of a girl. Now without further ado. To the god awful written story that will make you want to die from boredom *chuckles evilly.*
Kuro Kaen: Nutter forgot to say Pein hasn't attacked konoha yet.
"hey." poke'girl, human speech
'hey.' poke'girl, human thought
"hey." demon speech (like kyuubi)
'hey.' demon thought (like kyuubi)
"hey." pokedex information
Naruto was standing in front of Kyuubi's cage. This was getting into a regular habit whenever he fought that idiot Sasuke. It was damn annoying. He had a sword rammed through his stomach, broken left arm,and he couldn't feel his right hand very well. He was quite tall, standing about six foot one inches, blond hair that was so silky that most girls would kill to have their like it. Deep sea blue eyes that you could get lost in. he was wearing black khaki trousers, a black form fitting T-shirt, and his pride and joy. A black trench coat. (A/N the trench coat Neo wears from the matrix.) He remembered how he got here in the first place.
Naruto was in agony. Then again most people would be if they were in his situation. His arm was pretty much snapped in two and he had a damn sword sticking out of his chest. To make matters worst Sasuke had just run a "Chidori Nagashi" through his body so he was smoking, literally. Sasuke had arrived at Konoha after discovering that the council had ordered Itachi to slaughter his clan, intent on avenging his clan. However he couldn't just kill the council. NOOOO the emo bastard had to kill everything in sight, including civilians.
After ripping Naruto off his sword Kakashi began to use his mangekyou sharingans ability to rip a hole in theinter dimensional space-time continuum, intent on sending Sasuke to another dimension, or kill him, whichever happened first. Sakura however, moved Kakashi's point of view away from Sasuke, which unluckily for Naruto, Sakura had made Kakashi look right at him. The Kamui hit him dead on. That was the last thing that the blond haired teen knew before he blacked out.
So Naruto was currently standing in front of the fur balls cage. He needed some answers and only the fox would be able to give them. "Oi fox get your ass over here I need to ask some questions!" Naruto peered into the darkness as the fox slowly came into view muttering something about impatient brats and something about vixens. "What the hell do you want brat I'm busy trying to figure out where we will end up." Boomed the voice of the most powerful bijuu in existence. 'Took your sweet time fox and what do you mean where we will end up? What happened?' Naruto thought irately.
The fox once again grumbled something about vixens, loud brats and anal raping them with tails. It sighed heavily and began to explain. "You remember what your sensei's technique does I assume? Well when I say I'm trying to figure out where we well end up is that we are currently in another dimension. Don't ask anything yet as you are unconscious and until you wake up I can't gather any information for you." The great being explained.
Naruto was contemplating what the fox said. Another dimension? It sounded impossible but then again, who knew what that technique of Kakashi's actually did. He was about to find out though. "Looks like another adventure eh fox?" Spoke Naruto, you could hear the under current of glee that he had tried to hide in his voice. The bijuu sighed in exasperation, anger and also slightly of amusement. At least its container never had a boring life. The great beast would of probably tried to commit suicide by now through boredom.
Naruto began to fade away. "Looks like its time to leave kit. By the way when you call me fox again I'll render your limbs apart from your body and make you eat them. I'm a female so call me a vixen instead." Spoke the Kyuubi with a shit eating grin on her face, if foxes could have shit eating grins. Naruto however looked stunned and his face showed it. 'Well that shows all the sexist people up doesn't it. The strongest being in my dimension is a female, sucks to be all those people who say women are weak.' with that Naruto disappeared, missing the look on Kyuubi's face. 'Maybe there is some hope for the brat yet,' thought the vixen as she began to access his senses so she could find out what was going on.
"Hey Nurse Joy! He's beginning to wake up!" That was the first sound Naruto had heard after he woke up with a groan. To be honest it gave him a splitting head ache making him groan again, this time in pain. Beginning to sit up he felt a soft delicate hand place itself on his chest and push him back down again. "Easy sir, you have been out cold for three days. Your going to have a head rush if you sit up like that again." Spoke a melodic female voice. Naruto looked over to the speaker, and it took all his will power not to let his jaw drop.
In front of hit stood a pretty looking young woman. She looked to be about nineteen, she had glossy pink hair that reminded him of Sakura before they took their first chuunin exam. For some odd reason she also had pink eyes but figured it was genetic. The woman stood at five foot 3 inches and had a pretty impressive bust. Naruto shook his head mentally. God damn it! After all the will power and resistance he put up against Jiraiya's perverse ways he had finally turned into a pervert! Kyuubi mean while was smiling with glee, maybe her container would get laid now? He better if he knew what was good for him.
"Excuse me ma'am but where am I?" Asked Naruto, not noticing there ware two other people in the room. The woman smiled, the boy was polite at least. "Call me Joy, and you are in a pokegirl healing center. You were found in a small crater about three miles east of here. Do you know how you got here at all mister...?" Asked the nurse. Naruto was currently very confused. 'This is bad. What can I say? Damn it what can I do? I know! Its not every original but should get the job done.' Thought the blond as an idea hit him.
"Hello Joy, I'm Naruto Uzumaki." The blond looked at Joy who stared back as if waiting for him to continue. Naruto put on a thinking pose, making it look like he was trying his best to remember what happened to him. "I'm sorry Joy, but I can't remember how I got here or what happened to me. All I remember is my name and the fact I have a few blood line limits. Also I remember a bit about my childhood." Spoke Naruto in a forlorn voice. Trying to sit up again Joy tried to force him down only to encounter a greater resistance then she thought she would. "One of my blood line limits is rapid healing. I'll be OK, just let me sit up please." The nurse nodded cautiously and help Naruto sit up. When he seemed fine she smiled.
However what he has said had caught everyone else in the room by surprise. It seemed the teen had amnesia. All he could remember was his name and he had a blood gift. "It would appear you have amnesia Naruto, are you a tamer by any chance?" Asked the boy who was standing next to the door. Naruto spun round and did a double take. He must be getting rusty if he hadn't sensed him coming. He looked the the companion and froze. Before he could control himself he blurted, "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!"
The thing that took him off guard was a turtle. The weird thing was that was human like. It stood at about five foot exactly and was distinctly blue in color apart from the shell which was red. She looked a little pudgy and Naruto got a full look of her breasts and estimated them to be a mid B cup. She wasn't wearing a shirt, which was understandable given that she had a shell on her back. The man next to it didn't look to happy with Naruto. He was about to yell at the blond when Joy stopped him. "Remember Lawrence, he has amnesia, he doesn't remember anything apart from his name and his blood gifts. You injure him any more and you will be the one lying in the bed next door for a week." The normally placid nurse threatened.
That was when Naruto actually looked at the male properly, he was about five foot nine inches and looked to be around nineteen. He was fairly muscular and had hazel nut brown colored eyes and hair. Naruto realized what he had just done and felt really bad. It was obvious he had just made the man mad when he called his partner a thing. "Hey Lawrence right? Sorry about calling your partner a thing. She just surprised me. I'm sorry to you as well miss. Could you tell me exactly what your companion is?" Lawrence nodded, he could tell Naruto was sincere in his apology and felt really bad about it. The 'turtle' if it could be called that bowed slightly. Naruto could tell she wasn't used to people apologizing to her.
"Ah no worries, right Ashleigh?" Asked Lawrence as he glanced at the newly named girl beside him. She smiled slightly and shocked Naruto again as she began to speak. "Apology accepted Naruto-kun, I am what's known as a Squirtitty. I'm am a pokegirl, created by Sukebe, a mad perverted scientist. He created us to battle against humans. However after many years he lost and we began to live along side people." Spoke Ashleigh as Naruto sat there absorbing the new information he received. "So basically you are super soldiers created by some lunatic? You remind me of me then." Naruto's mouth acted before his brain and he mentally cursed.
The three looked at Naruto. "I thought you couldn't remember anything apart from your name gifts and a small part of your childhood? Are you lying to us?" Demanded Lawrence as he looked at Naruto with a piercing gaze. Naruto sighed, "thats the part of my childhood I remember. I wish I could forget it. I'll tell you when I'm ready so don't push me." Naruto spoke recognizing the look in Lawrence's eye. The brown eyed teen nodded and sighed.
"There are many different types of pokegirl. They are all unique in some way and another and all have slightly different personalities. I am whats called a tamer. We go around capturing pokegirls to stop them from doing what Sukebe wanted them to do. If a pokegirl isn't tamed regularly then she becomes feral and her mind becomes more animalistic. She stops thinking like a human would and the job us tamers do is to tame them to bring their reasoning back." Continued Lawrence from Ashleigh's explanation.
Naruto nodded and began sorting through this new tirade of information. "What exactly is taming?" Asked Naruto, desperate to learn more. This was one of the only times he actually wanted to learn. Then again he would have to survive in this world until he found a way to go home. "Taming is pretty much sex. Us tamers capture feral pokegirls solely to tame them. We do this by the act of mating. Pokegirls have a mental need that con only be renewed by having sex." Said Lawrence with a some what blush on his face. Naruto was flabbergasted, such a perverted world. Kyuubi was doing a small dance of glee. She was Bi so it didn't matter to her.
"So essentially you travel the world, capture pretty women like the one next to us and screw their brains out? This in turn makes them think clearer and loyal to you. Then you have to look after them? Sounds pretty damn sweet. I make take the job up. I need to find my way back home anyway and I doubt I'll be able to do it here." Naruto spoke drawing looks from Lawrence. Naruto saw a small trace of anger in his eye. "Are you going to be one of those bastards who treat their pokegirls like dirt? If you are I will personally make sure you can't use your package again." Naruto blinked at the threat.
"What the hell dude. I am guessing pokegirls are usually treated like dirt?" Naruto got a nod in reply. He sighed and shook his head. "I'm not a heartless git like most teenagers who have a tendency to think with their second heads. I'm guessing there are tamers who just use the job to screw anything female? If I catch a pokegirl then she wouldn't be a slave or anything. She would be a partner. I hate it when people are made into servants, or are treated like crap for no reason. It disgusts me." Everyone looked slightly stunned as the blond finished the statement.
"Anyway, where can I sign up to be a tamer anyway? It seems to be the best course of action as it gives me permission to travel freely." Asked Naruto as he slowly got out of his bed and stretched. "Your blood gift is truly amazing. I suppose thats the only thing that saved you as Lawrence here found you in a very bad condition. To become a tamer you'll have to see professor Richard Banger." Spoke the Nurse in a soft tone.
Naruto smiled at her gently. "Hey do you know where my clothes are? Or were they destroyed as well?" Asked Naruto as he hunted high and low for his clothes. "I repaired them for you, it wasn't a good job but I tried as you didn't have any other clothing, though you did have this cylinder." Said Joy as she handed him his clothes and a scroll. "Thanks a lot Joy, I hope I can repay you someday. You have done a lot for me and I don't like just taking from people. I will remember what you did for me but can you do me one last favor. Point me in the direction of the professor." Asked Naruto as he got dressed. Joy blushed when she saw his body and pointed out of the window and Naruto saw a massive building.
"Thank you both for taking care of me. Maybe I'll see you around someday." And with that Naruto jumped out of the window and began to roof hop towards the laboratory leaving three stunned beings in his wake. Lawrence looked at the nurse who just gaped at the window. "I'm off nurse Joy, I'm heading to the lab to see if Naruto passes or not." The pink haired female nodded at him. She had forgotten that there was a test for people to become tamers. She was worried, Naruto had amnesia this would be hard for him.
Naruto arrived at the lab five minutes later. He had to admit, he was impressed with the size of the building. Walking in he noticed there was a lot of high tech stuff around. He wandered further into the complex and found a garden. What shocked him was all the different pokegirls there were. He had seen one true, but there were loads here. He probably couldn't count them all. He stood at the door way looking at them all when suddenly he sensed someone and spun round. He saw a old man looking at him.
The man looked at Naruto. He could tell the teen wasn't a thief as he wouldn't be admiring all the girls. "What brings you here son?" Asked the man as he kept his eye on Naruto before two pokegirls dropped on either side of him. Naruto smiled. "Impressive. Its not often people can sneak up on me like you two. By the way sir are you the professor called Richard Banger? I'm here to become a pokegirl tamer." Spoke Naruto in a confident voice that threw the professor for a loop. Not many went as far as to be able to sneak into his lab and actually get to the storage spaces for the girls.
"I'm indeed Richard Banger. How did you get so far into my lab. Getting past the gate must have been no easy feat." Naruto looked at the man oddly. "Erm I didn't notice a gate. Are you sure there is one cos I just walked in here casually." Stated the blond teen as if it was an everyday thing. This made the professor walk into the control room with Naruto being ushered in by the pokegirls. "God damn it! The pokegirls forgot to close it again!" Exclaimed the extremely annoyed man.
"Anyway can I take the test now? I really need to get moving. I got places to go and people to pay back. I owe them quite a bit." Spoke Naruto dragging Richard out of his rant. Remembering why the teen was here he quickly dragged him to his office. Pulling out a sheet and a pen he asked Naruto to fill it all in. Naruto thought it looked some what like a test but fill the the document in anyway. After completing the sheet he handed it back to the man who looked over it.
"Very well you pass the test to become a tamer. You will receive a pokegirl, a pokedex and a book called "a tamers guide for dummies." Also you can choose a pokegirl to start off your adventure with. We also need to register you as a tamer so you can actually do all this legally without awkward questions." Said the professor as he lead Naruto back to the storage facility where all the pokegirls resided, after giving him a red rectangular object. "Hey we are Naruto, take your pick of any in this room. I'll be waiting in my office for you." Spoke the man as he left the room.
Naruto nodded to show that he understood and walked into the room. It was an amazing place, with many different girls all looking at him curiously. He looked around until one pokegirl caught his eye. Surprisingly it was one of the shyer ones that only glanced at him every now and then, trying to figure him out. Naruto began walking towards her and she looked a little startled. Pulling out his pokedex he hit the little button on the side and point it at the pokegirl.
Level 10 NOGITSUNE, the Can't Get Any Tail Pokégirl
Type: Animorph (vulpine)
Element: Dark/Magic
Diet: omnivore, preference
for fish and meat
illusionist, avenger
Average (can become High depending on the Tamer's Harem)
Strong Vs: Dark, Ghost, Psychic
Weak Vs: Bug, Fighting, dog Pokégirls
Scratch, Bite, Pummel, Leap, Tackle, Hypnotize, Dream Eater,
Illusion, Smile, Mana Bolt, Mystic Bolt, Shadow Shot, Teleport
Enhancements: Quickness, Enhanced Hearing (x5)
and Enhanced Olfactory Sense (x5), Undetectable Aura
Evolves: Dark
Kitsune (redemption, love or Shiny Stone)
Evolves From: Kitsune
(personal dishonor; loss of tail), Vixxen
(Dark Stone+Dusk Stone)
It seems that whenever a Kitsune does something that goes against her personal code, a form of honor unknown to any other being, a Kitsune loses her tail and becomes Nogitsune.
With the loss of her tail, the Kitsune's body seems to unleash a high amount of dark energy, changing the Kitsune into a new Pokégirl. Though it is unknown how it happens, perhaps it is the work of a natural mechanism in a Kitsune, perhaps it is not.
By becoming a Nogitsune, there are many changes to the Kitsune being besides the loss of her tail. The Kitsune's fur changes to a pattern of black and white, almost similar to a Skunkette or Mephitits. Also, with the loss of tail, more magical properties of the Kitsune are unleashed, making her a somewhat powerful Magic-type.
It should be known however, that a Nogitsune is quite a difficult Pokégirl to maintain in a Tamer's Harem. The Nogitsune becomes very conceited, as she sees herself as having nothing to lose, so that train of thought makes two traits about the Nogitsune stand out. The first, and hardest for the Tamer is that since the Nogitsune sees herself as having nothing, she wants all she can get from her Tamer, wanting more time with him during Taming sessions or as the second trait shows, wanting to be used in battle.
The need to fight within a Nogitsune however can be a mixed blessing as with the want to be in battle, a Nogitsune is ruthless, using Hypnotize to put her opponent first, then draining her with Dream Eater. Should a Nogitsune's opponent be able to shake off her Hypnotize, the Nogitsune will tend to use Mana Bolt or Mystic Bolt, depending on the level of mana, then follow up with Shadow Shot while the opponent is stunned.
It should also be stated that it is NEVER a good idea to have a Nogitsune and a Shaguar in the same Harem. The two Pokégirls seem to have a rivalry that is up to the ferocity of the Kunoichis and Cheshires or the Demon Goddesses and the Neo Iczels.
It is thought to be possible for Nogitsune to evolve, however, what she can evolve into is unknown at this time.Naruto looked at the fox in front of him. She seemed kind of depressed. He noticed her missing tail. 'Thats why she is down. It seems she broke her code. I wonder what her code was. Naruto, steeling his nerves and calming himself down began to walk closer to the vixen in front of him. He noticed she was watching him wearily. Like he was going to say something snide to her. Her old tamer left her here when she lost her tail due to she let him get hurt in a battle. It broke her promise she swore on her honor and she lost her tail. She was surprised however when the teen in front of her spoke to her.
"Hey, are you OK? Why are you sitting here by yourself?" Asked Naruto as he looked at the petite girl in front of him. She stood at five foot two inches so he had to look down a bit to look her in the eyes. "Why do you care. You know I am a failure so why are you speaking with me?" Demanded the petite girl angrily glaring at the man in front of her. Naruto looked at her and sighed. This would be annoying. He knew she was capable but because she had failed once she deemed herself a failure. "The reason why I care? Well I like foxes. And it pains me to see a vixen in this state. If you come with me I promise on my honor I will help you regain your lost honor."
This shocked the girl in front of him. A male, who didn't even know her wanted to help her? Her old tamer had been a bastard to his girls, abusing them mentally and physically. She had thought all males were scum. Yet this complete stranger was offering to help her. "I'll give you a purpose. I'll help you with your problems. Besides I can't just leave a depressed woman around now. I'll feel terrible. So what do you say? Will you be my first partner?" Asked Naruto as he looked directly into her eyes. Once again she looked at him and saw no deception on his face at all. "Are you serious? Would you really help me get my honor back and regain my tail? If you swear on your honor one more time I'll follow you anywhere. I'm getting desperate right now. I need to redeem myself and regain my honor. Everyone knows that I broke my promise and tend to avoid me."
Naruto nodded sadly. He could see the pain the vixen in front of him was going through and it hurt and saddened him to the core. "If you come with me I promise on my honor I will help you regain your lost honor. I won't go back on my word. A friend told me this once. Someone who abandons the mission are considered trash. But those who abandon their comrades are worse then trash. If you join me you will be a comrade and my mission of trying to get you to join me is complete. That way I'm neither and if you never abandon me then I will help you in anyway I can." Spoke the blond in a trusting voice to the vixen in front of him.
After that the vixen nodded. "OK I'll be your first companion. However if you back out of your promise I'll kill you." The girl threatened as she held out her hand for a hand shake. Naruto nodded at what she said and took her small hand in his own much larger one. "Deal, now lets find that old man and start our adventure, what do you say partner?" Asked Naruto as he began walking to the door to find Richard. The tailless vixen quickly caught up to him and nodded. "Yes master, lets see what kind of mischief we can get up to." Naruto grinned at the girl. He could tell they were going to get along just fine. There was one thing he would have to sort out though. "Don't call me master, or any other superior name, we are partners and I will value you as such."
the girl glowed with happiness. Even though she was a disgrace her tamer still treated her with respect. He was a rare find and she wasn't going to disappoint him. Walking into the professor's office she heard Naruto talking to him. "Yo old man, chose my pokegirl, have you sorted out my data for a tamer yet?" Asked Naruto, as he strode into the room with the Nogitsune following him shyly. She was still a bit worried that the teen in front of her was playing a joke. However he hadn't slipped up yet. If he was lying she would killing him and run away.
"Yes Naruto, I have filled in all your information for you so you are not questioned by the authorities if you run into trouble. However you just need to give some personal details." The man then noticed Naruto's choice of pokegirl, as Naruto sat at a computer and began inputting the data needed. "Naruto, are you sure you want this Pokegirl? Nogitsunes aren't the best companion a beginning tamer should start off with."
The vixen looked at Naruto worriedly. That if he didn't want her now he knew that information? Her fears were unfounded however when she heard Naruto reply. "I'm not going to let someone with as much talent as her go to waste with someone. She has amazing potential that no one can be bothered to tap into for her. I also want to help her regain her lost honor. What can I say, apart from I'm a sucker for a pretty girl in need." Spoke the blond teen as he shrugged.
"Well if you say so, don't blame me if you have problems with her." Spoke the professor uncaring voice, as he tossed Naruto her pokeball. This made the vixen decide on her promise. She wouldn't let her tamer down. No matter what happened. He was the only reason she had something left now. If she lost him then she would lose everything. She would rather die then let that happen. Naruto frowned slightly. "She will do fine. We have an understanding. I have promised to help her and if there is one thing I never do, its go back on my word. Now if you have finished my data I will be going. I am eager to explore this world."
The professor nodded and began to transfer Naruto's data to his pokedex. "Thank you professor. Come partner we are leaving now. I'll stay in touch old man and let you know how we progress." With that Naruto and the Vixen walked out of the door. They left the compound and began to head back to town. Naruto looked at the demure girl beside him. It was time they got to know each other. "WE are going to the woods near here. I want to learn more about who I will be working with in the future." With that Naruto began walking to the trees nearby with his pokegirl right behind him.
When they found a clearing Naruto sat down and gestured the vixen to sit down. "OK, first I want to know if you have a name. I don't want to keep calling you companion and such." The vixen looked and him and cocked her head in a cute manor. "I do not have a name Naruto-kun. I was never given one." Naruto nodded and thought for a while. A few minutes had passed when he spoke again.
"How does Kyrie sound to you?" Asked the blond breaking the silence between the two of them. The Nogitsune contemplated it and smiled. "I like that name Naruto-kun, Kyrie it is." Spoke the newly named pokegirl. Naruto smiled at her and decided to what Kakashi did to team seven when they were first assembled. "OK now we have you a name, lets start with introductions as we never really did them. I'll go first. My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I'm sixteen, I like helping people, fighting and chilling out with my comrades. I dislike power hungry idiots, people who think they are above others and people who look down on others because they are different. My hobby is training and relaxing with my friends. My dream for the future. Well I won't tell you my dream until you tell me yours."
Kyrie nodded, took a breath and then began. "My name is Kyrie, as you know. I like people who are kind to others, training and causing mischief. I dislike it when people think I'm worthless because I don't have a tail. My hobby is pulling pranks and having fun in general. My dream is to regain my lost honor and to never let you down." Naruto nodded at the girl and smiled. She was virtually a real fox in taste, and likes. "OK then I'll tell you my dream now then. My dream is to help you accomplish yours. However I can tell you will never let me down. So long as you try your best then thats all I can ask of you." Spoke the blond in a calm voice, and got rewarded by a slight smile from the vixen.
"OK now tell me your strengths and weaknesses. I need to know how you prefer to fight. I don't want to order you to do something your not good at." The vixen nodded and began explaining. " I'm not physically strong. I prefer to keep moving at a high rate of speed to overwhelm my opponent and attack them from afar. I can link moves together to form combination for example my hypnotize and dream eater combo. I am good with illusions to confuse my opponents. My weakness however is that I am not good at close encounters. I'm not physically strong and I can't take many physical hits from opponents." Naruto nodded. It seemed he had made a good choice. "I made a good choice, you seem to be a very versatile fighter that can adept to different problems in a fight quickly. The only thing we need to do now is increase your defense as then you can take less damage." The female glowed with the praise she received.
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you? Sweet you got a Nogitsune. Guess you like a challenge." The two people in the clearing looked around and saw Lawrence running towards them. Kyrie got up and walked in front of Naruto casually, not knowing whether this guy was a friend or not. "Stand down Kyrie, he's alright. How are you doing Lawrence, and why were you looking for me?"
Lawrence looked at Naruto and explained. "Me and Ashleigh were worried that you would fail so we went looking for you. Its obvious you passed though congratulations. Even if you have picked a rare poke'girl to start with. Not many tamers would willingly raise a Nogitsune." Lawrence shut up when he caught Naruto's glare burning into him. "Who I raise is my choice. I'm willing to give her a chance to prove herself. Everyone deserves that."
"How about a battle? That way you can get a feel for how you fight as I don't think you remember how to. Better against a friend then against something that could turn the situation into something deadly." Naruto nodded at Lawrence's suggestion and looked at Kyrie, who just looked straight into Lawrence's eyes. They could see she was eager to start. "Guess we have a battle then." Stated Naruto as Kyrie walked in front of him. Lawrence called out Ashleigh and both girls began staring down their opposition. Naruto pulled out his pokedex and scanned the Squirtitty in front of him.
Level 12 SQUIRTITTY, the Titillating Turtle Pokégirl
Near Human
vegetarian, seafood
water bearer
Strong Vs:
Fire, Rock, Water
Weak Vs:
Electric, Ice, Plant
Water Gun, Glare, Leer, Scratch, Withdraw
Increased Lung Capacity, Armored Shell
(normal), Blastits
(evolved Whoretortle;
Evolves From:
Squirtitties are the de facto Water-type Pokégirl, being among the most common of their element. They aren't much to look at until they undergo their evolutions however. A Squirtitty has blue skin, darker blue hair, and a large red shell covering most of her back. The underside of the shell wraps around her stomach, ending just under her breasts and just above her waist. It remains solidly on her back, despite the underside only covering that part of her torso. The underside of the shell is a pale, off-white color. Squirtitties are usually a little pudgy, and tend to have small breasts, with a B-cup being the largest known for them. They never have any hair between their legs.
Squirtitties are only slightly more proficient at swimming than your average human, but are able to hold their breath for nearly half an hour before needing air. They aren't meant to be deep-water divers though, since their shell acts as a mild flotation device for them, its composition being mildly buoyant as a natural precaution against drowning. Squirtitties are about as able on the land as they are in the water.
A Squirtitty's trademark attack is her Water Gun attack,
which lets her spit water from her mouth. Like other water Pokégirls,
she stores this water throughout her body in small "sacs" that
help to keep her hydrated over longer periods of time. Unlike other
water-Pokégirls, two of her largest water sacs are located in her
breasts. This has the odd effect of letting her squeeze her own
breasts and letting water squirt out of them, letting the Squirtitty
use her Water Gun attack from them as well. Many Tamers enjoy using
their Squirtitty's breasts in lieu of public water fountains to
drink, since the process that lets a Squirtitty store water within
her body also purifies the water, making it exceptionally clean. The one drawback to them continuously using their breasts (or
as they prefer to call them, their jugs) this way is that as they
lose water, they decrease in size. Concentrated use of their Water
Gun from their chest will, after a few minutes, cause them to be flat
as a board up top. This is quite embarrassing for a Squirtitty, since
it not only makes her look less sexy, it also is a sign that she
failed at doing her task well, since she ran out of water doing it.
As such, Squirtitties love processes that enhance their bust size,
such as being hit with Bloom powder, since it makes them look better
and lets them hold more water. Like other Water-types, they need to
be submerged in water every few days to keep them in top condition.
A Squirtitty's shell is used in battle only as a defensive move. When she uses Withdraw, she'll curl into the fetal position, and face her back towards her foe, trusting her shell to protect her. She is unable to pull any part of herself back into her shell.
Many Tamers enjoy having their Squirtitty go down on them before or during Taming, since, as Water-types, they can hold their breath for a long time. When Taming, Squirtitties are quick to get wet (although this isn't water), and like being on their back, since the feeling of being on their shells makes them feel slightly helpless. This isn't true, since a Squirtitty has no problem righting herself from this position, but it makes it much more enjoyable for her, lending a submissive element to it that drives her wild.
Feral Squirtitties are relatively easy to capture out of the water. They tend to use their Water Gun attack a little too freely, and once they're done with that, capturing them isn't hard at all. Threshold girls who become Water-type Pokégirls tend to become Squirtitties more often than other Water-types.
Naruto finished scanning his opponent. "Kyrie, your opponent isn't as fast as you but you will more then likely lose at close range. Keep back and attack from a distance. Remember to use your surroundings as you are undetectable. I want you to think ahead. I want people who will think for themselves. However if I do give you an order it is for your best interests so please listen to what I have to say." The vixen nodded. Naruto took a kunai out and looked at Lawrence. "When this kunai hits the ground the match begins agreed?" Lawrence nodded and Naruto tossed the knife into the air.
As soon as the knife struck the ground Kyrie used teleport to vanish from the battlefield. "Ashleigh, keep on guard she could strike from any direction." He was cut off when a mana bolt stuck Ashleigh from behind. The squirtitty whirled round and fired a water gun in the direction the attack came from but Kyrie had already vanished to a different spot. "Nice job Kyrie, keep it up if she doesn't know where you are she can't fight back." Called Naruto as Ashleigh got knocked around as mana bolts and the occasional mystic bolt flew at her from every direction.
Suddenly two minutes later Kyrie appeared in the middle of the clearing looking exhausted. Naruto frowned slightly. 'We'll have to work on her stamina. Though she has caused a lot of damage.' Thought the blond as he looked at his opponent. Ashleigh looked in extremely bad shape. There were burns and cuts all over her body and she looked like she was barely standing. "Oi Lawrence, lets call this a draw. Your poke'girl is barely standing due to her injuries and mine is exhausted." Lawrence looked at Naruto and nodded. It was only a friendly match. Kyrie however seemed upset.
"Why Naruto-kun I could of kept fighting. Sure I was exhausted but I could still have used close combat, my opponent wasn't in an any better condition then me." The Vixen cried. It felt like she failed again. Naruto looked at her and realized what she was thinking. "Kyrie, if this was a life or death match then yes I would of let you fight more. However this was only a spar. There was no need to take it to far. Also you fought amazingly and had a pokegirl a higher level then you on the ropes. Tomorrow we will be working on your stamina." Lectured Naruto as he walked over and hugged the girl to reassure her that she did OK.
Both tamers decided to head back to the pokegirl healing building. After healing both girls Naruto and Kyrie bid farewell to Lawrence and Ashleigh. The two of them headed up to the roof of the building. The sun was setting quite a picturesque view for them. Naruto leaned back against the wall and Kyrie snuggled up beside him. The pair of them just relaxed. After a while they decided to go and talk to Joy. It would kill some time and they weren't very sleepy anyway.
When they arrived in the main lobby they saw a teen hassling Joy. Naruto decided to investigate, if the guy was giving her grief he was going to break some bones. "Come on sexy, you know you want to get tamed by me." Drawled the punk as he leered at her over the counter. The nurse just looked at the boy and grimaced. "Actually, I would rather turn feral then get tamed by a person like you. Most pokegirls would." Naruto smirked at that comment. He knew never to push a lady. "You worthless slut. All your good for is entertaining men!" With that the idiot lashed out.
Joy closed her eyes awaiting the hit that was supposed to land but it never came. Opening her eyes she saw the punks hand being stopped by someone. This shocked the harasser as well. Especially when he was thrown through the air and slammed into a concrete pillar. Recovering from his flight he looked at his attacker to see a blond teen who looked to be about 3 years younger then him. Naruto looked at the man he had thrown then looked at the nurse who looked at him with something a kin to awe. "Hey Joy, whats up?"
"That question brought the busty nurse back to reality. "Oh nothing Naruto-kun, just admiring you taking out the trash." Spoke the placid female with a small smile. The teen had finally recovered and began to shoot his mouth off. "Oi you little punk stop stealing my woman. Other wise I'll have to use force." He punctuated the word force by cracking his knuckles. Naruto just sighed at the idiot and took off his trench coat. "Kyrie, hold this for me please, this won't take long." The vixen nodded and took his coat. 'This will be a good time to see what Naruto-kun can do in a battle situation.'
Naruto just stood there in an easy stance his arms by his side. Getting bored of watching his opponent flex his so called muscles he decided the taunt the man. "Is all you going to do is stand there posing or are you going to use force because I'm 'stealing your woman' as you put it?" The enraged man screamed then charged at Naruto throwing a punch at his face. Naruto deftly blocked it and slipped inside his guard, slamming his fist into his opponent's solar plexus. Rearing his fist back he nailed his stunned opposition in the face breaking his nose. The teen backed up holding his nose before running away.
"How pathetic. I thought I would have a challenge." Both girls stood in awe. They had never seen a human move so fluidly. They tended to rely on machines to fight for them but Naruto actually knew how to fight and from the looks of it he was holding back. Naruto turned and looked at the two girls. "Sorry I made you ladies witness such violence but scum like that disgust me. Anyway are you OK Joy?" Kyrie looked at Naruto in awe. Joy snapped out of her trance again and nodded.
"I'm fine, thank you, you can fight well. I hate it when men just ask to tame me, even when I don't need taming." This threw Naruto for a loop. Joy was a pokegirl? Then again he really should of guessed. Most females in this world seemed to be. He wondered why this was the case. Why were there human males but sub human females? He would figure it out later tonight. "Say Joy, could I scan you with my pokedex?" Asked Naruto. Joy nodded in response and Naruto pulled out his pokedex.
21 NURSE JOY, the Nursing PokégirlType:
Very Near Human
Element: Normal
Frequency: Uncommon, usually found
at hospitals and Pokégirl healing centers, has never been found in
the wild
Diet: any human style
diet, with the preference of vegetables
Libido: Average
Vs: Ghost
Weak Vs:
Attacks: Dodge, Tackle,
Honey, Sweet Honey, Royal Honey, Love 'N' Affection, Hugs 'N' Kisses,
Heal, Cure, Cura, Curaga, Pray, Multiheal, Omniheal, Revive, Half
Revive, Full Revive, Regen, Esuna, Hypnotize, Yell
innate knowledge of human and Pokégirl anatomy, natural affinity for
Evolves: Night
Nurse (battle stress)
Evolves From:
NurseJoys, or Joys as they are usually called, are nursing Pokégirls; they can do all healing techniques and will help someone in need by nature. Unfortunately, they rarely, if ever, make good fighters.
NurseJoys were the first species of Pokégirl developed by the Leagues, with the first being born in the year 15 AS. Their development began almost immediately after the earliest Pokécenters opened in 10 AS, once the Leagues realized that they just didn't have the manpower to maintain them all.
Tamers know that it's very handy to have a NurseJoy in their pack, since they can heal the other Pokégirls when they get hurt. NurseJoys don't make good Alphas, though, since they don't feel comfortable with the role of group leader.
While all NurseJoys are born with the capability of learning all of the above techniques, few learn more than half of them in their lifetimes. Most choose to specialize in one or two specific areas and focus on learning the advanced techniques for those. That being said, every single NurseJoy is able to use Dodge, Tackle, Heal, Cure, Revive, Esuna and Yell (which they use to stop struggling patients).
For some unknown reason, all NurseJoys have pink hair.
Sometimes it's curly, sometimes it's straight, but it's always a
bright, vivid pink. Aside from that similarity, NurseJoys vary in
appearance, although a great many of them have pink eyes as well.
They stand between 5' even and 5'8", though the average is only
5'2". Their busts range between C-Cups and D-Cups, and are
usually, but not always, proportionate to their height.
a lot joy you helped me out there. Its fascinating seeing all these
different poke'girls, and each different one has a different
background and personality." Smiled Naruto as he slipped te piece
of equipment into his trench coat pocket. Joy smiled back gently. "No
thank you for getting rid of that man, he comes in every few days
trying to get me to let him tame him. it gets down right annoying i
can tell you." Spoke the nurse as she began looking for
something under the counter.
"Here take this, its always a good idea to take some medical supplies with you as you never know what is going to happen in the wilderness." Continued the busty pink haired nurse as she deposited a few spray cans into Naruto's arms. Naruto thanked Joy and sealed the items in the scroll he had brought with him when he crash landed in this dimension.
"Well anyway I'm off to relax in the lobby. Kyrie you can do you like until tomorrow, then we wil be going through some intense training. if you can't find me in the lobby then i probably have gone to bed so just go to our room. see you all later." With that Naruto began to walk away leaving the two females alone with each other. Walking into the lobby Naruto sat at a table and flipped out his pokedex. Opening the machine he accessed the main page and began to update.
ID: Naruto Uzumaki
Home town: Titsville
Alpha) Kyrie, Nogitsune, level 11
2) N/A
4) N/A
5) N/A
6) N/A
SLC: 4,500
potion x10, antidote x5, full heal x8"OK
now thats done, I think its time I actually did some actual research
about how pokegirls came about in this world." Naruto said to
himself as he began to flick through the pokedex menus. He finally
saw what he was looking for. 'Ah here we go. This could be an
interesting read. Now lets see here.' Thought Naruto and for once in
his life he began to read eagerly.
SUKEBE: A master of technology and magic, this is the person responsible for the creation of pokegirls and the scars created from his war. A great pervert, mage, and scientist, he created the pokegirls as his slaves and later as his way to get revenge. After he was discovered to be doing genetic experiments, it was initially thought his first lab was destroyed, and from the destroyed lab came the cursed Jusenkyo Spell Dump. Several years later, Sukebe came back and this time he used his powers to unleash a nightmare to the people of the Earth. Sukebe's Revenge lasted for a great many years. It is believed that at the end, after his pokegirls were turned back on his troops, that he was destroyed in the Battle of the San Bay. However, there does not exist any proof that he was in fact killed.This revenge business Naruto saw intrigued him so he decided to read about Sukebe's revenge.SUKEBE'S REVENGE: The war of humanity versus the hentai mage/scientist Sukebe. Sukebe introduced humanity to his form of hell. A plague which killed millions and left nearly all females sterile, soldiers that were far beyond the powers of existing science, and other things the world thought only existed in fairy tales. The war united the world (which at the time was divided into something called "Nations") and sparked research into developing something that could combat Sukebe's super-soldiers, the poke'girls. The most famous battle was the Battle of San Bay, where the first energy weapons were used and the beginning of the Tamer forces were created. Sukebe's forces were barely defeated, thanks to the discovery that wild poke'girls can be controlled by chosen people called Tamers. Also, since most human females had been rendered infertile thanks to the plague, it was discovered that poke'girls could bear human children as well as pokegirls, males always human and some females human. However, almost all technology had been lost except those that dealt with stolen technology on poke'girls. After Sukebe's Revenge had been fought, the need for Tamers still existed as most poke'girls had become Feral and uncontrolled. Now, several hundred years after Sukebe's Revenge, humanity is just beginning to recover. Poke'girls are now somewhat accepted, Tamers are now accepted as full time jobs, pure blood human females are getting rarer since most breeding is done with poke'girls, technology has been slowly loosing its bad reputation from Sukebe, and humans must now learn the full extent of the world they live in now.After reading the information given to him by his pokedex, Naruto looked out of the window and decided to go to bed as the clock said it was ten o clock at night. He decided to go to the shopping center in town to buy some more stuff. He wanted to get Kyrie up to at least level fifteen before he left town. He would also catch another girl tomorrow as well and it was better to be safe then just rely on Kyrie. If she went down then he would have to fight himself and he would rather his partners didn't find out what he could truly do though. Taking off his clothes so he was standing in his boxers he climbed into bed and let sleep claim him.
Kyrie and Joy had struck up a conversation after Naruto had left. "So Kyrie, how is Naruto as a tamer?" Asked Joy as she worked on a computer updating the medical files. Kyrie thought for a while. "Well, he doesn't seem like your average tamer who wants to screw anything that moves. He has already found out how I fight my battles best and is probably going to train me into the ground tomorrow. He doesn't want me to be a mindless drone either, preferring me to think for myself in fights." Explained Kyrie as she sat on the counter and crossed her legs.
"Naruto seems to respect people like us unlike most. The only time he has insulted one of us is when he had just woken up and was suffering from amnesia. When he realized he apologized immediately as he felt terrible about what he has done. All he can remember is parts of his childhood." Explained Joy as she finished typing on the computer and put her sole focus on Kyrie. Kyrie took a while to process what she had been told. It seemed she would have to find out more about her master then she thought. Even though he told her they were comrades he was still her commander. Effectively he could still control her on a whim if need be.
"I think its time you go to bed Kyrie, Naruto will train you tomorrow and your going to need all the rest you can get. It is almost quarter to eleven. Head straight to bed I'll look around to see if Naruto is still down to tell him you have done so." Spoke the nurse kindly as she patted Kyrie's shoulder. The tailless vixen nodded her thanks and began to trek to Naruto's room. Giving a wave over her shoulder the vixen made her way upstairs.
Naruto was woken up by a clatter and a quite hiss of "ow fuck, that hurt." Figuring it was Kyrie he yawned and spoke into the dark. "Oi Kyrie what are you doing? Are you OK?" he heard his partner curse under her breath at waking him up and heard her reply. "Yeah, I'm fine, sorry about waking you. Where is my pokeball?" Naruto yawned again. He couldn't be bothered getting it so he did the next best thing he could think of. He yanked her into the bed. "Forget your pokeball I'm to tired to actually reach for it, just sleep in the bed with me tonight."
the girl blushed, not that Naruto could see it and nodded. It wasn't long before Naruto heard her breathing even out, telling him she was asleep. Naruto smiled and pulled her closer to him so her heard was resting on his shoulder and he had his arm around her. 'Heh, this dimension could prove to be very entertaining. I hope she can keep up with my training program tomorrow or she will most likely be seriously injured.' With that Naruto began falling asleep. His adventures in the elemental nations were over. However he had a feeling he would find plenty of adventures in this world as well.
A/N. Well
this is actually my first crossover. I don't know much about
pokegirls as I am relatively new to them. My perverted little brother
pestered me into writing this fanfiction. This is my longest chapter
ever at an exact number 9,700 words long. Anyway please go read and
review Missuzumakihinata's
three fanfics as they are pretty damn awesome. There are no
lemons in this chapter because I don't seriously believe that someone
is going to have sex with someone else that they have only known for
five or six hours. However I will warn you now. There will be lemons
next chapter. All the information I received came from pokegirl (DOT)
org Anyway reviews are welcome. Flames will be ignored unless
you tell me how to improve as well as saying I'm a crap writer. There
are grammar mistakes as well as spelling mistakes in this fic because
I am dyslexic so sorry about that. I tried my best to weed all of
them out. Oh by the way can you figure out the small joke in the
professor's name? If you can leave it in a review. If you can't, I'll
post it up next chapter. This is chaos nutter (aka the
loveable pervert) leaving. I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as
I liked writing it.