AN: I am sorry for not updating Daughter of two. I have been busy with school and life. And with the big space between last the time I wrote anything of that story it is currently lost, but I will try to finish it. But just so that you are warned this is the story my heart and spirit lies in at the moment. I can't promise to update on a regular basis since my summer is filled with work but I will try my hardest.

Some places in this story I might write something in Norwegian then the translation will be bold and placed inside these: ( ). Just so no one gets confused.

All of the characters might be OOC. And just to warn you this story contains some light swearing. I might raise the rating later on if it gets darker.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to twilight. Those belong to S. Meyer. But everything else belongs to me. Moahahaha.

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Okay, it's finally time to move. For the past four months I have desperately tried to convince my mother that I would be better off at one of the institutions closer to dad. You see I live at a mental institution. I know what you think she is crazy. I'm not, I am completely sane. I just have a gift and it scares people. When I look into someone's eyes I will instantly know everything about that person. That's one of the reasons I wanted to change institution. Around four months ago I got a new doctor. The moment I looked into his eyes I knew what he was. I couldn't tell anyone the truth so I choose the closest. First I tried to be subtle with my hinting that I didn't like or approve of my new doctor, but after three months I gave up being subtle and screamed to everyone that he was a demon. Only problem was that since I was in a mental institution and they firmly believed I was crazy no one cared. Well except for my new doctor, who was outraged about me calling him a demon since it was a little too close to the truth for his comfort. The thing that made my mother finally send me to another place was all of my bruises. Every time I called my doctor a demon he would hit me in the stomach or ribs too fast for anyone to see. I didn't see them either, but I sure as hell felt them.

Sitting on the plane to Port Angeles, where my dad would pick me up, was totally boring. From time to time I took advantage of the fact that people thought I was crazy. So instead of sitting in my seat and stare at nothing I began having conversations with myself in another language.

"Bella er på vei til et nytt mentalsykehus og hopper av glede" (Bella is on her way to a new mental institution and is jumping in joy). I laughed out. The other passengers stared at me but one man laughed loudly. I suspected him of being Norwegian. I loved Norwegian and Norway. My Grandma Marie lives there. She refuse to speak anything other than Norwegian so I quickly learned it. Grandma Marie was the only one who believed me when I said I wasn't crazy. When I was 12 years old she came to visit me and I told her everything. She knew how I felt. Grandpa Henrik had been the same but back then they didn't have the same institutions as I have. The institutions in Norway at his time treated the patient like lab rats and did horrible experiments on them. Luckily he hadn't told anyone besides Grandma Marie, so he wasn't committed.

The plane landed and I ran out to find Charlie. When I spotted him I couldn't help it but laughed out loud and shake my head. In the middle of the airport stood Charlie holding a big sign over his head with "Can the craziest girl in this airport please report to Chief Swan?" Charlie had always joked around with my craziness and just accepted who I am right away. That's what I loved so much in my dad. He took lightly to my gift and thought it was a bit amusing. He would always ask stupid questions about random people we met.

I dropped my bags and ran laughing into his waiting arms and yelled "Daddy!" while I gave him the biggest hug I could manage. He beamed down at me and yelled "Bella!" back at me while he smiled his famous wide smile. When he smiled like that it was easy to see why my mom Renée had married him.

He picked up my bags and carried them out to the police cruiser. After a while of silent driving he gave me a quick glance and smile. "Guess what Bella!" He exclaimed happily. "What!" I turned to him and looked curiously at him. "Your new doctor here in Forks allowed you to stay at my house tonight." I squealed in joy and was jumping up and down in my seat in pure excitement. Once we stopped in front of his house he turned to me and smiled. "Welcome home Bella." He said in a soft voice and looked like he was about to cry with happiness.

He got my bags and carried them to my old room and put them on the floor. "I only got you a new bed. Everything else is exactly like you left it." Last time I had been here was when I was 5, so my bed from then was a bit too small. I hadn't been allowed to visit my dad because my mom didn't approve. After she left him for a guy named Phil my dad found someone else. They didn't live together but they were still pretty serious about the relationship. My dad fell in love with his best friend Billy Black who lived down in La Push together with his 16 year old son Jacob. He was only a year younger than me. I couldn't wait to meet my new brother.

When I was settled in for the night I went into the living room and sat down in the couch beside Charlie. "So how are things with you and Billy?" I asked while smiling at him. I thought it was great and a bit amusing that my dad liked men. Watching a movie with him when he came to visit was an unique experience. We would both end up commenting and arguing about who was the hottest guy in the movie. His face fell and I knew something was wrong. I never used my gift on him but I was good at reading body language. "What's wrong? Did something happen to Billy?" I asked him concerned. He sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "There's nothing wrong with Billy. Things between Billy and I are great, but..." "But what?" I asked more concerned than before. "Jacob has been committed. He's staying at the same institution you are and you also have the same doctor. Dr. Cullen is really good at his work and I believe you will like him. He is quite handsome." At the last statement he winked at me and I blushed.

We sat in the living room talking until it was time to go to bed. When I lay in my bed I wondered how things would be at the Forks Institution, and was full of anticipation regarding tomorrow. The last thought I had before I fell asleep was I hope there aren't any demons at the institution.

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AN: as I told you at the top I might not update in a while, but I am almost done with the next chapter so I might be able to post it before tomorrow. I can't promise anything right now. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Please comment, I'd love to know what I can do to improve my writing and stories. Just as a warning, I am not used to write long chapters so they might be short. Until next time
