The Nessie Files
I have always wanted to tell Nessie's story, but I couldn't think of a good angle. I hope the plot I have come up with is appealing to you. I will just quickly set the scene so you know what is happening. Nessie (Renesmee) is 6 years old which is equivalent to 16 or 17 years old in human terms. Jacob and her relationship has been friends up until now… but maybe it is time for that to change?
Disclaimer: I do not own twilight.
Chapter 1
I am 6 today. Mom says that that means I am about 16 or 17 in human years and so this a very special birthday for me. I quite agree, but then again, I think all my birthdays are important. I lay in bed thinking about what this day could be, though not very much as I was still dozy from my sleep. Unlike my parents, Bella and Edward who are full vampires, I am half vampire and half human because my mother conceived and gave birth to me before my father changed her into a vampire. One of the many human traits my mother passed down to me is the ability to sleep. Unfortunately for me, it is the one trait I wish I didn't have because everyone else in my highly unorthodox and large family does not have to bother with such a trivial matter. I am not the odd one out though. Jacob, my best friend, needs to catch a few zees too. He is also a 'half breed', as he has a genetic mutation which allows him to morph into a huge russet brown werewolf. I really love the idea that my best friend and I have so many things in common that we actually have no control over, for example, our half human nature, sleep requirements and interests. I share his love of tinkering with cars, though I suspect that part of the reason I love it is that Jake taught me everything he knows and passed on his passion for mechanics like an infection. I built my first car when I was 4 years old, approximately 11 or 12 in human terms.
I climbed out of my huge double bed, and straightened the soft covers. I made my way across my room and into my massive wardrobe. My Aunt Alice insisted that my closet be bigger than normal proportions and frequently emptied its contents and refilled it with even more beautiful clothes. Alice loves to dress me, and being more girly than my mom, I let her. Mom used to tell me stories of when she was human and Alice always trying to dress her, more often than not with no success. When I opened the door to my warehouse-like closet, I found an outfit already hanging on one of the ornate silver hooks on the back of the door. It was a baby pink mini dress, strapless, with a tiered skirt. There was a bow around the middle in the same colour and material. A green cashmere cardigan hung on another hanger with some multi beads dangling down on top of the soft wool. There was a note pinned to the cashmere that was written in flowing, loopy writing that could only be Alice's. It read, "Look in the gold box in your shoe closet!"
Oh yes, I have a shoe closet too. Aunt Rosalie was the one who insisted that. She loves shoes nearly as much as she loves cars and was adamant that my shoes could not possibly fit in my clothes closet as well as the racks of stunning garments Alice shoved in there.
I opened the shoe cupboard and found a gold coloured shoe box with the words,
'Happy Birthday Nessie, we love you! Rose and Alice xxx'
Inside the gold, sparkly tissue paper was a pair of the most beautiful gold shoes on the planet. They were about 5 inches and the heels were dainty and thin with white lace-like patterns going up them. The shoes had a rounded point at the front and a strap that joined the front of the shoe with the ankle strap. This strap was intricately decorated with what looked like diamonds. I was glad my mother had passed down the ability to cry at this moment, because I suddenly had the need to. This was the most incredible present I had ever gotten.
I got dressed and just as I was putting on my new shoes, my parents decided to come in and wish me happy birthday.
"Nessie? Happy birthday baby." I turned round to see my stunning mother's beaming face and her arms outstretched. I walked into them and hugged my mom, resting my head on her cool shoulder. From behind, my father walked in and kissed me on the forehead.
"And how is my beautiful daughter doing so far?" My dad was always the charmer. He had a dazzling quality that I had never been able to figure out. I chose to answer him using my special power. I can project my thoughts into peoples' minds. I showed him my first thoughts I had had on waking, the outfit Alice had left out for me and the shoes Rose and Alice had hidden. He smiled. I telepathically asked why, and he replied aloud,
"I am smiling because I am happy that you have enjoyed your day so far. Now come down, Esme has a surprise for you downstairs."
That she did. Esme had cooked my favourite breakfast and there was a pile of presents and envelopes on the kitchen table screaming to be opened. I greeted the rest of my family; Carlisle and Esme, who I had grown up to treat as grandparents seeing as they regarded my parents as their children. They had no problem with this. I then hugged Jasper, Alice and Rose, thanking them for my fabulous clothes and shoes. "It was nothing sweetie, we wanted you to looked breathtaking on your birthday, and so you do!" Alice replied, Rose nodding in agreement.
"Where are Emmett and Jake?" I questioned my many relatives. It wasn't like Emmett to not be around to tease me and Jake was my best friend. He had promised to be here for my day.
"They are outside doing something important and will be in shortly, dear" Carlisle answered calmly.
I sat down, as did the rest of my family, and I ate hungrily. I prefer to drink blood than eat human food, but I can digest both. My favourite human food is scrambled eggs. Mom told me that was what she lived on when she was pregnant with me because that was all she could keep down.
Soon after I had finished, Emmett and Jake came in through the door. Emmett didn't look it, but he was my cuddly 'uncle'. He was always the one to give me the tightest hugs and played the most games. These games usually consisted of arm wrestling matches and tug of war due to his immature need to showcase his strength whenever necessary. He and Rose are an oddly perfect couple. Rose can never stay angry at Emmett for than five minutes, though Emmett normally makes her mad every two seconds.
I ran and jumped into Emmett's arms and he squeezed the life out of me in a bear hug. I then hugged my best friend of all time, Jacob. Jacob's hugs were different to the rest of my family's, because he was warm for a start, and his skin was soft and had a completely different scent like woods. Jake and I have been best friends my whole life. I used to consider him my big brother when I was little, but now, he is he guy I tell almost everything to. He is like my other half.
"Present time!" Alice yelled. She always got very excited on birthdays, and especially mine because I haven't reached full maturity yet so mine actually mean that I was stilling growing. We sat in the living room and Alice eagerly carried the stack of packages through and placed them gently on the coffee table.
I picked up the nearest one and found it was from my Grandpa Charlie. I tore open the small box and found a necklace set with dark blue sapphires.
"Edward, it's like the hair combs he and mom gave me for our wedding." Mom undoubtedly would have had streams of tears falling down her cheeks had she been physically able, but she settled for smiling at me. "Ness, you must call him later and thank him, and we must go and see him one of these days Edward. We haven't seen him since junior year of college and that was nearly three years ago. Calling on the phone really isn't enough."
"We will go and see him when you call him and find out when he can spare some time to spend time with Ness. We still have the house there so we won't have to inconvenience him in that respect."
"It is settled then", I said, "I will talk to Grandpa today and we will come up with a date. Can you both get time off from work though?" Mom is an English Literature professor at the local high school about five minutes from where we live here in New Hampshire. We live about 20 minutes away from Dartmouth University where my parents studied. Dad is a full-time composer and writes the most wonderful music. He has decided that his fans will notice that he isn't aging so he is going to stage a tragic death in 5 or 6 years, and we will move to a different state and change our public names. I will be attending high school for the first time in the new state, but for now, I am studying all the material with my photographic memory so I won't have to pay attention in class, and can concentrate on not killing anyone. I have very good self control for my age but I have never been exposed to such a concentration of human blood for so long a time before. My mother has every confidence in me that I will be fine. She had exceptional self control when she was first changed and it seems that she has passed that skill on to me.
I opened the next few presents from Alice and Rose which were very expensive pieces of jewellery and more, less elaborate pairs of shoes. Carlisle had bought me some books I had wanted for a while but never got round to buying, and Esme bought me a huge tool box filled with state of the art stuff for my tinkering.
My father had written me a piece of music and played it for all of us. Tears came to my eyes for the second time today as I heard my father's flawless grace on the piano. The melody was exquisite and we all applauded enthusiastically when the song came to an end.
Then Emmett and Jacob insisted that their present be the next. The whole family traipsed outside and to my astonishment, a pile of car parts lay on a sheet in the huge garage filled with our many cars. The parts were for an Audi TT Roadster; my favourite car. I hugged both Jake and Emmett and decided to leave the few remaining presents still sitting unopened inside for later. Everyone but Jake and I returned to the house and we began figuring out where to start building this insanely cool car.
"So is this the best present you ever got?" Jake asked inquisitively,
"It is one of them definitely. Thank you so much Jake." I smiled at him and he blushed a little.
"Whatever makes you happy Ness. Oh…", he opened his bag that was leaning against one of the walls of the vast garage and produced a package. "This is a little something extra to go with the car, from me." I was touched. I knew that Emmett would have helped a lot with the car expenses. Jake and his father Billy didn't have a lot of money because unlike us, they hadn't had over 300 years to earn it. Buying me anything was so lovely. I ripped open the multicoloured wrapping paper and found a jumpsuit inside. It was so cool and was perfect for making the car in. I loved my current outfit, but it was not at all suitable for messing around in.
"Jake, this is great. Thank you so much!" I flung my arms round his neck and hugged him." He chuckled and said again, "Whatever makes you happy. I'm glad you like it. Now go change so you don't get your new clothes dirty. You look really pretty today by the way."
"Thanks, I'll be back in a sec." I returned in a flash wearing my new suit which was so comfortable and soft and smelled like Jake.
Jake was my best friend, but at times like just now, he sounded like he wanted to be more than that. He could have said 'whatever makes you happy' because he is my best friend and cares about me. But could it mean that he saw me as more than his best friend? I never really looked at him like a boyfriend before. He is a werewolf and so isn't aging, so is still a 16 year old boy really, but looks like a 25 year old and in terms of years since he was born, he really is 22. In a year or so I will be fully grown and developed, though technically I am only 6 years old. When I think of the literal age gap, Jake and I being together sounds wrong and sick. But mentally and taking into account that I am mentally a late teen and Jake is stuck as a 16 year old mentally, it sounds right and sensible. He is my best friend and seems absolutely perfect for me. He cares for me like he couldn't bear to live without me and he rejects his natural instincts to hate vampires so he can stay with me and my family. Now I'm wondering why the hell he cares so much. There must be more to this than I know.
"Jake, I'm just going inside for a sec. I'll be back." I headed indoors and found my mother on the couch practising her gift on my father. Her gift is a shield and since a few years ago, she learnt that she can project her own thoughts into peoples' minds, though she normally only uses this gift with my father.
"Mom, can I talk to you in private?" Mom looked curious and answered, "Sure sweetie". We started towards the staircase when I remembered my father's gift: the ability to read minds… including mine.
"Dad, no mind reading. This really is just between me and Mom." I warned. "I promise not to pry." He said, understanding the privacy teenage girls need sometimes.
Mom and I sat on my bed and I took a deep breath and just said what I wanted to say.
"Mom, what is the deal with Jake?" She looked totally confused.
"What do you mean?"
"He is a werewolf. He is supposed to hate our kind. He is supposed to hate me, yet he has stayed with us since before I was born. He was an older brother figure when I was younger and now he is my best friend, but why would he want that? Why did he leave his pack when he is alpha? I don't understand his tie to us." Mom looked at me with wise eyes. Her expression was neutral. I couldn't read her, which was unusual. She is usually an open book.
"I have been wondering when this conversation was going to come. There is a lot your father and I have kept from you about the past, and we have kept the family quiet too. The answer to your fundamental question is simple, but complicated. The answer is you."
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That's all for now. I will update soon because I am on my summer holidays now. Please tell me what you think and review.