A/N-I finally carried out a promise… God it was hard writing this chapater. But looking at this story makes me feel proud. Oh, and I think I'm gonna start writing fiction (mainly for the purpose of being able to go to my friends and saying- 'ha! I'm not just a fanfic writer! I'm gonna become an author!') Well… yeah… I'll stop eating chocolate…
Oh, this is the last chapter if you haven't notices. I plan to write 'Blood Alliance' as my next HidanXOC fic. It won't be out because I really need to finish the others… (Kaleidoscope & How to Say No) I've really been slow on updates for the second one. And Kaleidoscope is hell long… Just think about it makes me cry… I won't discontinue though, because I never do… A promise I made which makes me wonder whether it was a good thing or bad thing, for me. Well, thank you fellow writers for reading, I've hope you enjoyed the story, and forgiven me for the laziness of updating!! Goodbye! See you soon?!
Yamato was the first to act. I don't blame him. Past experiences had shown him, the wood style could beat nearly everything. Nearly… I saw his arm extend, contort into a long block of wood. It wrapped around my body like a python, tightening, but not fatally. It was simply a restraint that wasn't going to work. I allowed him to bask in his 'glory' (BTW ppl, sorry if you like Yamato. I've been making heaps of the characters mean. But I kind have a grudge on them due to the episodes I watched… T.T) It wasn't going to be for much longer… "Are you done yet?"
His eyes widened.
"You think this is going to hold me for much longer?" I exclaimed, feeling the coils of wood tighten around me. There was a faint sound of splintering wood, many cracking bumps formed on the smooth wood. Green foliage burst out, raising their toothed buds to the sun. Yamato severed the wood from his retracting hand, an almost scared expression cut into his face. He should be scared. I clenched my teeth together. Those people, they were the wrong doers. I hate them. Hate them for their single views. Hate them for not understanding. Hate them for what they do, and what they don't do…
A drone of insects attracted my attention. I spun around to see the swarm of what must have been thousands of insects. I would have reacted quickly enough to duck, and maybe prepare for a Jutsu, but the wind was knocked out of me. I spluttered, heaved as Hidan picked himself up. Snarling I rapidly jumped onto my feet "This is my fight, got it. Stay out of it,"
He seemed hurt, slightly, but regained his usual scowl. "You were just about to be controlled like a puppet you idiot! Look!"
I looked to where he pointed. The black shadow strained to reach maybe a meter further. I wanted to apologize to Hidan, but Shikamaru leapt out from the crowd of people, his rapid hand signs meant another Jutsu. Hidan pushed me away, and grabbed his scythe in his hand, poised and ready.
There was a soft part in my heart that just didn't want to see Hidan hurt, but I didn't want him to see me, a weakling. I didn't want his pity when we left this place. No. I wanted him to see this as my own decision, that he didn't force this onto me. Jumping in front of him once more, I summoned what I hoped to be the final Jutsu whilst the dragon took the blow of Shikamaru's attack.
"Bloom of Death," I muttered quietly, anticipating the soft rumble of the earth. Lifting my head I saw Kakashi urging everyone back behind him. There was a hush, a silence following the small bump in the middle of the shallow lake of water I had previously summoned. The water drew back slowly, drying the ground as a small seedling sprouted from the dirt. It spread its tiny green leaves; but it seemed the ninjas of Konoha didn't want any risks to develop. A swarm of attacks splinted the stem, caused the still growing bud to drop off; leaving the remaining plant to shrivel into a small, fragile brown heap. I saw them let out a small sigh of relieve, all too wrong.
Naruto seemed to take this, my so called defeat, as an opportunity to question me. "Why, did Konoha not treat you well enough! We all cared for you! You were surrounded with love from your family, from the moment you were born!"
"Cared for me? I was despised of, even before I was born. From the third month of my mother's pregnancy, the moment they knew I was a girl; I was looked down upon. The leader of the HoKein clan is supposed to be a boy, a male. Not like me. Still, the lack of a suitable heir forced me to be trained as a boy would. They still kept the hope that the family would be blessed a male child, so I was severed from the rest of the village." I snarled "As they were right. When I was 7, my mother conceived a boy, my brother, Juni. Everything was well for him, before he turned five, before he was supposed to have mastered controlling chakra. To put it simply, he couldn't, because he was nothing more than a civilian, not a ninja. He was shunned, more than I. Who would know a child of the famous HoKein family, couldn't follow the footsteps of his ancestors in becoming an ANBU,"
"Only I cared for him, only I played with him, because simply, the others wouldn't. Mean, arrogant, up themselves, children. Children that believe they are the best," I continued "I grew up in sadness, isolation, lies. I grew up in a world of strict teaching. I grew up, separate from your own. I learned to see past good and evil, black and white. We are all grey…"
"So did you plan that Earthquake, to kill those who hurt you; but ended up killing your own brother?" Shikamaru interrupted, hissing venom.
I hissed right back "No! Never, they don't deserve to die. I never hated the, I hated tradition, and the ways of the clan…"
"You can explain that later, when we take you back…" Someone yelled from the back.
Shaking my head, a chuckled as the words "You are wrong…"
I allowed the louder, stronger rumble to wake them from their misconceived safety. A larger bud rose up from the ground, but this time it was fully formed. With two beady eyes, and a jaw filled with sharp needle like teeth. It snarled, dripping saliva, a twin forming at the back. Shikamaru acted quickly, but not quick enough. A root broke the crusty surface, intercepted the kunai and tossed it aside. A monstrous smirk formed on the two gaping buds as the continued to grow, bigger, sprouting more little ones on the side.
Turning I grabbed Hidan. This was all I wanted to see. This was going to be their end…
Yelps of surprise could be heard from behind, as well as the furious growls of the monster plant. I ordered it, not to let a single living creature past.
"What is that!" Hidan yelled as I pulled him along silently.
I tried to joke, smile, but it was hard knowing that the people were destined to die bloodily, the moment the little seed sprouted. They would have a hard time dealing with the snapping buds. But when the three flowers bloom… Unless they have an impenetrable bubble with heaps of oxygen, they will face an army of the plants, as well as the poisonous gas spewing flowers "Nothing…"
A large, huge shake of the ground caused me to instinctively look back. I saw a large, dusty mushroom like cloud protrude into the blue sky. I sighed, it was about time for the plant to flower… They deserved it, the punishment. But, I was never the kind of person to kill. Stopping in my tracks, my grudge melted. They… had family too. Kurenai had a kid… He needed a mother… Shikamaru had parents. They had people that cared for them. What right did I have to take that from them? I should, do what I wanted them to do. To forgive. To put down my hatred. To let them live… Maybe they'll always think of it as their victory, never my forfeit in this game of hate. A few hand signs relieved the plant of its order.
"Are you sure you want to come with me?" Hidan asked with a thoughtful expression.
I chuckled softly, half heartedly "Where else have I got to go… In the end I abandoned them to be here with you. What makes you think I'll leave?"
"I did kill that… Asuma…"
I shook my head. Hidan looked genuinely… There was no way to put it. He just looked different to his normal, sarcastic self. Like a child, suddenly understanding the seriousness. "The past, our past doesn't matter. All that matters is our future, together. From now on, I won't regret any of my decisions. I hope you won't either…"
Hidan reached out, held out his hand. "Come on, where are we off to then?"
This time I didn't hesitate to take it. This time I knew what I wanted, and that was to be with him. Screw Konoha and their visions for me. Hidan rubbed off on me, really. Not just the swearing. His way of life-to live freely, by your own rules. He didn't care whether people looked down on his actions. He didn't care if someone disliked him. He was always… himself. And I wanted to be to. I wasn't the famous HoKein Shioe of Konoha. Next time someone asks me, what my name is, I'll tell them to call me 'Fuya'. Fuya the girl who gave up her past for a brighter future. The girl who use to pretend to be someone she never was. The girl that learnt, this is the way love is…
"Hm…Well, I've always wanted to go on a little holiday, tour around the world…"
"Uh, I hear the River Country is pretty cool. You wanna go there?"
I grinned, fully. I felt so free. 'Free as a bird' would be an understatement. "Anywhere… Anywhere you want to be… I want to be"(Cliché, I know)
Because love can be…
The most powerful thing in the world
Because love can…
Bring out a new side of people
Because love…
Is stunningly beautiful
You love him