A/N: wooo what's good people? here is the very first chapter of the sequel to Innocence titled Guilty Pleasures...i hope you enjoy!

OMGGG so can i just say i am soo effin shockeddd! R.I.P Michael Jackson! I was in tears after hearing this awful news! The King of Pop has died! :'( it was a very sad day in the music world! I've been sitting her listening to his music and it's just brings tears to my eyes...Michael is the kind of person you think that would live forever! my thoughts go out to his family and friends :(

Today we lost an artist but gained an angel. Your spirit & music will live on forever.

R.I.P. Michael Jackson

John thought he was dreaming. Did Taby just ask him who he was? She was joking, right? What the hell was happening?! Soon the doctor came in.

"Mr. Cena, can I have a word with you outside please?"

"Yeah, sure."

They walked out of the room and into the hallway.

"Doc, what the hell is going on? Why is Taby asking me who I am?"

"Miss Kahlon suffered severe head trauma from the accident which resulted in her having loss her memory. She has amnesia."

"What?!?! You've got to be kidding me right?!"

"I'm afraid not."

"So now what? When will she get her memory back?"

"People who suffer from amnesia usually never remember anything from their past. They may be confused at times and disoriented. Usually if the brain had been severely injured it could take weeks, months, even years for recovery to occur. Sometimes amnesia may never go away."

"So you're telling me that Taby doesn't remember anything or anyone and she may never get her memory back, ever? Come on man, there's got to be some kind of surgery or something that can help her. There's so much fucking technology these days that you people couldn't figure out a way to cure amnesia?!"

"There is Psychotherapy; which can be very helpful."

"That sounds like fun." John replied sarcastically

"The best thing to do is just remind Taby of everything of her past, if there's anything that she shouldn't remember though I suggest leaving that part out. Oh and I forgot to mention, congratulations!" The doctor smiled

"For what?" John looked confused

"Tabatha is pregnant." He replied and then continued walking down the hall

Pregnant?! Taby was pregnant?! This day was just full of surprises! Did she know she was pregnant and she never told him? How did she even get pregnant? Oh wait, stupid question, John thought. Of course he knew how but he wasn't expecting it. John thought about what the doctor said about leaving bad memories out. He disagreed though. He shouldn't leave any part out. That wasn't fair to Taby. He should tell her everything. Wait! Well maybe not everything. He should definitely leave out what happened with Rachael. John wished he had amnesia right now so even he could forget that part. His family soon came rushing down the hall.

"How is she?" His mother asked, concern filling her voice

"She has amnesia and she's pregnant."

"What?!" Everyone shouted in unison

"Oh poor girl. She must be lost right now." Carol spoke. "And pregnant?! Why didn't you bother to tell me this before. I'm going to be a grandma." She smiled

"Because I just found out about it like two seconds ago."

"So she doesn't remember anything or anyone?" Carol asked John

"Nothing, no one. She just asked me who I was."

"Well what did you say to her?"

"Nothing." John answered simply. "Well I mean I told her I was John Cena. She just doesn't know who John Cena is."

"Boy go in there and tell her so she knows."

"What am I supposed to say?"

"Tell her you're her your husband."

"But that isn't true."

"The poor girl is in in there confused and pregnant! You don't want to tell her anything that might upset her."

"So you want me to lie to her?"

"It's not necessarily lying."

"I feel bad, though."

"Do what's best for Tabatha."

"So lying to her is what's best for her?" John raised his eyebrow

"Boy you know what I mean. So just go in there and tell her."

John sighed heavily and turned around. He made his way to Taby's room; he opened the door, entered the room and then shut the door behind him.

Taby looked up at him and John smiled back nervously. "John Cena, right?" She asked

"Uhh yeah."

"Look, I am really sorry I don't know...err remember you."

"It's ok. Umm well I guess I should tell you who I am."

"The nurse told be you're a celebrity."

John laughed shyly as he scratched the back of his head. "Uhh yeah, I guess you could say that. But I was gonna tell you how we know each other."

"Yes do tell me please. Because I couldn't possibly know someone famous."

"I'm your...I'm your..." John paused, not knowing how to get the words out.

"Yeah?" She looked at him, waiting for an answer.

"Let's just put it this way; you know that baby you're carrying?"


"It's mine. I'm your...your husband."

Taby looked dumbfounded. "Husband?! I'm married?! What the hell?!"

"It's true."

"Holddd uppp just a sec! If we're married then where's my ring?!" She asked as she pointed to her ring finger. "And no offense dude but aren't you like thirty something?"

"Hey look, you're the one that fell in love with me, alright? And I didn't force you to have sex with me so yeah there you go."

"I fell in love with a dick; how nice." She replied

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be so harsh. I just don't know what else to say."

"It's fine." There was a long pause before Taby spoke again. "How did we meet?"

"You and Becca won the World Wrestling Entertainment's biggest fan contest."

"You're a wrestler?! And who's Becca?"

"I am and Becca is your best friend."

"My best friend? Shouldn't she be here then?" Taby questioned

"Trust me, she would be here if she could."

"Well why can't she?"

"Uhh well..."

"Tell me."

John figured he might as well tell Taby everything, so he did. After explaining how they met, he told her about Jeff, Randy, Becca, and everything else including the abortion and the cutting and how Becca was now unconscious lying in a hospital bed.

"Wow." Was all she managed to get out

"Yeah it's crazy I know."

Taby took a moment to just think about everything John just told her. After a long moment of silence John finally spoke.

"So you honestly don't remember anything? Like nothing...at all?"

Taby looked up at him. "I wished to God I could remember something right now, anything; even if it's bad I'd still be happy I remembered at least something."

"I uh, I'm gonna make a quick phone call; I'll be right back." He said


After John had left, Taby just let everything sink in. "Why did this have to happen to her? "Come on Taby, try and remember something...anything." She said to herself


John went down to the waiting room and took a seat. He rubbed his face with his hands and then sighed heavily. "Why did this have to happen?" He thought

He took his cell phone out of his pocket and was going to call Randy to tell him what was going on but decided not to; he'd wait a little later. Randy was already upset with the fact that Becca is in a coma and John didn't think he could take anymore bad news. John knew he couldn't take anymore bad news himself.

"Where do we go from here?" He asked himself

A/N: so what did you think? i know i know there was no Randy and Becca...but don't worry they'll be in the next chapter...reviewss plzz :)

R.I.P Michael Jackson :'(