Chapter one


The demon child was an outcast of society, the village hated him and the hokage did little or nothing to aid in his daily torments, the old man had his hands tied behind his back thanks to the council of konoha. The most the old man could do was invite him to get a cup of ramen every now and then, but despite every thing the little boy excelled at living as best he could, he knew the teachers were sabotaging his studies, so he worked extra hard to get the job done. Every one was out to get him he knew this, so he worked harder than every one else, he tried harder than every one else and despite failing he knew that his extra hard work was paying off.

He studied more, he exercise more, he practice his ninja arts more, he practice and practice and practice until he could practice no more, all he did was train and study, because he knew that no one would give him a break, that if he wanted to achieve something then he would have to do it on his own, he wasn't going to get charity from any one, no one was going to help him, if he wanted something he would have to work hard to obtain it.

Even something as simple as getting a meal was hard for him, but this made him stronger, buying clothes or mundane things like that was always difficult but that was okay because he knew that unlike every one these experiences would only serve to aid him in the long run. Life was hard, he had found that out when he was 3 years old and an old man slapped an apple out of his hand only to step on it and spit on his face, he knew that he was hated, he knew that he was nothing but waste to the village but that had only served to fueled him.

He had matured harder, he had to if he wanted to survive he had to kill his childhood and grow up fast, that is why when he was five he had completely change who he was, the kid died on that day and naruto found himself looking at things differently, he saw how he was treated and knew that he was some one who was as vile as the trash they threw out. But he didn't break when that realization dawned on him; instead it made him stronger and a resolve grew within himself, a resolve to become strong, stronger than all of the ninja in this so peaceful village.

He would show them, they would all see what he was capable off and then they would all see that he was something more than trash, that he was some one that deserved a place in this world that he existed. This had been his resolve and the only thing that had kept him going for 7 years, but despite every thing he still had a problem.

"I can't do regular clones"

He had sought out the old man, because there was nothing else he could do, the academy had been no help at all and with no one to give him a hand he had to seek the only one who seem to be willing to aid him. The hokage for the most part simply nodded, he knew about the kid is chakra capacity and knew that for him making a regular clone would be an impossible task.

"I have read on the clone technique and I know there are other variations of the technique, so if I can't do the regular clones, perhaps I can do others"

The hokage smiled and nodded, he was quite impressed with the boy is performance in this, he had figured out what the problem was with no help at all and not only that he had also reached a solution to his problem.

"Why are you un-able to do a simple clone naruto?"

"I have little control over my chakra and to be quite honest I have too much of it, I have made several attempts at depleting my chakra reserves and have found it to be quite hard to run out of it"


This came as a surprise to the old man, he didn't know that naruto was this smart or that he went so far as to do experiments to come up with a solution to his problem, taking the blond a bit more seriously the old man leaned forward onto his desk he took a close look at naruto. This kid was something else, he didn't want to be patronized nor did he want to waste his time answering silly question that is why he had divulged so much to him, to make him see that he was not just wasting the old man is time.

"I have massive amounts of chakra in my system, this is a blessing and a curse, I can't do simple techniques because of it; but I don't have access to more advance techniques because I am only an academy student"

"Perhaps you teachers"

"They will be of little help, I want you to help me or I will be stuck in the academy for the rest of my life"

The hokage closed his eyes and nodded, he had no choice, he knew that naruto was right; the kid had hit the nail in the head when he had told him about his situation, and if nothing was done to solve the problem then he would be stuck in the academy for another year.

"As you know my hands are tied, I can't give academy student access to advance techniques"

Naruto frowned and closed his eyes, he was hoping that the hokage would be able to bend a few rules but it seem that the old man was more of a stickler than he let on, despite that he knew that his plan had little chance of success, he wanted to get an advance clone technique while also getting the chance to graduate from the academy. Now that his plan didn't work he had to go with option and the old man wouldn't grant him access to a higher clone technique he had no choice but to go with plan B.

"Very well I request to be tested in another form"


He knew what the loop hole was, but how naruto knew of it was something he didn't want to dig to much into, the kid seem to know a lot more than he was letting on right now. Hell at 10 years old naruto shouldn't be having this kind of conversation, or know so damn much about ninja techniques and regulations.

"A battle proficiently exam, I will battle whom ever you chose, if I win I graduate if I lose then I get stuck on the academy for another year"

"Naruto you cant possibly…you know that"

"I know what will happen, I don't mind"

I order for him to have this chance he would have to best a chunnin, not an easy task, not for any aspiring academy student wanting to become genin, few students ever took this course of action and little ones excelled at the task. If he let this happened, then the council was going to see this as an opportunity to take a shoot at the kid, the perfect way to take him out, if naruto got hurt or killed then it could be written as nothing more than as simple accident.

"Please reconsider this, if you take this course of action"

"I am well aware of the risk; I know what can happen, just make it happened old man"

With that said he smirked and walked away from the office, but before he could step outside the office he felt the old man is hand on his shoulder.

"Naruto, this might be the hardest"

"Life is hard old man, this will just be another hard test life throws my way"

With that he pulled his shoulder away from the old man is firm grip and walked out the door leaving a very worried hokage behind, sarutobi took a deep breath and closed his eyes, there was no way that he could put this challenge off, if naruto was right then this was the only way that he could graduate and move on from the academy, despite every thing, despite having the odds staked against him the boy kept going, never giving up or taking a step back. Every day the old man saw how the villagers treated naruto and saw how that made the boy grow stronger, but his determination could also be a curse, it could keep get him into trouble.

This whole test was a perfect example of how wrong this could go for him, with every thing staked against him he had to take a more dangerous course to achieve his goal, he could get killed in this test and all to become a genin, to become a servant of the village that despised him.

"Good luck naruto"

Was all he could say.

Hours later the council was summoned, before them sarutobi explained what the situation was, one academy student named naruto uzumaki wanted the right to challenge a chunin for the right to become a genin, such law or loop hole in the rules had not been called upon since the village first formed yet now it seem that the demon boy was summoning this law. He wanted this opportunity to finally become a konoha ninja, for many this was an opportunity to finally take out the demon boy, for others this was an outrageous idea for the demon boy to become a ninja, it was madness, not only would he be trained by a jounin but he would also gain more power and the means to have his revenge upon them.

As expected the little uproar of the council made sarutobi frowned, the council was calling for an execution and others were plotting his death in the exam, all in all it was exactly what he had expected to happened, the only ones who didn't seem to be speak out were those whom knew the child is parents. The inuzuka and hyuuga were the only ones who were privy to the secret, but just like him there hands were tied, neither could speak about the boy is lineage, if they did then they could be exposing the child to far worse things than simple old angry council men.

"I forbid this, if the child is allowed access to ninja material he could become a danger to this village!"

Fugaku uchiha is voice was controlled but behind it there was a silent threat, one that the hokage knew would be carried out, the man was becoming more and more unstable and paranoid as time passed by, the decimation of the uchihas during the nine tails attack had left all uchihas with a sense of dread, for such a powerful clan to be decimated like was both shameful and embarrassing, specially since they were the once who held the contract with the very fox that turned against them.

"Afraid of a child fugaku?"

The head of the hyuuga smirked and glanced at his long time adversary, the decimation of the village had also hurt his clan, but unlike the uchihas they had managed to rebuilt and lost only some of the branch members, so while the uchihas were hurting they were thriving.

"Did you forget that half your clan was blinded by that beast?"

"By the nine tails yes, not by the demon within the child"

"This is getting us no were!"

The head of the Nara clan stood up and glared at the two bickering clan heads, he had been tired of the bickering or even about the silly notion that the child could become a ninja, shikamaru had told him about the boy and he was nothing more than a loser child who couldn't perform the simplest of ninja task.

"Agreed, the simple thing would be to let the child perform this test, it is highly unlikely that he will pass it"

Aburame shshio looked at them and frowned, this was beyond ridiculous how could they all get so riled up over a simple test, one that the boy couldn't possibly pass, and he was just an academy student, not a very good one at that. It was a ridiculous notion to believe that he could best a chunnin.

"So sure are you?"

The yamanaka clan head spoke and smirked, they were all underestimating the blond boy, and they were all forgetting that he had the nine tails sealed within him, who knows what the boy could do.

"Do you think he has access to the demon is chakra?"

The head of the akimichi clan looked worriedly at his friend who simply nodded, once more the rest of the council exploded in anger, sarutobi closed his eyes and frowned, such implications would only cause more trouble for naruto in the long run. If the boy managed to pass the test then it would mean that he some how had access to the demon is chakra, which would lead the clan heads to call for his death.

"Am I the only one seeing what we have here? If the boy can access the power of the demon then he could become one of our greatest ninja?"

The head of the inuzuka clan simply shakes her head and stands from her sit, she has had enough of this ridiculous discussion, there is only so much crap she can take in one day, her kid knows naruto and has hung out with him on occasion. he has not seen any indication of the demon or of any real talent in the boy, to worry about it would be ridiculous and if the kid could indeed summon the demon is chakra then they could have one hell of a weapon in there hands.

"Were are you going?"

Sarutobi looked at the woman with a frown, she however simply smirked and walked out of the council chambers, but before she left she turned towards the council and the hokage and smiled.

"I am done with this meeting, my vote is, let him have his test"

With that said, she vanished and the hokage turned towards the rest of the clan members, he smiled when he saw that both the akimichi and yamanaka head nodding in disapproval. Looking at the rest, he could see that the hyuuga nodded in approval, while the uchihas were rejecting it, the aburames simply nodded also in approval and finally the last of them shakes her head in the negative the Nara clan was against it too. He smirked when he rasied his hand and included his clan in the proceedings.

"The sarutobi clan votes in favor of the test, since we have tied the decision falls in the hands of the hokage, so the motions has passed"

They were gathered to witness a rarity or sorts, this little loophole had been exploited only a handful of time since the village is formation that it was a rarity for some one to call upon it, add that the fact that it was so obscure that no jounin knew about it and you know that if you did not witnessed this event you would be missing something extraordinary. So when the word spread around that an academy student wanted to challenge a chunin for the right to become a genin every one gathered, they all wanted to see who had the gall to make this challenge, when they arrived in the training field they were some what surprised and disappointed to see the blond demon brat standing in the middle of the field.

Naruto looked at all the attending and frowned, he didn't know that this little test was going to turn into something so out of hand, he knew some of the ones gathered and could see why they needed to be here, but the rest were not necessary, the instructors at the academy and a council member had a right to supervise this, but the rest? Looking at the form of the hokage approaching him he could see that the man was afraid for him, his eyes betrayed his demeanor and posture.

"You still want to go trough with this?"

Naruto nodded and cracked his knuckles, the hokage frowned at the overconfidence in the boy, and he was smiling as if waiting for this to get under way, as If his life was not in danger right now.

"You bet, only want to know why so many attending?"

"Did you think the council wasn't going to make a big deal out of this? If you fail they want you to be humiliated and broken"

Naruto is smile faded and crossed his arms, he nodded and glanced at all the attending and frowned, they wanted to see him fail they all were here to see his spectacular demised, they were going to be so disappointed.

"After this is over they will be the ones who are disappointed"

The hokage was taken back by the boy is words, yet he could see the determination, hell it was almost palpable. The look him had changed, he was no longer a child he was so much more, he was ready for this, but more than that the hokage knew that this naruto was not a kid, he was some one who had lived a hard life and one that had not been broken by that hard life, instead he had thrive upon this life, he had been challenged and he had risen up to it, meet it head on and it had made him stronger.

"For your sake I hope that you are right"

Naruto nodded and then some one appeared in the field before him, the hokage frowned and shakes his head, of course his old teammate was going to have a hand in this, facing a chunin would be hard for any one, but facing the gengutsu mistress would be near impossible to beat. Naruto on the other hand simply smiled and looked over at iruka and mizuki who had appeared along side the mysterious black haired woman.

"We are here to assess naruto is performance and this will be his opponent"

Mizuki pointed at the woman beside him and the woman frowned, she wasn't happy to be here, but an order was an order.

"I am yuhi kurenai"

"Naruto uzumaki"

Now that the introduction were over the hokage and the two chunin instructors left the small field and naruto smiled at the red eye woman, she seem to be bored already, if her eyes were any indication she was just like all the other haters that resided within the village, they all hated him because of it. Oh he was well aware of were his unlimited supply of chakra came from, he knew about the little demon on his belly.

"You sure you want to do this kid? Being a chunin is hard work"

"I am used to hard work"

The woman is eyes flashed red and then before naruto could see what had happened she had vanished, he was already trapped in a gengutsu, closing his eyes he took a deep breath and extended his chakra all around his body, if he disrupted the technique then he would negate the purpose of what he had planed. He didn't know who he was going to face, but he had come prepare for every thing, all of his arsenal would be laid out for whom ever came to face him.

The challenge was going to be hard he had no illusions that this would be an easy victory, but he also knew of what he was capable off and if any thing were to go wrong then he could always call upon the demon is power. Looking around he sent chakra to his eyes and found a shadow walking towards him, it would seem that the over confident one was the red eye woman.

For the most part yuhi kurenai was annoyed and angry at having to do this, she had done a good job of avoiding the little demon and keeping out of that mess all together but now she was pulled into this because of his weakness. The instructors at the academy all reported the same thing to the council members, he was weak against gengutsus, so they called the best there was in the field to take care of there little problem. She knew who the demon was and knew what the rules were, that is why she had kept her head low and avoided the kid, because if she ever had a chance she would murder him on sight.

The demon had devastated her life and ruined her, when the demon had attacked it had ruined all of her dreams and ambitions, it had basically crippled her, but she shouldn't complained she wasn't the only one affected by it there were other like her. You see when the demon had attacked it had done something to members of the uchiha clan, it had placed a cursed upon them, no one knew why but the demon had taken the uchiha clan is precious sharingan. Those who were present in the attack were immediately stripped of there sharingan, those who were born after were with out it, a genetic abnormality the doctors would say but the clan knew better.

They had defied the beast and in doing so they had cursed there clan, there eyes would not grow back, they would become common ninja and there clan would cease to exist. Of course, this would not be a sudden thing; despite there decrease in numbers uchihas were still being born with the sharingan, but as the years went by less and less kept appearing. So they were thrown out, exiled from the clan and no longer uchihas, she was a second generation out cast,

Born in a second-class clan; know as branch members, if the hyuugas had a branch family why shouldn't they? After all what was better than to have lap dogs at your disposal. Fury burned in her veins, this boy he was the one responsible for every thing' he needed to die!


A tree sprout from the ground and wrapping naruto is body with its vines, leaving him completely immobilized. The blond looked up at foliage on top of the three and smiled, she was merging out from the three with a kunai in hand, her hand descended upon him and when it connected his chakra electrocuted her. Kurenai screamed in pain and dropped to the ground, naruto made a move and rushed towards the fallen chunin and threw a punch to her face, but the woman jumped away and flipped out of harm is way.

The audience looked on surprised and shock at what had just happened, kurenai had concealed herself in a gengutsu and attacked all at the same time, but when her attack had connected it had hit some kind of energy. Not only that the boy was also detecting her while she was concealed in an illusion.

"Most interesting"

Hyuga hiasi looked on with a small smirk on his face, being a hyuuga had its advantages; his eyes had seen what the little blond had done and it was quite impressive to say the least, the boy had surrounded his whole body with chakra and simply waited to the attack to come knowing that his chakra would repel any kind of attack. The hokage who sat beside him hear the small whisper and turned to the clan head with a raised eye brow.

"What did you see?"

"He covered his body with chakra charging it, so when the kunai was used it repelled the attack, by the looks of it, it also shocked the chunin"

"Shouldn't that have drained him of chakra?"

A silver hair jounin appeared beside them and despite talking to them his gaze was fixed on the battle in the field, hiasi smirked and looked at the hokage with a knowing gaze, despite the silver hair jounin unnecessary question every thing seem to be going all right. Well as all right as they could be with all the clan members witnessing the boy is potential, all around sarutobi could see the look of surprised and anger on many of the present.

"The boy is more than capable of replenishing his chakra reserves if needed"

Hiasi smiled and the jounin nodded, beside them the elite looked on in surprised, a man in green spandex was screaming about such a powerful display of youth, while a woman with a long trench coat simply glared at the blond, her friend was the best and yet here she was getting here ass handed to her by a kid.

"What is she doing?"

She exclaimed in anger and the man beside her smiled, the interrogator expert just shakes his head and looks on at the scene with amazement.

"That kid is stronger than he looks"


A cigarette smoking man looked at the man with a surprised look, but the man wearing a long black trench coat smirked.

"I have seen the boy live, I know what he has been trough and I know that it has only made him stronger"

The silver hair man turned towards ibiki morino and raised his visible eye brow in a questioning matter.

"How strong?"

"That boy there, he will never be broken, will never give up and will face any challenge head on, kurenai has just been given the hardest fight of her life and she doesn't even know it"

The jounin elite turned towards the field and saw the blond boy dodging and blocking invisible attacks that seem to come out of thin air, and then he kicked and punched at an invisible opponent. The silver hair jounin uncovered his eye and saw that kurenai was battling with every thing she had and was still being matched by the blond boy. Then her hand did a series of hand sings before she vanished and was replaced by a clone, the clone continued to battle the blond all the while the real kurenai came from behind him.

Naruto felt a spike in chakra from behind him and frowned, there were two opponents now, the one he was facing in the front and the one who was coming up behind him, he needed to put some distance between himself and them or there combined attack would place him on the defensive. Thinking quickly he put chakra in the soles of his feet and pushed upwards, the two kurenais stopped there attack and looked upwards, but the blond vanished and appeared beside them, his hand quickly connected with the clone kurenai puffing it out of existence.

"Impressive, he surrounded his body with chakra and condenses it to make it heavier than air, which is why he fell so quickly to the ground"

Kakashi is eyes squinted and saw that trough out this whole mess the boy is body continued to be covered in chakra not once had it wavered or faded, it was a constant flow and he could manipulated it as he saw fit, make his body denser or lightens, it also made his body a lot lither than he normally was, how much of it he didn't know.

"Kurenai could lose?"

Anko asked and kakashi nodded, the kind of chakra control the boy had was astounding to say the least, he was able to do thing with it things that shouldn't be possible, not to mention the fact that he was not losing any chakra, anko frowned and clenched her fist tighter, this couldn't be happening.

Kurenai glared at the demon that sent a punch her way, she managed to dodge it but when she dodged his punch her face connected with one of his knees making her stagger backwards, her cover illusion vanished and she re-appeared on the field.

"H-how did you…?"

Looking at the boy she could see the small smile on his face and frowned, something was messing up her chakra network, but that was not possible, only the hyuugas were capable of messing with a ninja is chakra network and yet.

"I sent a slight chakra impulse trough your system; it canceled out your own chakra, so your illusion technique was disabled"

In truth his technique did more, not only did it disrupt what ever illusionary techniques the user had done but it also messed up there chakra network, that way no matter how hard they tried they would be unable to do any kind of jutsus until the charged left there system and returned to normal.

In the audience the rage was mounting, the demon was showing more skill than they had first believed him to have, for some there chances of killing him in this test had already gone up in smoke but for other they were beginning to realize that they might have a problem with the boy. Sarutobi could read all of them and knew that some one was about to make a move towards the boy, when an uchiha jumped trough the crowd and headed straight for naruto he was about to act but saw that the blond was already looking at his un expected attacker.

Kurenai looked in surprised as one of the members of the uchiha clan jumped from the stands and headed straight for them, but what surprised her even more was the fact that he was heading towards her, his red eyes stared at her and she saw her death behind them. Of course he would be angry for nothing finishing the mission; he was doing this out of retribution, because she couldn't kill the demon, she knew that she would be first and then the blond.

"You fool; it was such a simple task!"

The man pulled a kunai, kurenai was about to move but found herself unable to do so, she was going to die, but before the kunai connected with her face a hand appeared in front of it, the kunai pierced the hand and blood splattered over her face. Following the hand she saw that it was connected to the blond she had just been fighting, the uchiha looked surprised and then before he could do or say any thing he on the ground with a kunai to his neck.

"Should I kill you now or let the hokage handle you?"

"You are going to die demon!"

The blade pressed harder on the man is throat, before it could cut deeper the hokage is hand was placed on naruto is shoulder, turning towards the old man he smiled and pulled away from the man, as two anbu appeared to pick up the uchiha.

"So do I pass or what?"

Kurenai looked on as the little blond boy smiled fondly at the old man, it was as if the incident hadn't even happened, but what surprised her the most was the fact that the hokage seem to return the smiled with a proud and warmth tone to it. Who ever this kid was he had the hokage is approval; there was no doubt about that.

"You…save me?"

Both turned to look at a startled kurenai looking at the blond is hand, naruto looked at his hand and began to wrapped a small cloth over it, he didn't want any more enemies just because he had the healing powers of the demon. The woman how ever looked at the boy and frowned, why would he save her? Every thing she had heard made him out to be some kind of demon in disguised.

"You're a konoha ninja"

The hokage smiled and patted the boy on the shoulder, there was no other motive or reason for the boy to save kurenai, he didn't know her, so why save her? The answer was quite simple, he saved her because she was an allied ninja and that was all that was needed, those words in themselves spoke volumes of what kind of ninja naruto could become.

"Now that this test is over, naruto uzumaki you are a ninja also"

The blond smiled up at the old man who handed him a head band right there on the spot, the people in the crowd or more precisely the council members were about to shout in anger when a single look from the hokage made them settle back down. Naruto for the most part simply looked at the headband and smirked, he was getting closer to achieving his goal, all he needed now was to get stronger, stronger than any other being in existence and then he would be able to fulfill his dream.

"No genin team?"

"No, you far exceed the rank of genin my boy you, you will be a special case"

The hokage smirked and vanished dragging naruto along; leaving behind the stunned audience behind.


Genin Naruto uzumaki looked at the man before him and smiled, this would be his second team he did a rotation with, but this one was different than the other, this time joining the team would allowed him to take the up coming chunnin exam. After a year in probationary duties that included joint mission with other genin and lone mission within the village he was finally given a unit to work with.

"You understand the mission?"

"Keep an eye out for Fugaku uchiha is son, sasuke and the Haruno heir"

The uchihas had expressed quite the concern over the fact that there son was being targeted by an S-class missing nin, according to Jiraya the frog hermit the snake sannin Orochimaru was after the sharingan eyes, his target the son of the leader of the uchiha clan. According to the Intel, the mad man believed that the strongest sharingan eyes belonged to the son of the leader, Sasuke, this reasoning came after being defeated by none other than itachi uchiha.

"Tell me old man, why didn't itachi finish off the snake?"

"He was not alone; he was paired up with another S-class missing Nin"

Sarutobi hated to be so bland about the organization that orochimaru belonged too, but he had no other choice, the boy didn't need to know that the organization was targeting him and that is why itachi had faced off against the snake to begin with. The demon within naruto carried a huge burden, one that the boy was not ready to be deal with hence why he was being so aloft about the subject.

"Which is part of an organization right?"

"Jiraya will handle that organization, you need to focus"

Naruto frowned; his attempts at pulling more Intel on the snake is organization from both Jiraya and The hokage had resulted in nothing but failures. both of them were tight lipped about the whole thing, and from what he had been able to find out they had given strict orders to whom ever was involved in the itachi, orochimaru fight to keep there mouths shut. Despite months of looking for any thing he had come up empty handed, no one talked and no records were kept.

"Fine so according to the info, orochimaru wants sasuke is eyes, because he is the second son of the clan leader and has the strongest uchiha blood on him right?"

"Yes, he believes that since sasuke is brother is itachi, the boy will posses some of his brother is qualities"

Naruto nodded, that made sense, in a twisted kind of way, sure he knew that the two uchihas were related but just because they were related didn't mean that they were going to be equally talented. There skills were as different as water and oil.

"The girl is the problem here"


The hokage nodded and threw a letter to naruto, opening it he frowned, another letter from the harunos, looking at the hokage from the letter he rolled his eyes and crumpled the thing up then threw it away.

"I know is ridiculous naruto, but you must remember that they are quite the influential family in the village"

"Hiratake Haruno & Izami Haruno, wealthy bastards that treat there daughter like a spoiled little princes, yeah I know them old man, question is why do I have to put up with them?"

"They are a strong source of income for the village, and just because there daughter joined the academy to be close to her crush does not mean…"

He couldn't go on, the girl was a ridiculous thing of a ninja, only entering the program to be next to a boy was a horrible way to start a ninja career, but then again she was no worse off than the daughter of he Yamanaka clan, she was as spoiled as the pink hair girl, the only difference was that one came from a respectable ninja clan and had the possibility to exceed in her training, the other did not.

"I'll watch over her old man, just don't expect me to cuddle her"

"Just keep her alive all right"


With that the boy flashed out of the room and the hokage smiled, naruto was just like his father, so much so that he had even created a similar technique that resembled the thunder flying god technique his father was famous for.

"If you could only see him now"

The old man smiled at an old picture of the forth.

Outside of the building a silver hair man looked at the blond boy and frowned, he remembered watching him a couple of years back participating in a once in a life time battle proficiently exam, an exam in which he had excelled and showed that he was no ordinary ninja. He was a ninja whom is skills had only improved as time went by, one whose is skills were unmatched by any ninja currently residing within the village. He had seen a sparring match between the blond genin and the pride of the uchiha clan, itachi, the battle was one of the best fights he had seen and what was more surprising was that the blond had fought the uchiha prodigy to a stand still.

Itachi had ran out of chakra before he could finish off the boy, as for naruto he had used a fighting technique that had the uchiha guessing every move, there was no way to counter or copy naruto is techniques, the blond didn't follow normal rules of fighting he was just threw punches, kick and techniques out of no were, hell the blond had not done one hand sign trough out the fight, but he had been casting Justsus trough the battle when asked how he had done it he had simply smiled and told them it was an uzumaki secret.

"You want to say something to me?"

Kakashi smirked under his mask, of course he knew the blond had detected his presence, no matter what they did he always seem to sense whom was near him, a skill that naruto had acquired out of necessity, after all if he hadn't acquired this skill the boy would be long dead by now.

"We have a team meeting tomorrow"

"You want me to come? I am not a part of your team kakashi, I'm on assignment remember"

"Maybe so but you still have to attend"

"Is that an order?"

Kakashi jumped beside the blond from his spot on the roof and naruto turned to face him, ever since he had passed the proficiency exam there had been some slight friction between him and the other jounin, from those who didn't like him at all and opposed his promotion, to those who simply didn't think he should be a genin at all. Kakashi was still a mystery to him, he didn't fit any of those categories and that bothered him, what ever the problem or uneasiness he felt when ever kakashi was around he couldn't determined were it came from. Kakashi distrusted him and was weary of him, the copy cat always hid something, and that was enough to keep naruto on his guard.

"A suggestion, you should know them before the exam"

"I'll be there…but tell me why the haruno girl is such a failure?"

"Ummmhhh…she dwells more on the uchiha clan than on her training"

"Have you done nothing to change her views?"

"She will not change"

Naruto smirked, so it came from both teacher and student, if the teacher was reluctant to teach and the student was reluctant to learn then there would be no progress made, it seem that the fault lied with the teacher as much as it did with the student.

"I see, ok then ill see you tomorrow bright and early"

"On training grounds 7"

Naruto smiled and vanished, kakashi is expression immediately changed when he saw naruto is technique, the boy with out knowing it had created a technique that resembled his father is own, it was not as great as his fathers technique but it was a close second to it, the advantage it had over the old one was the fact that he didn't need a point of origin. Naruto could teleport any were within his range as long as he thought of the place, he didn't need specially marked kunai, he just flashed to were ever he wanted to go.

Bright and early, yeah that was kakashi all right, he had arrived at the designated training grounds and had found kakashi is students standing there waiting for there sensei to get there. Poor bastard would be waiting for a while, fortunately he had other plans, he wanted to get to know them better and this was the perfect chance to do just that. Flashing before them he smiled when the pink hair girls jumped behind the uchiha and the uchiha stand defensively in front of the pink haired girl.

"Greetings young genin, I am naruto uzumaki and I am here to test your skills!"

Sasuke was about to ask him what he was getting at when suddenly another naruto popped out of thin air, sakura eeps from behind him and he frowned, this was going to difficult, he couldn't go up against two opponents and also defend sakura, naruto lifted an eye brow and frowned, was this all the girl did? Hide behind others?

"Whoa whoa, hold up a sec, your thinking of taking both of us on?'

"Yeah, I don't need any help!"

"Wait, what is she going to do?"

Naruto pointed at the pink hair girl and sasuke frowned, what was she going to do indeed, she was going to do nothing, she never did.

"She is…back up"

Naruto groaned and shock his head, this was kakashi is team? They were pitiful, there was no way that they were this ill prepared, sasuke couldn't take on two opponents all the while protecting sakura, taking a deep breath the dispelled his clone and sat in front of them, there was no way they were this ill prepared.

"Who the hell are you!?"

Sakura screamed at him and naruto frowned, so big mouth and little to no skill, looking at sasuke he could see that he was used to her, but still was annoyed by her, mighty decent of him to not point out how annoying she was.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki and I wanted to see how well kakashi had trained you"

"We didn't fight"

Sasuke was confused, this guy was all over the place, first he appeared to be attacking them then he seem confused and now he was disappointed, disappointed in them no less, frowning the uchiha stepped forward glared at the teen, how dare he be disappointed in him with out him being tested fairly, naruto could see that the kid was beginning to get angry, he had a reason to be, he was being judged and the outcome was not to flattering.

"You didn't need too, you are a team and as such I wanted to test you like one, but while you might be prepare to fight, she is not"

Sasuke frowned and closed his mouth, he couldn't argue with the blond teen, how could he when he knew that he was right.

"Hey I am a haruno pal so"

"So what? He is an uchiha and he knows that being a ninja is serious business, what if I was a foreign ninja and wanted the pride of killing an uchiha, what if I had attack him what would you have done? Call for kakashi?"

"Sakura is well verse in…"

Naruto frowned at sasuke; it was good that he was standing up for his friend and team mate, not so good when you didn't have the means to defend them with.

"What has kakashi thought you since he got you?"

"To climb trees"

Lazy bastard, he had taught them nothing, climbing trees was a good skill but were was the ninjutsu training, the genjustu training and every other things a ninja needed to learn. This was unbelievable, how could he be a jounin instructor and not teaches anything to them? Taking a deep breath he stood up and smiled at them.

"All right you lot, first things first I am naruto uzumaki, jounin level ninja and since I am this young and a jounin you know that I am good"

"Yeah right!"

"Sakura please!"

Sasuke was interested, he knew that what the blond teen was saying was the truth, itachi was young and was an anbu, if this teen was a jounin then he was indeed strong. Sakura frowned when sasuke quiet her down, but was really surprised her was the attention sasuke was placing on this blond jerk, from the near by threes kakashi smiled and looked on at his student, it seem that naruto was not interested in taking the role of a student, the blond had settle into a nice role as a second instructor to the team, which was fine by him since this would give him a lot more time to spend reading his icha, icha paradise collections. He was about to relax and leave the three people in the field to get acquainted when he felt something land behind him, he smiled when he recognized the chakra signature, it was one he had not felt in a long time.

"You mission finally over?"

"Yes, I came as soon as I could…I-is that him"

Kakashi nodded to the red headed woman, he could see the small smile on her lips.

"You should be proud of him, a jounin at his age, in a time of peace he is quite the ninja"

"So I heard"

Kushina uzumaki looked on at her son and wondered how he would react to her sudden re-appearance.


I got an idea and I couldn't get it out of my head, so I had to put it down before it went away, here is what came out of it.