Author:...So It's been two years since I updated this story, now if I say I was too busy, I'd be lying. But the truth of the matter is, is that I started writing my own book, which yes got published on kindle "Subtle Shift" then I started writing Twi/ HP and I have a condition lol of OCD with plot lines. Once I'm hooked I forget about everything else. So I do apologize for not finishing this story. Also, I'll try to bring it to a happy and thorough ending.

Disclaimer: HP is not mine.

"Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the baddest motherfucker in the world. If I

moved to a martial-arts monastery in China and studied real hard for ten years. If my family was wiped out by Colombian drug dealers and I swore

myself to revenge. If I got a fatal disease, had one year to live, and devoted it to wiping out street crime. If I just dropped out and devoted my life to

being bad."

― Stephenson

2014 Reboot Continuing...

The mansion

Draco gripped the edge of the table in front of him, he wasn't going to shed another tear. How long had it been since he'd allowed his mind to wander to that time.

The other three men just silently listened as he spoke.

"I'm not sure how it all started, but one day the stares and the whispers were too much. I wasn't ready I suppose for the publics hatred of my family. I guess I simply assumed that with the death of my mother, they'd understand."

He paused laughed, he finally felt brave enough to lift his eyes to meet the others. He felt especially hesitant to meet Potters eyes, but in the end he held his stare.

"I met him before he'd become more twisted, at a den of sin, everyone there was son or daughter of someone wealthy. All of us had one goal, and it was to become as debauched as possible. Drugs, and liquor were in abundance. Sex was merely the after party, I never participated in those events really. Guess I'd been raised with too much pride."

He shifted, clearing his throat, "He approached me, and I knew he was different, dangerous and powerful. Everyone there bowed before him, at this time had no idea of his true identity only that everyone else was scared of him. Simply put it was love at first site. Hahaha."

Harry shifted but he couldn't hold back his question, "So why did you leave him?"

Draco eyes turned dark, "Because…Potter, the man I loved put the completed puzzle of Voldemorts hocruxes inside me. I'm like a ticking bomb, only thing left is the key."

Nott's Hotel

Ron slammed through the door, and marched into the room only to stop short at the site of Nott seated in a chair. His leg stretched out casually in front of him.

He pulled a sheaf of paper from his pocket and tossed it at Nott's feet, "What is wrong with you?! How could you send that to my home?!"

Nott didn't flinch at Ron's ire, and placing his tumbler of scotch on the side table he stood. "You avoid me, and ignore my calls. Ron I won't let you go, no matter how fast you run. Your mine, and you'll always be. Even if I have to rip others apart to have you."

His face morphing into shock, Ron shook his head, he could feel tears building up, "Nott…You… you just don't get it. I was never running from you, I-I just wanted to be normal. Your life isn't normal, you're working for him, and he is destroying you. I begged you in Rio, I begged for you to quit but you refused."

Frustrated his brushed the tears out of his eyes, "The one time I asked you for anything, you refused."

His face pained Nott stepped forward, his arms coming around Rons, "I can't Ron, I know you begged, did you think I didn't know how you felt. He owns me, he owns my family I can't simply walk away there is too much on the table for me to lose."

He pulled back, his hands coming to both sides of Ron's face, "But even if that's true, I won't let you go…never will I do that."

Ron wasn't prepared for the feeling of a Taser on his neck, and his eyes widened in shock when he suddenly fell forward into darkness.


"Calvin you have ten minutes and they better be filled with a lot of info."

Calvin smirked at Brady he wondered if the man noticed how clow the minister was standing to him. He shrugged he wasn't here to dig into their closets.

"Well it seems, that the man murdering the young man and women, is not the same man whose about to pull a terrorist attack. They are just helping each other out apparently, both murders seemed to have pattern but it's four going north, and the others are going in the direction of south."

Brady groaned, placing a hand on his brow, "So there are two murders, and a terrorist attack." He turned troubled eyes towards Craige, "You're going to have to let the newspapers publish some of this story."

Craige his face solemn nodded, grabbing his coat off the desk he left he office.


Brady glanced up at Calvin, who had a shit eating grin on his face.

"So what?"

Calvin let his finger circle the edge of his arm rest, "So how long ago did you and Minister Bonk each other, because my curiosity is dying to know."

Brady, was still cussing after he'd tossed a folder at the brats head.

Herms and Seamus apartment

Seamus pulled the phone out of his pocket, and dialed Hermione's number again. Hearing the dial tone, he stood up and glanced at the picture of them on the wall.

Quickly he went and dialed for the auror team, "Hello?"

"Hi, James this is Seamus, Hermione's gone missing, and it may be related to the recent case me and Potter were looking into. Since no one has seen him for a week. I want you to put a warrant, for Malfoy son and father now."

"Wh- but Potter just called in this morning, he's at the mansion."

Seamus shocked, "WHAT!? Call him now, and tell him Hermione has went missing you idiot!"

Bad place

Hermione brushed her hands along the young boy's blonde hair, so this was the son of the two biggest rivals in school.

She shook her head, the fact that the boy was obedient and sweet was sure to change when he reached eleven. If his fathers were anything to go by.


She jerked her head up towards the door, where a hooded man stood.

She pulled the young boy closer to her, "Who are you?"

The man "Tsked", "I'm someone the whole world should know… but that's not really important. You my dear are merely bait, so I'm sure you'd rather not know everything, just sit tight and enjoy the…well peace, for now."

Hermione shouted after him, but he'd melted back into the shadows of the hallway.

Author:...oh and one final exscuse...just got back from south korea...what!