A/N: This is my first fanfic and i love twilight. I think Jacob and Rosalie would make a good couple. This is 10 years after BD. Nessie picked Nahule instead of Jacob. She thinks of him as only a brother. Emmett left Rosalie for Tanya. He's had a thing for Tanya for a while but felt he owed it to stay with Rosalie cuz she saved him from the bear. Rosalie and Jacob find that they are falling in love with each other.
Chapter one
I smelled leech and not just any leech it was Bella. I wearily opened my eyes and let them adjust to the light. "What are you doing in here bells?" I groaned. "Getting your wolfy ass out of bed, that's what I'm doing here." She said. I glared at her and rolled over not wanting to face her or anyone else for that matter. "Jake it's been over a month since she left. I think you need to get out of this room now." She said pleading with me. I sighed heavily and rolled over to glare at my best friend. "I'll stay in this dam room for however long I feel like. You of all people should understand what I'm going through right now." I growled at her. She flinched at my words and looked at me sadly. "That's exactly why I'm here Jake. Edward and I thought maybe you should go and stay at Isle Esme for a while. You need to get away and try to move on. I don't want you to be a zombie like I was Jake. The sun, fresh air and water will be good for you." She said hopefully.
I thought about it for a few moments and the more I did the better it sounded. I did need to get away. Everything here reminded me of nes…Her. I couldn't even think her name without cringing. "Your right bells, I do need to get out of here. The longer I stay the more depressed I get." I said dejectedly. "Oh Jacob I know you won't regret this." She said grabbing me into a bear hug. "Now don't get mad but Rosalie is going to go with you." Bella said as fast as she could. "WHAT!!!" I roared as loud as I could. She must be insane if she thinks I'm going on a vacation with blondie the ice queen. "Don't give me that look Jacob black." Bella said sternly. "Rose has been through a tuff time this past year and half with the divorce and now with Emmett marrying Tanya this month." She said. Bella was right. I forgot about Blondie and her issues. Not that I cared but now I could understand how she feels. "Fine Bells I'll go with blondie but I won't like it. I'll complain the whole time and bother her with my blonde jokes." I said seriously. "I wouldn't expect anything else jake." She said and left.
I can't believe they convinced me to take this stupid trip with that mongrel. Who would have thought that I, Rosalie Hale would be stuck on island with Jacob Black for two months? I sure as hell did not see this coming. UHHH!!! Why me?? What did I do to deserve this?? I felt like screaming. I guess it could be worse. I could be forced to sit and watch my once love of my life marry someone else. "I can do this. I'm Rosalie Hale. I'm beautiful and strong. I will totally kick that dog's ass in a second if he steps out of line." I said to my reflection in my vanity mirror. Just then I heard a knock at my bedroom door. "Come in Alice." I said and in can my pixie like sister with her arms filled with shopping bags. At least someone is enjoying the idea of this trip. "Rose you won't believe the outfits I bought you. You are going to look amazing, especially in this red bikini." Alice shrieked while holding up two skimpy pieces of cloth that I'm guessing was suppose to be my bikini. "Seriously Alice why would I want to wear that around the dog? I'm just going so I can relax and get away from everyone's pitying looks." I told her coldly. He face fell for a moment but just as quickly a huge smile lit her face. "It's not for Jacob silly. It's for you. I know how you like to look your best even if the "dog" will be there." She said happily. She was right just because that mongrel was going to be there too didn't mean I couldn't go around looking my absolute best. I sighed and smiled at my sister. "Well let's start packing!!" I said as enthusiastically as I could.
Two days and 15 suitcases later Jacob and Rosalie made their way up the steps of the beautiful island home. Both quickly headed to their rooms trying desperately to get away from each other. Alone in his room Jacob walked out onto the balcony and took in his surroundings. It was absolutely the most beautiful place he ever saw. The sand was bright white and looked like smooth silk. The water was like a sparkling blue diamond. He took a deep breath and the smell was an intoxicating blend of salt water and island foliage. This would have been the perfect place to have a honeymoon with nes..Her, he thought to himself. But that was never going to happen. She choose someone else to spend eternity with. Nahuel. Just his name made Jacob clench his fist and shake with anger. He shook his head and took some deep calming breaths. He was not going to think of Her while he was here. He was going to move on. At least try too. He walked back into his room and looked around. Bella told him that Esme had done some redecorating a few years back. The room was large and spacious. The furniture was all white and had that shabby chic look to it. The walls were a pale green with white crown molding. Against the wall was a massive king sized bed with a white and pale green comforter and sheets. The bed looked incredibly inviting but Jacob would not waste his days in bed anymore. He decided to put some swimming trunks on and go test the water.
Rosalie looked around her room content with the décor. She felt it complemented her beauty quite well. The walls were deep lavender and the floors were dark hardwood. The furniture was all a deep cheery wood finish. The bed was spectacular to Rosalie even though she had no use for it. IT was a four poster bed covered in a lavender comforter and sheet set. IT was also draped with shimmering gossamer curtains in various shades of lavender. Rosalie felt like an Arabian princess in a sultan's palace. This was definitely the place to take her mind off of her ex-husbands upcoming nuptials. She could still hardly believe that a year and half ago Emmett left her for Tanya. It still angered her that he simply said that they grew apart and they were different people now. That he would always love her but he was not "in love" with her anymore and that Tanya was his true soul mate. What a load of crap she thought. She still couldn't believe that he would want someone who wasn't half as beautiful as she was. She sighed and decided she would lay out on the beach and enjoy the feeling of the sun on her skin. Rosalie slipped into her skimpy red bikini and looked at herself in the mirror and thought that Alice was right. She did look amazing in it.
Jacob was diving into the waves and enjoying the water when the sickeningly sweet smell burned his nose. He turned his head and there she was, Rosalie in all her glory. Her skin sparkled like she had been dipped in a giant bowl of glitter. The sun shone off her silky blonde locks creating a golden glow about her face and shoulders. Jacob's breath hitched at the sight of her in her itty biddy red bikini. His eyes traveled the whole length of her body. She had just the right amount of curves to bring any man to his knees. He watched as she gracefully laid her statuesque frame down on her towel. He couldn't help but think what it would be like to lay on top of her and run his hands all over her curvaceous body. Jacob quickly dunked himself in the cold ocean water to push away those sinful thoughts.
"What the hell!!" I shouted to myself. I can't think of blondie the ice queen like that. Of course she's beautiful but she's a bloodsuckers for Christ sakes. Nes…Her leaving me has definitely messed with my head. I got to get out of here and back to the house. It's just jet lag that's all. A nice meal and some rest will clear my mind. Maybe I should phase and go for a run?? That might help too. Yeah a good long run would definitely help and maybe Embry or Quil will be phased too. They could keep my mind off of nes…her and Blondie.
Rosalie walked towards the beach and immediately felt the sun warm her cold body. As she set her towel down she caught the scent of wet dog. EWW dog she thought as she laid down on her towel. The scent grew stronger and Rosalie glanced back towards the water only to see Jacob in his entire god like glory emerging from the water. She couldn't help but stare at his massive frame from head to toe. She always had a thing for muscles and he did not disappoint. His broad shoulders and bulging biceps made her yearn for him to wrap them around her. She sucked in a unnecessary breath as her eyes traveled down his well cut chest and sculpted 8 pack all the way down to that delicious v where his board shorts hung dangerously low. She couldn't help but wonder if his manhood was just as big as the rest of him.
"WHAT am I thinking!!?" I yelled to myself. He's just a filthy flea bitten mutt. I have definitely lost my mind. I need to find a man and soon. I'm relying on B.O.B (battery operated boyfriend) way too much. I'm so desperate I'm finding this mongrel attractive now. What is wrong with me? I mean im a vampire and he's just some mangy mutt. I'm old enough to be his great-great-grandmother. I need to call one of my sisters. One of them should be able to talk some sense into me.
Both Rosalie and Jacob left the beach and tried to put as much distance between themselves as possible. This was definitely going to be a long vacation.