Chapter Seven: Explaination
A/N: Sorry for the long wait between chapters. I've been quite busy with school. I know this fic has only had 7 chapters in the last year. I don't plan to end it anytime soon either. However, time to write on it is fleeting. Such is it with school, a job, and side projects.
"This is awful, Albus. Do you understand that I just raped a student? Not only that, I'm about to go show that rape to the Dark Lord?" Severus stared, livid at the old man before him. He had just sent Harry on his way and it wouldn't be too much longer before he was to report to Voldemort…and show the man what he had done.
"Yes, Severus. It is awful. But, I must say that this isn't the worst thing that could've happened to him," the bespectacled man said softly. He leaned forward and steepled his fingers on the table, the man's long fingers pointing to the roof.
"It's not? It's not the worst to have been raped and addicted to drugs? Albus, this is going to destroy him and I'm shocked that you don't care," Severus said, narrowing his eyes.
A long sigh sounded from the old man lips and he looked to the dark man before him. "Severus, you are not to question my motives. I've given this plenty of thought and this is the best course of action. What would you have done? I trust you. The fact that this bothers you so much about it is obvious that you care as well and I couldn't be happier. However, you have to trust that this is going to work out. This is a dangerous game we're playing. Mr. Potter is playing the biggest role and he doesn't even know it."
"I don't like the thought of raping a child, Albus! What if I refuse to go along with this anymore? There's nothing good that is going to come of this!"
"Severus, what makes you think that if you were to back out of this now that Tom wouldn't just kill you? Send someone after you and be rid of you and then give the job to someone else?"
The dark haired man glared. "You've made your point quite clear, Albus. I'll leave now."
Snape sighed as he settled into his desk. Before him sat a bashful Harry Potter and an utterly speechless Draco Malfoy.
"Draco, you've gone and stuck your nose where it does not belong. Within an hour's time, you've destroyed everything that I've worked so hard on," the Potion's Master muttered as he leaned toward his desk, his hands folded carefully before him. "What made you think this was a good idea at all?" he snapped, his voice cold.
Draco's features immediately turned sour at he raised his head to look at the man before him. "No one knows where your loyalties lie and desperate times call for desperate measures. I don't have to explain myself to you because you'll open that large mouth of yours and tell someone. Be it Voldemort or Dumbledore, it doesn't bode well for me."
Harry glanced over and saw that Draco's eloquence had returned to him for the time being. No longer was he the nervous man that he was having the sweaty paw-fest with in the class room not even an hour ago.
A loud sigh emanated from Severus's mouth. He leaned forward and squeezed the bridge of his nose.
"What I am about to say does not leave this room," Severus began a moment later. "Because if it does it's certain death for all three of us."
Harry's body tensed as he looked up to the professor before him. A mixture of excitement, anticipation, and fright began to seize his body as he realized that he was soon going to know why these last few days had been happening at all.
"Why should we trust a single word you say?" Draco immediately spoke up. "How do we know that Deatheaters aren't on their way to dispatch us so that you can save your own skin?"
Silence rang in the room for a moment before Snape spoke again. "Are you finished? There is no one coming. The only people involved with this are… the major players, if you will. Outside of this room, the only people who have any idea that this happening, besides the sneaking suspicions of Potter's friends, are the Dark Lord and the Headmaster."
"Dumbledore knows?" Harry asked. His voice was barely above a peep, but it held astounded realization. Dumbledore knew that Snape was giving him this drug and …doing that to him? He knew and he didn't stop him? He didn't think of another route for them to take? He just let this happen?
Harry immediately stood and pounded his fist on the desk. He looked at Snape and glared. His head was still slightly clouded from the drug he had taken, but this revelation was forcing his mind to be clear. "You're a liar, Snape! A bloody liar!"
"Mr. Potter, calm yourself. I do owe you an explanation, and one you shall get, but you two don't seem to understand how big this is." He paused and looked to Draco. "I suppose you do, Mr. Malfoy, being that you tested the drug. You're intelligent enough to put two and two together."
Harry felt his chest heaving. "An explanation? That's all I get? After… all that? Just an explanation?" His body was shaking, his mind emerged from the murky water that it had submerged in before.
"Harry, you are to sit down and keep your mouth closed, am I understood?" Severus commanded through gritted teeth, his seating unchanged.
The other man's words swept over Harry and he felt the overpowering urge to obey. He wanted to scream, to attack the man before him, but he didn't. He managed a dirty look before he took a seat before the man before him.
"Now, if you both are finished?" He paused for a moment, looking at the both of them. "Very well, several months ago, the Dark Lord learned of Infinity. Obviously both of you can tell the use that drug would have to him in his plans to take over. He ordered me to oversee the testing. He planned to use it to capture Mr. Potter and many other anti-coalition leaders that he felt he may run into. I alerted Dumbledore to the Dark Lord's plans and we decided to play it safe and see where this went. When we learned that he wanted me slip Harry the drug within the walls of Hogwarts, Dumbledore okay'd this. I can't think of why Dumbledore would okay such a thing."
Harry stared at the man before him. He could hardly believe that Snape was actually this double agent he was saying he was. He could hardly believe that he was actually Dumbledore's man while he took the orders from Voldemort.
Draco was the first to speak. "So, you're siding with Dumbledore and the Order?"
"Indeed. I am, and it looks as if you want to do the same, Mr. Malfoy."
Draco shrugged. "I'd rather not take a side, but it doesn't look like I can just go neutral after what I've done."
"Don't give me anymore of the drug, Snape," Harry said, cutting the Professor off before he could make a comment on Draco's statement.
"That's almost impossible. It's not as if I want to give you this drug and to use your body as I have. I have to give it to you. It's not just my life and Draco's life that are in danger, it's yours as well, Mr. Potter," Snape said, his eyes focusing on the Gryffindor before him.
"Why would Dumbledore okay thing?" Harry yelled, standing from his seat. "I thought that he wanted to keep me safe—to keep the students safe, why would he do this!"
"Harry. Sit and be quite."
And Harry did, attempting to fight the overwhelming urge to obey at first, but quickly giving in when the need to please Severus overcame him.
"I don't know. I've already told you, I don't know. My only reasoning is that he wanted to keep me alive. He believes that if I weren't the one to do it, someone else would have been. Look at Draco and tell me he didn't have people capable of doing his bidding. Sure, Mr. Malfoy was going to help you to save his own skin, but he isn't the only child of a Deathteater within these walls."
Draco gave a sour look at Harry and looked away. "He's right, you know. Crabbe or Goyle would've enjoyed hurting you."
Harry began to feel sick again. He didn't want to think about this. He felt as if all of his free will were being ripped from him. No longer was the king in the chess game, but, no, a pawn, a mere playing piece. He was the last pawn that the white side of the board had and the white king was setting him up to be taken down by the dark pieces around him.
And while he felt disgusted, he felt some empathy for Snape and Draco. The thought of having sex with either of them perturbed him to no end, but he knew what it was like to be forced to do something he didn't want to.
He was the Chosen One, but what did that mean now? And just what role did Snape and Draco play in this extremely confusing game of black and white? Where were the shades of gray that these two seemed to be? It didn't make sense to him and, somehow, he doubt it would.
"What do I have to do to get out of this?" Harry said, forcing himself to be calm.
"It's simple, really," Severus said, leaning back in his chair. "There are three options that you have. The first option is that you can hand yourself over to the Dark Lord. The second option is to keep doing what you are, going along with whatever Professor Dumbledore has planned, or, lastly, you find a way to kill the Dark Lord."
Rage started to fill Harry again. It sounded as if the Potions Master were teasing him in his sorry situation. "It's not funny," Harry said with gritted teeth.
"Indeed, it's not. I wasn't aware that I was trying to be," Snape drawled. "But whatever you choose, I am on your side. Now, Harry, you are to tell no one about this. It would only endanger your friends' lives were they to know. It's in their best interest to keep quite. As for you, Mr. Malfoy, you know the dangers of opening your mouth to the Dark Lord. My advice is to practice the Occlumency that you were taught by your Aunt Bellatrix and be vigilant."
Severus sighed and waved them away. "You both may go now."
Harry stood, along with Draco and the two made their way out of the Potions Master's chamber. The brunette sighed and pulled out his invisibility cloak before giving one last glance at his would-be lover.
"Potter," Draco said softly. "I… I wouldn't have hurt you earlier."
Harry felt his face go pink and he slid the cloak over himself, attempting to hide the evidence.
"I just want out. You may think it's bad on the receiving end of this terrible project, but it's just as hard to be on my side as well. I thought I wanted this, but I know better now. I'm afraid for my life and my family's life. I just want it over. I'm with you too on this."
The Gryffindor swallowed thickly and nodded his head, not thinking that Draco couldn't see him through his cloak.
"R-right, then," he muttered softly. "I don't know what you could possibly do. Snape either. You're both branded. You're his. It's not as easy to help the other side. Leaving him would just get you killed."
Draco looked away. "Staying with him is going to get me killed too. At least this way I have a chance to die a hero instead of a villain."
To Be Continued.