Birthday Gift Wrap
Saturday, July 1, 2006 -- my 28th birthday
The bright summer sun was peeking around my bedroom curtains, waking me earlier this morning than I had intended. I was too happy, though, to care. It was my first full weekend off in ages - a thoughtful birthday gift from Sam - and one I greatly appreciated. I bounced out of bed, cheerful and excited about the prospect of the wonderful day ahead. Amelia, Tara, and I had scheduled a girls' spa session, complete with facial, massage, manicure and pedicure. There would still be time to sunbathe this morning before our long afternoon of pampering, and Eric had promised me 'a sinful birthday evening to remember,' to quote my vampire. Yum.
Besides the pleasant agenda before me, I had been looking forward to this birthday for several other reasons. First, I was finally healed, both physically and mentally, from the traumatic events of six months earlier. I was ready to put my fairy heritage behind me and all of the pain that my connection to the fairy world had brought me. Secondly, Eric and I had finally reached a definite comfort level in our relationship. We were still blood-bonded and pledged, which brought its own set of problems and frustrations at times. However, I had never felt more secure and passionate about my feelings for Eric. I was finally in a 'good place' in my life, and I was ready to celebrate.
I followed the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and found myself in the kitchen with Amelia.
"Good morning, birthday girl!" she chirped and I had to agree with her sentiment.
"Morning," I replied, grabbing a mug and pouring myself some coffee. "You're up early for a Saturday," I added.
"Couldn't sleep, and the sunshine today was too beautiful to ignore," she said as she took a sip from her own cup. "Are you ready for a great day and an even better night?" she teased. "Any clue what Eric has planned for you two?"
"Probably nothing I can tell you about tomorrow without blushing," I said hopefully.
She smiled and then we both giggled like silly teenagers. It was a relief to see Amelia back to herself again. It had been a long recovery since Tray Dawson's death, and she deserved some pampering and TLC of her own.
There was a sharp knock at the door and we both looked at each other, surprised.
"You expecting anyone, Sook?" she asked.
I shook my head and Amelia said, "Maybe it's some birthday flowers for you from Eric!" and she bounded to the hallway.
I eagerly followed behind, only to find her opening the front door to reveal my fairy-stripper-cousin Claude. He stood perfectly still, like a brown-eyed Renaissance statue, his beautiful black hair rippling as his large frame filled the doorway.
I was surprised to see him, as this was only the second time we'd done so since the Fairy War. But seeing each other reminded us of Claudine, and her death was still too painful to accept. Claude had chosen to remain here when Niall permanently blocked passage between our worlds. My fairy cousin would never able to return to the fae realm, a decision that must have been a difficult one for him.
"Happy birthday, Sookie," he said in a totally aloof manner. We had never been close before but at least Claudine had brought out the best in us towards each other. That was gone now, too.
"I have something for you," he said. His expression was sullen, a typical one for him.
"Um, thank you," I stammered. "I didn't think you'd know… I mean, you didn't have to," I added, trying to conceal my shock and surprise.
"May I come in?" he asked pointedly, as if I was the rudest hostess in the world. Amelia looked to me questioningly and we both stepped back to allow him entrance.
"Of course," I replied. "It's good to see you again, Claude," I said, now the perfect model of composure.
He nodded to both Amelia and myself and strode past us to the living room. I noticed he was carrying a buff-colored envelope and a small, beautifully wrapped box.
"I can't stay long, I have to be at a photo shoot," my cousin informed us. He was dressed in running shoes, nylon shorts and a tight tank top which accented his perfect abs. I wondered if the photo session was for the Olympics—he certainly resembled a god-like athlete in form.
"Before the passage to my world was closed, Niall left this with me. He gave me strict instructions to present this to you on your birthday as a special gift from him."
He thrust the envelope and box into my hands. Before I could ask him anything, he looked into my eyes and said, "No, I don't know what it is and I don't want to know, either."
"Um, okay," I replied, unsure of what else to say at this point.
After a few minutes of making small talk (a skill which Claude greatly lacked), he left. Amelia and I quickly moved into the kitchen, curious and eager to investigate Niall's gift. We sat at the table with the box and letter between us.
I examined the heavy paper of the beautiful envelope, noticing it was sealed with wax. There was a familiar unicorn head imprint in the wax, the same as on my last written correspondence from Niall. Amelia had also been here when that previous letter had arrived, so she realized its magical importance.
"Well, open it!" she said excitedly. "It must be something wonderful he wanted you to have!"
I couldn't decide whether to open the delicate box or the delicate envelope first, but I decided on the latter. My hands trembled a little as I broke the wax seal and pulled out a card covered with beautiful flowing script. My voice shook as I read the words left behind by my great-grandfather:
My dear child,
Please accept this most special gift in honor of your birthday.
It is a Kailenian crystal, a most powerful gemstone found only
within my world. Treasure it always, as only those with Fae blood
may benefit from its unique magic. Please know that I regret any grief
I may have brought you, dear heart. I only wished to get to know you
better and to be able to do more for you during our time together in
your world. This crystal is all I have left to give you, my child.
The vampire will know about its power and can guide you.
Remember that I do love you, Sookie.
I started to cry a little, his words and the sincerity behind them making me miss him all the more. It was unfair that I would never have the chance to see or speak with him again.
Amelia looked a little surprised by my reaction but she tried to reassure me. I caught a glimpse of the thoughts she was broadcasting and she wanted me to open the present already.
I turned to the little box sitting on the table. It was wrapped with a beautifully ornate gold paper that would have made wonderful wallpaper in a castle bathroom. A delicate ribbon and elaborate gold silk bow finished it off, making it just too pretty to open. It seemed like the proper packaging for a magic fairy crystal, though.
"Well?" Amelia urged and I gingerly removed the bow and untied the ribbon and wrapping. Inside the box lay a shimmering, whitish-blue stone about the size of a walnut. I carefully lifted it and placed it in my open palm as we both marveled at its many facets, beauty and sparkle.
"Does it feel magical?" Amelia asked. "I wonder what it can do."
"No, it just feels like a pretty gemstone in my hand," and I clasped my fingers around the crystal, making a fist.
That's when I felt it. Tiny sparks shot out from within my palm and I was so surprised by the sensation that I almost dropped the crystal. But I kept a tight grasp and my eyes closed instinctively. Images flashed before me and then they slowed down. I saw a playground and children laughing and running around in circles. I could see myself, not looking much older, standing in front of the swings, pushing a little blonde-haired boy higher and higher. He was laughing and smiling and when he looked back at me, his eyes and face were my own. It had to be my son.
"Sookie? Are you okay?" Amelia asked, rousing me. "You were shaking as though you were being electrocuted by that crystal!"
I opened my eyes and opened my palm, quickly dropping the stone on the kitchen table. I sat down, too stunned to say anything for a moment.
"Sookie? What happened? Are you alright?" Amelia sounded worried.
I looked back at her in shock. "I think I just glimpsed my future."