A/N: Ey, welcome to one of my many fanfictions that I have started. This one will be a romance/humor yaoi fic between Gaara and Naruto, hopefully this one is more successful XD

Anyway, I don't own Naruto. Please enjoy :)

In the Name of Soap Opera

Chapter One

Don't You Love me?


"Do you love me?"

His voice was firm, his expression strong yet forlorn, and his words having no relation to what the conversation had been about.

"What do you mean?" The red haired boy ho was sitting next to him questioned, turning his head and gazing upon his blond haired beauty. Once he noticed the expression, he blinked, suddenly a bit worried. "Of course I do, you know that."

"Why don't you ever say it?" The blond persisted, obviously eager to get the story within his mind straight.

"Naru-chan.." The red head smiled. "You know I'm not used to this kindof thing.. just because I don't say it doesn't mean it's not true."

"But you've never said it.. not once." The boy known as Naruto said, frowning. He was obviously upset. "I believe you.. but it's still nice to hear those words every once in a while.."

"Okay.." The re head stared at Naruto. He had no clue that it had upset him, he never really thought there was a point in saying words that were so obviously true. Of course, if Naruto really wanted him to say it that bad, he would say it. "I love you."

Naruto smiled, resting his head on the red haired boy's shoulder. "I love you too, Gaara."

- - -

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do.."

Gaara sighed, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall of his older sister's bedroom. He had gone to her for boyfriend advice, not only because he believe she was the best sorce of information on that matter that he had, but also because it would be easier to talk to her about it than anybody else.

"Well, do what you feel is right." His sister smiled, laying down on her bed with a book. She hadn't taken her eyes off of it, but somehow she was able to talk to Gaara. "And if you still don't know what to do, then try gathering information on relationships."

"What..?" He stared at her, and she finally looked up at him. "What do you mean 'gather relationship information'? How?"

"Easy," She smirked. "Romance novels, reality TV shows, chick flicks, quizes in female magazines, and most definately soap operas."

"Soap operas..?" He stared at her, not taking her seriously. "Come on, Temari, who do you think you're kidding? Soap operas? Chick flicks? Girly quizes? How is any of this going to help me at all? I'm the semi, thank you very much."

"I really needed to know that.." She rolled over and slapped her forehead. "Look, I'm not trying to help you with your sex life, okay? Nor would I like to know about it."

"No, that's not what I meant!" He uncrossed his arms and raised his hands defensively. "We haven't done anything like that! We haven't even kissed yet. I was saying that I'm the man in the relationship, so how would a bunch of girly things help me out?"

"Alright, manly man, would you like to know how it would help you out?" She sat up, crossing her legs and leaning her elbows on them. When he nodded, she closed her eyes and smiled. "You would understand more thoroughly how a relationship works. You would understand a feminen mind better, and also how the perfect man would act. I can help you on the quizes."

"So, would it really work..?" He asked, crossing his arms again. "How do I know if I understand properly?"

"Leave that to me." She grinned, getting off her bed and going through the drawer in her desk, pulling out one of those gossip magazines. She went back to her bed, sitting down and flipping through the pages, stopping at some point and looking up at Gaara. "Get ready to take a quiz."

"What..?" He blinked, then sighed, giving a slight shrug. "Alright, whatever.."

"Want help or not?" Temari said, and when he nodded, she looked down to the magazine. "Okay, first question. Where do you take Naruto on your dates together?"

"Um.." He thought for a second, then gave her a strange expression. "He usually chooses.."

"Okay.." She said, her tone making it sound like Gaara had failed the quiz already. "Number two, where do you usually take him to eat?"

"..." He seemed a bit nervous to answer that question. "Well.. we usually go anywhere that's close.."

"Does he pay?" She asked, just to make sure. When Gaara nodded, her expression made him even more nervous. "Number three.. how do you act when your with Naruto around your friends?"

"I guess I'm sort of over protective.." He replied, waiting patiently for the next question.

"Number four, how much do you two see eachother?"

"Um.." He thought about it, then gave her his reply. "Usally once a week.."

"Number five, how many times do you tell him that you love him when your together?"

"Usually not at all.." He said, and she looked worried. "That's not good.. is it..?"

"Nope. Number six, what do you wear on your dates together?"

"What I wear all the time.." He said, and she looked to the bottom of the page, tallying up his answers and readinng his outcome. She made a face, and Gaara started to get worried. "What..?"

"Your results.." She covered her mouth and tried not to laugh. "Loser. Your partner pays, your partner chooses, you don't show any feeling towards them, you don't talk about them with friends, and you probably look like you let a monkey put your outfit together. It's telling Naruto to drop that zero and get himself a hero."

"...?!" He stared at Temari, looking more nervous than he had in a while. "You don't think.. that'll happen.. do you..?"

"To be honest.." She started, staring at Gaara. "It depends, but most of the time, it's a yes."

"...Shit.." He put his hands to his head, slowly letting himself slide to the floor. "He's going to leave me.."

"Hey hey hey," She got off the bed and sat in front of her little brother. "Just because that quiz said that doesn't mean it will happen. It just means theres a good chance it will. Now, that depends on how Naruto looks at it. Say, does he have any female friends?"

"Well.. yeah, a few actually." He looked at her. "Why?

"Here," She handed him the magazine, finding a sticky note and sticking it on the page of the quiz. "Ask one of them to take Naruto on a 'girls' night out, and get them to get him to do the quiz. Make sure it's the nicest one of his girl friends,and make sure that it's the one you get along with most. Otherwise it probably wouldn't work."

"Alright..?" He frowned, taking the magazine from her. "Well, thanks for the help, Temari.."

"No problem." She smiled, pulling her younger brother into a hug. "Don't worry, okay? It'll all work out. Trust me."

He nodded, patting her back before she pulled away. They both stood, and he gave her a last thank you before he left her room, thinking about who he would look for right in the morning tomorrow.

- - -

A/N: Don't worry, this story will get funnier.. I hope :P Annyway, please review, and next chapters are coming soon :)