A much needed Ichigo and Kaien Fic
Ek! My first Bleach Fic EVER and a yaoi one at that. (smiles) Ok, don't want to rant too much. Lol. This is a IchigoxKaien fic that a certain friend of mine threatened me to write (which I don't mind writing but the threatening...really?) And since there isn't much of these two boys together (Oh gosh ya'll have to read Reige's IchiKai they are the BEST Omg!) I decided to wing my way to the Bleach world and try my luck on it. (hopes to do a decent job) The POV's will shift from time to time but you'll know when. ;D
This is AU and is set in...oh nevermind you'll see. (smiles) Ok I hope you like! I'll try to stretch the chaps out next time (I hate writing short chaps...irks me for some reason lol)
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach or these wonderful characters. If I did...oh gosh Kaien would be alive and I'd have an awesome IchiRukKai threesome with Renji thrown in the mix. x3
It's strange how things end up in the end.
How the consequences of our actions are merely the cause and effect of our decisions.
I knew what I was getting into. What the end result would be if I continued with this wonderful disaster. But even so, I couldn't help it. There was something about falling under that danger. In taking that incredulous risk that, even now, causes my blood to rush wildly in my veins. The inexplicit gush of warmth that spreads around my chest and grips my heart to the point where I think I can no longer breathe without it.
Ah, that sounded so freakin' sappy! Something I, as awesome as I am, would never really say in such a girly way. But, what's the use? I always get all jell-o and mushy whenever he's the one I'm talkin' about.
--A grin spreads across split lips--
That lil'prick annoyed me at first. Always trying to get under my skin about my "attitude" and "cockiness" whenever I "so happen" to get in his way. But you know what? He's very much the same. Grouchy, impatient, immature, annoying, and a whole rack of things I could go on and on about. So much of a pain to me like I apparently was to him.
--Amazonite cloudy orbs soften--
But h-he's…
--tresses of black hair sways back as a rough hand grips tightly on a tattered black t-shirt--
…the o-one that brought me so…so much…happiness. It's strange…How someone you thought had always hated your guts for absolute no reason to suddenly…
--Head jerks back abruptly as smears of crimson color the wall. Black specs swarms in an already blurry vision--
Heh. Okay, okay. So, I guess, because I chose to love him--love him back--this is the shit I get as a result. But you know what? I don't fluffing care. I'm too content to complain…much.
--One blue-green eye closes as a lop-sided grin momentarily breaks through the black haze--
"Where's your fucking king now, Huh, princess?!" A spat of spit plops on unearthly pale-blue skin.
Ocean eyes stare mutely with an unreadable look before a flick of disgust is seen swirling in their depth. "I'm no damn princess, you dipshi--" Another hard jab to the gut knocks the wind out of abused lungs, silencing the snide comeback.
"Saying such things at a time like this!" A rough jerk pushes the raven-head against the concrete wall, head banging loudly before lulling down sharply. "You shouldn't have been so careless, you lil fuck." A deep leer and angry scoff was heard. "Now his highness will have to go about without his little bitch beside him." A maniacal crackle is heard. "Are you regretting it now, huh? Huh?!"
Silence rolls in like a snail's pace.
"…" The raven-head merely stands there, unmoving and unflinching.
"Answer me!" Dark narrowed eyes glint in irritation before slamming his victim on the wall again, splattering more familiar dark rain on the grey wall. "Fine then." Cracking a sneer, a rough hand squeeze a pale throat far too tightly. "You're king isn't coming for you. So any last words," He hisses, "Shiba?"
Aqua-marine irises softly drift shut. "Yeah," A soft word chokes out. Suddenly, an odd happy smirk grows in place as hard eyes snap open in a blue watery blaze. "You can keep dreaming of fucking me, Mabashi 'cause you ain't ever getting any." Snorting, the bruised face confidently mocks him.
Red hair sways back abruptly as an angry fist pulls back and then, like in slow motion, rushes forward to connect with my mattered bleeding skull…
And my vision finally went black.
Eh. I guess…
I should have listened to you, ne, my baka Berry?
How The Other Half Lives…
"…I uh." A deep scowl slowly formed across a frustrated face; a hand scratching unruly light hair. Light topaz eyes then looked away bashfully. "I…like you." The low baritone voice confessed. The soft breeze from earlier that day swayed their hair to the side.
Dark tourmaline orbs blink in confusion before glancing around their vicinity. "Um…" Jabbing a finger at himself he asked, "Are you talking to me?"
An invisible red tick-mark appeared on the young man's face. "Of course I'm talking to you!" He waveed his arms back and forth, emphasizing his next words. "Is there anyone else on the roof besides us?"
More silence.
"Heeeeyyyy~!" The second man, also ticked, jerked a finger at the other boy's chest. "Sorry, but it's not everyday I get confessed to by another guy! One that, if I remember correctly, hates my guts!" He huffed, annoyed that this baka was so damn…well. Stupid.
Brown eyes flashed with anger. "Look!" Rushing forward and nearly bumps head with the other, he shouted his declaration, "I like you, alright! What else can I say?!"
The other boy opened his mouth to speak, but quickly shut it once the realization hits in. 'Holy shunpos he's not jokin'.' The hard look from the other male confirmed his thoughts as another silence stretched out between them.
Only this time it was…
Realizing the orange-head was extremely too close for his liking, the raven-head pulled back. "Um…" Not sure what to say, he merely averted his gaze. Unusually finding nothing snippy or cocky to say at the moment.
Waiting for a reply, the slightly impatient man looked away again. "Yeah, I know we never saw eye-to-eye--"
"--yeah just fist-to-fist." The other butted in, causing the orange-head to glare at him. "Hey," Teal eyes narrowed also, "It's true." He pointed out, sticking a finger out to illustrate his point. "We've hated each other since the first moment we met."
A brown eye twitched. "…er." Coughing to regain the topic at hand, he continued. "What I'm trying--eyes the raven-head sharply--to say is…" Suddenly losing the nerve, he jerked his head to the side. "I never really hated…you…uh."
Even more silence.
"You're joking right?" He half-laughed, nervous for some reason.
His stomach swarming like there's tons and tons of swallowtail butterflies fluttering inside.
"…" The other stayed emotionlessly still, staring at the raven-head with absolute seriousness.
And he wasn't sure who's it was, but the raven-head thought he heard a erratic heartbeat pounding too loudly in his ears.
"..?" Then like as if a switch was turned on, aqua eyes widened in shock. "Wa-wait-wait-wait!" Blinking, he shook his head. "Unbelievable! So you're really--points at him--like in love with me or something?!" He questioned, staring intently at the orange-head.
Topaz eyes widened before sheepishly shaking his head. "NO! I mean…" Noticing the raven-head's confused face, the light haired boy sighed. "It's not…I mean…not like that…per say." He stumbled, quite not sure what to say.
His counterpart eyed him with a scrutinizing look. "You're not kidding, huh?" Arms crossed over a slim chest. "Uh-huh." Suddenly, a grin appeared on his face. "So you like me, Strawberry?" He teased, laughing when "Strawberry" clenched his fists.
A face hardened angrily. "It's NOT STRAWBERRY! My name means 'one that protects' dammit!" The orange-head barked, growling when the raven-head beside him snickered. Grunting, he also crossed his arms. "But then again, someone who's name is nothing but drippy shouldn't be talking…" He trailed off purposely, waiting for the bait.
And as expected, the bait was caught.
"For the last time it's OCEAN! Not DRIPPY! What do you take me for ya' baka!" The raven-head screamed, flailing his arms out in exasperation.
A larger tick-mark popped on the other boy's head. "It's KUROSAKI ICHIGO! Not baka, ya ahou!" The one named Ichigo yelled back. "Use it for once!"
Teal eyes rolled themselves. "Who gives a damn?! At least my name actually symbolizes something and not some stupid fruit!" Then the boy puffed his face. "And who are you calling an ahou?!" Lifting his fore finger and middle finger up a few inches from his right temple, he raised his chin up confidently in the air. "It's Shiba Kaien to you, baka Berry."
"It's Ichigo." His brown eyes twitched.
His counterpart smiled mockingly. "Yeah, that's what I said."
"Grrrr..!" The two glared squarely at each other. Teethes gritted and fists clenched as both boys stood their ground a few feet from each other. The breeze continued to blow as the bright sun above watched mutely at the two hot-headed boys.
There was a moment of silence as an invisible lightening flashed between them before the raven-head named Kaien, sighs and looked away. Ichigo, surprised by this unusual action, stared at him confusingly. "Drippy?" He whispered, wondering what was wrong.
Kaien closed his eyes slowly before turning to the side. "So you…like me, huh." He stated softly, getting to the real business at hand.
"…yeah." Ichigo uncharacteristically flushed before looking away, embarrassed at his own words.
The raven-head would have mocked Berry for feeling embarrassed when he realized that it was because he was the very one causing it. Gulping, Kaien slowly opened his cloudy eyes. "So you want me to tell you straight up? What I think?" He said, watching the orange-head slightly flinch.
Ichigo shuffled the weight of his feet before grimacing. "…" Annoyed, he tried, indifferently, to brush the whole matter off. "If you don't like me that's fine." Ichigo turned his back, not wanting to face him. "You can go ahead and hate me for all I care. I just wanted to tell you is al--"
"--hold on there Berry." Kaien grabbed a fist of Ichigo's shirt. "Now, wait a darn minute." Walking around to face the orange-head, Kaien narrowed his eyes. "You get me outta class, take me up the damn roof, stare at me for god-knows-how-long, argue with me, you tell me you like me, and then you decide to leave? What the heck!" Annoyed, Kaien jerked his head up to smash against Ichigo's.
"Ah! Shit! What the hell?!" Trying to back up to nurse his bump, Ichigo watched as Kaien nearly closed the gap between their faces. 'Ohhh, shitshitshit.' Ichigo inwardly gulped, flushing at their close proximity.
"Listen here, Berry. Where I'm from, when someone confesses they do it 'cause they hope the other feels the same!" Aqua orbs hardened. "And they wait for the other to respond before they leave! With or without them!"
"So you're saying I have to hear your full rejection?" Ichigo asked as he sharply inhaled, feeling his chest ping with anxiety. A frown curled over pursed lips as the orange-head tried, with failed success, to appear uncaring.
Cracking a small laugh, Kaien smiles boyishly. "Weeeeeeelllllllll~," Pulling back, he shrugged nonchalantly. "I was gonna not reject you." At those words, Ichigo's eyes widened and hope swelled rapidly in his chest. "Buuuuut since you seem to really want to be rejected, I guess I can't just selfishly go agains--" Suddenly…
A pair of lips silenced him.
Blue-green eyes blinked in utter shock as tan arms wrapped around his frame, pulling him closer to the warm body before him. The raven-head gasped when he felt the other boy's wet muscle probe inside his mouth, disorienting him completely. Taking Kaien's unresponsive form as a go, Ichigo brushed his tongue along the lining and curves of the raven-head's cavern, rubbing it gently against Kaien's own tongue before dipping it in further; nearly engulfing Kaien's mouth with his.
'Hoooooooollllly shi--' Kaien, not entirely sure why his mind is so damn blank at the moment, nearly groaned once he felt solid concrete connect with his back. 'W-when did w-we…I-I lean against the w-wall?' Feeling Ichigo press his body against his, the raven-head, hesitantly clenched moon-kissed hands on the front of Ichigo's shirt. He felt the other tightened his hold before feeling Ichigo's mouth mesh perfectly with his, causing Kaien, subconsciously unaware, to finally moan.
Hearing that glorious sound, Ichigo took that as an affirmative to continue, grinning inwardly when he felt the raven-head slightly tremble in his hold. Twisting his tongue leisurely inside Kaien's mouth, Ichigo made sure to trap him against the wall of the roof school building; loving the way Kaien molded quite beautifully in his arms.
Just the mere thought sent shivers down his spine.
What felt like an eternity; they finally parted for sweet air, flushing when their lips pulled back with a wet smack. Hearts batted wildly in heaving chests as Ichigo calmly leaned his head down to lightly bump against Kaien's. Eyes locked as silence filled the air, topaz and turquoise gauging one another.
Chuckling, Ichigo ruefully smirked. "So, I guess I'm not the only one that liked that, ne?" He snickered, grinning when ocean eyes rolled themselves.
"Haha." Still panting, Kaien offered him a tight grin. "I didn't hate it…" He trailed off before laughing. "Damn, you really got it bad for me, huh?" He stared straight at him, feeling a bit…happy about all this.
Brown eyes shined before his hand cupped a smooth creamy cheek. "Yeah, I got it bad."
Kaien's eyebrow slightly quirked up. "I guess I have no choice but to agree with that." He scoffed.
Ichigo glowered at him. "Hey, what the hell is that suppose to--" He was cut short when he was pulled vigorously toward Kaien's mouth.
Teal orbs flashed victoriously when lips pulled back, grinning when the orange-head flushed deeply out of embarrassment. "What I mean is that I like you too, Berry." He laughed casually.
A smile grew on Ichigo's face as his heart spilled with a warm feeling inside. "I'm glad…drippy."
That earned him a hard bump on the head, and a breathtaking smile on his new lover's face.
Kissy scene~! (grins) I love some lip-locking, especially when it's those two. (Cracks a laugh) :D
Ah, it's done for now. xD I hope ya'll don't mind the awful nickname I gave Kaien (I couldn't think of anything water-related beside drippy...gah I suck xD) All will be explained next chap! Lol I hope you had fun with the lil info here. Lol I hope they weren't too OOC. Gah.
Lol, lots of stuff is going to go down soon. Muwaha! =3 I love those crazy boys. (smiles)