Set after LO and shut up, I DON"T OWN PJO.

Annabeth's POV

I don't know what's wrong with me right now. I'm supposed to be having the time of my life. Sixteen, no homework, relaxation, and summer go extremely well together, yet I feel… empty. It's like there's a hole in me somewhere but I can't find it, much less fix it. So I sat on my bed thinking, thinking of the past few months and what's different. After a while, it hit me; Percy! How could I have forgotten him? I remembered that after the war everyone was kind of happy that Kronos was finally dead… well not everyone. Percy and I had another argument… another argument about Luke.


Percy and I were at the beach, enjoying the view of the sunset.

"Hey Annabeth, it's getting kind of chilly. Do you, um, need my jacket?"

I didn't respond. Percy looked into my eyes and saw that I was a million miles away.

"Wise Girl, are you okay?"

"Wise Girl?"



When I finally came back to my senses, Percy had a worried look on his face.

"What's wrong, Annabeth?"

"It's nothing-"

"No, there's something."

"Okay fine… it's just that, well… I ,um, kinda miss Luke."

"I know that it's hard for you to lose him, but he's gone. Whatever you do, he's not going to come back. Besides, it's easy to forget him. Just think of all the horrible things he's done"

"It's not that easy, okay! What if you lost Tyson! Luke was a brother to me!"

"Tyson's different. He didn't do horrible things. Just think of Beckondorf. Think of Ethan. Think of all tho-"

"You're not making me feel better here! I watched him die, Percy. I wanted to do something so bad to help him, but I couldn't because I was injured. Do you know how hard it was to-"

"I don't care about what you think of him! Why can't you just see that Luke's a monster?"

"You know what? I don't want to spend my time with someone who doesn't care about what I think."

With that, I walked away from Percy, leaving him by himself. The day after that, I went home.

-------------------------------------------End Of Flashback-----------------------------------------

I sighed as I thought of Percy. I left him… again! How could I have been such a jerk? I bet that this time, he really wasn't going to talk to me now. How could I ever get him to know that I still want to be his girlfriend and kiss him underwater? But still, even the sight of him would make me feel better. I got a drachma and went inside the bathroom. I made a rainbow and threw the drachma in. The picture of the boy before me instantly relieved my stress. It also made me nervous. Percy was in his apartment, lifting weights… with his shirt off. I watched as his muscles flexed every time he lifted the weights… and is that a 6 pack? Oh my gods Percy has a 6 pack! After what seemed like forever, I decided to start apologizing.

"Hi, Percy."

Well, that caught him off guard and his arms buckled and 100 pounds of pain crashed on his body.


"Yeah, it's me. I, um, just wanted, um, you to know that, well, I'm sorry."

"Me too."

"No, me first. I just wanted you to know that I was living in the past again. Luke can't be back, much less still having good in him."

"And I was too pushy and I'm sorry about what I said. Really. And I do care about what you think."

That made me smile.

"So, uh, do you want to come to San Fran for a few weeks?"

"Nah, come over to New York. It's much more fun at my place."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"I'll ask my dad if I can come."

"If he says yes, then come on next Monday. I'll pick you up at the airport at 10 am."

"Okay, bye! Oh wait, one more thing.


"Well, I wanted to tell you all along that… that"

"What Annabeth?"

"That... we're gonna have a blast!" I said as I swiped my hand through the mist. Dang it, I was so stupid. We're gonna have a blast! That sounds so gay and I can't be gay, I'm a girl! *sighs* How can I show him that I still love him?!

Anyway, I still had to get dad to let me go to Percy's. I walked down the stairs and to my dad with puppy dog eyes and pouting lips. My dad looked up from his paper and said,

"Okay, what do you want?"

"Percy offered me to stay at his apartment for a few weeks. Can I go?"

"Percy?! I thought he broke up with you and that you two hate each other!"

"Well, it turns out that we're just friend right now and we both apologized."

"Okay. Fine with me."

Yes. I finally got to be with my best friend Percy.