The lavender feline groaned. So much for a new look.

Amy had set her up for another blind date, and she figured she may as well make an effort to try a different look, something that Amy often bugged her about. But, so far, no such luck.

She gazed into the oak full-length mirror, standing in the corner of her chamber room. She had never really been one to worry about her looks, which she guessed was strange, as she was a princess. But…it just wasn't like her. She liked herself the way she was.

But apparently Amy did not.

The feline took out her pony-tailed hair, and began sculpting it in different ways.

Her hair down. It looked limp and…meh.

Her hair up. Looked like the way she always wore it.

Her hair sideways. Looked stupid.

Her hair in pigtails. She started cracking up.

The phone rang. The feline's eyes lingered on her reflection in the mirror, as she reached for the phone.

"Hello?" She answered.


"Hey, Amy." She held the phone with her shoulder, pressing her head against it, so it didn't slip off.

Amy began singing. "'I've got two tickets to paradise, I've got-wait…make that…five tickets to paradise! I've got-"

"Eh, good for you." Blaze paid no attention. She looked into the mirror again, un-tangling her hair with her fingers. "Look, have you ever seen my hair down? It looks okay, I guess, but I'm not sure if I-"

"Blaze." Amy interrupted. "Did you not just hear what I said? I have five tickets…to paradise."

Blaze stopped. "Wait…that contest you entered three months ago?"

"Yep. It's mine."

"No way."

"Yes way."

"I hate water."

"I don't care. You're coming to Sapphire Beach, whether you like it or not." Amy replied, her tone very final.

Then she hung up.

Blaze sighed. It was going to be a long summer.


Okay. Now stand still…perfect.

A yellow hedgehog sat on a lawn chair, on her back porch. In her lap was her sketch book, along with an assorted bunch of pastels and charcoals. Her large, green, intent eyes were watching a small oriole bird.

The oriole fluffed out its feathers, then cocked its head to the side, giving the hedgehog a questioning look.

The hedgehog remained focused, looking up and down from the oriole to her sketchbook, slowly tracing the lines of the body shape, adding shadows, creating the wings.

It was rather funny that she enjoyed drawing as much as she did. She could break the sound barrier…with her feet. One would think she would constantly be doing that, constantly be having an adventure. And she did love having adventures. But she liked to kick back now and again, and enjoy the beauty around her.

Just as she was beginning to add color, her cell phone rang.

She hissed in irritation as the oriole immediately flew away. The hedgehog dug her phone out of her pocket. It was playing "Barbie Girl". She rolled her eyes. Amy had probably set this ringtone for herself.

She slid it open, then held it to her ear. "What's up?"

"Sapphire Beach is what's up!" Amy did nothing to contain her glee. She sounded like she was about to explode with happiness.

The yellow hedgehog stood up, eyes wide, forgetting the sketchbook and pastels. "You're not serious."

"I totally am. Star, this is gonna be the best summer of our lives."

"You've got that right. But how are you going to get Blaze to come?"

Amy's voice took on a much more forceful tone. She was scary when she was like this. "Oh, she'll come. I'll make sure of it."


"How does this one look?"


"Shade, you didn't even look."

The peach-colored echidna glanced up from her book, to see the white bat. "It looks fine, Rouge. It always does." She said and looked back down at her book.

Rouge twisted around, trying to get a better look at herself in the mirror. "I'm not really sure if purple's my color, though. Maybe I should get black. That always seems to look nice." She grabbed the black dress that was hanging on a hook nearby. "Okay, so now I need a bikini."

Shade let out an exasperated sigh. "We can't possibly have more shopping to do."

The bat winked at her. "There's always more shopping to do, hun."

Then her cell phone rang. Shade slumped into a chair, rolling her eyes, as Rouge flipped open her phone.


"We're going to Sapphire Beach." Amy's voice could be heard on the opposite line.

Rouge's eyes widened. "You mean, with the blue oceans, and white sand beaches, and guys with no shirts??!!"

"Yep. So pack your bags, 'cause we leave next week! Oh, tell Shade too, if she's with you."

"Will do, hun. See ya." Rouge hung up. Then she turned and gave Shade a mischievous grin.

Shade sighed. "I know that look." She told the bat.

"We're going to have the best summer ever."


Amy was digging through her walk-in closet, throwing everything and anything cute into her suitcase. The letter stating she had won the fashion contest-with the grand prize of a trip for five to Sapphire Beach-was still lying on her bed.

"Need help?"

Amy looked up to find Star standing in the doorway. It had only been minutes since she had called her, and Star lived several miles away. Amy laughed and gave her an 'um, duh' sort of look.

The two began sifting through piles of clothing. "So, when do we leave?" Star asked.

"Tuesday, next week." Amy replied.

Star let out a whistle. "That's soon."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Yeah, but, I mean…"

"You have nothing to wear." Amy chuckled.

Star sighed. "How do you do that? Read my mind, I mean."

"You're one of the most readable people I've ever met, Star. When you're angry, your eyebrows furrow and your ears go back. When you're sad, your eyes and tail droop. When you're happy, your eyes sparkle, and your ears perk up. When you're embarrassed, you blush. And when you lie, you're left eye twitches." Amy listed.

Star raised an eyebrow. "It does?"

"It's one of the things that make you a terrible liar." Amy said simply.

Star sighed. "Yes, I suppose so."

"Anyway, Star, it doesn't matter what you wear. We're going to be getting a whole new wardrobe as soon as we get there."

"Oh, really?"

"I'm going to make sure of it." Once again, her tone was quite final.

"Can I at least keep my shoes?" Star pointed down to her favorite purple running shoes.

Amy gave them a look of utter disgust. "They look like they were made fifty years ago, Star."

"But they're comfortable." The yellow hedgehog pouted.

"I don't care." Amy snatched the letter off her bed again. "Okay, so it's for three days and three nights at the Grand Hibiscus hotel."

Star looked up. "Only three days and three nights?"

Amy giggled. "Oh, don't you worry. My aunt owns a place down there, and she told me as soon as our days are up at the Hibiscus, we can come straight to her place. We're going to be there for three months."

"Three months?" Star's eyes widened.

Amy grinned. "Three months."

A/N: Yes, it's a short chapter, but it's mostly a prologue. I'll try to get another chapter out soon. Thanks for reading!