When Tomorrow Comes
Chapter 7 – Little Boy Lost
Bobby and Dean took turns driving until after what seemed like weeks, they pulled into the junk yard. Dean sighed as Bobby's house came into sight. This was home. He never realized until now how much he'd missed having some place to come back to, to feel safe. He really owed their old friend more than he could ever repay.
"How's Sam?" Bobby asked as he stood from behind the wheel and stretched stiff muscles.
Dean looked back at the darkened bedroom and sighed. "Physically, I think he's over the worst of it. He still has a fever but I think that's because the wounds on his back aren't healing." Dean ran a hand through his hair. "He still insists on being tethered Bobby even though I know it's hurting his back."
Bobby placed a hand on Dean's shoulder. "Give him time son, both of you need time to deal with all of this…"
"Yeah, well time is something we don't have!" Dean said as he punched his fist against the wall. "The freakin' apocalypse is starting. We have to find Cas and figure out a way to stop Lucifer."
"Not today Dean. Today you need to get your brother inside and we need to all get some sleep. Tomorrow will be soon enough." Bobby opened the camper door and moved outside, his gun in his hand as he approached his house. "You get Sam ready while I check things out…"
Dean sighed as he watched his friend until he entered the house. He didn't like letting Bobby go off on his own with who knew what around, but he trusted the hunter. He turned and walked quietly towards the back of the RV. Sam hadn't spoken a word since their previous discussion. But then he didn't appear to be having any more hallucinations either.
He still was angry with his brother over his choices lately and certainly couldn't trust him until they were sure his addition to demon blood was behind them. But he hated the dead look in his brother's gaze when he briefly looked up at him. He saw the hospital restraints were attached again except for the one hand. His brother had managed to redo them after the last time he had removed them. With a sigh Dean placed a hand on his brother's shoulder before he began to remove the restraints.
"We're home Sammy. Time to go inside and get some rest. We'll figure this all out tomorrow." Dean watched as Sam's eyes opened and looked around for a moment before he pushed himself up with a wince. His brother's ankle was still badly swollen and from the bruising on the shoulder, it wasn't in much better shape. But the blood seeping through the bandages on his brother's back spoke louder than any words that he was still hurting and needed more time to heal.
"Let me help you Sam." Dean said quietly as he gently pulled his brother into an upright position. He could feel his brother's weakness as he leaned into him, his head was down and his breathing was soft and raspy. "I've got you Sammy, just lean on me."
"Thanks…" was the softly spoken reply before they staggered out of the RV and headed towards the house. As they moved slowly Dean felt a slight rustle of the breeze followed by the sound of wings. He didn't have to look, he knew it was Cas.
"Now is not a good time Cas!" Dean muttered as he turned to gaze into the passive face of the angel.
"I am sorry Dean, but there won't be a good time for some time to come. You and I need to talk…" Cas looked at Sam for a brief moment but returned his gaze to Dean. It was clear the angel didn't want to say anything in front of his younger brother.
Dean pulled Sam's arm up further and helped his brother up the stairs. It was slow going and his brother was obviously getting tired from the additional weight he placed on him. He really didn't want to deal with Cas and his angel buddies until he'd had time to at least get some sleep in a real bed; but he also understood he had to do something to help clean up the mess they'd made. "Fine, follow me inside…"
"I can't..." Cas replied as he stood at the bottom of the steps.
"Why not?" Dean stopped and looked down at the angel.
"Because I made sure none of their kind can come in my home!" Bobby remarked as he stepped out on the porch. His eyes were filled with disgust as he looked at the fallen angel. "I won't have you zapping either one of these boys off again without their consent."
"I have to speak to Dean. I won't take him anywhere without his consent." Cas replied, his face still passive in the gathering light.
"S'okay Dean. You talk to Cas, Bobby can help me inside." Sam whispered as he stepped back from Dean. Dean could feel the gap between them growing and it wasn't just because Bobby was now helping Sam inside. He probably should have insisted that Cas include Sam in the discussion, but then how could he when he didn't trust his brother himself?
"We need to discuss your next move Dean." Cas said as he leaned against an old car carcass.
"What is there to talk about? Unless you know where Lucy is hiding…oh and also how we go about killing the son of a bitch." Dean walked slowly down the steps and stopped in front of the angel.
Cas sighed. "I don't know the answers to your questions Dean."
"So basically, nothing's changed. Well excuse me Cas, but I think I'll go on my own intel. Yours hasn't really been that accurate lately." A flurry of movement caused Dean to step back involuntarily as the angel's face was inches from his own.
"Do not make light of the situation Dean. You will need my help and more to win this fight. Remember your promise…" Dean shoved the angel back and glared.
"That was before you yahoo's jump started the end of the world!" Dean held up his hand before Cas could respond. "I don't want to hear about Sam's role. You asshats set him up and then tied my hands until it was too late to stop him. I'm not saying we are blameless, but we didn't do this all on our own."
Cas stepped back and looked at Dean for a moment before he continued. "Mistakes have been made, but we need to make sure you're still on the right side--that your brother..." Cas looked towards the house for a moment "…is no longer influenced."
This time Dean stepped up next to the angel and caught his eye. "I'm on the side that makes sure and many humans as possible are spared. As for Sam, you leave him to me to worry about. I trust him a lot more than I trust any of your angel pals at the moment. So if you want me to fight to save this world, then fine. Otherwise you can kiss my rear and move on!"
"Many will die Dean and there isn't anything you can do to stop it." Cas said softly, his eyes reflecting pity for the first time.
"Maybe not, but I'll at least try to save them. Tell me Cas, you once said you had to follow my lead. Why do you think that was?"
"I do not know. My father doesn't always share all the details…" The angel said softly.
"Well neither did mine, but one thing I always understood. They both want what's right. Letting the world end without a fight isn't an option Cas but neither is sacrificing the very thing God would want saved." Dean stepped back and watched the conflicting emotions flow across the angel's face. "Now I'm going in to check on my brother. Then I'm going to get some sleep and afterwards Bobby and I will try to figure out a way to clean up this mess. If you come up with a way to help, then let me know. Otherwise…" Dean never got to finish as the sound of wings was followed by the disappearance of the angel. "Man, I do love his exits…"
Dean shook his head as he turned to enter the house. He knew sooner or later he'd have to face Zach but for today he was going to do what Bobby suggested. He would worry about them tomorrow after he had talked to Sam.
Sam sat and looked at the iron door to the panic room. He had managed to convince Bobby to help him down into the room, even though the hunter was against the idea. In the end, it had probably been the argument that nothing could get to Sam here and in his weakened condition, it was best not to take chances. He knew Bobby didn't buy the whole thing, but it had enough merit to convince him to bring him down the stairs.
He shivered slightly as he remembered the last time he'd been here. Actually it had only been a few days, yet it felt like a lifetime. He stood and moved towards the door. Bobby had insisted he leave it open but he knew better. His friend shouldn't trust him any more than Dean did. It was dangerous. His leg complained as he put pressure on the injured joint, but he brushed the pain aside. It was nothing compared to the pain he held within. Just a few more steps and he'd be able to shut himself in, away from those who had once cared for him.
He knew Dean and Bobby still cared and even loved him. But he didn't deserve it. He had made the choices, Ruby hadn't lied about that. He had to live with the consequences. Which meant he needed to free his friends from the burden he now carried. As long as he was around, they would have to worry about him. Would he drink more demon blood? No he didn't want to, but then he had been weak before.
Demons were already after him and soon the angels and hunters would follow. He couldn't put Dean and Bobby in front of him like a living shield. He'd rather die than have them get injured or worse trying to protect him. No, he wouldn't put them at risk. The problem was what could he do?
He looked around the room expecting someone or something to answer, but none came. At least the withdrawal seemed to be over. He no longer felt weak, but the urge was still there. He didn't know what would happen if he came in contact with another demon right now. If he was honest with himself, he knew he couldn't hunt. Not until he was sure.
He jumped as he heard the door on the window slide away to reveal green eyes. "Hey Sammy, whatcha doing in there?"
Dean's voice was calm but Sam could detect the underlying worry in the tone. They may have grown apart, but some things still rang true. He turned to gaze at his brother, his own eyes filling for a moment. "This is where I belong Dean…"
He heard the door handle jiggle before his brother looked in once again. "Open the door Sam, I have to check out your back and that ankle still needs to be tended."
"I'm fine Dean—or as fine as can be expected. Look we both know I'm a liability right now. You are right not to trust me. Even Cas knows I'm unreliable. You and Bobby need to concentrate on helping people—innocent people." The tears that had been gathering began to fall slowly down his cheeks as he turned away. He was laid bare and couldn't take the censure he knew he deserved from his brother.
"So what, You gonna lock yourself away and do what exactly Sam?" The first sign of anger was creeping into his brother's voice.
"I'm doing what you started before I messed things up. I'm staying here until I can get my head on straight, until you can…" A soft hitch caused him to pause before he continued, stronger this time as he met his brother's gaze. "…until you can trust me again Dean."
He heard the swift intake of breath followed by a fist slamming against the wall. He expected his brother to argue with him but instead a soft voice came through the small window. "You're right Sammy, we can't hunt together right now…I'll have Bobby bring down the first aid kit and some supplies. Let him help you Sam, even if you don't want to let me…"
Sam stood and staggered to the door. "No, you don't understand Dean. I'm not mad at you, I'm saying your right to be disgusted with me. I disgust myself!"
Dean's green eyes swam with tears as he looked through the window. "Well, I can't say I'm not mad at you Sam. I can't even say that I forgive you for what you did to me. You chose a demon over me Sam, a demon…." His brother looked away for a moment before turning back. "But I haven't given up on you Sam. I meant it when I said we were brother's and nothing is ever gonna change that."
Sam dropped his head for a moment before he reached down to slowly open the door. Before he could push it open he felt it being pulled from the other side. A moment later he was standing face to face with the only person he needed to be whole. Unfortunately, he didn't feel like he had the right to ask for it—not any more. They both stood and looked at each other for a moment before Dean sighed and took a step forward. A strong arm was placed around his waist as he was tugged from the room.
"Bobby has set up protections all over the house. You'll be safe anywhere inside Sam. So what do you say you let me take you upstairs…" Sam took a deep breath and looked back at the small room. Dean was right, he couldn't lock himself away and he couldn't take the easy way out by killing himself. He was a Winchester and he had to figure out a way to get past his addiction so he could begin to make amends.
"Okay Dean." Sam said as he felt the brief tightening of the arm around him before they started their journey up the stairs. They might not be able to hunt together for now, but at least Dean had given Sam the one thing he needed—Hope. He wasn't sure how or when, but he'd earn the trust he'd taken for granted for too long. But for now, he'd work on getting his head on straight. He owed to it Dean and a Winchester always repaid a debt.
The End
Raven524: Well I went back and decided to scrap where this was originally heading because it just didn't make sense with the current status of things. Hopefully the ending didn't suck too bad as I tried to bring the story back in line. I've already started to work on a sequel of sorts – I mean, I do have to bring them back together right? Thanks again to everyone who has read and supported this story. I appreciate your time and especially those who dropped me a line. Now on to the next story!