Fan Fiction Dot Net Bet
by: emaleelilac
Disclaimer: I don't own SWAC or any of its characters, I only own… well nothing, hey I can dream right?
Summary: I know people write about fan fiction within the fan fiction a lot but, Sonny and Chad make a bet that they can act out any fan-fiction easy, and their casts try to make sure most of them are very specific, very… Channy.
I was typing on my lap top. I quickly typed in fanfiction . net (no spaces) then browsed TV show crossovers until I found "So Random!" and "Mackenzie Falls" and clicked on a Channy one.
Personally, I thought the story was pointless, and the plot line was uneasy to follow but it had me and Sonny together, and although I would never admit it, ever since I had met her that had been a dream of mine.
Sonny came up behind me, right as I clicked on a sad break up one about us.
"You're reading fan fiction?" She laughed but put her hand on my shoulder and read it over my back. I the story my character got dumped by her and she left.
"Oh yeah right, I would so be the one to leave you." I said conceitedly. What a lie!
"Well the fan fiction begs to differ." She said smugly motioning to the computer.
"Oh, please! It's made up! If we acted it out in real life- well I have no idea what would happen but it would be weird." I commented.
"Is that a challenge?" She asked.
"Yes. We act out a different fan fiction each day for ten days and whoever does the best, and doesn't back out first wins!"
"Fine. But why ten days?" She yelled back.
"Because us and out casts get to pick one each day and our casts together makes ten." I said.
"Alright, then. Under what terms?" She asked calmly.
"No gay fan fictions, or oh Sonny don't make me say it!" I begged.
She crossed her arms and glared at me.
"Fine, none where we make love, or whatever! And I win you have to do whatever I want for a whole week and vice versa."
She nodded. "This will be interesting, Cooper. It starts tomorrow." She nodded once more and left and I laughed. This would be too easy.