First off, I would like to thank all the people who took the time to review. I obviously caught people's attention. I hope you enjoy this next segment to A Grand Old Adventure.

The Sky's Bouquet Said:

As of your OC, I think you should give her more...Character. Make her your own, not based off some canon charrie (Runo). Add some traits that make her different from the database of OCs out there. Give her some more details/descriptions. The list you gave us isn't enough, unless you're planning to explain more about her in your story.

He/She is right. So I'm adding some info about her personality.

And thanks for reviewing:
The Sky's Bouquet

Elie can be classified as the class clown. The gloomier the character the greater the satisfaction when she gets a reaction from them. She often gives them annoying nicknames. However; she only gives nicknames to those she truly cares about. She often comes off as extremely immature, but actually she's quit the contrary.

Elie also loves music and can be found listening to it either on her ipod or CD player. Elie can't go a day without listening to her music. She is also extremely lazy and most likely won't do anything she doesn't want to. Deep down, she is profoundly deep in her thoughts. Elie is actually a very caring person and tries to make anyone's life easier by distracting them from their problems with her pestering and annoying antics.


Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Why am I, the greatest Ventus brawler, stuck in a plane with a group of losers? IT'S THAT ELIE, I TELL YOU! SHE FORCED ME ONTO THIS MONTRASATE… Let me start from the beginning.

"So it's decided!" El shouted as she failed her arms about.

What are they chatting about? I pondered. I watched El stroll over to me.

"Alright," she stated boldly. "You're coming with me." She outstretched her arm in order to grab hold of my collar.

"What makes you think I'll go with you?" I shrieked. I thrashed about hoping to loosen her grip.

"I'll tell you why," I heard while her grip tightened. "Because, I convinced everyone to let you tag along."


"Finally," she breathed quickly. Overlooking my confusion brought her concentration back to the others. "GET READY I HAVE HIM!" She cried out.

Suddenly, Elie sprinted towards the colossal aircraft. She hauled me tirelessly all the way.

"LET ME GO!" I screamed intolerably in exasperation. "I DON'T WANT TO GO!"

"That's too bad. We all have to do things we don't want to." Elie responded entering the vessel.

"Peanut?" I glanced next to me to see Elie holding a small nut. "They're good. Try one." She said calmly. Elie opened the small shell with ease and suggested it to me.

I stared at the revolting thing called a peanut. "No fuc–" Before I could even answer she stuck one in my mouth.

"Now chew," she said childishly. I munched slowly and glared at her evilly.

"It's not terrible," I muttered. There was no way I was going to let her have the satisfaction. "For Earth food, any ways."

"FANTASTIC," Elie cried as her eyes lit up. She cautiously set the bag of peanuts between us. "So we can share them… if you want anymore."

I observed, as Elie cracked the shell and popped its contents in her mouth. I did indeed want another, so I reached in and grasped one. Unfortunately, as I was reaching for one was so was El. Our hands momentarily collided together. While in a state of shock, we both retracted our hands from the bag. A light blush crept on both of our faces.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" El yelled. Elie glared darkly at me, she was unmistakably angry.

"WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M DOING?" I countered. I turned around to have my back towards her. I crossed my arms. "I WAS TRYING TO GET A PEANUT AND YOUR HAND WAS IN THE WAY."


"Look Runo. They're fighting already." I joked to the girl beside me. "Man, El sounds just like you when she's angry."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?" Runo roared at me.

"Nothing. It was a complement!" I spat out as quickly as possible. Nothing was worse than an aggravated Runo.

"AND JUST WHAT KIND OF COMPLEMENT IS THAT?" She shouted. Runo was visibly shaking. A sure sign she was furious.

Great Dan, you just had to tick off your girlfriend… Wait did I just say girlfriend? "Just forget I said anything." I told her meekly.

"FINE," she yelled as she turned to face the window. Runo was clearly ignoring me and succeeding. I slumped back into my seat defeated.

Staying on Runo's good side could often prove troublesome and taxing. Since Runo's attempt to go to New Vestroia I've tried my best to stay on it. After all, it isn't every day a girl jeopardizes her life to be with you. The two of us had always been close, but I didn't know she worried about me that much! Then again, I've never been that attentive when it comes to anything. It wasn't until Alice's grandfather said that Runo might be lost between dimensions that I comprehended that.

"Hey Runo," I whispered to her. "You know I was just teasing you right?"

"I know." She murmured back to me. "But one has to keep up appearances." Runo chuckled softly staring at me affectionately.

"What appearance?" I asked quizzically. "Everyone knows by now any ways." I gazed at her blankly like a deer caught in headlights.

"Forget I ever said anything." Runo told me with an understanding grin on her face.

Man I hate it when she says that! I wailed inwardly realizing that our conversation had reached its end. I shifted back into my seat more baffled about Runo then I ever had been before. Girls! Why do they have to be so complicated?

Well, did you enjoy it? DON'T FORGET TO REVIEW!!!

Also to all DanxRuno fans I'm sorry if what I wrote is worrying you. I was trying to write something cute with them. However, it turned out like that. I figured that Dan would say something like that to Runo causing her to fly off the deep end. So once again, I'm sorry if you didn't like it. I'LL TRY BETTER NEXT TIME.