Domo, for reading . This is my first fan fic, so, i hope i did okay. Im hoping to get some reviews, so you guys can email me at mizuru.!! Yattaaa. Thanks again.

And if you guys dont like yaoi/Shounen Ai/Lemon, please don;t read, and don't flame.

Naruto didn't really go to a school- not really. He called it a hellhole full of girls and guys, mostly girls, that spent the day trying to learn jutsu's. Sometimes, he wondered, why the hell some people actually bothered with

this. Some girls merely came to school to stalk-- err, watch Uchiha, Sasuke. The cutest, hottest, most godly boy in the whole school. Not to say that Naruto didn't agree....

Uzumaki Naruto blinked as a young pink haired konoha ninja slammed her fist down on the table.

" Naruttooo! Neee? Don't tell me, Its your birthday and I'm not invited!? " The Pink Haired Ninja yelled.

" D-Demo, Saukra-chan! " Naruto tried to think of a valid excuse as to why he would not invite Sakura to his party. 1.

She would destroy his apartment, 2. She wouldn't really be there for his birthday, but because he had invited Uchiha Sasuke to

his little birthday bash.

" Naruto-ne, ill be at your place at 5! " She said as she stomped across the hallway.

Naruto sighed. All he needed was a very irritable female ninja to ruin his mood.

" Yo, Naruto, you invited Sakura? " Inuzuka Kiba replied, as he ruffled his pet Akamaru's hair. The little puppy gave a small yiff and continued waging his tail,

only too happy to be with his owner.

" Yeah,.. "

" Can't wait to see what she does to Sasu-chan this time, I heard she already had sex with him, at his parents house, no less! She was bragging about it earlier,

apparently the maid came in and saw what they were doing! " He sneered.

" Really? " Naruto looked a little sad, but he elbowed his best friend anyways.

" Owwchhh! Hahaa, of course, it's quite hard to believe what she says anyways. I still think Hina-chan's way prettier." Kiba said as the purple haired ninja passed by.

Her whole face turned beet-red as she sped up to get out of her tight P.E uniform.

" You're such a player, Inuzuka. " smiled Sai, as he held up his own invite to Naruto's party.

" Look who's talking, Sai " Kiba smirked.

The two boys shared a brief laugh as Sai whispered, " My bet's on Uzumaki, for 30 ". Inuzuka laughed and punched Sai in the shoulder,

" You're on " he said as Sai excused himself from the conversation and went to gingerly deposit something in his locker.

Naruto sighed. This wasn't even a highschool, it merely was their training center. ( No one could call it a highschool, because the courses they took there were

far from what normal teenagers took at any highschool, not to say that some were unnecessary, like the cooking class everyone was forced to take. )

He and Kiba sat down at a table, and Naruto gingerly lifted the top off of his lunch. He took his chopsticks and stared eagerly at what his friend Hinata had made for him.

" Uwaahh, Kiba-kun, look! " He smiled as eh popped a piece of sushi in his mouth. He chewed for a minute the swallowed.

' Kiba-kun, Hinata can really cook! Yatta! " He jumped up and yelled.

The two continued to eat in peace, savoring each bite of the delicious lunch their friend had prepared for them. When it was over, Naruto stood up and stretch. The not-so-tight shirt

contoured his muscles exactly. He yawned slowly, then sat back down, - laid back down, I should say - and closed his eyes, when-

" Kyyaahhh! Look, its HIM! " a group of younger female ninja's yelled, as they pointed toward a young slender raven-haired boy that was approaching a table with a group of girl surrounding him as he walked.

Including, Haruno Sakura.

' Look, its the prince, followed by a whole trail of his whores! " Kiba sneered. " Hah. Naruto, why did you even invite him? " he questioned.

" I thought I should invite everyone.. even though he probably wont show up… " he sighed slowly.

The time passed very quickly, and the day soon came to an end. Naruto was now, sitting on the grass, in front of the large building he still refused to call a high school. The blowing wind made the grass blade's whisper songs into

his ears, but no matter how loud the sounds were, the only thing he could make out, was the faint whisper of;

"S-Saassukee, Sasukee "

His heart almost leaped out of his chest. His hands went to cover his ears, as is covering his ears would stop his consciousness from telling him, the dreaded name of the only person he wanted to be with. Slowly the wind receded, and the sound

of Sasuke's name began to fade. Naruto slowly removed his hands from his ears, and took a second to remember the proper way to breathe, the one that is not hyperventilating. He clutched at his heart, wondering why it reacted so strangely to sasuke's name.

Maybe inviting Sasuke to my party, wasn't such a smart idea. He though to himself. He closed his dark aquamarine eyes, and slowly began to drift off into a very, very- very- good dream.

He touched his lips slowly, invitingly, and his eyes stayed glued to the beautiful yet shadowy figure on the other side of the room, his hands wandered to his shirt, clutching at the soft, thin cloth that hid his muscular figure. The man on the other side of the room gave

a silent moan. Naruto could see the man was enjoying his little show. Gingerly, he lifted his shirt, and laid it out on the bed, while the other man edged closer to him. Naruto touched the man's pale skin. So soft, so smooth, not a scar blemishing the ivory-like surface. While Uchiha

Sasuke's skin bared no scars, what laid beneath his ivory-pale skin did. His lips curved, not into a smile, but into a lustful grimace.

His hands trail to Naruto's soft blond hair, and he entangles his fingers in the thin wires of gold that shimmer endlessly. His lips brush past Naruto's, slowly, agonizingly, as if to say " No, not yet, be patient ". Naruto gives Sasuke a confused and disappointed smile, as he tries to capture Sasuke's lips

beneath his own. His attempts are futile, yet Sasuke seems to give in, and slowly their lips begin to dance along side each other, with he occasional intrusion of their tongues, which yearn to explore the hot flesh within each other's mouth.

" Sas- " Naruto manages to stutter, before he yet again gets pulled back into his lover's kiss. Sasuke slowly breaks off the kiss, to regain some air, and says

" Stupid dobe, you were looking all seductive over there, and you didn't expect me to come over here and try to fuck you? " He smirked, as his dark blue eyes twinkled.

" T-teme,- ah " Naruto huffed, as Sasuke began to nibble at his neck, caressing the soft patch of skin, and leaving red marks, as he ravished the younger boy's taste.

Slowly, Sasuke begins to make his way down to Naruto's nipple. His fingers twist and rub at it,

" A-A-Sasuke, that feels fucking-A-hh- good. " He manages to stutter.

Sasuke's hands move down to Naruto's pants, he unzips them, and beginning to take off his boxer,

" Sasuke- what are you- " Naruto's complaints where immediately replaced by moans of sheer pleasure. Sasuke smirked

" Dobe, you're so dirty, you like it when i jack you off, don't you? " He smiled, he began rubbing the head of Naruto's member, slowly, circling his fingers around Naruto's hole. He chuckled deviously as he licked Naruto's precum off

of his fingers.

" Sasu-hhaa,fuck..haa "

He moaned as Sasuke rubbed his member, the hot warmth of his fingers rubbing against his hot throbbing member, felt like heaven.

" Sasuke, ah, - I, I think I'm going -- " He moaned as a spurt of hot, salty liquid exploded all over Sasuke -

" N-a--- " A voice called

" Na--r--- "

" Narut-o? "


Naruto's eyes fluttered open to see Kiba's face, intently watching him.

" Boy, what the hell, you homeless now? " Kiba sneered.

" Looks like you had a very nice dream, by the sounds of it, you were moaning and groaning, and saying " Sasuke, ahhh " " Kiba jeered.

" That's not, true, it was a dream about-- MELONS. " Naruto stuttered. " Yeah, yeah, Sasuke had these HUGE melons! " He said.

" Oh, god, spare me the details, what kind of sicko dream where you having, Sasuke had melons? " He fell to the ground laughing.

" N-ot those kind, Kiba! " Naruto's face turned red.

" Hah, " Kiba huffed, as he lifted himself off the ground " Shouldn't you be going?, its almost 7," Kiba contemplated. " Which means, only 5 more hours to get laid today!

Or, dream of Sasuke with Melons, yeah- that too, " He gave Naruto's quick wink as he walked off.

" Did I really just-- dream.. that? " Naruto huffed. he felt really hot, like his insides were going to explode.