What a lovely night. I glanced around contently, taking the cool night air deep into my lungs as I let my mind wander in the rare silence that the city rarely held. Usually cars rushed by in a constant thread of honking horns, screeching tires, and angry cursing, but tonight everything was silent. Even the crickets seemed to hold off on their chirping while I made my way home in the nearing darkness. Why is it so quiet... I thought after walking a few more paces. My eyes scanned my surroundings, a wave of paranoia hitting me, and my pulse quickened. Not a person in site. Even the shop windows were completely black.

Naturally, I panicked.

I took off at a full sprint down the sidewalk. Each loud thump as my converse hit the pavement made my heart jolt. They echoed back to me in the silence, and filled my heart with fear. My pulse was drumming so loudly in my head, I didn't hear the soft screech of tires as an unmarked black car pulled up beside me, matching my running pace. Before I could think about anything, the door closest to me opened, and I shrieked as I was dragged into the blackness of the car.

My cries were soon silenced as something, a bandana of sorts, was shoved into my mouth, and a similar object tied around my head to cover my eyes. I gagged on the fabric for a moment but was soon distracted by the sensation of my hands being tied behind my back. I didn't know what the person, or persons, used to tie them there, but it was much too soft to be rope.

Yet even that fact didn't comfort me for long. Soon I was squirming against the leather of the seats, hot tears rolled freely down my cheeks. My imagination had free range while my vision was reduced to the pitch black that the blindfold provided. I imagined old men, sadistic and horny, ready to rape me, and not think anything of it. Maybe they wouldn't do it just once? Maybe this was a kidnapping? A choked sob sounded from deep in my chest, and I began to cry loudly. Would I ever see my friends again? My parents? The siblings that I had considered for so long as annoying? How long had I been dreaming about moving out of that house, and now the only thought on my mind was how much I would give to see it again.

I knew when the car had finally stopped. The feeling of not being in motion was a relief, but the relief was short lived. A second after, a fresh wave of panic washed over me. Where was I now? What was going to happen? The cool air hit my face then, making the streaks of moisture where the tears had ran, cooler than the rest of my panic flushed face. I was swung into the air effortlessly, as if I weighed the equivalent of a feather, and was settled over the shoulder of my kidnapper. Behind me, I heard the car drive off again. This confused me. Was there only one of them then? Or, was this one of my friends playing a sick joke? A spark of anger made my cheeks burn. If it was... someone was going to get kicked in the nuts.

I lay there helplessly, listening hard to everything I could. The scratching of a key as it was forced into a lock. The click the lock made as it opened. A small squeal as the door was pushed open. The flick of a light switch being turned on. The door shutting behind me, and then the soft clatter as my captor kicked off his shoes. I was jostled slightly when the motion of climbing up stairs made my head thud into his shoulder blade. I groaned, suddenly feeling the ache in my neck from having it in this awkward position for so long. But that only registered in the back of my mind while I listened for more clues as to where and what was happening. Another door opened, another flick of a light switch. Then I was lying down on what felt like a bed, but on my side since my hands were still tied securely behind my back.

Music began to play softly in the background, and I heard a few rustling and clanking noises from behind me. My pulse was like thunder in my ears, making it near impossible to listen to what was going on. I couldn't think straight, so I didn't fight against the arms that picked me back up again. It was a short distance this time, and I leaned into the man, feeling abruptly exhausted. A hand stroked my cheek, so softly that I was taken aback by the gentleness of it. I squinted against the blindfold desperately, but it was no use. I couldn't see anything. "I've had my eye on you for a while..." The sudden voice made me jump. My heart hammered against my rib cage, and I was appalled to find myself attracted to the deep and lusty voice. It wasn't loud, or obnoxious like I had been anticipating, but low and smooth. It was sexy. I gasped inwardly at the truth of it. Yet I forced myself to focus on the words he was speaking, for I was still frightened.

"The moment I saw you..." his voice trailed off wistfully, and again his light touch traced across my skin, leaving a burning sensation running down my arm. I shuddered. "I knew I had to have you." He gently pushed me, and I fell back against what felt like a padded wall. His chest pressed into mine as he reached around my waist and began to gently untie my bindings. Again, I didn't think to move as I inhaled the scent of his skin, inches away from mine. He smelled like chocolate. Not the cheap dollar store kind, but the expensive and elegantly crafted delicacies you would find in a five star restaurant. I couldn't help but moan. His breath ran across my collarbone, and I squirmed. His hands, gentle yet sure in their every movement, were holding my hands against the wall, suspended above my head. He pressed himself firmly against my body as he teased me. I could feel him everywhere as he assaulted my senses. I gasped when I heard a click, and felt his hands leave my wrists, yet they stayed suspended above me. Handcuffs? I could feel what felt like feathers tickling my skin, and I wondered in a panic why I hadn't run when I had had the chance. "Do you recognize my voice yet, Bella?" he murmured close to my ear, yet he no longer pressed his body into mine. I shook my head dumbly. "So disappointing," he told me quietly.

His hand pulled the gag free from my mouth, and then quickly reached back to the knot that held my blindfold in place. Seconds after, it fell from my eyes. I blinked against the sudden bright light, waiting less than patiently for them to adjust. When they finally did, I gasped. "Jasper!" His only answer was a smirk. My face twisted into a mixture of emotions. Jasper went to my school, he was in most of my classes, and I had been eyeing him for the past few weeks. He was a transfer from England. Suddenly his thick accent registered in my mind, and I couldn't believe I hadn't recognized it before. I had fantasized about that voice since the first time I'd heard it…

Suddenly I was aware that he was staring intently at me. I blushed. "What are you thinking about?" he cooed, smirking again as he rummaged around in his jeans pocket. I watched his face, a spasm of fear and excited anticipation as I imagined what he might be searching for. "Do you think about me, Bella? What would you do to me…" he trailed off, and stepped forward so that he was inches from me again. Everything went black and I realized he had blindfolded me again. I squirmed against my restraints, and huffed in annoyance. He chuckled under his breath. "Don't sound so disappointed," he teased me, his voice thick with amusement as I scowled. I would have swore at him, if I hadn't feared that he would gag me again.

There was a soft snap, followed by another, and I jumped. It sounded like spandex gloves, and I was reminded sickeningly of a hospital. Jasper's warm breath was suddenly there on my neck again, kissing me softly. His lips just barely touched my skin. It was maddening. "Jasper..." I trailed off quietly, trying to lean into his kisses, but failing miserably due to the handcuffs. He moaned against my collarbone, sending an excited shiver down my spine. I pleaded in my mind for him to take off the blindfold. My body craved to see him again. But my inward pleas were met with the surprise of a ripping sound, and the sensation of tugging around my chest area. I remembered I had worn a low-cut shirt today, and I guessed, with a small surge of arousal, that he had just ripped my shirt from my body. I felt the torn up fabric glide across my feet, and knew I was right.

"My, my... we are excited, aren't we?" his accent was deep, but it was only a whisper as he obviously approved of my hardened peaks. "Mhmm," I murmured, nodding my head. "You're naughty," he told me, a note of bemused approval in his voice. "Would you like me to cure that?" I was reminded of the snaps from before, and the hospital feeling I had had. I wanted so badly to see him now; I was almost willing to beg. Far too lost in my mental pictures, I nodded. A sharp flick hit my breast, and I jumped in alarm. A riding crop? "Say it," he demanded, and flicked me again, more sharply, in the sensitive part of my thigh. I could feel it through my jeans, and I jumped again, yet also noticing the pleasure it brought with it. The thought of Jasper whipping me was delicious. "I want you, Jasper!" I cried, whimpering as he flicked me again. "That was inevitable," his voice sounded smug, and the next moment the blindfold fell free from my eyes, and my vision mercifully returned. The sight of him was enough to make me moan.

I was right before when I thought the snap had been gloves, only they were nothing as I imagined. They were white with tiny red crosses near the tops, and they ended at his elbow. They were so hot, but it didn't end there. His chest was completely bare, leaving my eyes to scan over his body hungrily for a moment, before I noticed the white leather pants, and knee high nurse boots he was wearing. They too had the similar red crosses on them. Everything was skin tight, showing off his body nicely. I shook and squirmed desperately in my restraints.
"The nurse is in…" he said seductively, walking slowly towards me and placing his hands on my hips. The leather crop was hung around a loop in his pants, along with a few other toys I couldn't care to name off. His fingers glided up and down my sides, barely ghosting over me skin as he purposefully teased me. I bit my lip hard, and fought the urge to lean forward and try to kiss his prefect lips. The only thing that held me back was the fear of dislocating my shoulders.

"When I fantasized about this moment, I always thought you would make more noise for me," he sighed, but I still caught the devilish tone in his voice. My head had fallen back against the wall, and my eyes had closed, so I was unprepared when he ran the vibrating toy down the length of my chest. Like his touch, it barely made contact with my skin as he ran it from my neck, between my breasts, and down my stomach until it reached my jeans. I moaned quietly as my sex spasmed between my legs. "God… you are so fucking wet for me," Jasper whispered next to my ear, ceasing the vibrating as he let his full palm rest on the zipper of my jeans. "Your diagnosis shows that you've had these on for far too long."

Fuck me... I bit hard into my lip while he began to unzip my pants painfully slow. His fingers brushed against the lace of my panties, and I gasped loudly. Jasper got down on his knees before me, sliding my jeans slowly over my hips and down my thighs. His hands traced over my skin, and tugged slightly at the lace of my underwear. I whimpered as he began to leave a trail of soft kisses across my lower stomach, so close to my burning sex that it could be considered torture if not for the intense pleasure of it all. Having planted kisses anywhere he could reach; he finished, and then just as slowly as he had removed my jeans, removed my panties. I could feel my hot juices running down my thighs, now exposed for him to see.

Jasper smirked and ran the tips of his fingers between my thighs. I gasped, and bucked my hips into him. He made a disapproving noise in the back of his throat, stood up and reached roughly for the snap on his jeans. I was absolutely speechless as he pulled his straining length out before my eyes, and stroked himself. He removed his hand and stepped forward, his hard cock pressed against my chest now. I shivered, wanting nothing but him inside me. He grinned, reaching up to stroke my cheek, letting his one hand fall behind my head. I was so lost in the feeling of him so close to me; I was shocked when I felt the gag being forced into my mouth. I pleaded as he worked himself in front on me, his head thrown back while I squirmed in my restraints. Watching him pleasuring himself as his eyes roamed my naked body hungrily, it was so fucking hot.

After a short while, his strokes became more powerful and urgent as I worked himself to his climax. His soft features creased, the muscle in his chest flexing with his shoulders that hunched forward against the taught strain of his biceps. It was beautiful, the most beautiful torture, for it tortured me to watch. I moaned against the gag, every part of me longing for him. Jasper looked me in the eye for a moment, and then seemed to make a decision. In one swift movement, he stopped his thrusts, and reached up at a complicated pulley system above my head. A second later, the chains connected to my handcuffs fell slack. I wasn't prepared, and fell down to my knees before him. Suddenly, I understood his plan. I licked my lips in anticipation.

"Do you want to suck me, Bella? Take me into your hot little mouth, until I fill you?" he ran his fingers through my hair, looking down on me with mischievous eyes. I nodded. He frowned, and a sharp yet deliciously pleasurable wave of feeling sent spasms through my sex. I hadn't noticed when he had taken the crop back into his hands. "Now, now," he scolded me lightly, continuing to tap me with the crop. "Remember, I want to hear you."
I nodded again out of habit, but quickly recovered. "Yes, yes!" he pleaded before he could hit me again. "I want to suck you, Jasper. I want you to cum in my mouth, please."

He nodded, pleased, and then stepped forward so that his cock slid into my mouth. I groaned, and took him deeper, teasing the head and then the shaft with my tongue. Jasper moaned loudly, running his fingers into my hair again. I sucked harder as he began to guide my movements, until he was fucking my mouth with reckless abandon.

"Fuck," he grunted, fingers tightening in my hair. "You are so fucking good at this. I never imagined…" he didn't get to finish his thought. With a final pull, I deep throated him, and ran my tongue firmly across the bottom of his length. Jasper cried out, as his orgasm consumed him, and wave after wave of pleasure shook his body. I swallowed around him, continuing to tease his softening cock with my tongue. "Fuck, Bella." He said again under his breath, pulling out of me. I grinned, enjoying that I could make him talk like that. His usual prude attitude was noticeably absent tonight.

Jasper began to move around the room, stopping every now and then to look at something, or to consider some unknown plan forming in his mind. All I could do was kneel there helplessly, suffering in my longing to have him. I wanted to scream every swear word I knew at him; make some up if I had to, for him making me suffer like this. My eyes wandered across his exposed torso, and over his gloved arms, and all my anger melted inside me. How could anyone be angry with someone so fucking hot?

"I've lived out one fantasy… time to live out the other," he murmured to himself while he released the pink feathery cuffs from around my wrists, pushing down on my shoulder when I tried to stand. "Stay on your knees," he warned firmly. My eyes widened at his harsh tone, but I also mused over what he had said. Jasper had fantasies about me? And not just one, but several? I wanted to giggle.

He walked away from me, and on instinct, I followed quickly on my hands and knees. On the floors were soft pads, for which I was happy they were there, preventing any more damage to my already fucked up knees. We stopped next to what looked like a bench, but much shorter in length and height, and padded with leather on the top. Jasper nudged me towards it, until my stomach was touching, then pulled my hands behind my back again. As soon as the soft bindings touched my skin, I remembered it from in the car earlier. Only now as he tied my hands together, there was no fear. Only intense anticipation.

Finally, he added a spreader bar to the cuffs on my ankles, and then pushed me forward over the bench, leaving me completely exposed to him. I shuddered when I felt his hot breath on my neck. "You don't know how long I've waited for this," he breathed in my ear, trailing his fingers up and down my thighs. "Wanted to be inside you. You're probably so tight." I heard him moan, before he began to leave open-mouthed kisses across my back. I whimpered, trying to push my hips into him, and felt the head of his erection graze my skin. Jasper grunted, and seeming to have enough of the teasing, grabbed my hips firmly with his fingers, and slowly eased into me. I cried out, shocked as I adjusted to his size. He waited until I had relaxed, before pulling out and driving into me again. Our moans and grunts mixed into one as our hips smashed into each other. His thrusts were so hard and fast I wondered briefly if the bench was bolted to the floor. Then I felt his hot skin on my back as he leant forward to stroke me, pushing two of his fingers into my dripping core. He began to pump into me, matching the rhythm of his thrusts, as he fucked me with his fingers. My whole body seemingly caught fire, and I was crying out in sheer ecstasy, so close to my peak. I could tell Jasper was close to when he began to move impossibly faster. He just had time to tell me to come for him, before he gave one final thrust before stopping deep inside me. We exploded together in a flood of sensation and fire, my cries seemed far away to my own ears as Jasper pumped his fingers into me a few more times to prolong my orgasm. It felt like it had lasted forever, yet it was over too quick. When he pulled out, I groaned and let my full weight fall into the bench, completely spent. Jasper removed the spreader bar and the handcuffs, then rubbed my sore muscles gently until I felt better. He picked me up off the bench, and carried me over to his bed. Keeping me cradled gently in his arms, he dressed me again. I wasn't sure who's clothes he put me in, as I clearly remembered him destroying my clothing earlier, but I guessed by the delectable scent of chocolate that clung to them, that they had to belong to the nurse himself.

He helped me down the stairs slowly, tracing lazy circles in my shoulder with the hand that wasn't helping to support me. I wondered idly why I was so tired, but didn't have the strength to dwell on it for long. Jasper lead me towards his car; a bright red Ferrari convertible, which explained why he had used his friend's car to kidnap me. The bright red wasn't exactly inconspicuous. The engine came to life quietly, settling into a light purr as we drove down the deserted streets. I gazed out the window at the greying sky, and realized it must almost be dawn. How long had I been with Jasper?

In little time at all, the car pulled silently up to my house, and then stopped. Jasper turned to me as I reached for the door handle, and smirked, looking me up and down with a glint in his eye.

"See you at school."

A/N : this story was made for a friend of mine as a special smex request. Please note, that names have been changed incase a certain someone happens to stumble upon it. [= so, in saying that, it has turned into a nice little Twilight lemon.

I own nothing related to twilight, or the characters, obviously.

Enjoy. Reviews would be lovely.