Only time will Tell


Chapter 7: Colors of the heart. How to mend a broken heart. (Kokoro no iro. Dono yō ni kizutsuita kokoro o shūfuku suru.)

-"Yawn…Man I slept so well!"- A chesnut haired young man said whilst opening his eyes.

Tsukune rubbed his eyes groggily. Before he moved however, he decided to assess the situation, a bold could mean…Touching his new "Partner" and probably result in an embarrassing situation.

-"Gulp…Ok…move out slowly, slowly…"- he sweated.

Once out of bed, the young man saw the empty bed of his room and sighed in relief. Sleeping with someone was sure hard, and harder to contain were the feelings and thoughts he had by doing so. Tsukune scratched his head and decided to look for the missing Kurumu.

-"Kurumu-chan?"- He called out.

No answer.

So that meant perhaps a calm morning, although he had to admit to himself that shiny smile of hers was the best to start the day, Couples are said to give each other the best smile which is, in the morning.

-"Wait…What am I thinking? That's only for couples! And we're…we're…What are we?"-

As he walked to the table he pondered that issue. True, they had long since crossed the friend line, yet his feelings for her although growing with time, still didn't quite feel like love…or did it?

-"Oh well, I'll just prepare breakfast and…huh?"- He saw a covered bento box and a small note.

-"Dear Tsukune: I'm going out with the girls early. I'm leaving your breakfast here, I'll be back at noon ok? Ah, yes please if you're going out do try to be back by noon, I really got to talk to you about something. Love Kurumu."- it was signed with various little hearts and a lip mark…A kiss in the paper with lipstick.-"Wait? W…Why did she leave me breakfast? It's not like we're…"-

Together. Or so he wanted to say, but such note DID contradict the facts.

-"Let's see…Wow!"- Tsukune stood agape at what he saw. –"Spaghetti, some vegetables, and meat…this must be hard to make…"-

The young man looked at his meal, neat, nice, delicious looking…the love could that was put into making the meal could be seen by anyone, even him.

-"But why? Oh well…I'll just eat. Itadakimasu…"- the young man put a piece in his mouth. –"Delicious!"-


A mental Image Of a smiling Kurumu making a victory sign thanks to his compliment, wearing an apron came to him. Pretty soon he was beet red and shaking his head from side to side.

-"What am I thinking? Darn…Just eat."-

10,000 mental images later, the blushing young man washed the dish and wondered why in heaven's name did she come to his mind? Sure, it was a hard meal to make but it wasn't anything special.

-"I'm alone. I should go to the library…I'll finish the schoolwork today."- He decided.

Walking alone in the summer sun, sure felt great, however as he exited he could hear people murmuring about him.

-"What? Aono is not with any girl today? What's with that?"- A male student said.

-"I guess Kurono dumped him." After all he's a good for nothing, indecisive, perverted fool."- A female student added.

Tsukune sighed. Despite the fact that he was accustomed to such treatment, he wasn't in the mood now. He had many things on his mind. And for his luck, SHE was the main issue. He felt a bit lonely without her; though the peace and calm were welcome he sure missed her hand in his.

-"Right now, she'd be grabbing my hand…Wait! Again? I'm filled with weird thoughts! She just went with everyone else but I…miss…ugh!"- The young man grabbed his chest in apparent pain. –"I'm still a loser in love. I'd better not go there."- He concluded.

Walking around, the morning sun made him sweat; summer sure was hot this year. Walking around Tsukune checked his map and found the library, Right there he took a pike of books and opened them.

-"Man, I sure wish Moka-san were here…She'd know how to make it all at once."-

He sighed, but what would happen if Moka were here? They'd study, and then look at each other's eyes, those emerald pure eyes he used to love and…get his blood sucked like a goat. Although There MAY have been times when they COULD have kissed, it only remained at that. May and could…only as a possibility not like a fact. A small pain began to arise in his chest.

-"All for nothing…All that I gave…"- The chocolate eyed boy grit his teeth in frustration. –"Like a Tale who reached its end…or that never even began…"-

Despite the fact that for him Moka-san was a faraway memory, the pieces of his heart were still broken or at least damaged, but that was the sweet trap called "Illusion" Moka-san lied so well. His eyes lit when she said Tsukune in an affectionate tone. He compared her to the sea, blue and pure, disgracefully its waters were salt almost like his story; Beautiful, yet he ended bitter and alone. Perhaps he was deceived but…she lied so well or maybe didn't like him enough…

Where were those moments now? The past that never came back, the long lost past that vanished on its own? Her laughter which made him soar? Like the sea, it had all been erased by the tide and ebb called "Reality." The time that passed and the fact that he was unable to see, the hours filled with blushes and smiles? The "kisses" in his neck? All gone.

-"Stop…thinking Tsukune."- He murmured to himself, letting of his chest. –"Work. Work."-

As he worked, in the name part, he wrote "Moka." Frustrated, he erased it. He tried to concentrate and scribble all about his festival to investigate. Despite the fact that his brain was fully committed, deep down inside he couldn't forget. He had lost all, like a traveler with an endless road, like a ship on high sea without a port to stop or anywhere to return to; a Memory of the past, an unfinished story, that raw winter called loneliness... That was his reality, the silence of immensity as his partner, a lost embrace, the loneliness without Moka…

As he worked with great diligence, each heartbeat hurt and he himself didn't know why, an unsolvable enigma, like a cloud blown away by Moka's goodbye. A Mental image of her saying bye came to him, her pink hair waving in the wind, her soft hand saying goodbye, her green eyes as happy as ever and bit by bit going farther and farther. Abruptly he grit his teeth and sighed.

-"That's enough. Let it go…concentrate."-

As the young man begun to work, he was so concentrated he didn't even knew when he finished. Sighing he reclined on his chair.

-"Alone…huh?"- He said staring on the ceiling.-"Ouch!"- The young man complained as something hit his head.-"What's this…poetry?"-

By accident he'd grabbed one of those cheesy poetry books, and at the rate his mind and hear were, it would be like adding lumber to the fire…yet to try to find a distraction and the fact that curiosity got the better of him made him open the small blue book.

A broken heart is sure like a traveler with an endless road…but he has to stop somewhere as even the longest way has an end.

A broken heart is like is ship on high sea without a port to stop or anywhere to return to, but it can stop anywhere, as its crew needs to rest.

A broken heart is like a Memory of the past, an unfinished story…but sometimes an unfinished story is better than a story with a tragic ending, and sometimes the past is only useful to learn from it, not to torment ourselves.

A broken heart is like winter called loneliness...but even winter has shiny stars in the sky and beautiful silver moons that make the snow shine and besides after winter a warm spring comes.

-"What's with this book? I don't get it at all…"- he said re-reading it again and again.

-"Don't forget what is written in that book…my son in law."- a voice murmured.


Tsukune looked around and did not notice anyone, he turned behind and saw a mature lady with blue hair faraway at the counter of the library, she couldn't have murmured to him, she was too far…so then who…?

Sighing, he grabbed the books, except for a book relate on art and returned them to the counter.

-"Mr. Aono Tsukune is it? All books have been received."- The librarian said.

-"But this little book…?"-

-"I'm sorry, that doesn't belong here. Perhaps a client left it?"-

-"Um…"- Tsukune opened and his name was inscribed in it in the back of the front page.-"Ah no, it's mine I just forgot I brought it along…"- showing his name, Tsukune excused himself and returned to the hotel.

After ages of working the young man sat in the table, trying to finish art homework.

-"Let go of the past…huh? And who was the one who gave me this book?"- He said eyeing it.

He closed his eyes and thought perhaps it was about time he let go, but the hard part was accepting rejection, he never had a very high confidence in himself, and the fact that such a pretty girl gave him hope and turned him down…well, hurt a lot.

Deciding his mind had wandered enough, he decided to apply to work.

-"Let's see…The instructions are: Look for a famous painting and describe its feelings and meaning to society, its values and worth. Man, I don't know what to write…"-

Browsing through the book Tsukune saw a lot of paintings but one caught his attention. This tapestry was wider than the others, and had a somewhat different style. There was a lady. A lion a Monkey, a servant girl, a monkey and a Unicorn stands in front of a tent, covered with a Turkish rug across the top of which is written "À Mon Seul Désir", her maidservant stands to the right, holding opening a chest. The lady is placing the necklace she wears in the other tapestries into the chest. To her left is a low bench with bags of coins on it. The unicorn and the lion stood to her left and right, framing the lady while holding onto the pennants.

-"What's this…? À Mon Seul Désir…What language is that?"- The young man stood up and walked to the hotel computer room.-"How that search engine was called…Google…no, giggle was it? it was. Let's translate it."- He typed in the translator.

To my one and only desire…That's what it read. The young man, searched for the meaning and printed the Job, as he read the title Page, the phrase À Mon Seul Désir bugged him.

-My one and only's in French huh?That's a good motto. Maybe I should learn from it…I mean, I'm always wondering what I DO desire…but I fail at taking life of death decisions…"- he sighed. –"To my one and only desire…" he murmured.

-"…That would be me right?"- a cheerful voice said, while hugging from behind him.

-"Gah!"- The young man fell from his chair and landed on his back.

Upon opening his eyes he saw long and beautiful white creamy legs, pink sexy panties and recognized his school's skirt…

-"Wah!"- Tsukune raised himself, beet red. –"Kurumu-chan don't do that."- Tsukune closed his eyes as if he'd expect a nag.

-"Man, you're so Jumpy…"- she chuckled.

-"Please don't laugh…That hurt a lot."-

-"Oh? Should I embrace you and kiss your back until you feel better?"- She said playfully.

-"Please don't! I mean…we'll do it later, in our room!"-

-"Really? Remember you accepted!"-She said a big smile on her lips.-"And remember it's OUR room!"-

-"Ugh…"- The young man sighed. –"Why Do I always end like this? It's like divine punishment…"-

-"What were you seeing? Something ecchi? No fair! Tsukune should only see me!"-

-"WHO WOULD DO THAT ON A PUBLIC COMPUTER ROOM?"- Tsukune exclaimed. –"And besides I'm not the type to see those types of things…"-

-"I'm so happy! Tsukune has eyes only for me! Yahoo!"- Kurumu said hugging him.

-"Yeah, I lose my mind when I…Wait! What am I thinking? Stop right there Tsukune!"- He froze in place. She had hit a VERY weak spot and he realized there.

-"What were you doing…Ah! The art work! I haven't completed it yet! But about the festival project…It Isn't complete so why…"-

-"I completed today in the morning."- He shrugged his shoulders.-"All that remains is to the murals and we're done!"-

-"Great! Um…Tsuki…I haven't done my Art work…so…"-

-"No. I won't let you copy mine."-

-"Aw! But…I don't know where to search for the homework, woof!"- Kurumu hugged the young man.

-"If I do we'll both get a zero…If you want I can help you, it's pretty easy with the guidance that's online."-

-"Thanks! As I would have expected, I get mutual affection given to me by my destined one and future husband!"-

The young man blushed at this, and then felt a lot of eyes on him. Upon looking around various people stared at the couple, some in laughter and some in envy or disgust, as doing love-love acts in public wasn't exactly correct, yet to him it was beginning to feel natural…

-"Ok, here I saw an easy to describe painting…"-

While the young man explained, the succubus sat beside him and wrapped her arms around his chest and laid her head on his shoulder, while listening to what he said. Tsukune upon sensing her soft hair in his shoulder was a bit surprised but managed to control his reflexes. He discreetly turned his eyes to her and saw a satisfied expression. One that meant one thing, that she didn't need anything else.

Despite the fact that he was comfortable too, his heart began to beat faster upon feeling her embrace for a while, her cute purple eyes shining with happiness, satisfied small sighs reached his ears from her lips, the heat of summer and their own body heat began to take their toll and both began to sweat; She looked so sexy when small drops ran down her skin, her shampoo and perfume were reaching his nose…at this rate his mind would get blown and his chest began to ache due to the fast beating of his heart.

A broken heart is sure like a traveler with an endless road…but he has to stop somewhere as even the longest way has an end.

-"What…why did that phrase come to mind?"- He murmured to himself shaking his head from side to side.

-"Tsukune?"- Kurumu asked.

-"Um…no nothing just…spaced out."- He assured.

An end…? And that end…was her? That was what he had been thinking? But how? He didn't know Even the beginning…

-"Ah look! Teddy bears. Kawaii!"-

-"Kurumu-chan, that's a pop-up from a "Make it yourself" web…"-

-"But they're so cute! Oh well, they don't beat MY own teddy bear's warmth…right teddy bear…Tsu-ku-ne?"- She whispered coquettishly.

A broken heart is like is ship on high sea without a port to stop or anywhere to return to, but it can stop anywhere, as its crew needs to rest.

-"Huh? Again?"-

Nowhere to stop…that was situation he lived, wandering with no end. But…when he was with her, he felt he could stop anywhere, and her blue hair was even more beautiful than the sea itself…and her lips sure helped "swallowing the salt" or how many would say, forget his former pain…

-"Um…I'm not soft…"- The boy stated.

-"But you're so warm…"- she said dreamily.

-"Ahem, let's concentrate…"-

-"Hai! Woof, woof!"- She barked cutely.

As he taught her, comfort began to take possession of him, as if her embrace not only erases his laments but gave him new hope.

-"And this is the painting so we have to describe it like this, like they say here."-

-"I see! When you explain it it's so easy to understand!"-

-"I don't know if she means it or she said it to compliment me…"- Tsukune said to himself in a low tone.

A broken heart is like a Memory of the past, an unfinished story…but sometimes an unfinished story is better than a story with a tragic ending, and sometimes the past is only useful to learn from it, not to torment ourselves.

-"What's going on in my mind…why am I remembering those phrases?"-

Memories of the past, tormenting him…haunting him. Cruel silence and ruthless illusion had killed his former affection, yet with her there was no timidity, no silence it was as if they were an experienced couple. Perhaps, and juts perhaps…were they made for each other…

-"And with this, we end the assignment."-

-"Wait, Tsukune you forgot this part, I thinks it's important because it explains the uses of the painting in society."- She put her hand on top of his while he manipulated the mouse.

-"Er…yeah, let me paste it in the document."-

As he pasted and saved the document, he realized something; their hands were still on top of each other. Tsukune expected her to return to her previous position but when he looked at her, she had wide eyes from it too.

-"K…Ku…Kurumu-chan…?"- Tsukune inquired vaguely.

-"T…Tsukune…"- she said in an affectionate tone.

She turned to meet his eyes. Lavender tender eyes met chocolate confused ones. The young man noticed, her cheeks were very red, perhaps redder than Kokoa's hair…Upon this, Kurumu grabbed Tsukune's hand noticeably stronger. The young man enjoyed the softness on his hand, but it was driving him crazy…

A broken heart is like winter called loneliness...but even winter has shiny stars in the sky and beautiful silver moons that make the snow shine and besides after winter a warm spring comes.

Spring was the time of love…and melted ice…perhaps she was melting him? He sure felt as hot as a burnt marshmallow and despite that, such sensations were making him happy.

-"Tsukune…"- she lowered her head until her bangs covered her eyes. –"Can…Can I kiss you?"-

-"W…What? H…Here? I mean…"-

-"Look, there's no one around…"-

The young man looked around and as if destiny was mocking him or perhaps making him fall into reason…no soul was around. All was deserted, very…lucky? Maybe or perhaps…such luck wasn't possible and it HAD to happen? Pondering such things, he swallowed hard, he felt thirsty or rather, thirsty for her taste, unknowingly craving her kiss. When he turned back, a very intense glance met his own. Burning passion obvious in her eyes, unable to withstand it, she buried her head in his chest.

-"Onegai…ne?"- She whispered.

-"B…But…"-he had run out of excuses to stop it.

Kurumu began to slowly near her face, Tsukune tried to move, yet his brains and his heart denied such movement, instead guided by instinct he moved closer. Bit by bit he felt her small breaths on his lips, when it happened. They were kissing and what was worse or better…he wanted more.

She wholeheartedly gave him a kiss while he timidly, move one hand to caress her hair and the other grabbed her hand, she put her remaining hand on his back to caress it. Craving more, Kurumu licked his lips, Tsukune opened his mouth and began to play with his girl's tongue, while both tongues dances rhythmically and drops of saliva were dropping down their lips neither minded as they kept going. She pressed her breasts to his chest to please him, at such a gesture he moaned making her giggle in satisfaction.

After 7 minutes of intense kissing, both let go and stared into each other's eyes, their hands still connected.

-"Pant…that was…"- Tsukune said gasping.

-"Gasp…Incredible. Thanks Tsukune, I'm so happy."-

-"To my one and only desire...that means...I desire her?"-

Taking all their paper work, they silently returned to their room, hand in hand and with red faces, sure that no one had seen them.

The young man sat in the bed, still processing what had happened…Kurumu then broke the silence.

-"Tsuki…remember We had something to talk about?"-

-"Yeah, what did you need to talk about?"-

-"I…I want you to introduce me to your parents as your girlfriend.


In the next chapter:

Hey everyone, this is Tsukune!

Completely shocked to her petition, somehow I comply and we go to my house. However we have a bit of trouble and Kyouko is mad at the fact that I'm a human and Kurumu-chan's is a Youkai and to top it all off…Dad and Mom want to know what I really feel…! I…I really…I won't hurt Kurumu-chan…this is what I really feel! Next, On Only Time Will Tell: On the winds of happiness (pt. 1): Idealism and Realism (Shiawase no Kaze. Risō shugi to riarizumu.) This is the path I've Chosen Kyouko…and I will go to the end with her!