I sat at Edward's piano as I waited for Jasper and Edward to come back from their "camping" trip. They had been gone for nearly a week and they were due to come home any minute. Three minutes and 45 seconds to be exact, but who's counting?
My fingers gingerly touched the keys as I hummed a melody and picked out the exact notes on the piano. I froze as a vision came to me.
I turned around on the piano bench in time to see Jasper come through the front door, his eyes a soft hazel color. He was across the room only seconds later. I giggled.
"What's so funny?" he asked with a hint of the southern accent that I loved so much in his voice.
"You'll see." I brought him down to my eye level and pulled him with me to the floor.
His hands easily found my sides and he gracefully rolled over so I was lying on top of him.
I weaved my fingers through his honey-blonde hair and kissed his eyelids, his nose, his cheeks, every part of his face, leaving his lips for last.
His arms snaked around my waist and he held me closer to his body, kissing me back hungrily. His hands massaged my back as I gripped both sides of his face with my hands.
I moaned pleasurably, loving the fact that Jasper was here and I was in his arms again.
I was now cradling his head in my hands as his lips moved down to my throat.
"Welcome home, Jazz," I whispered in his ear.
Jasper pulled away and looked deep into my eyes. He smiled.
"Glad to be home, Ali," he said before I crashed my lips to his. I was more than glad to have him back. I was ecstatic, joyful, happy... complete. That's it. I was completed.
I never said this, but I was sure he could feel it in my emotions.
My Jasper. My loyal, sensitive, beautiful, strong, caring, wonderful Jasper.
I smiled into the kiss and I could feel his lips mirroring mine. I trailed my fingers down the sides of his face and he sighed contentedly.
I pulled away and stared at him. He gazed back at me, smiling broadly.
"Jasper," I whispered, almost inaudibly.
He silently held me against his chest, saying everything without really saying anything.
I wasn't sure how long we laid like this, a few days maybe, but time never mattered when I was with my love.
As I came back to the present, I heard the front door open. I turned around to see Jasper smiling at me as I laughed, realized the deja vu of this moment.
He crossed the room to meet me in only a matter of seconds.
"What's so funny?" he asked.
"You'll see," I replied as I pulled him down to the floor with me.