Ricky I'm Pregnant
It was a cool, crisp Saturday morning, Amy Jeurgens – Boykavich was preparing to make the call that would end her marriage to Ben Boykavich for good. Amy had slept with her high school lover and father of her first 2 kids, they had not seen each other in years and when they did they started off slowly getting back together and then they made love. Amy just recently found out she is pregnant and not by her husband. Amy's husband Ben did not take the news well that his wife had slept with someone else, but he was willing to make their marriage work for the sake of their 2 kids, but Amy knew that Ricky deserved the chance to be involved with his child.
"Good Morning Amy" Ben said to his wife
"Hey Ben" Amy, knew she was not in love with Ben and she did not want to lead him on at all.
"So what are your plans for the day?" Amy said to Ben.
"I'm taking the kids to the park; we are leaving as soon as Emily finds her bear.
"Well have fun"
After Ben left Amy knew it was time to go ahead and make the call to Ricky.
"Hello Amy"
Hey Ricky"
"Amy, I love you"
"I-I-I Love you to"
"Ricky, can you meet me for lunch in 30 minutes?"
"Sure, what's up?"
"Just want to talk"
I know deep down inside me I wanted to never make that call and never see him again, but I also knew he has the right to know about his child. I knew my 3 year marriage to Ben was going to be over once Ricky knew I was expecting his child. I really do love Ben, but not the way I have always loved Ricky.
I decided to tell Adrian that I had some work to do, even though I knew it was a Saturday I had been working a lot of them since we got married to support our family, but this time I had taken the day off to go see Amy. I decided to wear a Black dress shirt with Blue jeans; I knew Amy always loved me in blue jeans. I did not want to be late so I jumped into my car and sped off into the unknown. I wondered just what Amy wanted to see me for. I had seen her just a few times over the past 3 years. I saw Amy sometimes when I was picking up John and Emily, but she never said anything to me. Then we saw each other for the first time without any children or spouses and we just started to click again. I felt so sorry for leaving Amy when we were younger, but she forgave me and we moved on. I have loved every minute spent with Amy. I love Amy so much and maybe sometime we can be together. When I arrived I saw Amy sitting at the table, she was tapping her fingers on the table as to show me she was nervous.
"Hey Amy"
"Hey Ricky"
"Amy, are you ok?"
"Yea, I-I-I'm ok"
"You seem nervous"
"Well what I'm about to tell you will explain everything"
"R-R-R-Ricky, I'm pregnant"
"Yea, I know it was a shock to me to"
"It's a shock alright, I did not expect to have anymore kids, I just thought we would raise the children we have now and spend the rest of our lives together kid free"
"Well Ricky I am certainly not going to abort one of my children"
"Amy, I would never ask you to do that"
"This is just a shock"
"I'm working hard now to support John, Emily and Jacob and now we are adding another child to the mix"
"Ricky, I don't love Ben and I wont raise this baby with him, so if you don't want to raise this baby with me and our other children then you can just pay a little a month like now and I will be a single mom to 5"
"Amy, I don't want you to be a single mom, I love you and want to be with you"
*Amy starts crying*
"Amy, you don't have to cry"
"I am just excited about this baby, I love each and every one of my children and to be having another one just makes me feel so wonderful"
"It makes me feel good to, I love my children to"
"Ricky, you know if you want to be with me my children by Ben will be in the picture, because they will be living with me for most of the time and they will spend some time with their dad"
"With both of our incomes I'm sure we can make do"
"Are you saying you want this baby?"
"I'm saying I want you, this baby and all your kids and my kids"
"Thank you Ricky"
"Amy, will you move in with me?"
"Yes, but I need time to prepare my children for this, they can't just adjust overnight and I need time to tell Ben"
"Take all the time you need"
"Well I got to go Ricky; I am meeting Ben and the kids at the park"
"When are you going to tell Ben about you and me?"
"As soon as possible"
*Kisses Ricky*
"Bye Ricky, I love you"
"Bye Amy, I love you"
"Call me, please"
"I will, I promise"