A One-Shot by: -CullenGirl76-
I only glanced back once.
Percy was clutching the small figure in his hand, looking stricken as he stared after me with wide eyes. I hoped he would keep the Hades figurine safe for Nico, I wanted Nico to remember that I would always love him. Even if I was gone.
I tried not to think too much as I climbed inside the metal monster. If I thought too much, I would chicken out and run back to the others, then Percy would take up the responsibility and let himself be killed. Because, if he was killed, then Annabeth would never get to see him again. And Annabeth had to see him again, they loved each other. I could never let Percy get himself killed just for the sake of my own safety. Annabeth meant a lot too me, also. She was my friend and I needed the others to save her along with lady Artemis.
If Percy died, then there would be no saving her.
I knew the others were determined, but I'm sure it would just kill Annabeth (maybe in a literal sense) if she was saved, only to find out that Percy was…dead.
And then Zoë and Thalia also had to continue, so that Lady Artemis could be saved. One less Olympian goddess changes everything drastically, even if Lady Artemis can't die. She would definitely come back, just not anytime soon.
So, actually, I was dying for the sake of Olympus.
These were the thoughts that kept me from turning back.
To be honest, this metal contraption scared me to death. And, as a Hunter of Artemis, I should be brave and continue on.
For Artemis.
For Annabeth.
For Nico.
When I reached the top I began frantically searching for an "off" button.
I could hear nothing except for the screaming and groaning of rusted metal. The sounds did nothing to help my concentration.
Find the switch, find the switch, find the switch, find the switch…
If I failed and the monster killed all of my new friends, then I would feel incredibly guilty. More so for the fact that I would still be living. The thought of the others dying were terrible. If they died, I would never be able to go through with this Quest by myself, let along with the weight of my intense guilt.
Then I found the button.
I only had less than five seconds to celebrate by success.
I took one, last deep breath. It was comforting to know that I would be remembered.
With those thoughts, I punched down the OFF button.
The screaming and groaning of metal continued as my world tipped sideways. I felt air rushing past me.
I love you Nico, Father, and even you Mother, where ever you are. Maybe I will have a chance to meet you.
"Do well, Percy. Good luck, Grover. Thank you, Zoë. Congratulations, Thalia." I whispered. "Please remember me, Lady Artemis."
As the last words escaped my mouth, the scenario changed completely.
Everything was quiet. The world was black. A heavy weight was pressing against my entire body.
I knew I had just been buried alive.
Well, I actually wasn't alive anymore.
Blackness blanketed me as everything went utterly quiet.
Sad? This was a bit difficult to write. Ohh, poor Bianca. I hope you guys realized it was Bianca at least. Thanks for reading. :D
Disclaimer: I am not Rick Riordan. I will never own Percy Jackson and the Olympians.