
Thi story will include vampires and other magical creatures. Because the books do not describe any vampire specifics and magical creatures relations I will have to make that up.

I do not own Harry Potter and I'm not earning any money from this.

In my story there are three kinds of vampires:

1. The Crimson court vampires are the weakest. They are the most numerous (about 90% of all vampires) but are little more than beasts. The scent of blood will allow their instincts to take control as they cannot live on anything else. They are deathly pale with slitted red eyes, over-sized fangs. Basically they are your typical bloodsuckers. Sunlight is lethal to them (stakes to the heart will kill just about anyone) although holy water is useless against them. Garlic is unpleasant to them because it has such a strong odor. When they bite a human (muggle or wizard) they will either kill or turn him (they cannot breed). Humans turn into a crimson court vampire if they are not magical or their magical powers are very weak. None of the crimson court vampires can use magic but they are extremely fast, strong and their senses are extremely well developed. They also possess a minor magic resistance. Their strength increases as they age (as does their intellect) and they can live around 1000 years if not killed. They are outcasts of the vampire society and divided into covens, which constantly fighting each other over territory. When one coven gets too powerful the stronger vampires wipe them off the face of the earth.

2. The Silver court vampires are stronger. They are fewer in number (a little less than 10% of all vampires) but are intelligent and can control their urges. They require blood to survive but can ingest small quantities of "normal" food without problems. Their skin is still pale but they don't look like living corpses. They can be recognized by their reflective silver eyes with round pupils. They can also control the size of their fangs (within reason). Most people will say they are attractive. Sunlight, although still harmful, is not lethal and garlic is unpleasant to them. They can choose whether to turn their victim or not (although when really hungry they can loose themselves to blood-lust and kill/turn their victim without wanting to). They can also have children although the chances of it happening are significantly lower than with humans. A witch or wizard will turn into a silver court vampire if their magic is strong. The Turning will weaken their magic (most have trouble with post-OWL spells) but they usually get a gift to compensate (besides strength, speed, senses, etc.) like minor fire manipulation or metamorphmagus abilities. Like crimson court vampires their basic vampiric abilities get stronger as they age although they are already stronger and faster than your average crimson court vampire. Their lifespans are about 2000 years if not killed. They live in a society that recognizes power above all other things (magical, political, physical).

3. The Black court vampires are by far the strongest. They are very few in number (usually there are around 4 alive with less than 10 being alive), can almost fully control their urges and are highly intelligent. They require blood to survive but can substitute it with "normal" food for a limited time-frame (require blood every 2 weeks). They retain their former looks (for the most part) although they become pale and they become more attractive. They can control the size of their fangs and can easily be mistaken for humans. Sunlight is not harmful although they can get sunburns rather quickly and most things with a strong odor is a deterrent. They can turn someone at will and will very rarely succumb to blood-lust (usually with terrible consequences). Black court vampires can also transform into a more feral form in which their eyes become slitted and their hands become clawed. Only those with very powerful magical powers, strong will and a lot of luck will turn into black court vampires. Their magical powers will be strengthened and they will get a couple of gifts besides the typical vampiric powers (strengths, speed, senses, quick healing, etc.). They get stronger as they age and their lifespans are not known because none have died of natural causes. They rule over the silver court vampires in the form of a council. The reason that there aren't more of them is that they waged war upon each other for power.

Both silver and black court vampires can use wands.

Now for a little background history on this story's Harry James Potter:

He was born on 8. August 1980 as the only son of James "Prongs" Potter and Lily Potter, nee Evans. His parents died a few days before Neville Longbottom defeated Lord Voldemort aka Tom Marvolo Riddle on Halloween 1981. Lily and James died fighting death eaters. Yes, Neville is "The Boy Who Lived" (Harry doesn't have a scar).

Because his godfather Sirius Black was arrested before Voldemorts defeat for being a death eater (was framed by Peter Pettigrew, who is reported dead) and Remus Lupin is a werewolf he was given to his aunt and uncle under severe threats should they abuse him. Remus had tried to contact Harry but his appeal was denied because he was a dark creature.


The Turning

Number Four Private Drive is a perfectly normal house. It has a perfectly trimmed lawn and looks exactly the same as any other house. It houses a normal family called the Dursleys. The father's name is Vernon Dursley, the wife's name is Petunia Dursley and their adorable little son is called Dudley Dursley. But this perfect family has a secret. And the whole secret can be explained in two words: Harry Potter.

Harry Potter, now there's an enigma. He has bright emerald green eyes, a mop of untamable raven black hair. He is rather short for his age but other than that he looks like a normal child. He is Petunia Dursley's nephew, the son of her sister. But although they say that blood runs thicker than water, that was not the situation here. It was quite obvious to anyone willing to look that Harry Potter was not welcome at Number Four Private Drive. He lived in the smallest bedroom in the house and ever since he was four the Dursleys piled more and more chores for him to do. He was constantly hungry, only eating leftovers and scraps. The Dursleys never hurt him physically but they constantly attacked him mentally and emotionally. They even spread lies around the neighbourhood to discourage other children to play with him.

But Harry was very smart, in fact he could be considered a genius. He knew that the Dursley's treatment of him was wrong. They constantly insulted him and his parents. Some of the chores he had to do were far too difficult for such a young boy. Who would expect a four year old boy to cook for a family or a five year old boy to mow the lawn.

When he was six he got glasses, which were far too big for his small head. His cousin Dudley started making fun of him and soon other boys joined in. In time Dudley and his friends started doing more than make fun of him. Dudley also bullied anyone that wanted to become friends with Harry.

Both he and Dudley started school when they were seven. In school Dudley and his friends were constantly bullying other children and Harry was their favourite victim because he did well in school. Harry could never play freely on the playground so he sought refuge inside the school library reading books and doing homework with the occasional help from Mrs. Simons, the school librarian.

One day Dudley and his gang were playing another game of "Harry hunting", which included trying to catch Harry and beating him up. Harry was running away from them when he wished, "I have to get away from them, I have to..." and suddenly felt some kind of energy under his skin before disappearing with a *pop* and having the sensation of being squeezed through a small tube. After regaining his senses he found himself on the school roof. 'How did I get up here?' thought Harry. After managing to climb down he thought, 'I know I did that, maybe I can do it again. I was really scared when I wished it so maybe thats the key, but I can't get scared just because I want to. Hmm.'

When he returned from school his uncle was furious, "Boy! Dudley told me you did some kind of disappearing act while you were in school."

"It's not true uncle, he must have missed me making a turn." Harry said.

Vernon turned a shade of purple and said, "It better be, boy. I won't have any of your freakishness under my roof!"

Harry just nodded and went to his room. In his room he lay on the bed and thought, 'What kind of freakishness was he talking about? Does he know something? Well, no matter, I still have to try that teleporting thing but first I need to feel that energy again. I heard that meditating helps with focusing on something, maybe that's the key.' With this in mind harry sat on his bed in a pose he saw on television and tried meditating. 'I don't know what to focus on, maybe on that feeling I had.' thought Harry. 'Think of a place your at peace, let your body relax. Calm your breathing. OK good, now focus on that feeling.' Harry tried to remember the feeling, 'Like a rushing current of warm water just under my skin' After about three hours meditating Harry saw himself floating in a black abyss when he suddenly saw a light green light. It lead to a small ball of bright green energy. Opening his eyes he said, "This is the feeling!" But as soon as it came it went leaving Harry disappointed. 'Why do I have this power anyway. Now that I think about it I never had a haircut, my hair just hasn't grown. I'll think about it tomorrow.'

In the morning he was woken by Petunia's shrill voice, "Up, up! Today's saturday, you have yardwork to do."

After eating his meager breakfast he was given a list of his chores for the day. Upon completing his chores he went back to his room to practice his "power".

Two weeks later he finally managed to keep control of the energy for more than a few moments. He found out that imagining it helped and after a couple of weeks he could call upon it in a second. Because he didn't want to end up somewhere in the middle of nowhere he decided not to try the teleporting for now. He was certain that it could be used for something else. 'Maybe if I throw it at something' thought Harry. He picked a pencil lying on his desk. It rolled away a couple of feet but it left Harry really tired. 'I think i'm gonna pass out' thought an exhausted harry before falling asleep.

Harry continued practising making things move and even float. He found that it was easier to send out short bursts than to keep something floating. His magical powers grew and it became easier and easier. He could even levitate a book! But it made him exhausted. The Dursleys didn't suspect a thing. But when the school year finished and Dudley and Harry brought their report cards all hell broke loose.

Vernon Dursley was a proud, hardworking man. But he was also impulsive and had a temperament that put a rabid dog to shame. He barely restrained himself when it came to Harry, only the threats, made by the ministry auror that brought Harry, kept him in line. Seeing his perfect son outdone by "the freak" made Mt. Vernon explode.

"BOY!!!" thundered Vernon, "Come into the kitchen!"

As soon as Harry entered the kitchen his uncle grabbed him, lifted him up to eye level and started yelling at him, "Is this how you repay us for our generosity!?! By making Dudley look bad in front of his friends and teachers? Dudley's told me all about your cheating and bullying at school. He says you threatened him if he didn't get bad grades!" Vernon emphasized this by throwing Harry on the floor and kicking him. "We took you in out of pure goodness and you threaten our son! Just like your parents. You're all useless freaks!!!" Through all of this Vernon kept hitting Harry who was too stunned to reply.

Harry's mind was hazy, then he saw Dudley's smirking face and his aunts happy expression and he grew angry beyond belief. He banished his uncle across the kitchen and slowly stood up.

Vernon's face showed fear when he looked at Harry again but Harry didn't care. Harry started shouting at Vernon, "Done for me? Done for me?! I've returned everything you've done for me a thousand times. I do all the gardening, cooking and cleaning inside this house!" Harry was slowly advancing towards Vernon and levitated a kitchen knife, making it hover in front of Vernon's face. "All my life you've called me names, insulted my parents and made me do chores. If you didn't have anything to say you've ignored me. I've been fed scraps and leftovers while your son is turning into a living pig! You've blamed for everything bad that happened to you since I can remember." Vernon looked like he pissed himself, "That is called abuse. dear uncle." With that said, he went upstairs.

As soon as he reached his bed the adrenaline rush ended and he was suddenly feeling very sore and tired.


The Dursleys stayed clear of Harry after that night. This suited him just fine. He stayed in his room, only coming downstairs to eat and take a walk in the evening.

He meditated and practiced his powers all day long. After much experimenting he managed to summon a small ball of light at the top of one of his fingers but that left him drained even after a couple of seconds. He also managed to grow out his hair and discovered that he could make any hair on his body grow or shorten but couldn't do anything beyond that. He also tried to teleport but he just couldn't seem to do it. But most of his time was spent on improving his control and add more power to his spells (although he doesn't call them that yet).

Over the summer he grew a bit although he still looked very small in Dudley's old clothes. He decided to hide his abilities in school and get grades that were just above average but not extraordinary so and became very good at blending into the background. He spent a little time every day in the school library reading about mythical creatures, old legends and ancient civilizations. He was fascinated and amused by the ideas that they offered, but was more inclined to reading philosophy and developing his intellect.

He also thought about reporting the Dursleys to the proper authoroties for child neglect and child abuse but decided against it because he didn't have a lot of trust in adults and he didn't think that Vernon was above bribing the officials.

Although Harry didn't realize it yet, he was becoming more and more critical towards society and started looking down on people he thought were disposable. A psychologist would tell you that he was starting to develop minor sociopathic tendencies.

Vernon had a few more outbursts because Harry kept getting better grades than Dudley and it was up to Petunia to keep him out of trouble. He was convinced that Dudley was telling the truth about Harry bullying children at school and cheating. After all, why would his perfect son lie about it? He even bribed Dudley with pocket money to try and catch Harry doing it and get him in trouble with the teachers.

But Harry's life was about to be changed forever.


It was early in the summer after Harry's second year in school. The evening was warm and the sun has just set over Little Whinging.

Harry Potter was inside his bedroom, lying on the bed, bored. He was tired of practising and decided to take a walk. His family went to aunt Marge for a week, leaving him the key to the house (he had to fight and threaten Vernon for it) and enough money for food.

He was walking on the side of the road looking at houses and thinking, 'Disgusting. Don't these people have any imagination at all? All of these houses look the same. They are sheep. Very few are willing to step out of the herd and actually do something. But, they have their purpose I suppose. I wonder if people are different elsewhere. Are they more innovative or are they the same?'

Harry was so deep in thought that he didn't notice that he left the main road and was walking through an alley. Neither did he notice a pair of red eyes watching his every movement.

'I wonder how people would react if they knew about my powers.' Harry chuckled, 'I'd probably be dragged into a top secret government lab and be used as a lab rat. Although it certainly couldn't be worse than all the years living at the Dursleys.' He thought about all the medieval tortures, 'Then again maybe they could outdo the Dursleys.' he thought darkly.

Hearing something, he turned around but nothing was there. Thinking he was hearing things, he turned back but hit a man. Quickly muttering an apology he looked up and froze. The man had red eyes and pale skin but what attracted Harry's attention were two large fangs that jutted past his lower lip. The man was grinning and Harry started backing away but the man grabbed him, "Now, now. It's not nice for prey to run. HeHeHe."

Harry thought, 'Oh, great. I only have a walk and now I'm in the hands of a sick freak!' Harry tried to squirm out of his grip but the man was too strong. The red-eyed man was slowly adwancing on Harry, seemingly being amused by his struggles.

Harry started panicking and struggling. Although he hit the man many times the man only seemed more amused. Harry than got an idea and nailed the creep right between his legs. The mans knees went out and Harry ran away as fast as he could.

'Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.' were Harry's panicked thoughts, 'What the hell is that guy? I know I'm just a kid but he should have at least felt something when I hit him.' Harry then heard something behind him, he turned his head and saw the red-eyed man running after him a lot faster than he thought was possible. But what scared Harry the most was that now he looked furious and ready to rip Harry apart. "Get away you sick freak!" yelled Harry but the man just covered the distance between them faster and hit Harry. 'Ugh. I feel like I've been hit by a truck.' thought Harry as his legs gave way and his glasses shattered on the ground.

The man grabbed Harry by the neck held him against the wall of the alley, "I'm going to enjoy hearing you scream." said the man while slowly dragging his sharp fingernails over Harry's neck, "Your not even going to satisfy me. HeHe."

Harry yelled at him, "I don't have any money you sick pedophile."

"I don't want your money foolish boy." said the man while grinning, "I want your BLOOD!" and bit Harry's neck.

Harry's mouth opened in a scream that was quickly silenced by the man's hand closing around his mouth. Harry felt a burning sensation travel from his neck, 'This guy is drinking my blood! I have to get away!' were his horror filled thoughts.

The next moment can be described as pure chaos. Harry's magic reacted violently against the danger and Harry sent the man flying to the other side of the alley with an overpowered banisher. Harry fell to his knees, breathing heavily and looked at the man who was already rising with Harry's blood running down his chin. The mans eyes showed fear, surprise and a little bit of anticipation but Harry's thoughts revolved only around escaping, 'I have to get out of here. This man will kill me. I have to go back to my bedroom, back to the Dursleys. I have to ...'

Harry disappeared with a *pop* and reappeared inside his bedroom at Number Four Private Drive. Through his haze Harry managed to feel something trickling down his neck and felt the burning sensation that already spread through his entire body. Grabbing the wounded side of his neck with his right hand he fell onto the bed. His last thoughts before darkness took him were, 'Is this what dieing feels like? It's not so bad.'


Please review

This is my first story and I want to know what my faults are so I can fix them.