Rise Of The Fallen Angel: Breaking In

Hey all!

I am back with another chapter and this one will hopefully be longer than the others. I'm shooting for more than 5K but we will have to wait and see. Since I am unsure as to whether I have or not yet, I will say it now: I DO NOT OWN BLEACH! I would also like to thank those that have reviewed and I would also like to respond to a few of those:

bob115: Thanks for understanding and thanks for telling me about the mistakes. I suck at grammar so...

OutlawKnight: Your just going to have to wait to see the other Shinigami's reactions and yes, he will still be a Vaizard but there will be a few changes to his powers...I should shut up now. I don't want to give away too much so early.

9tail-Naruto: No, I would have no problem if you did a fanart. Actually, it would be greatly appreciated. Send me the link to it when you are done so that I can put it on my profile if you scan it onto the Internet. Like I said above, I don't want to give away too much but I can say that yes, Tenraku's powers will have a great affect on Ichigo's regular Hollow powers and trust me, Bankai is going to be amazing. Tenraku can go back into it's sealed state and your just going to have to wait and find out about the Hollow mask. Thanks for telling me about the spelling mistake also. I went back and fixed it.

Rin'negan Naruto: Thanks for the compliment and don't worry, Bankai will be amazing.

Anyways, It is time for the next chapter so without further interruptions...ENJOY!

"SON-OF-A-BITCH!" Ichigo screamed at the top of his lungs.

Now, Ichigo, while brash and rude, was not one to curse when unnecessary and only did so when he was seriously pissed, scared as hell, or extremely agitated, so why you ask, would he do such a thing? Well, It could be that he and the rest of the Rukia Rescue Squad (RRS for short) had less than two minutes to get to the end of the never ending tunnel that they were currently running through. It could also be that the walls were collapsing in around them as they ran. Not to mention there is the chance that the source of his estranged emotions originate from the fact that they were being followed, very closely and quickly, by a wall of goo that wanted to eat them.

Oh, and it could be a combination of the three that was the problem.

"What IS that thing!?" questioned Ichigo as he pointed to the mound of goo that now had a large hole in the center that was spewing light like a flashlight.

Yoruichi, still in cat form, responded. "That is Seimichio. He is kind of like the Janitor of this place and comes out once every seven days to, 'clean up' but I don't understand why today of all days."

Yoruichi pondered this for a moment and looked back to see the 'Janitor' gaining on them. Ishida, whom Chad wad currently carrying over his shoulder, saw this as well and began sweating nervously.

"Anyways, let's hurry up and get out of here. That thing is real fast and you do not want to be caught by it."

As the words left Yoruichi's mouth, the group noticed the end of the tunnel approaching. They made a mad dash to the opening but when they got to it, they were shot through the entrance like rockets. They sped through the air towards a giant wall with a giant gate whose giant gatekeeper looked on in fascination.

The gatekeeper brought his axe up to prepare for the intruders and stop them but they hit his axe and ricocheted up and over to the wall and to the other side. A massive sweatdrop formed on his forehead as he looked back and forth from the wall to his axe.

Meanwhile, Ichigo had just picked himself up and dusted off and was about to go help his comrades when he noticed that a group of shinigami were currently staring him down, swords drawn.

"Ah shit." said Ichigo, just about summing up every ones thoughts at the moment.

Ichigo pulled his sword out of it's sheath and prepared for a fight. Uryu prepared his bow and arrows while Chad summoned his fighting arm to attack and pulled back as he began gathering Reiatsu in his fist. Orihime stood in the back and waited to give her hair pins orders. Yoruichi was...still a cat...and licking her paws...

The group tensed as a man stepped forward. He had short blue hair that was slicked back and green eyes that showed no emotion what-so-ever. His mouth was a thin, taught line that was barely noticeable and his face was lean, like a battle hardened warrior. He had on standard Shinigami attire and his sword was sheathed at his side. He was barely shorter than Chad but nowhere near as muscular. In fact, the guy was almost like a stick figure.

He slowly pulled his sword from Its sheath and pointed it at them and they tensed as he began to speak.

"You intruders must be vanquished before you cause trouble and I, Rekishu Oujimanja have been given the task of riding us of you fleas. PONDO, PANDABUNTA!"

Ichigo and the others watched as his sword split into two and formed gloves on his hands. The gloves were plain red boxing gloves but there was one small difference, these were not in the least bit soft. They were rock hard.

Rekishu smirked as he ran at them and punched the ground right in front of Ichigo who had drawn his sword and slid into a defensive stance. The resulting explosion threw the group back toward where the wall should have been but unfortunately, was not. That being said, they flew through the opening and to the other side of the wall.

Ichigo looked to the opening in wonder and swore as the gate was dropped and the giant pulled out his axe. He entered a fighting stance and prepared for the giant. Turns out the gate keeper had opened the gate just in time for them to fly through and now they were faced with said giant.

"Haha! Do you think that you can get past me? I am Jidanbou, the Guardian of the West Gate. Come at me from whatever angle you like!"

Uryu quickly pulled out his bow and prepared to fire an arrow but was stopped when Jidanbou smashed his fist right in front of him. The ground shot up, forming a barrier between Ichigo and the rest of the team.

Jidanbou walked over to the wall and peered over it with an icy gaze. He was a head taller than it so everyone could see the piercing stare that he was giving Uryu. He continued to stare until he felt that they had gotten the point, then spoke.

"You insolent pest. We have rules around here you know and one of them happens to be; A duel is naught but one on one. No interruptions."

That said, Jidanbou turned back to Ichigo and prepared for their duel.

Meanwhile, Chad, Ishida and Orihime were staring in shock at the wall of dirt in front of them.

"What was that?"

"That was Jidanbou, the Guardian of the West Gate. He is among Soul Society's elites and in the three hundred years that he has served, not one person has gotten past him." Yoruichi explained.

All eyes turned to the figure of Jidanbou, barely visible above the wall of dirt. Orihime looked on worried while Chad's expression was unreadable and Ishida looked deep in thought.

Ichigo, in the meantime, looked on at Jidanbou, bored. Getting fed up with waiting for the giant to attack after a minute, he decided to make the first move. Jumping up at Jidanbou, he made to slash at the giants neck but was blocked by an axe. Spinning around, he slashed again but was blocked again.

"Haha! Puny Shinigami. You think you can beat me as you are?!"

Jidanbou slashed down at Ichigo with his axe. Ichigo smirked as he released his full Reiatsu which he had been holding back. Jidanbou's eyes widened, but he did not falter and continued with his swing.

"Eitatsu, TenrakuEnzeru."

An explosion of Reiatsu pushed Jidanbou back as dust kicked up around the makeshift arena. The giant looked into the dust to see for any signs of his opponent and was shocked when a blade of pure darkness came flying at him. Bring his axe up to block, he looked at the figure holding the sword and yet again, was shocked at what he saw.

Ichigo smirked at Jidanbou's reaction to his Shikai. Pressing harder against the giant's axe, he began to notice cracks spiderweb up and down the length of his sword. Not a second later, it shattered and Ichigo jumped back to avoid being sliced in half by Jidanbou's axe.

Looking down at his sword, Ichigo stared in wonder at where a blade of darkness should have been. There was simply no explanation for it that he could come up with.

'Darkness is an assassin while light is a guardian.'spoke Tenraku.


'Darkness is meant for speed and precision, therefore, it is brittle and easily breaks. Light is meant to take heavy hits and protect, therefore, it is kind of slow but very sturdy.'

'Uh...I kind of understand...'

'Look at it this way. Darkness is like that Ishida boy; very fragile but quick and accurate with those arrows of his. Light is kind of like Sado; Strong and sturdy, it will take many strong blows but if your fast enough, you will get past him easily. Essentially, Darkness will grant you greater speed, while light grants you great strength.'

'I get it now. Oh, and nice comparison.'

Looking up at Jidanbou who had been waiting patiently for his opponent to refocus, Ichigo smirked. Creating a broadsword out of light, Ichigo waited for the giant to strike.

Jidanbou, although surprised at the boy's ability, took the hint and swung his axe down as hard as he could. Ichigo just stood there and lazily pulled his sword into a blocking position. The two weapons collided, sending shock waves but Ichigo didn't seem to notice, holding his Zanpakutou in a lazy grip.

Jidanbou, yet again surprised, pulled out a second axe and swung it at Ichigo who was still blocking the first. Swinging down with all his might at the young Shinigami, he smirked when the ground exploded and debris flew, chunks of rock flying in every direction. His smirk disappeared when he saw Ichigo blocking both of his axes. He did a double take though, when he noticed that an arc of light had branched off of the original broadsword to block the second axe.

Ichigo noticed the momentary lapse in attention and pressed his advantage, pushing on the axes with all of his might. Jidanbou immediately became attentive and pushed right back, a stalemate ensuing.

Shock waves rippled across the ground as the two powers struggled for dominance, neither giving an inch. This was no longer a battle of strength, it was a battle of endurance. The winner would be the one who outlasted the other and so far, neither were letting up. This was any ones game.

Ichigo struggled as he pushed as hard as he could against Jidanbou's blades. He managed to push the giant back slightly giving himself a momentary reprieve. He pointed at the giant and gathered Reiatsu in his fingertips.

"Hadou no Yon: Byakurai!"

White lightning shot from his fingertips and straight for the giant, hitting him in the chest. Upon impact, it exploded and Jidanbou was sent stumbling backwards, a small hole going right through his chest, blood leaking from the wound.

Jidanbou dropped his axes as he grabbed his chest and fell to his knees. The Kidou had barely missed his heart and it had hurt like a bitch. He was about to grab his axes once more to retaliate when the flat of Ichigo's blade collided with the back of his head.

Ichigo smirked once more as the gate guardian fell, unconscious. He was never more glad that Urahara had forced him to learn Kidou. The crazy shopkeeper had drilled into his head that even the best swordsmen could be easily beaten by someone who was proficient in Kidou.

Of course, Ichgho had not believed him and so, as demonstration, Urahara had put him in a minor Bakudou, completly restricting his movements and while Ichigo had easily broken free, it had taken long enough that Urahara was able to get behind him and press a sword to his neck unhindered.

Ichigo had taken to this lessen quite well and agreed to learn some Kidou. In the five days he had left before the group left for Soul Society, he had trained with Urahara in secret. Unfortunately, he first of course, had to learn how to control his Reiatsu. That had been easy though, once Tenraku had taught him the secret behind controlling it.

'Your Reiatsu is like a living being. It does what it wants and will only obey you if you give it a reason to. Currently, it is constantly flowing in different directions, unsure of where to go next, waiting for the next time it is needed and constantly flowing outward from your body, searching for a reason to be used, to be useful. In order to control it and stop this, you must force your Reiatsu to your body, let it flow throughout your body just as your blood does in your veins. This gives it a purpose as it believes that flowing through you calmly will protect you. Do not let it roam freely or you will loose control over it. Keep your control and keep a steady flow. Once you have control, you will find that your Reiatsu is stronger, more potent and you will be able to cloak it so that even the best won't be able to sense you.'

Ichigo had listened intently and took the words to heart, and soon enough, he could completly hide his presence from Yoruichi and Urahara. This had not gone unnoticed by the two former captains and they were both astonished at the rate Ichigo was improving.

As soon as Ichigo was ready, Urahara began teaching him. The first Kidou that he learned was; Bakudou no Ichi: Sai. At first, when he had cast it on Urahara, nothing had happened. He tried again and again but with no luck so they tried a different spell. Hadou no Yon: Byakurai was the second Kidou that he had learned and this one he had mastered easily, getting it after the first two tries. After only a few hours of practicing, and quite a few burnt and charred boulders, he had been able to use it without the long incantation at full strength, signifying his mastery over it.

Urahara, noticing that he was more adept at Hadou than Bakudou, taught him two other Hadou before he left. Hadou no Sanjuuichi: Shakkahou and Hadou no Sanjuusan: Soukatsui. Both he had learned easily and both he could perform without the incantation but without it they were only about half strength. They were much harder to master than Byakurai was but they were also much more powerful.

Ichigo shook his head, breaking away from his thoughts and sealed his Zanpakutou before masking his Reiatsu once more. He then turned to the wall just as it exploded and collapsed, Chad with his spirit arm in a punching position standing there.

Orihime ran at him and began fussing at him, checking to see if he was okay. He shrugged her off and told her to help Jidanbou who had yet to come to. She obligded and called out her Shun Shun Rikka to heal the hole in his chest while Ichigo and the others watched pointedly.

Ichigo was suddenly aware though, of quite a few presences nearby and turned around to see a large group of people looking at them fearfully. He motioned for Yoruichi to help him and she simply rolled her eyes. She walked up to an old man in the center of the group and sat, staring intently at him.

"Excuse me, elder-sama. We mean you no harm, we are trying to save a comrade from execution and we need entrance."

The mans eyes lit up at the voice while many of the younger men and women had wide eyes. Here, in front of them, was a talking cat...Before any of them could speak though, the old man responded.

"Yoruichi-san! I was wondering when you would return!"

Yoruichi let a small smirk play at her lips as her tail twitched ever so slightly.

"Yes, well, in any case, the gatekeeper may be out for a while so would you happen to know where Kukkaku Shiba is?"

The old mans eyes widened in surprise at the insinuation.

"You don't plan on getting in that way do you?" he sighed when Yoruichi did not respond, "The last place she was seen was about a mile northwest of here."

Yoruichi nodded and thanked him before walking away and up to the others. She noted that Orihime had finished healing Jidanbou, a sign that she had greatly improved over the last week.

"Since Ichigo decided to take out the gatekeeper, we are going to have to enlist the help of an old friend of mine in order to get in. Follow me and be on the lookout for her house." she turned and walked away as soon as she finished.

"Wait! How will we know what her house looks like?" asked a bewildered Ichigo.

Yoruichi stopped and turned to look at them. "Trust me, you will know."

Ichigo looked at her blankly before jogging to catch up as she began walking away.

The group traveled for a good half of an hour, looking for any signs of the Shiba residence. Ichigo, Orihime, Chad and Uryu were still sceptical about the whole, 'You will know when you see it', thing but nevertheless, searched anyway.

After a good hour or two, they found the Shiba residence in a large open field, far away from any civilization. Yoruichi had been right though, as soon as they saw it, the knew.

This was the Shiba residence.


Another chapter done. YAY! Yeah...I know I aid that this would hopefully be 5k or longer, but, I figured that this was a good place to stop. Also, please, don't mind the spelling errors, I am having trouble with spell check on the site and some words may be misspelled. Another thing, can you please tell me the name of Kukkaku's brothers that guard her home. I forgot their names...Anyways, please read and review and I will see you next time.