This is my first Junjo Romantica fic and my very first romantic yaoi so please be nice to me in giving reviews. Sorry for the typo errors and the wrong grammar if you spot any.

I don't own Junjo :3

He should've known better on how to act on that situation.

Akihiko rushed inside the hospital and was greeted by one of the doctor, "Are you a relative of Takahashi Misaki?" Nowaki asked. Akihiko was really not a relative but he'll do; so he just nodded and Nowaki gave him permission to come in.

Misaki was unconscious and was lying still on the bed.

"It seems he received a head trauma from the accident." The tall male reported.

The author cursed himself; why did he allow Misaki to go home by himself. If he just decided to fetch the teen; none of this would've happened.

Nowaki felt bad. "It's nothing life threatening. After two weeks he can go home."

Two weeks passed by quickly; Misaki and Akihiko safely arrived at the penthouse. After he placed down Misaki's things, immediately he put his arms around his lover.

"Usagi-san—" "I was so worried of what happened." The older male said in a serious yet gentle tone.

Misaki blushed and tried to comfort him, "It's nothing. Luckily it was just a car that hit me and nothing too serious." He added.

Akihiko made Misaki face him and gave him a passionate kiss. Misaki was blushing 10 shades of red and tried to struggle free but ended in failure. He let the perverted author have his way.

Or until he runs out of breath.

"Let me go Usagi-san; I have chores to do." He said as he started on cleaning the house that was not maintained for two weeks.

The teen grabbed a broom and started off by sweeping the floor. Akihiko decided to go back in continuing his manuscript before Aikawa explode into panic again for not meeting the deadline.

Everything was quiet for a while, when Akihiko's mobile phone rang. It caught the teen's attention not because of the sound...

'Did I just saw a color sea green coming out of Usagi-san's phone?' he thought to himself. The phone rang again, another sea green ribbon-like coming out, but the owner didn't want to answer the phone; not wanting to be disturbed.

Misaki watched and he still couldn't believe his eyes. Moments later, he decided to have enough of it.

"Usagi-san answer the phone." He grumbled as he went back onto cleaning the area. Akihiko obeyed his lover and answered it. The teen gave out a sigh as he watched the older male talk. What astounded him was that, whenever Usagi-san talks, his voice emitted the color blue. Misaki blinked again and was unsure of whether he was hallucinating.

He went to the sink and sprinkled water on his face to wake himself up. He looked again and saw Akihiko's voice was still color blue.

"I'll see you at 3:00 pm Hiroki." Akihiko said with a board expression on his face.

Misaki's jaw almost dropped. The moment Akihiko said the number three; he felt as if he knew the number… 'I think number three is a very serious yet has a soft side that's afraid to show to anyone.' A number with a personality.

What surprised him more was that when the older male said his teacher's name; it tasted like…cinnamon.

The poor teen was confused and didn't know what to do; he was seeing sounds, tasting words and personalizing numbers.

"Misaki, is something bothering you?" He asked the teen. Misaki just shook his head and decided to go back to his task. He didn't want to tell Usagi-san…yet. Maybe this was just something like a hallucination or whatever, since he was away from home for two weeks.

After all he did just recover from his head trauma experience.

There you have it my first yaoi Junjo fic. Was it good, bad, horrible or awesome? I don't know. Thanks for reading this fic and I appreciate the reviews! Oh and, on the later chapters you'll know why I made the title that way.