Me: This is going to be a sad story...........

Aki: I can tell.

Me: How?

Aki: I have my ways. She doesn't own the 5ds.

Aki's POV

There I sat, watching Yusei Fudo. He was half-dead before my eyes. I wished I was the one that's in a deep sleep. But Yusei protected me. It was me who accepted the duel from Kiryu. And when Kiryu carried out the Earth Bound God to attack me, Yusei leaped in and took my damage.

I wish that he was fine. I touched his face. I felted his soft white skin. I felt a tear rolled down my cheek. Yusei. I thought. Wake up. He was like my guardian angel. He protected from lots of stuff.

He saved me from being sad when Divine died. He changed my evil ways. "Yusei," I softly whispered to him. I walked out of the room to give him a rest. It made me felt terrible to see him, sleeping on a bed, motionless.

When I got out of the hospital, the moment flashed back. The moment how Yusei died. Or half-died.

"Earth Bound God!" I remember Kiryu said. The Earth Bound God summoned as called. I glared at Kiryu. There was nothing on my field at that time. It was an all sudden time when he screamed "attack!" I didn't know it was going to happen so I didn't say anything.

When it attacked me, Yusei leaped in and took my damage. He fell on the ground, bleeding hard. Blood splashed everywhere. Including my hands that are touching him. I sat down, placing his body on my lap.

"Aki," he said. I didn't say anything, just a slide of tears came down. They drop on Yusei's shirt, along with the blood. I looked back at Kiryu for pay-back, but Kiryu disappeared. When I looked back to Yusei, his eyes were close. Everything was still, just motionless. With the blood everywhere, it made me sad.

I still remember it. I suddenly trippped over a lying branch on the cement floor. I fell down, scratching my left knee. I found it bleeding when I looked at it. "Aki-san!" I heard a voice. "I stood up, ignoring my knee. "Hey, Mikage-san," I said, forcing a smile.

"Aki, are you okay?" Mikage asked, concered. "Why won't I be?" I answered. "It's just that Yusei-" I cutted her off. "Okay!!" I said. "Really, Aki, are you-"

"Shut up!" I screamed. "Yusei isn't just mine! Go ask Jack if Yusei is okay!" I screamed. Again, the tears fell. "Sorry, Aki, I didn't k-" I squeezed me eyes shut. "Stop it!" I yelled, I didn't want to hear anymore from Mikage. Not anyone.

I ran off, covering my ears with my hands. I felt more tears come it. Those tears hurt. They burn and hurt me in every way. I stopped running. I felt bad for hurting Mikage, but I can't control myself.

Yusei's voice echoed into my mind. Aki, forget about me. It felt like he said it in real life. Again, I tripped over. I wasn't paying attention to what's happening in my life. I froze when I heard footsteps.

Then I saw a brown shoe, it looked exactly like Yusei's. I gasped, then looked up, no one there. How can it be? I swear I saw Yusei's shoe. I thought. And I did. I'm sure. I stood up and headed back to Jack's mansion. It was where Mikage, Jack, the twins, Yusei and me live. Now, Yusei won't ever get to go there again.

I cried more when that thought came to mind. I wish I can save Yusei. Too bad that I can't.

A/N: Sorry, this is such a short chapter, this is the prologue by the way. Nice chapter will come faster if you review! Plus, this chapter is kinda sad to me or maybe sad to you. That's because while I wrote this, I was watching this sad anime show, and I played one of the songs and it was a sad song...yes, yes, blame me for the sad chapter.

But I still take reviews! Please review!!!