Over and Out


Disclaimer: All Sonic characters are owned by SEGA.

A/N: Ok so this is a story that I have been working extremely hard on and I would really appreciate it if you could please please PLEASE review. No flames allowed but you could give me light criticism and tell me what you think I need to work on and some parts that you liked.

This pretty much portrays Shadow thinking about killing himself and this story will have a bunch of alternate endings. When this story is complete I will then take requests for more different endings, (if I don't like it or it's just ridiculous I probably won't write it) Now please enjoy!

New A/N: Oh and in some of the later chapters there will be some repeating paragraphs (wait till the end :)

Shadow's POV

My life has been nothing but pure agony from the start. I reflect on every excruciating detail like it was some badly done horror film. The actors, also known as the remotely important people in my life, are gone.

All gone.

From the start of my miserable excuse for a life I have felt nothing but pain, both physical and emotional. And I have the scars to prove it.

As I lay here in my piece-of-crap bed I rake my brain for at least one pleasant memory in my useless existence. I summon up the will to turn my head toward the dirty opened window. I gazed at the red streaked sky as if it meant something to me.

I find one.

In my 10 years of life (excluding the time I was held in suspended animation) I find one, just one, good thing.


I wince at the name and part of my head starts to throb. My eyes snap shut and I suck in a breath through my clenched teeth and my hands ball into fists.

She was the only reason I bothered to keep on living. She showed me there was more to life than that damned laboratory. She told me I wasn't the monster I believed I was. Now she's gone. It was, and still is, my fault.

The anger and guilt swelled into my chest and in a sudden burst of rage and frustration I brought my clenched fist down on the night stand that was to the left of the bed that I had been laying in for about four hours straight. It hit the wood so hard that the alarm clocked jumped about five inches into the air. I snarled and dragged my other hand down my face and took a deep breath to try to calm myself.

Before long the anger and guilt were replaced by pain and sorrow. But not because my hand was throbbing (I didn't realize how hard I had struck the night stand until I glanced over to see that it had a monestrous gash going across the top.) But because I had nothing to look forward to for the rest of my life.

Absolutely nothing.

I sighed for the millionth time today and my eyes closed. They were losing the will to stay open. There was nothing to see. A train could have been coming at me for all I cared. I seemed to sink deeper into the bed (I'm sure I was making a dent in the mattress) as I tried to summerize my life so far.

I was created (no parents, no family) on a floating science laboratory in space (no childhood, no friends, no life) and was the subject of horrific, unhumanly science experiments (most of my scars have healed) for some selfish, greedy, filthy humans. An army was sent to destroy me but instead they destroyed the only thing in the entire world that mattered to me. I was kept in suspended animation in a tube for 50 god awful years. I was then released by some obese scientist who wanted to use me to destroy the world (I had no reason not to) I didn't...and here I am now.


I lay here, in my over-heated apartment, alone, miserable and numb. Nothing but an insignificant life form on this hideously screwed over planet; nothing to gain, nothing to lose.

My body still numb and motionless, I lifted my throbbing hand so it rested on the now freshly ruined night stand. I searched a bit until my hand fell upon a hard, long object. I gripped the wooden handle and slowly, slid it off the surface. I brought the object in front of me and my other hand started to trace the stainless steel, thin, blade attached to the handle. I forced my blood colored eyes open to take in the outline of the six inch butcher knife I held in front of me in the dimly lit room.

My middle finger traced the whole perimeter of the blade; inspecting.

Images suddenly flashed into my mind and I soon become light headed. The red glow of the numbers from the alarm clocked reflected off the shined steel in an ominous aura around the blade.

Without thinking, I lifted the blade to my throat.

Could it really be so easy? To end all my suffering with a jerk of the hand? A flick of the wrist?

My mouth went dry and my hands shook as if I was having a seizure.

Would anyone miss me? Did I truly care? Would I go to hell for all the people's lives I had either damaged or destroyed? Wasn't this place hell enough for me now? My head was swarming with answerless questions and I felt like I was about to puke. My stomach was doing cartwheels and my brain felt like it was having a seizure. A thousand voices were screaming at me from all directions.

"Go ahead, no one will miss you."

"No! You're making a huge mistake!"

"DO IT!"






Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore.

Ha ha! Cliff hanger. Now this is where all the alternate endings come in.

Review, (lightly critisize if you wish) but don't flame. (God help you if you flame my story...)