Hey there, so it turns out my little oneshot will not be my only attempt to delve into the realm of Monsters vs. Aliens fanfiction. In fact, it seems I've actually decided to undertake the feat of writing a chapter story. As I'm sure you're not aware, as I've never written anything else on this account, I am huge on AU stories. I like to change one little factor and watch everything else go to hell. With that, welcome to my first attempt at a full length MvA fanfiction.

I'd just like to give you a bit of info before you start reading. Firstly, this is actually going to be very AU. I promise you it will not be the plot line of Monsters vs. Aliens with a kid thrown in for good measure. It may be a bit similar for the first couple of chapters, but I'm no repeat writer. Even in the scenes that are similar to the movie I have changed all of the dialogue and tweaked the action to make it my own. There will be very, very few lines taken directly from the movie. That said, all of the characters will be the same. That is, all of the same monsters with no OC monsters added in. Okay, so that's basically my little writer's intro into what you're about to read.

Let's see, what else? I'm sorry, I'm prone to extremely long author's notes in the opening chapter of my stories. Oh, here's my own personal little disclaimer. Whenever I write a multi-chapter fic I always write to chapter 5 before publishing to make sure I actually intend to stick with the idea. I'm currently halfway finished with chapter 6, so you're guaranteed to see up to that. I'm still writing at this point, so I intend to and hope to finish, but in the event something comes up or I loose interest in this story at any point, you were warned at the beginning that I can be a bit fickle at times.

I believe that's all I had to say. This chapter is just a bit of a prologue and not very action packed, but hopefully you'll enjoy it just the same. Please leave me a review when you finish, as they are my motivation to write faster and longer and will undoubtedly get the next chapter up much more quickly.

Susan Dietl woke up to the blaring of her electronic alarm clock, the same way she woke up every morning. Without even thinking, she reached out her hand and hit the off button, groaning as she forced herself to sit up. Yawning widely, she turned to find her husband, Derek, still fast asleep on the other side of the bed.

Susan smiled fondly at the man across from her. In the brief moment of morning silence she found herself reminiscing back to their wedding day. It had been absolutely perfect. After all, what did one expect when so much planning went in to one single event? Still, all of the stress and toil had been worth it, and Susan had married the man she loved on a beautiful, sunny and cloudless day. Everything from the walk up the aisle to the kiss that had sealed their union had been just as Susan had imagined her wedding from the time she was a little girl.

Of course, the honeymoon that had followed left a bit to be desired, but that was mostly due to the sudden change in destination. Susan had been dreaming of Paris, but Derek had changed the plans at the last moment due to a possible job offer in Fresno. It had been a success, and a few months later the couple had moved from their home in Modesto to Fresno so that Derek could accept his new position.

The honeymoon hadn't been all bad though, and Susan had simply been happy to share it with her new husband. There had been romance as well, evidenced by the fact that Susan had returned home pregnant with their first child. Their little girl had been born about two months after the move to Fresno, and she had become the center of Susan's world.

Regardless, Susan and Derek's wedding had been eight years ago now and their marriage had been fairly stable ever since. Susan's life had since settled into an easy network of familiar routines. The first of these, waking up, just accomplished, she prodded her husband gently to get him up as well. Once he had complied and dragged himself out of bed, Susan journeyed down the hallway to rouse the other member of their household.

Stepping past the threshold of her seven year old daughter's room was like walking into a cacophony of pinks and purples. With the blinds still drawn, the dark room took on the strange mish mashed color of a melted rainbow ice.

Not missing a beat, Susan leaned against the doorframe and said, "Chloe honey, wake up or you're going to be late for school."

Susan smiled a bit as her announcement was met with nothing but a muffled groan of protest.

"All right, if you want to do this the hard way," she said, making her way to the window and wrenching open the blinds. The sunlight that flooded the room was so strong that Susan had to shield her eyes a bit, and yet the small lump on the bed only burrowed further under the covers.

Moving on to phase two, Susan yanked the covers off of the bed, revealing a small brown haired girl curled into a tight ball. Defeated, the girl grudgingly pulled herself out of bed, grumbling unintelligibly to herself. Susan shook her head slightly as she watched her young daughter disappear into the bathroom down the hall.

Susan smiled at the closed door for a few moments. It astounded her how quickly her young daughter was becoming independent. Back when she was in kindergarten, Susan had to help her with every step of the morning routine. Now, however; Chloe was already in the second grade and learning how to do many things on her own. Susan was extremely proud, if a bit wistful about her daughter's quickly fading childhood.

Snapping herself out of her reverie, Susan turned and went down into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Here she found Derek, who already had his morning coffee in hand and was immersed in the current events section of the newspaper.

"Morning dear," Susan said casually, leaning down to give him a peck on the cheek.

Derek looked up from his paper for a moment and smiled. "Is Chloe up?" he asked, taking a sip from his mug.

"Only after the usual struggle," Susan replied, cracking two eggs into a bowl by the sink.

Derek let out a chuckle. "That's your territory. I don't think she even hears me when I go in there this early."

With that Derek returned to his paper and Susan busied herself by putting two pieces of bread in the toaster. A few minutes later she was just placing the eggs and toast on a plate when a much perkier looking Chloe skipped into the kitchen.

"Well, looks like someone's finally awake," said Susan, placing the plate in front of the little girl as she hopped into the chair next to her father, "You know, if you don't start getting up in the morning you're going to start going to bed earlier."

This caught Chloe's attention, "Awww mom! I'll get up on time I promise!"

Susan smiled, "All right, but you'd better prove it to me missy." She whapped Chloe playfully on the head with the spatula, and the little girl giggled before digging into her breakfast. The three family members made small talk until Chloe's bus came and Susan ushered the little girl out the door with a quick kiss goodbye.

As Susan stepped back into the house, Derek was just washing out his coffee cup and gathering his papers.

"Well, I'd best be off too then. Busy day at the station, but I should be back in time for dinner tonight," he said off-handedly, putting on his hat and lifting his briefcase. Derek was a weatherman, and a rather popular one at that. He was also extremely dedicated to his career, and Susan tried to be as supportive of her husband as possible. After all, she loved him and just wanted him to be happy and successful. Derek did spend a lot of time at work, but to his credit when he was home he did spend most of his time with his wife and daughter.

"All right hon, have a great day," said Susan, giving him a quick kiss goodbye as he hurried out the door.

And so the morning routine had begun and ended the same way it always did. And the day would surely continue to follow the same pattern each day had for years now. Susan would go about tidying up the house, doing laundry, all of the usual tasks a good housewife was expected to take care of. Chloe would return from school around two o'clock and Susan would help her with her homework before sending her off to play. A few hours later, around six or seven, Derek would return home just as Susan was putting dinner on the table, and the three of them would eat together and share the day's events. Then after that they would all spend some time together before Chloe went to sleep and Susan and Derek had a bit of alone time.

This was the daily routine, and though it was a bit boring it was also comfortable and safe. This was the type of life Susan had always envisioned herself having and the type of life she'd always known she would end up with eventually. She had long ago convinced herself that this was exactly what she wanted. After all, she had a husband she loved and a beautiful daughter who meant everything to her. What would she possibly want to do to change the comfortable cocoon of a life she was living?

Alright, and that's just a little bit of an intro to show you where Susan's life is at this point. I realize it's very short. I assure you that my chapters are usaully longer, but this is just the prologue after all. Well, I hope I've piqued your interest and I hope to get the next chapter up soon. Reviews only take a few moments and they'd mean the world, so please leave one if you've taken the time to read. Till next time. :)