I don't own Phineas and Ferb. Insert sad face.A/N: My loyal fans, I am sssssooooo sorry! This Phineas chapter took forever, with all the ideas and verifying that it doesn't contradict the cartoon, it's MADNESS!
The ABCs of Phineas Flynn
A is for Architecture
He couldn't place it, but there was something fun in staring at buildings in pictures and trying to figure out how they were built. Probably because he realized half of the stuff he could easily reconstruct.
B is for Balloon
"Wow, you can see everything for miles everywhere. Know why I like this part of the Carnival, Ferb?" Phineas asked his brother. "Up here we're free. Nothing can hold us down if we're already in the air." He chuckled softly. "We have our heads in the clouds. Literally."
C is for Curious
"Phineas, stop being so nosy," Linda chastised her six-year-old son, pulling him away from the other table. "Curiosity killed the cat, you know."
"But Mom, if Columbus hadn't been curious, he wouldn't have discovered America! If Edison hadn't been curious, he wouldn't have invented the light bulb!"
"All those people were grown-up, Phineas," an eleven-year-old Candace replied, putting a special emphasis on the word 'grown-up.'
"You don't need to be grown-up!" Phineas whined, "Alice fell down the rabbit hole into Wonderland, and she was only seven!"
D is for Defender
Ferb glanced down at his watch. 7:00… why isn't the bus here?
"Hey Brit!"
Oh no… Every day two boys made fun of him at school. Guess they decided to start early today…
"Hey Brit! Didn't you hear me?" the tall one yelled.
Just ignore them.
"He's not talking to us! What? Do you think you're better?"the short one added.
"Go back to Britain!" the tall one spat. "We don't want you here!"
That did it. Whether it was those words or just the daily repetition wearing thin, Ferb didn't know. Phineas, who had been quietly standing next to him, threw down his backpack. He got right up into the bullies' faces.
"Leave him alone! Ferb didn't do anything to you!" he shouted. "And for your information, I want him here, so why don't you just go away and stay away!"
Never again did anyone bother them.
E is for Energetic
Every minute of every day he was doing something. Whether running or making something or just twiddling his thumbs, he was always moving.
If it wasn't for Ferb keeping him grounded, that boy would never sleep.
F is for Ferb
"Phineas, this is your new stepbrother Ferb," Linda said, leading the green-haired boy into the room. Candace's yelling cut the introduction short, leaving the two boys alone.
"Hi. I'm Phineas," the red-haired boy smiled.
The green-haired boy glanced over. After a pause, he smiled back.
"You don't talk much, do you?"
Ferb nodded 'No.'
"That's okay. We can still have lots of fun."
G is for Generous
Every Christmas season, Phineas carried a huge pocketful of quarters everywhere he went.
Not to buy presents or candy, but to put in the Salvation Army buckets.
H is for Hives
There was one thing in this world he hated for no reason. That thing was mosquitoes.
An entire summer wasted covered in itchiness was unforgivable.
I is for Isabella
They'd been friends for… well, forever, it seemed. And everything seemed normal until sixth grade. Then a rumor started circling about how she was in love with him. And not just puppy love, love with a capital L.
When he confronted her friends, they replied, "Phineas, she's been in love with you since, like, the third grade!"
J is for Just
"Mom, I broke that vase. Please don't punish Ferb, it was completely my fault, Mom, punish me."
K is for Keeper
A week after Phineas came home from the hospital, Candace loudly announced to the family they could keep him.
L is for Live in the Moment
Seize the day. Carpe Diem. It was his motto, creed, saying, whatever you want to call it. He lived by it every day.
How couldn't he, in this wide world of possibilities?
M is for Musical
"No, Xavier, I swear! My brother Phin plays every bloody instrument known to man! It's terrifying, I tell you!"
N is for Night
Tonight's a nice clear night. On nights like this Phineas liked to sit up on the roof and think deep thoughts everyone expected Ferb to be thinking behind that silent mask. He wished he could be like his stepbrother. Instead, he blurted everything out of his big mouth. Can't he be different?
Phineas stopped mid thought and chuckled to himself. The night air made him philosophical.
O is for Optimist
Rainy day: "We'll find something else to do."
Flat tire: " I'll finally learn how to change I tire! I've always wanted to!"
Burnt food: "We can pretend we're camping."
End of the world: "Now we don't have to do the dishes!"
P is for Pop
He didn't know what happened. One morning his father dropped him off at preschool, then that afternoon, he was gone. Mom wouldn't answer any questions. Then when he got older, the pieces all fell into place. His parents got a divorce.
But that was okay. If that hadn't been, he never would've met his current dad or Ferb.
Q is for Questioner
A day at the park was always an adventure. Especially with an inquisitive eight-year-old.
"Candace, what's that?"
"Candace, do birds eat eggs?"
"Candace, is this a black widow?"
"Candace, how do planes fly?"
"Phineas, shut up!" Candace snapped. "Don't ask questions!"
"I'm sorry…" Phineas paused, then asked, "Candace, are you mad at me?"
R is for Restless
"Are we there yet?"
"No Phin."
A half-hour later.
"Are we there yet?"
"No Phin."
Another half-hour later.
"Are we there YET?"
Ferb turned to his brother. "You can't keep still, can you?"
Phineas laughed, then replied, "No. I guess not!"
S is for Sister
Why did she always seem angry with him? She wasn't always like that, she used to be so nice. Candace used to play with him until bedtime, laughing the entire time… then she turned thirteen, and it was like she was "too cool" for him. He wanted his old sister back; that's why he built all this stuff for her, but that only seemed to make her angrier.
Truthfully, he loved his sister more than anything.
T is for Try
After over 200 attempts, Phineas finally produced a perfect origami crane. When asked why, he replied, "I wanted to do something new."
U is for Unbelievable
Candace was jarred awake by a revelation: The reason Phineas and Ferb always got away with their schemes was because their daily projects were so large scale, so impossible, so absurd, so over the top no one would ever take them seriously.
V is for Visonary
He filled his notebooks with ideas, blueprints, sketches of inventions that would someday, somewhere, make the world a better place. He could feel it.
W is for Why?
The question always on his lips, poised at the ready. Just begging to be asked.
X is for Xylophone
Christmas. His first, actually. Phineas (with his then father's help) tore open the gift. And lo and behold, quiet became an endangered species in the Flynn household.
Y is for Yen
He wanted something, that was clear. But the problem was, he just didn't know what.
Z is for Zebra
"Why do you like zebras so much Phineas?" his first grade teacher asked.
"Because even though they all look the same, they each have their own unique patterns. Like people."
Review please! Again, I'm ssssoooo sorry this chapter took so long!