This is just a little drabble to end the story.

EmilyHalpert is the best Beta of all the Betas!

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

"We're back here at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company in Scranton PA. We last filmed two years ago, and a lot has changed since then...Now let's catch back up with our favorite couple, Jim and Pam."

It was Christmas at Dunder-Mifflin, and the network had asked to film a holiday special. Michael, having missed the attention, had agreed in a heartbeat. Needless to say, his overbearing excitement got Jim's and the rest of the office's cooperation as well.

"So," Dave began, "It's really good to see you guys."

"It's good to see you too," Jim replied. "We've actually missed you guys."

"I doubted it!"

They laughed. Jim actually had missed that outlet to reality that the cameras had provided for all those years.

"I can't believe Ellie is so big!" Dave exclaimed.

"Yeah," Pam nodded. "I think the last time you saw her, she was barely two." She looked up at Jim. "I think I was pregnant with Ben."

"Yeah," Jim agreed. "You haven't met Ben yet, right?"

"I haven't, but I saw the little guy and I knew as soon as I saw him."

"No resemblance, uh?" Pam joked.

"What can I say? I do good work." Jim said, all smug.

"You guys were always my favorites." Dave winked. "So, how have you guys been?"

"We've been good, busy mostly." Pam said pensively, nodding to Jim.

"Yeah we're pretty good."

"We know this year was a bit tough ya'll."

"It was," Jim said contemplatively. "More than I sometimes like to admit." He looked at Pam and smiled. Pam squeezed his hand in return.

"I think more for him than for me."

"I would say equally." Jim added.

"We know about the accident and the implications with your recovery," Dave said and Pam nodded. "Pam, how was waking to a world you didn't know?"

"Umm," Pam released a lung full of air. "It was hard." She shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "I was lost for a while. But something about Jim always pulled me back, especially on bad days."

She looked at Jim with a sheepish smile.

"What were some of the bad days?" Dave prodded.

"Well, I was a mom. And even if I didn't think so, Ellie and Ben did." Pam dabbed her eyes. "And they expected me to be mommy and act like mommy."

"How about for you Jim?"

Jim brushed his thumbs across Pam's cheeks. "For me, it was just seeing someone you love so much going through so much pain." He planted a kiss where his thumbs had been.

"But, you did it again, huh?" Dave teased and Jim face contorted in confusion. "She fell in love with you all over again, man," Dave explained.

Jim chuckled. "I guess she did. But in all fairness I had help this time around." He turned back looking at his children playing with Michael through the conference's room glass.

"Yeah, that's major help there." Dave chuckled. "How was remembering though?"

"It was overwhelming, especially when it came to us." Pam gestured between her and Jim. "Your wedding gift came in handy."

"I bet. You two got quite the story." Dave mused. "But how was it for you, Jim?"

"It was scary 'cause I never knew," Jim began. "Like the time she woke me up in the middle of the night in hysterics about Ben's almost miscarriage." Jim placed his hand on Pam's knee. "In a way I had to re-live it again with her."

"Did Ellie and Ben understand what was going on?"

Jim and Pam looked at each other. "Well," Jim began. "In the beginning, yes, 'cause mommy was not home. But as soon as she came back, things just fell into place."

"Yeah," Pam nodded. "They would ask questions like, 'why you're doing this mommy and not that?' Or 'You didn't do this before'. Little things, but nothing major." She looked at Jim and smiled. "Jim was amazing. He would never really let me drop the ball."

"But now you're back at work," Dave gestured to Pam, "And I heard you have an art show coming up?"

"Yeah. I'm back. It's really good to be back. But I do miss my babies. I had spent so much time with them that I was the one crying in the first day back to daycare."

"Yeah," Jim agreed. "Not a fun day."

"Ellie will be starting school next year. I wonder what will happen then."

"I don't want to think how fast they're growing. Soon enough the bab—" Pam bit her lip, stopping herself from finishing her thought.

"What was that?" Dave asked. "You guys have a little secret?"

Jim and Pam looked simultaneously at each other, a huge grin tugging the corners of their lips. "Umm…" Jim began. "I don't know—"

"C'mon," Dave gestured, opening his arms. "We're practically family."

"Well," Pam began, her hand traveling to her stomach. "We're expecting."

"Wow." Dave said, pushing back on his chair, his hands rising to cover his gaping mouth. "Congratulations!"

"Thank you." Jim smiled.

"How long?" Dave asked.

"I'm just shy of the second trimester." She looked at Jim and smiled. "I can't wait for all the morning sickness to stop."

"I bet." Dave said, pulling both into a hug. "The clock is ticking, so should we call the little guys in?" Dave asked.

"Sure." Jim and Pam said in unison.

Pam stood up and opened the conference room door; Ellie and Ben's eyes quickly darted to Pam. "Hey guys, c'mere."

"Pam," Michael whined. "We're playing."

"It will be just a quick second, Michael," Pam chuckled.

Ellie and Ben quickly trotted over to Pam. She took their hands and led them into the conference room. Jim lifted Ellie to him lap and Pam pulled Ben to hers.

"Hi," Dave said, his voice gone three octaves higher. "I'm Dave." He turned to Ellie. "What's your name?"

Ellie looked up at Jim and he gestured 'okay' with his head. She meekly responded, "Ellie."

"And you?" He looked at Ben.

"Say, 'my name is Ben,'" Pam coaxed him.

"M'name's Ben," Ben mumbled, his legs bobbing up and down.

"So, what did you ask Santa for Christmas?"

"I wanna a bike." Ellie chimed in. "Ben wanna a bike too."

"Oh, I like bikes." Dave said.

"Do you hava a bike?" Ellie asked.

"Yes, I have a big one." Dave mimed with his hands.

"Daddy has one too." Ellie nodded. "Is this big." Ellie lifted her hands above her head.

"Is Santa bringing them bikes?" Dave asked looking between Jim and Pam.

"Well," Pam began. "They have been good this year."

"Ben is taking a bath in the tub now." Jim said and Dave was confused. So Jim continued. "Trust me, it was physically impossible before."

Dave chuckled. "I interviewed Dwight just before you guys. What was this talk about cloning?"

Jim and Pam laughed. "Ummm…" Jim began. "It's a long story."

"I've got a couple of minutes."

"Well," Jim continued. "We were cleaning out the attic a while back and we found a box of pictures from when I was young. And there's this particular picture of me that Ben looks exactly like me. Carbon copy, really."

"So we came up with the idea to make Dwight believe that Ben Jim's clone." Pam added.

"We never thought it would work. We even let Ben's hair grow as long as mine was on the picture." Jim disclosed.

"So we began to drop small hints here and there."

"Like what?" Dave asked.

"Like… We brought Jim's and Ben's pictures and kinda left them haphazardly on my desk." Pam revealed.

"We also taught Ben to do a few things." Jim chuckled.

"Okay, like what?" Dave asked amused.

"Like… Oh, Ben," Pam said looking at Ben. "Smile for daddy."

Ben looked up at Jim and smirked, the smile tugging at only one corner of his lips.

"Oh wow, that's you man!" Dave exclaimed.

"Yeah, we don't even have to do anything else. Dwight has taken the investigation on his own." Pam said.

"For all we know, he thinks we're mad scientists or that I was cloned for government purposes." Jim added.

"Well, our time is up." Dave said clasping his hands together. "It was really good catching up with ya'll."

"Yeah, it was," Jim said, extending his hand and shaking Dave's.

Pam lowered Ben to the floor and stood up to hug Dave. "Don't be a stranger. Stop by whenever you want."

"Will do." Dave said.

Pam and Jim stood up, ushering their kids outs.

"Till next time." Dave added.

'Till next time everybody!

