Hey hey hey! I'm back! Hope you guys had a great Christmas and New Years! I spent mine in Bali with my family - minus my laptop so I couldn't get any work done.
Anyways, I give you all, my faithful followers, chapter four!

Disclaimer: No ownage. *cries*

I came to feeling very different than I had the last time. I was warm and comfortable, and felt like I was sleeping on a cloud. Prying my eyes open, I blinked against the mute light shining through a large, glass wall, revealing the green forest, grey sky and mountains that stretched to the horizon.

I felt my heart sink into my feet. So it had really happened. It wasn't just a bad dream. I wasn't going to wake up at any second in my bedroom in the apartment I shared with Kakashi; I wasn't going to go to training and on missions with all my friends and I was never going to wander through the rarely quite streets of Konoha again.

I could never go home.

I sat up on the bed, pulled my knees tight to my chest, and began to sob into my legs. It didn't escape my notice that someone had removed my clothes and tools and changed me into a pair of comfortable, dry pyjamas. I suppose I should have been suspicious, but I didn't care by that point.

All I knew was that I was stuck in this strange world with no way home, in a stranger's house, on one of their beds, unarmed and vulnerable.

I was startled by a knock on the door. Sobering up, I wiped the tears from my cheeks and looked around for something to defend myself with.

"You won't find anything," a voice tinkled from the other side of the door. Said door opened to reveal a tiny woman with alabaster skin, golden eyes, spiky ink black hair, and an exquisite, elfin face, "I had all the sharp objects removed while you were resting."

"Who are you? Where am I?" The girl giggled in amusement, the sound like silver bells in the wind, and came to sit on the edge of my bed. I kept myself pressed against the headboard, prepared to jump at a moment's notice.

"My name is Alice. My brother, Edward brought you here," Flashes of the beautiful boy from the forest sped through my mind. I had collapsed and he had rescued me, so I guess I owed him now.

My stomach snarled, loud and painful enough to make me curl in on myself a little. I hadn't eaten in what felt like days. I had gone for much longer without food many times before, but the travel from my own world to this new one must have done something to my body. I was famished.

A knowing smile came to Alice's face as she giggled again. I blushed crimson red, an embarrassing habit I had been trying to break myself of for years. Naruto found it amusing, calling me 'tomato face' when we were in the Academy. I punched him for it the first and only time he said it, and we had been close friends ever since.

"You sound hungry. My mother, Esme has made some things for you to eat downstairs," Alice stood from the bed and held out her hand to me, "Come on, I'll take you." Hesitantly I glanced up at her, somewhat reassured by the kindness in her golden eyes as I took her strangely icy hand and let her lead me from the room.

We passed many closed doors and walked down two flights of stairs until we reached the ground floor. I had never been in a house so big before; it made the Hokage's mansion feel like a cardboard box in comparison.

What disturbed me the most was that I felt no chakra signature from anywhere inside the house. Not even Alice had one. I was so used to feeling the presence of every other ninja within a fifty-mile radius that the emptiness was making me paranoid.

The first thing we were taught at the Academy was how to reach inside ourselves and access our chakra, so we could fully utilize it as a ninja. Civilians still had chakra, but only enough to keep them alive.

Alice led me into a dining room with huge oak table in the centre. The wood looked ancient and smelt as the forests did after it rained back home. A great wave of sadness over took me and I felt tears begin to well in my eyes. However, just as suddenly as it came, the sadness was gone, replaced with waves of soothing calm that seemed to appear out of the air. I shook off the paranoia; this place was getting to me.

"Here, sit down," Alice said, pulling a chair out for me at the table. Just as I was about to sit, one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen breezed in from another room. She was pale with golden eyes and caramel ringlets of hair hanging like a halo around her face.

"Bella, this is my mother, Esme," Brilliant, knowing smiles spread across both Alice and Esme's faces. I felt like I was being left out of some private joke, "Esme, this is Bella. The girl Edward rescued."

Within the blink of an eye I was enveloped in a warm (figuratively) bear hug. I had never been much for physical affection, which oddly enough was one of the few things Sasuke and I had in common, so I was a little uncomfortable. Esme did not seem to notice my body stiffing up, and if she did, she was polite enough to ignore it.

"It's so nice to meet you, Bella. You looked so sick when Edward bought you here; I'm glad you're walking around," she said, pulling back and guiding me back to the big table, placing me down on the seat.

Before I knew it, the two women were placing plates full of food in front of me. My stomach gurgled in anticipation at the sight of it; there was barbeque, bowls of fried rice, even some things I had never seen before. A bowl of little fried potato slices and a slab of round meat and salad between two pieces of bread.

"What are these?" I asked, biting into one of the potato pieces timidly. It was crunchy and soft all at the same time – I liked it.

"They're fries," Esme explained, seeming shocked that I didn't know what they were, "Have you never had fries before Bella?" I shook my head no, reaching out to grab at the barbeque. With no regard for manners or proper eating etiquette, I sank my teeth in, ripping and tearing at the skewered, plum sauce-covered meat and simultaneously stuffing my face with more fries.

I was beyond the point of caring what Alice and Esme thought of me. When I finished the meat and the fries, my gut growled for more. I was famous back home for my bottomless stomach, a title I held with pride. It was also one of the reasons I had not become an ANBU. ANBU Black Ops had to stick to a strict diet chart.

Petty, I know, but I wasn't about to give up food for a simple promotion.

"Do you have any chopsticks?" I asked, twirling the strange, pronged silver thing in my hand. I had never seen anything like it before. How was I supposed to pick up rice and ramen with this? Alice held out a pair of chopsticks at me; she must have somehow known I was going to ask for them.

"Thanks," I said, breaking apart the sticks and digging into the rice. Alice simply smiled at me with that same knowing look in her eyes, but I was too preoccupied with my food to care, really.

Picking up the pronged silver thing again, I gave it a quick once over, pulled the meat-and-bread thing towards me and stabbed it right through the middle. Alice burst into a fit of giggles and Esme looked like she was trying to keep her own laughter in.

"Bella honey, why are you stabbing your burger with a fork?" Esme asked, stacking empty plates and bowls into her arms. So the silver thing was called a fork! Just like the town name!

How strange.

"Is that not how you're supposed to eat the, uh...burger?" I hesitated on the name of the food, unsure if I was calling it the right thing. Burgers were a foreign thing to me; we didn't have them at home. I removed the fork from the bread and picked it up in my hands.

"Don't worry about it, Bella," Alice smiled, encouragingly "You can eat it however you want to." With that, I bit tentatively into the burger. I liked the taste, smiling as I continued to eat. Soon I was finished and fully satisfied, my hands and face sticky with sauce.

"The rest of the family will be home soon, we should get you cleaned up," Alice suggested, taking my dirty hand without hesitation and pulling me to my feet. I was not surprised at her strength, as I had seen many child-ninja's with equal muscle come from the academy.

"Oh, uh, okay," I murmured, "It was nice to meet you, Mrs Cullen. Thank you for the meal, it was wonderful." Esme simply smiled kindly as Alice tugged me from the room and back up the stairs. We passed many doors, all uniformly white and closed.

"Here we are," Alice said, stopping at one of the doors. It looked no different to any of the others, so I wondered what could be behind it. She pushed it open, revealing the biggest bathroom I had ever seen. It was tiled and pristine, glowing white, making me feel like I would sully it with even a footprint.

Alice pushed me lightly and I stumbled over the threshold, gazing at the gleaming white with wonder. The bathrooms in Konoha were only this clean in the hospital, and it never stayed that way for long. Tsunade had trained both Sakura and me, and as a medic, I'd seen my fair share of tragic, messy situations.

"Well, don't just stand there, Bella!" Alice turned on the big shower, which looked like it could fit three people, and pulled a towel from a bar on the wall, "Let's get you cleaned up!"

I'm not sure how long we were in the bathroom for. While in the shower, I washed my hair with a shampoo that smelled wonderfully of strawberries, using the vanilla smelling body scrub liberally over my pale skin. The water was amazingly warm, unwinding my tight muscles and calming my frayed nerves.

When I was done, Alice whisked me into the towel, not seeming to care at all that I was completely naked. She left me to dress in the clothes she had laid on the counter for me; those strange, dark blue pants in the rough but soft material that hugged the contours of my legs, a pair of enclosed, fluffy tan boots, and a long sleeved, grey shirt.

Again, when I was done Alice took control. She sat me in a chair and began to brush and pull at my hair, combing it, drying it, and styling it in loose waves around my face.

When I thought she wasn't looking I tied it up into a ponytail.

"There, all finished!" She announced, finishing with a flourish as she swiped makeup over my face. People hardly ever wore makeup back home, it was too inconvenient, especially as ninjas. But you try telling Ino that when she was a Genin. That girl practically slathered the stuff on trying to impress Sasuke, and subsequently Sai. Obviously it didn't work, and it made her look like a clown when she sweated it all off.

Alice pulled me up by the hands, her face blank for a split second before it lit up once more, her brilliant smile spreading across her face.

"They're home," she said, leading me out of the bathroom and back down the halls. The pants, which Alice called 'jeans', rubbed strangely against my skin. I'd never felt a material like it before. Alice had told me it was called 'denim', and was perfectly common.

We descended the winding staircase and back into the main area of the house. I could hear voices getting louder, coming from the living room. If I was really trying I could have heard them half a mile from the house, but I was too preoccupied by this strange, new world. I would have to keep my guard up better than that if I was really to learn what was going on.

"Everyone," Alice proclaimed from half way across the house, "We have a guest!"

The voices immediately stopped. We entered the living room, which was part of a wide open space devoid of walls, and I was suddenly confronted with four of the most beautiful people I had ever seen.

"Everyone, this is Bella. Bella this is my family. My sister, Rosalie," she motioned to a stunning, statuesque blonde-haired woman sitting on the white couch, who nodded dismissively and went back to filing her already perfect nails.

"Hi, Bella, I'm Emmett, Alice's brother," My eyes widened at the giant of a man, with curly black hair, dimples and bulging muscles. He went to shake my hand enthusiastically, and out of nervousness, I squeezed back harder than I should have, my chakra surging in my hand for a split second. His faced creased in pain and shock and I cringed.

"Sorry, guess I don't know my own strength sometimes," I murmured apologetically.

That was freakin' understatement.

There was a slightly awkward pause. It lasted for what seemed like an eternity, when really I think it was only about half a second.

"Anyway," Alice cut in, "this is Jasper, my boyfriend, and Rose's twin brother," A tall, lanky man with honey blonde hair and, like the rest of the family, bright gold eyes stood apart from the rest of the family. He didn't shake my hand, instead simply nodded in acknowledgment. I felt a strange sense of calm wash over me, a sensation that seemed to come from out of nowhere. I filed that away in my head under the growing section marked suspicious.

"And this is my father, Doctor Carlisle Cullen," My eyes landed on a man who looked far too young to be a doctor, let alone a father, even by my standards. For example, I was only seventeen and had been a fully qualified medical ninja for nearly two years.

He was blonde, golden eyed and pale white, just like the rest of the family. Smiling kindly at me, Carlisle stepped forward and shook my hand, which was icy cold, another trait he shared with his kids. Esme stood by his side, her hands on his arm.

"It's lovely to meet you Bella." He said. I kept my chakra in check this time, being extra careful not to hurt anybody.

"You too, Dr Cullen," I replied, struggling not to let my stomach drop to my feet when I noticed that one member of the family, the beautiful, bronze-haired Edward, was missing.

"Edward should be home any second now, he just had to run a couple of errands for me," Alice said, just as the sound of a door closing echoed from another part of the house.

My heart started to pound and I could feel my chakra zinging through my veins. I was about to come face to face with the man who'd pretty much saved my life. That is, after I'd threatened his.

I felt exposed and vulnerable without my weapons for back up, even though I knew I didn't need them in the end. I could take them on with simply my fists, despite the fact that the Cullen's didn't seem like the type of family to senselessly attack someone like me.

The front door opened, and I was confronted with one of the most frightening images of my life.

Edward stiffened in the doorway, his head rising slowly to reveal a vicious, hate-filled snarl. His once golden eyes were an empty black, his nostrils flaring and his blazing white teeth bared threateningly. I felt my heart react, the adrenaline filled blood surging through my veins double time.

In a split second, Edward launched himself at me across the open first floor, faster than lightning, but not fast enough that I didn't have enough time to summon my strength, shove Alice out of the way and brace myself for the impact.

Edward slammed into me, sending us both to the floor with a mighty crack. I tucked my chakra infused legs to my chest and expertly pushed him up and over my head, straight through the glass wall behind us.

"So much for being a civilian," I muttered to myself, ignoring the shocked stares of the Cullens as I rolled to standing and strolled casually through the broken window, watching as Edward stood with not a scratch on his body, shaking the glass from his hair.

Before I could even blink, Jasper and Emmett were holding a violently struggling, growling Edward, his eyes devoid of any reason or sense. Instead of cowering as I'm sure they expected, I met Edward's eyes with an even stare, my face blank. Deep down I was shaking like a leaf.

"Boys, take your brother into the woods," Carlisle ordered, suddenly standing right next to me. Alice stood on my other side while Esme and Rosalie stood next to Carlisle. Emmett and Jasper nodded and quickly took Edward into the nearby forest. I marvelled at their speed, relishing the opportunity for a challenge.

"I'm not sure I understand what just happened," Esme said quietly. I felt my heart sink into my shoes and my stomach curl.

"Care to explain, Bella?" Rosalie interjected, snarky and accusatory.

I knew that the next words that came out of my mouth would either make or break my time in this world. I needed to get home, and I would stop at nothing to get there.

"You won't believe me." I had observed enough of the town to know that. If it was anything like the small, civilian villages back home, they had probably never seen a ninja in their life.

"Try us," Carlisle said, his voice reassuring and calm. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Here goes nothing.

"I'm from another world."

Hope you guys liked the chapter, reviews are greatly appreciated! Anybody want to hazard a guess as to how the remaining Cullens will react to her admission? And before you ask, the reason Bella is taking the 'other world' thing so well, and why Alice didn't see Edward going psycho will be explained in future chapters. Maybe next, maybe later, who knows?
Explanations to all questions will be forthcoming, I promise! Sorry to leave you hanging, but that would ruin the surprise ;)

Love and Sasukes to all my lovely readers, whether you review or not!