A/n: I know that this is short and in a completely different style that I normally write in but it's for all of you who love Emmett. Welcome to Emmett's post-game wrap up. He's kind of opinionated and he's going to give you some clues about outtakes and the eventual sequel.
Twilight belongs to Stephanie Meyer. Sometimes I run around the house and pretend like it's mine and then I realize that the house is literally falling apart around us and I come back to reality.
Without further ado, here's Emmett. Enjoy!
The past few weeks since Bella has reentered our lives have been eventful. It has become apparent that danger is a staple in Bella's life and the fact that Edward felt the need to blame himself for the danger that she constantly finds herself in is completely off base. It's great. I love having Bella back. Her first week back we got into a fight with another coven. Life was so boring before we met her and during the four years that we lived without her.
Bella bagged a bear on her first hunt. That is of course after Edward stopped whining like a little girl. I know that he can hear me – like a little girl, dude. I'm just saying he needs to chill because that is one strong willed, opinionated, fine piece of woman that he has there.
Speaking of said woman... Bella kicked my butt at least three times last week sparring. I did take it a bit easier on her but I'm pretty sure that if we were human she would have had Jasper breaking a sweat. Edward, like a little girl, refuses to be present when we play with Bella. He's also keeping a certain amount of distance between the two of them. I know that he's older than me and his moral compass is probably a bit more developed but it's obvious that the two have some sort of tension building.
All in all Bella and Edward seem fairly happy. They still don't talk, which annoys Jasper to no end. Sometimes he gets so frustrated that he leaves the house because there's so much left unsaid between the two of them. I think that she's working out whatever issues our leaving her caused. Sometimes she gets a little pensive and just plain weird when Edward isn't right with her, and Jazz and I can forget getting him to go anywhere without her anytime soon.
Bella decided to go the route of disappearing rather than faking a death or just dropping out of school. We filed a missing persons report as soon as we returned from hunting. She grabbed a few things from her apartment to make it look like she was going to take a trip. Rachel and Quil convinced Charlie and local law enforcement here that she ran off sometime after the "terrible cliff-diving accident" that killed Brady, most likely while they were taking the body back to LaPush. Charlie and Rene came into town to close up Bella's apartment. Edward and Carlisle met them. Edward let Charlie throw him around a bit while keeping him from actually landing a blow. Charlie blames Edward for Bella's disappearance.
So, Bella Swan is still officially alive as far as the law is concerned. She's the only one of us who has maintained the ability to contact his or her family into this life. She plans on sending them post cards from around the world to keep them from worrying about her. It's a pretty good plan. I wish that I had thought of it.
Like I said, it's been exciting. I have to say that I was disappointed in the outcome of our fight with Adrianna's coven. We only managed to take down three of them. While I lay prone on the ground completely unable to move Jasper and Edward, mostly Jasper, made an error in judgment. Both of them jumped to protect Alice when she was threatened, leaving Mark an opportunity to slip away. There just weren't enough hands and we were out of practice sparring. We're preparing for another show down with Mark. Jasper is positive that he's not finished with his ambitions to carve out some territory and make a name for himself.
So, he's on the loose but Alice assures us that she's watching him. Personally, I think that he's a slime-ball because he ran the exact opposite direction of his 'mate' the second that he felt threatened. If someone were to threaten Rose, you could bet that I'd be after him, or I suppose her, in an instant. We were fortunate that they hadn't started building up their little newborn army either because that would have been a pain in the butt to put down and we might have had to ask for help from the Volturi. Jasper seems overly fond of them and their ability to quell the lawbreaking portion of our society but Carlisle refuses to weigh in an opinion on them and I don't trust them.
Alice is up to something. She went to visit the house in Washington and came back with a large garment bag and a smaller box. Edward has been trying to figure out what's going on in her hyper little brain for about a week but she's apparently closed up tight like Fort Knox. She and Bella have been spending a lot of time behind closed doors together.
Alice and Rose dragged Bella shopping early this week as well. As it turns out, Bella can control herself and isn't having any real problems around humans. Rose has had an argument or two with her over seemingly nothing but they seem to be growing closer. I always thought that Rose would eventually come around and like Bella. Bella just had to stand up to her a few times first.
All in all, life is good. Everyone has someone, no one is on suicide watch, and we have a fight brewing on the horizon. I can't say that I can complain about Bella returning to the family. We're complete. Now I just have to figure out how to win fighting her sometime before all of that newborn strength wears off...
End note: This story is in terrible need of some editing so.... don't be shocked if what looks like "new chapters" start showing up if you keep this on story alert. I'm going to be replacing the messed up chapters with fixed versions.