Chad rubbed his hands together, "So, let's get crackin'. It can even be about me and you. I'll call it Sonny with No Chance." He looked up, envisioning it.

"Wait, what's this story's plot??" She asked apprehensively.

"Well, let's see. Here's a start:"

Sonny Monroe was walking down the street. She was being dumb and naïve as usual.

Sonny faked a laugh, then quickly erased the second line and wrote:

She is one of the smartest girls you will ever meet.

"Hey, that rhymed!" She smiled that wide Sonny smile, "Oh, and by the way, let's keep this realistic."


Suddenly, a large group of scary-looking monster ninjas popped out from the bushes and attacked her.

The brunette rolled her eyes, "Just change that title to 'Sonny with a Chance' and make it a happy ending."

But just when things looked bleakest for the diva, her hero arrived,

"Ooh, who's my hero??" She became excited, "Batman? Spiderman?? Superman???"


The one and only, Chad Dylan Cooper.

"Really, Chad, really?"

He pulled out a sword and swiftly sliced off their necks, letting the blood ooze out all ov

"Too graphic!" She cringed.

"Fine," He went to work erasing.

The sexy boy smacked them a couple times and they ran away.


Then, Sonny threw her arms around the drop dead gorgeous heart throb, screaming, "Chad, you saved me! I love you! I've always lov

"Uh! I don't think so!" Sonny said angrily while scribbling it out as hard as she could, "At least keep me in character!"

"Okay, just chill! What would you do?"

She kindly thanked him by shaking his hand.

He looked at her, appalled, "…Well, I guess I should have me in character too."

Then, Chad pulled her in for a kiss.

Then, Chad pulled her in for a kiss. She was taken completely by surprise as he rested his hand on her cheek, pressing his lips to hers softly. As soon as he felt her pulling him closer, deepening the kiss, he broke it off.

And Sonny kissed him back.

"Just making sure I was keeping you in character," the blonde smirked.

Sonny's eyes widened. Had he been just messing with her?

She shrugged, "Don't start a sentence with 'and'."

"Oh, right."

Sonny kissed him back and the world was at peace once again.

"Well, there you go, Monroe. See how many reviews that gets."

"What a compelling story," She joked, about to leave.

"I like it," He shot her a smile, "Maybe we should stay in character more often..."

Sonny grinned, blushing slightly on her way out. She clutched the paper to her chest tightly. It may have been some pretty sucky writing but it was the best story she'd ever read. Maybe, she wouldn't even post it. She'd just keep it all to herself.

When she came back to So Random!, they were still in front of their laptops.

"Sonny! You have to read my story!" Grady demanded, "It's an instructional booklet giving the readers special tips on 'How to Dance' and 'How to Tell the Difference between a Time Machine and a Clock'."

"After mine!" Tawni called, "My first one's all about Tawnitown but I just started another called 'Bite, Wipe, and Gloss'. The summary reads: Tawni reveals her famous eating technique to a hot teen celebrity and they end up making out! Rated T for safety."

"You already wrote two??" Asked Nico, "I'm still on my first: 'Nico and Girls.' But there are a lot of girls, so you can see why it's taking me some time."

Then, Zora budded in, "Well, I'm typing up a cute, fluffy soneshot about me and my old boyfriend, know, rated M for extreme lemon."

Nico, Grady, and Sonny were taken aback but Tawni nodded understandingly.

"What about you, Sonny? Did you decide to write one?" Nico wondered.

"Oh, uh, no," She hid the paper behind her back, "But I decided I might like fan fiction . net a lot better than I thought…"