Part 20: My happy ending: Leah

After I had left Seth and Bella and stepped inside the hall that the party was taking place in I looked around for Jacob. He was nowhere to be seen but the place was crowded with people I could hardly penetrate the mass of mingling bodies. I knew all of them by sight but Bella could probably tell me all their life stories and family trees.

I grabbed the arm of the nearest person and turned them to face me. "You seen Jacob? Wait I know you, you sit at the back of my class, Elisabeth or something like that."

She slapped my arm away and rolled her eyes. "Evangeline, jerkass." The look she gave me was stone cold and more than a bit scary. It was odd but I was sure I had seen it before but I couldn't place it, it was so distinct and individual but it was familiar somehow.

She tried to leave but I spun her back around. "Ratchet it a back a few notches, it's not like you stand out or anything, you just sit at the back and play with toys all the time." It was true, it varied what she played with but they were all ways human shaped. Evan at this party she had a small puppet in her pocket, the control bar hanging out down to her knee.

"Better than you, little miss angry. Your bad attitude makes sure every one notices you." I think I had worked out what was so familiar; she was me from back in Sunnydale, I hoped I was a better person now. I would have to ask someone but who? Family wouldn't answer truthfully so mum, Seth and Emily were out. Jacob is far too biased and didn't even know me back then. Maybe I could get in contact with one of Emily's friends, perhaps that Kaylee girl she was all ways hanging around with.

It was then that a voice grabbed my attention. "Now, now no cat fights unless you call me over so I can watch. Hey girl that top is... I got nothing." I turned to look at Jacob and gave a small half smile.

"Yeah Bella picked it." We turned back and the girl was gone. "Creepy." We weren't in particularly crowded area of the hall so it wasn't like she had disappeared into them.

Jacob was completely wigged by it as well "Like vampires in films and books." Of all the classic monsters he couldn't stand vampires, he loved werewolves though.

"And Batman, he did it to. Where were you?" At least the amazing disappearing girl had helped me somehow.

He waved at the front of the hall. "Oh Seth needed something done, tell you later."

"Jake I've been thinking and we need to talk, come with me." I pulled him by his wrist out the back of the hall into the garden and kept going till we were under the willow tree at the end.

We were silent for a while before Jake broke the silence. "So what's up?"

I gulped and then took a deep breath before I started my spiel. "Well I was talking with my cousin earlier and I haven't seen her for like 5 years and she always had this knack at hiding what she felt so that others could feel fully. She could shut down her emotions so that she could comfort someone and support them. When dad died she wasn't there so I started repressing my feelings and it wasn't healthy. Maybe if I had made some different choices then Sam wouldn't have..." I couldn't bring myself to finish.

I felt Jake's arms on my shoulders and almost blushed. "You made some mistakes but so did I, so did Sam. I can forgive others mistakes because that's what humans do, make mistakes, and if I know anything it's that we are nothing if not human. The one person's mistakes you must forgive are your own."

"Y-yeah I guess s-so." Then I giggled.

The look of confusion on his face was adorable. "What's so funny?"

"If we do... If we do this then, well you're meant to be my 'older brother' so wouldn't it be weird?" It was a few seconds before we both burst into roaring laughter, leaning against each other for support. The world might as well have consisted of the two of us and the tree.

"Well well, we haven't spoken about that since, well ever." He was right, once we left the room that first day we had pretty much forgotten about everything that happened inside. "Guess we have miles to go before this is perfect."

"Yeah I know but, you know what forget it. Hey I was thinking about taking a trip back to Sunnydale sometime soon and wondered if you wanted to come with?" Kaylee had to judge the change somehow didn't she? God this was turning into an obsession and I don't know why. What was so important about someone's opinion? I knew I had changed for the better didn't I?

"What meet your old friends? Sounds good." It was hard not to laugh, friends weren't my thing, they still weren't really but that was neither here nor there.

"Well not really friends but same difference. There's one guy, Oz, you would like him, he's your kind of guy." He was Kaylee and Emily's best friend but then Jake was friends with that Sam guy so what do I know?

"You going to set us up on a date or something?" This made us laugh again.

"No way. You are all mine and there is nothing you can do about it." Then we kissed, it was the first time and it was powerful. The world ended and restarted a million times over in those brief seconds. It was the perfect ending.

If I already mentioned were the Clearwaters lived before Forks then it is a mistake they come from Sunnydale.

For those who don't know Evangeline is from Negima, Kaylee is from firefly, Oz and Sunnydale are from Buffy.

Eva doing that vampire gone when you look back thing makes sense considering in Negima she is a vampire but not here since there are no vampires. The toy thing is because her specialty is manipulating things and uses Chachazero a puppet. Leah suggesting that Jake and Oz would get along plays off the fact that they are both werewolves in the source material.

Well this is the end, this tale is told but the story is not over. Next up is the sort of sequel; it is set in the same universe and links to this fic a few times. I also have a short story planed that is a prequel and set in Sunnydale that will focus on Emily, Kaylee and Oz with Leah as a minor character. See my profile for more details on both.