Doctor Well, here I am again! lol. I know I said u wouldnt be hearing from me in a long time but i got really excited with this and I worked on it all day. Except this is not a Death Note fan fic. I'm over that for now. This is a Twilight fan fic. I know there are MANY MANY like this, but I've always wanted to write one on my own. AND THIS ONE IS GOING TO BE DIFFERENT! LISTEN UP! THIS IS GONNA BE AN INTERACTIVE STORY...KINDA.. WHEN U REVIEW, ASK A QUESTION THT U WANNA ASK THE CULLEN FAMILY Along with JACOB BLACK. THEN, THEy WILL DISCUSS THE ANSWER TO THT QUESTION ON MESSENGER. SO Review! and Enjoy!
BTW: FOR SOME STUPID REASON, FAN FICTION DOESNT LET ME PUT THE WORD MR. Y CANT I PUT MISTER ABBREVIATED? M R i cant even put Dr.! also, I wasnt sure if it was sign off our sign out! i just put sign off. i dont really care.....
ImmortalFairy= Alice Cullen
MisterFeeling= Jasper Cullen
MisterCoolio= Emmett Cullen
Doctor Carlisle Cullen = Carlisle Cullen
VampireModel= Esme Cullen
DarlingRose3= Rosalie Cullen
Bella's Lover21= Edward Cullen
Edward_is_my_life= Bella Cullen
NightWolf10= Jacob Black.
4:45 p.m.
MisterFeeling has just signed in.
ImmortalFairy has just signed in.
ImmortalFairy: Hi sweetheart!
MisterFeeling: Hi baby! :)
MisterFeeling: How's Cancun?
ImmortalFairy: Good! but...
MisterCoolio has just signed in.
ImmortalFairy: I miss you :(
MisterCoolio: Aw thanks sis! I miss you 2!
MisterFeeling: She was talking to me dufus!
ImmortalFairy: Dont be mean Jazz! I miss the both of u.
MisterFeeling: But you miss me more right?
ImmortalFairy: I miss the both of you equally.
MisterFeeling: But I'm your husband! -sad-
ImmortalFairy: I know and I love u Jazz!
MisterCoolio: She misses me more Jazz!
MisterFeeling: No she doesn't!
ImmortalFairy: I'll leave you 2 to talk it out. Im gonna go get a tan.
MisterCoolio: Vampires can get tanned?
ImmortalFairy has signed off.
MisterCoolio: Hey Jazz, I think Alice is starting to fall for me.
MisterFeeling: She is Not!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bella's Lover21 has just signed in.
Bella's Lover21: What are you kitties fighting about now?
MisterCoolio: Hey Edward, you know what should've been your user name? Bella's everyday sex-addicted partner. lol.
MisterFeeling: 0_0 ......
Bella's Lover21: Take that back!
MisterCoolio: Nope :)
Bella's Lover21: Take that back before I kill you!
MisterCoolio: I don't think so.
MisterFeeling: You guys better calm down! Maybe I can send calm waves through the internet. hm.....
Bella's Lover21: Im gonna kick your ass Emmett!
MisterFeeling: Nope. I can't.
MisterFeeling has signed off.
Edward_is_my_life has just signed in.
MisterCoolio: Hey Bells! We were just talking about how much Edward likes to fuck you. :)
Bella's Lover21: Emmett your dead!
Edward_is_my_life: Hi honey. Emmett you better shut your mouth!
Edward_is_my_life: Remember I'm stronger than you!
Bella's Lover21: Hello my love.
Bella's Lover21: lol. thts right. she is stronger than you!
MisterCoolio: God Edward. Could you be more cheesy? -puts right hand on heart and says the following in a very gay manner- "Hello love"
Edward_is_my_life: Dont be mean Emmett! Edward is just romantic.
Bella's Lover21: That's right. -kisses Bella- I'm romantic. You and Rose are more like........ wild dogs.
Edward_is_my_life: Edward! Don't say that! by the way, does anyone know what time it is?
MisterCoolio: Your a dick Edward!! Im out of here.
MisterCoolio: Bye baby sis! its 4:54!
Edward_is_my_life: Bye Em! Thanks.
Bella's Lover21: bye my non-romantic lil bro!
MisterCoolio has signed off.
Edward_is_my_life:Speaking of romance.....why dont we go out to eat tonight Edward? Alice can watch Nessie.
Bella's Lover21: Now your the one reading my mind....-kisses Bella again-
Edward_is_my_life: lol. -kisses Edward back-
DarlingRose3 has just signed in.
DarlingRose3: You called us dogs?! How dare you!
Bella's Lover21: sighs.
Edward_is_my_life: 0_0 .
Bella's Lover21: srry Bella! gtg. I dont want to deal with this right now. I'll see you in the cottage.
DarlingRose3: U better not leave Edward!
Bella's Lover21 has signed off.
DarlingRose3: Dammit!
Edward_is_my_life: akward.....
Edward_is_my_life has signed off.
NightWolf10 has just signed in.
DarlingRose3: What the hell do u want Mutt? I dont even know why I have you as one of my contacts....
NightWolf10: Watch your mouth blondie!
NightWolf10: U probably have me in ur contacts because ur in love with me!
DarlingRose3: HAH! U WISH. Date a little puppy? dont think so. Emmett is my only lover.....
NightWolf10: good. cause dating a stupid blonde would be such a drag.....
DarlingRose3: I'm gonna rip your throat out you dirty mutt!
NightWolf10: Dont count on it......
NightWolf10: your so boring.......sigh.......
NightWolf10 has signed off.
DarlingRose3:I'm not boring!!!.
DarlingRose3: Where the hell is everybody! Carlisle said to be signed in at 5:00!
5:00 p.m.
Edward_is_my_life has just signed in.
Bella's Lover21 has just signed in.
MisterCoolio has just signed in.
MisterFeeling has just signed in.
ImmortalFairy has just signed in.
NightWolf10 has just signed in.
VampireModel has just signed in.
Doctor Carlisle Cullen has just signed in.
Doctor Carlisle Cullen: Great! Everybody is just in time!
ImmortalFairy: yep.
MisterFeeling. uh-huh.
MisterCoolio: yes we are.
Bella's Lover21: just like you asked us.
Edward_is_my_life: -nods in agreement-
DarlingRose3: About time!
NightWolf10: What are we gonna talk about again?
DarlingRose3: You invited the mutt!???!
NightWolf10: Hey! I'm family too.
Bella's Lover21: No your not!
NightWolf10: You better watch it leech!
Edward_is_my_life: Jake!!! Watch your mouth!
VampireModel: Hey! Everyone Pay Attention!
Doctor Carlisle Cullen: Thank you sweetheart.
Doctor Carlisle Cullen: The reason we are all here, is because we are here to discuss what's gonna happen in the next few days.
Doctor Carlisle Cullen: All of Mister Cheesy's fans are gonna ask us questions. HOPEFULLY. When they do, it is our job to answer them together as a group? Understand?
MisterFeeling: Yep.
MisterCoolio: Duh.
Bella's Lover21: got it.
Edward_is_my_life: -again, nods in agreement-
NightWolf10: Got it.
NightWolf10: Do you need me to explain it to you slower blondie?
Edward_is_my_life: Jake!! Don't be rude!
NightWolf10: Sorry Bells!
DarlingRose3: U better be sorry mutt!
NightWolf10: .....
Doctor Carlisle Cullen: Ok then. I think we've formed an agreement. I will notify everyone as soon as we receive the first question. Alright? But we also have to discuss-
MisterCoolio: blah blah blah. see ya suckers!
MisterCoolio has signed off.
DarlingRose3: I'm off to play with my hunk. bye!
DarlingRose3 has signed off.
Bella's Lover21: Bella, I've made reservations in this beautiful restaurant. Let' go get ready.
Bella's Lover21 has signed off.
Edward_is_my_life: K! bye everyone!
Edward_is_my_life has signed off.
ImmortalFairy: yeah i gtg 2. I still haven't gotten a tan and and I want to get it so that I can show it off shopping before the mall closes! :'( bye! Love you Jazz!
ImmortalFairy has signed off.
MisterFeeling: Love you 2!
MisterFeeling has signed off.
NightWolf10: Well! Looks like this conversation is over! L8rz.
NightWolf10 has signed off.
Doctor Carlisle Cullen: .....sigh....nice talk.
VampireModel: dont feel bad honey......
VampireModel: Why don't we go hunting....i'm a bit hungry.....
Doctor Carlisle Cullen: very well. ....Let's go darling.
Doctor Carlisle Cullen has signed off.
VampireModel has signed off.
Hope you guys enjoyed that. Believe it or not, its very frustrating writing these types of stories cause you have to write each charactars user name every single time! Im tired...
Anyways I think its always funny seeing the Cullens argue. XD. i hope you enjoyed it and review.