Beginning Notes: hey and welcome to my new story. Ok hopeful most of you have
seen 'Sonic X' or has play the sonic games if not…I don't know if I
can help you but this story so warped I don't think it will really matter
much…Okay, this is what might have happened if Eggman never released Shadow
from suspended animation.


Dark had been working at G.U.N for a year and it was time for him to take his
final test to see if he could be apart of the company.

The final test was to see how good his hacking skills were. All he had to do
is successfully hack a fake program of the G.U.N.'s main system.

Dark was sitting at a computer hacking with the G.U.N.'s second in command
standing behide him looking over his shoulder. He was doing well when suddenly
on screen popped up "Access: Restricted: Password needed" Dark typed in a word
quickly. "***" "Access: Granted" 'Bingo' Dark thought and he smiled. "What
are you smiling about your not even have way through" the Co-commander said.
Then a voice came thru the computer and said "G.U.N.S Archives" and on
screen it said 'Project S.H.A.D.O.W' "What's going on here" The
Co-Commander bellowed. "Threat Level Massive" the computer voices said.
'Massive' flickered on the computer screen for a moment the disappeared.

The voice yet again spoke it said "Project S.H.A.D.O.W….is unstable"
sirens went off.

'ALERT' flickered on screen.

"Hacker Detected" the computer spoke. All the computers went black then
start to flash 'Hacker Alert' on then. All the lights went out and the
flashing red lights went off.

Dark laughed and ran down the hall to where the pod that held Shadow was. He
had less then 3 minutes before Shadow's pod would open and release Shadow.
'Finally I get to meet the great Shadow.' he thought.

Mean While

"I want those computers back up in less the 5 seconds" the Co-Commander
bellowed. "All systems are going Commander" said a rookie. "NOW I WANT
THE PODS ROOM ON THE MAIN SCREEN! NOW!" yelled the Co-Commander. "Pod room
on mains screen in 3..2..1" said the rookie. On the main screen it showed a
room with hundreds of pods, but the camera was pointed at one in particular.
It had a black and red hedgehog that look like he was only sleeping in it.

"Good that traitor didn't make it there yet! Guards go down there and
kill that echidna and bring his head back on a silver plate! Well what are you
waiting for!? MOVE!" the Co-Commander screamed at the top of his lungs.

The guards ran in fear yelling "YES SIR!" "Now show me all the hall
ways leading to the pod room" the Co-Commander said. "Yes sir, right away
sir" the frightened rookie said.

"Sir he's blocking us some how, we can't pull up the footage from those
hall ways" the panicking rookie said.

The Co-Commander slammed his hand down on a table, "curse that hedgehog"

"sir I thought he was an echidna?" the rookie said confounded. "He's
both you imbecile" the Co-Commander snarled.

Mean While with Dark

Dark had final made it to the outside of the pod room. 'I didn't think they would be after me this soon.'

He had seen many of the guards on his way to the pod room and he managed to
get past them all. 'Now all I have to do is get Shadow and get out…joy' he
thought sarcastically.

Dark walked in the front being careful about were he stepped and looking
around to make sure no one but himself was in the room. "08 seconds to go" he
thought as he looked at his watch.

The Next thing he knows there is steam coming out of one of the pods.

Back with the Co-Commander

"Sir Project Shadow is being released… Dark is in the room" the rookie
reported. "We're to late…god help us all" the co-commander said. "Sir
what should we do?" the Rookie said getting worried. "We pray, we pray
that god has mercy on our souls" the co-commander said. "Why sir?" the
rookie questioned. "Because Project Shadow was never meant to be released it
was suppose to be G.U.N`s secret forever" the co-commander said.

Mean While with Dark

after the air clear Dark looked to see a black and red hedgehog starting to
get up out of the pod.

"Are you Shadow, Shadow the Hedgehog?" Dark asked the unknown hedgehog.
"I guess so?" Shadow said.

"What do you mean "I guess so" you should know who you are!" Dark said a
little angered. "I can't remember" Shadow said holding his head. 'Great
he's got amnesia' Dark thought.

"Look we don't have time for this I'm here to save you…here put this
on" Dark threw Shadow a pair of G.U.N's stander uniform.

"Save me, save me from what?" Shadow asked putting on the cloths.
"Stop asking questions and hurry up!" Dark demanded getting impatient.
Dark pulled out a hand gun and stood by the door incase someone came.

After Shadow got done changing, Dark grabbed his arm and ran off down the
hall. They stopped at the end off a hall way and Shadow yanked his arm away
from Dark. "Who are you and where are you taking me" Shadow demanded.

"I'm Dark, ever sense I was born I was train to save you and later help
you to save the world…so unless you want to die here today shut up and
follow me" Dark said with out looking at Shadow .He was to busy looking down
the halls to make sure that no one was coming.

"How do I know you're not lying to me?" Shadow asked. Dark this time
looked at Shadow and replied.

"You don't…and you also don't know if I'm telling the truth!"
"Fine I'll go with you but if I feel like you're lying to me at any
point in time I'm leaving" Shadow said.

Dark ran off down the hall and Shadow fallowed him. They stopped down the end of the
hall way, they had to go straight down the hall way to their right and out the
door and they'd be home free, but there was one problem.

Walking up the hall way was two new rookies that only started last week.
'Great it those two bozos they won't know who Shadow is, this is perfect'
Dark chuckled to himself.

"Shadow just follow my lead ok" Dark said walking down the hall way.

Shadow watched him walk away, "ok" Shadow fallowed him down the hall
way. "Hey look its Dark" said the first one. "Oh ya it is…. Hey Dark who's the new guy?" the second one said. Dark stop in front of them, and
Shadow stood behide him.

"Hello, yes he's new. I was just showing him around"

"Cool" both of them said as Dark and Shadow walked away and out the door.

They were free.

Ending Notes: hope you enjoy and a good friend of my 'Wildcat Angel 16'
will be co-writing, (co-writing, helping me with mistakes, keeping me in line,
)I'm more then over joyed that she is helping me with this, I really don't
know what to say to her other then 'thank you so much you saved my life' and also Scared Insanity