My Vampire
Chapter 4:
Childhood Love
Natsume flare in anger because of the situation, in front in his eyes.
"Hey, what do you think your doing to my sister?" Natsume began speaking, catching Ikuto's attention, but Ikuto did not budge, instead Ikuto's face became nearer and nearer towards Amu's.
Natsume's anger towards Ikuto, became much bigger than before.
"Ikuto! Stop it!" Amu shouted, slapping Ikuto's face.
"H-huh? What the- What-" Ikuto was cut off, once he receive a strong punch coming from Amu's brother.
"Hey monster, are you ok?" Natsume questioned, still presenting a stoic expression. He shifted his attention towards Ikuto.
"What do you think you were doing at my sister huh?!" Natsume asked, his eyes were filled with anger.
Ikuto stood up; from the fall he got, from Natsume's incredible punch.
'Is this guy human? How could he have such incredible power, in his punch? I am sure, that no human, could ever make me fall out from a punch? But this guy, isn't a vampire either, I can't sense him being one' Ikuto thought.
Ikuto's eye's widened, seeing Natsume, ran incredibly fast, attacking him.
"Wait! Brother! This is all just a misunderstanding" Amu shouted.
"What?" The both of them chorus
"Well, I wanted to stand up, earlier but I got unbalance, that's why, Ikuto tried helping me, but instead, the both of us got unbalance" Amu explained lying.
Natsume immediately stop "Hn, Whatever, hey! Monster, come on lets go back home" Natsume ordered kneeling down, signaling Amu to climb on his back. He was going to give her a piggy back ride.
When, Ikuto interrupted "Anou, Sorry about earlier" Ikuto bowed his head, apologizing at Amu's brother.
"Whatever, Amu hung on tight ok?" Natsume reminded his sister.
Amu nodded in agreement, "Ne, Ikuto-kun, Mikan-chan, ja naa" Amu said, bidding goodbye to her friends.
Mikan nodded "Amu, call me when you feel better ok?" Mikan, told Amu, with a worried expression.
"Ahuh sure" Amu replied.
Natsume and Amu, were walking back home, silence filled the air until; Natsume started speaking, "Hey, tell me the truth, what happened earlier?" Natsume questioned, he knew that Amu was lying earlier. He has known his sister, since she was born, so eventually Natsume knows when, is his sister telling the truth.
Amu did not answer; she pretended to sleep while recalling what exactly has happened,
"Ne Ikuto-kun, thanks for bringing me here in the clinic, I really appreciate it" Amu said, giving Ikuto her gratitude.
"Ne? Ikuto-kun?" Amu called, but Ikuto did not answer, he was shaking for some unknown reason.
Standing up, Amu went towards Ikuto's side, trying to see, what's happening to him, but what happened next, is not what had she expect. Suddenly, Ikuto grabbed Amu hair, pulling her to the floor. Amu was shock by his actions, she opened her eyes slowly, and was surprise, seeing Ikuto's eye's becoming red. And his sharp fangs showing, just then, the door slammed open and revealed Amu's brother.
End of Flashback
Noticing that Amu, did not want to answer, his question, Natsume decided to not forcing her, to speak.
Minute's later, Amu and Natsume has finally arrived home from school. There mother wasn't there, so Natsume could not just leave his sister behind, so he decided to accompany her.
A 5 year old girl, with long silky pink hair, was sleeping in her bed, having a high fever, when someone was knocking on her door, waiting for her permission, if that someone could come in.
"Hey, can I come in?" A boy's voice asked, coming from outside.
Amu coughs and smiled "Sure, R_ _ _ _-kun" Amu replied.
The boy entered, his face was blurry, but his voice was very clear. "You sick again? Your always thin, and your hair is so long as well" The boy began speaking.
"Eh? What does it have to do with my hair." Amu pouted.
"Nothing really" The boy replied, then he continued "By the way, here! The caramel, this candy can cure you very fast you know" The boy told Amu.
Amu blushes a deep shade of crimson "Thanks R_ _ _ _-kun" Amu replied, giving her gratitude.
Amu and the boy were playing in a sand box..
"What? Your going to America? But whos going to give me caramel candy, when I get sick" Amu ask, tears streaming down her face.
"Don't worry, I could just send it to you from there"
When the boy was living for America, Amu was still sleeping in her bed, when she woke up, she found 2 caramels in her table and a letter saying.
"Here, If you get sick you, could just eat that." Those were the words written inside the letter.
Amu burst out into tears.
Amu was crying in her sleep, just in time when Natsume entered the room.
"Hey, Monster!" Her brother shouted, waking her up.
Amu woke up, tears falling down from her fragile cheeks.
"Im really getting tired of the fact, that when you get sick, you always dream about that, boy. Amu, listen, you're a grown up now, so try and forget about that boy ok?" Natsume told Amu frankly.
"Hmph, Onii-chan, you don't understand it at all do you?" Amu questioned irritatingly.
"Nope, and I have no time to understand your childhood love, Idiot" Natsume replied.
"I even forgot his name" Amu murmured silently, to avoid her brother from hearing.
Meanwhile at the Tokyo airport, A young man with blue green hair, arrive from America.
"Hn Nothing has change here, I wonder how SHE is doing" The young man thought, continuously walking away from the airport.
Morning arrive and Amu, was as good as new, she felt glad that she could finally go to school now. She started stretching her thighs and her shoulders, serving as her morning exercise when her phone rang.
"Hello" Amu said, waiting for a reply on the telephone.
"Amu-chan, this is Mikan, are you going to school today?" Mikan questioned excitedly.
"Yeah! Im finally full of energy today!" Amu shouted energetically at the phone. Not realizing that her voice was so loud, it broke Mikan's eardrums.
"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME??!! Don't shout, oh yeah! You better studt, we have a long quiz today." Mikan evilly reminded.
"What?! Oh no, My goodness, I can feel My body burning again, Mikan-chan, tell teacher I have a dying decease " Amu lied hoping her best friend would fall for it.
"Yeah, and a dying dog, I wont lie, ill be waiting for you at the schools entrance gate. Bye" Mikan amusingly replied in the other line, putting the phone down. Leaving Amu dumbfounded.
"I'm going to die" Amu proclaimed the obvious fact.
Meanwhile, at the classroom, Amu noticed , a lonely Ikuto beginning to get Emo, on his assigned sit. Knowing Amu, with her kind nature, she accompanies Ikuto, greeting him with a smile, and a frown Ikuto was the reply.
"Haha, You look so ugly, when your frowning, you know." Amu teased, bursting in laughter, when she got the most funny lonely face as a reply from Ikuto.
"Hmph, you think its so funny, that im frowning?!" Ikuto shouted, irritated at Amu.
Amu prevented herself from laughing, she became serious, and sincerely nodded her head at Ikuto's question, and she continued her laughing spree.
"Keep on laughing, do you know how worried I was, after that incident in the clinic? Why did you lie to your brother?" Ikuto questioned seriously.
"What do you mean? Do you have a brain defect? My brother, would not believe that you a vam-" Amu was cut off when Ikuto speedily, runs behind her back, pulling Amu's body close to his, and his other hand, shutting Amu's mouth.
Amu could feel Ikuto's breath, she could sense Ikuto's lips on her ears, slowly Ikuto whispers "Don't say in public that im a vampire, ok Amu? That's our own little secret" He whispered, with no ill intention, but still Amu's heart was pounding wildly, like an untamed lion, just got out from its cage.
Ikuto releases his grip, on Amu when the door creaked open and revealed there homeroom teacher.
"Good morning class, please go back to your respected seats now." The teacher smiled warmly, it was obvious he was in a good mood.
Amu slowly walks towards her respected seat, with her uncontrolable heart
'Calm down Amu, what is wrong with you girl? You cant fall to a vampire, that's just wrong. And also, he has no interest in me, that guy only knows money as his love. Ok, calm down.' Amu thought, but still she could still feel her heart beating.
"DAMN IT! Will you stop beating?!" Amu shouted, quickly realizing she was in the classroom and her classmate were all looking at her, as well as the reason of why her heart was beating when, an unknown girl stood up from her seat, with teary eyes.
"YOUR SO MEAN! I was just practicing for the beating of the national antheme" The girl shouted, runnin dramatically away. That girl must have thought, Amu shouted that at her.
Due to the misunderstandings, Amu could not help herself, but scratch her head and sighed.
"Ok Miss Amu, are you done with your shouting?" The teacher said sarcastically, which made the whole class laughing.
Amu nodded, and with an absent mind she replied "Ahuh, continue on, with your blabbering" And immediately slap herself for saying that. It made the class laughed, but the teacher was displeased.
Amu glimpse at Ikuto, and immediately blush, seeing Ikuto was chuckling from her mistake, it made her embarrassed. "MY GOD! Im such a Dangs! What is wrong with me?! Baka Baka" Amu thought covering her face from embarrassment.
The teacher coughed, getting the students attention, then he continued on speaking.
"Today, we will have visitors. 5 tennis players from school, I would like this section to entertain those students for 3 days, these will serve as your project. Those students, will visit here, in there assigned schedules so shall I introduce them then? Please, Come in" The teacher signaled the students from to enter.
The first one whom came in, was a blond haired French guy, a handsome man indeed, making the girls flail.
"Hi I am Ruuka Nogi" He said winking.
The second guy was a Big one, he entered, with a very scary aura enveloping around him."
"Hi I am Tennouji" He angrily introduce, its as if someone was controlling him to come here, and yes! Someone was controlling him, what entered next to him was a short haired girl, with a remote on her hand.
"I am Hotaru" She said introducing herself.
The next guy whom came in, had golden straight hair. He was an American dude, the girls were all admiring his American aura.
"Hi im Kevin" He shortly said. Amu and Mikan, was having fun, looking at the visitors. Amu was so curious, to the last one, who will enter the room.
Meanwhile Ikuto was staring at Amu's expression on the new students. 'That girl, sure knows nothing but looking' he thought chuckling, when Ikuto sensed that the last one was entering, he noticed Amu's amused face slowly change into a shock one. A bothered Ikuto shifted his gaze to the last student whom entered the door, It was a guy! And the guy, was also staring at Amu, with a shock expression.
"R_ _ _ _-kun" Amu murmured silently on her breath.
End of Chapter 4