AN: Ok, it really is the last chapter now. :( Have fun! (As always, I don't own anything.)


"DARREN! UP HERE!" Darren whipped around, completely startled as he say Barry poke his head out of the tree house. A tuft of blond hair showed that Clive was there too.

Spook stopped walking. "What do they want with you?" Darren shot him a look.

"I'll be there in a sec!" Barry clambered back inside, leaving Darren and Spook alone again.

"You're actually going up there?" Spook asked, incredulously. "You don't even like Barry!"

Darren glared at him. "No, you don't like Barry. Why can't I? I don't want to just have one friend for the rest of my life, thanks!"

"What are you talking about? We're a team!"

"I know we are, you'll always be my best friend, Spook. I just don't want to end up like you." An awkward silence followed, and neither boy knew what to say. By the time Spook had got his head round things, Darren was already climbing up to the tree house.


"Blimey, how long do you take? Look at what we've found!" Clive ignored the sad look on Darren's face, eager to avoid an awkward conversation. He pressed a small pink think and a piece of paper into Darren's hands as Barry watched on, excited. Darren examined it.

"Is this someone's balloon?"

"Yeah!" replied Barry. "We found it burst on the ladder, but read it! Go on!"

He did, and laughed out loud, his quarrel with Spook forgotten. "This is priceless! What are you going to do with it?"

Clive grinned. "Well, I have an idea…"


Later that night, Spook was still thinking about what Darren had said. His friend- his only friend, he realised, hadn't spoken to him since. He'd been hanging around with Barry and that geek Clive instead. "I don't want to end up like you."Spook shook his head. This was ridiculous! Darren was probably just in a mood about something. He had other friends! He had Mia, of course, and…

That was it. Damn. He needed to do something! Jacob and Jenny were setting up Cluedo in the corner.

"Anyone up for it?" called Jacob.

"I will!" Spook called back, going to move over there. He noticed everyone staring at him strangely. "What?"

"Nothing," murmured Jacob. "Does anyone else want to join in?" Clive went over too, and so did Luke and Mia. They started to play, but as soon as Spook rolled the dice to see how many steps Professor Plum would get to take, Lisa stormed over and grabbed Jacob by the collar.

"JACOB! YOU MONGREL!" She yelled, eyes blazing. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!"

"Do- do what?!" he stammered. She pointed at the door she had just slammed open. Spook and Jenny and Spook rushed outside to see what it was. Dax and Gideon were there- one laughing, one beetroot red. Jenny read it, and looked like she might cry. Spook's eyes fell on the last line of the letter pinned to the door.

I think that's his name… Dax told me. You know Dax? The guy who you luuurrrvvveee???
