Hallo everyone. Welcome to my awful potpourri of drabbles featuring the Princess and the circus freak.

If I take requests (and I do, frequently), here are a few words to the wise: I cannot guarantee that I will get to your request and I cannot guarantee that you will like it. D: I am welcome to mature themes. I have a very abusive attitude towards semicolons and dashes. Run-on sentences are my best friend. Avatar is not mine but all the crack is. Try the veal.

Oh, if you're wondering about the title, it's from the famous 'Habanera' from Carmen. Carmen speaks the line "Si je t'aime, prends garde à toi!" which to my knowledge, roughly translates to "If I love you, beware/watch out!"

Theme I: Microfics -- Write ten types of genres in ten words or less.


"My Lady."
"My Lord."

First Time

A gasp; a door slamming.
"Zuko should learn to knock."


Azula is still warm, but Ty Lee's fire is gone.


Azula's hand rested disbelievingly on Ty Lee's stomach.
"It's yours."


Ty Lee's heart beat what her mouth wouldn't say: Stay.


The perfect place for cold feet in winter: Azula's calves.


Azula is always on top, even when she's not.


"… who is this 'Sokka'?"

(Sorry, Sokka fans. I couldn't resist.)


Ty Lee had candy. Soon, Azula had candy.

Established Relationship

The card's always the same. "Happy birthday, sweet sugar cakes."