Disclaimer: I do not own any material related to Call of duty 4 or Left 4 Dead.


It was on that bridge…something changed. Zakhaev was about to execute Gaz, when suddenly a bullet went through his head. Everyone that was still alive confused, even Cpt. Price. Zakhaev fall to the ground. Dead.

Gaz: What the fuck was that!?
Price: It's the good Russians! (pointing at the Russian sniper team)
Gaz: Guess they aren't useless wankers after all eh?
Soap: about damn time too!
Griggs: Yo! I'm still here, damnit…argh..I'm bleeding out real bad, man!
Price: Kamarov get your men and help Griggs first, I'll live.
Griggs: Hey, the drinks on me okay? (as he's going up to the helicopter)
Gaz: That'll be in London!

Surprisingly no member of the SAS or USMC team died that day.
6 weeks later

SAS Barrack ,Credenhill, England

Griggs: Damn! I already got my gun pointing at Zakhaev! Some ass-hole shot me first, man! I could have taken the shot! Just give me 2 more seconds!
Gaz: But you didn't… so forget it! The Russians got there first. Heh
Soap: I don't think, we'll be getting next mission anytime soon, considering we just got out.
Gaz: Bloody right…
Price enters with a seriously face.
Price: Okay! Vacations over chaps, Griggs you have been transfer to the SAS now… Gaz assemble the team. We got our next assignment, move it!

An hour later
Price: We kill Zakhaev and thought that the Ultranationist was destroyed for good. It didn't, Intel got word and it gets better. About 3 weeks ago, a guy called Yuri Demidov took up the power and set off a bomb in a city called Mercy.
Griggs: I know that city I got a cousin there. It's in the state.
Soap: so what? It's just a bomb right? Not some Nukes.
Price: Apparently not some bombs… that's why we are going in. Pack your gears we move out at 0500 hours tomorrow.
Gaz: What are we expecting here?
Price: We don't know that yet, but we are not expecting large scale shoot out.
Everyone nod and go about their business.

End Of Prologue