Ivan's eyes widened in surprise, but he obliged Alfred, crawling into bed next to him. America snuggled up to Russia hesitantly, and Ivan wrapped his arms around him. It felt nice. Almost like they were still together. Alfred fell asleep quickly, and Ivan watched him, gently playing with his hair.

"I... I still love you, Alfred," he whispered. America did not stir.

Russia soon fell asleep himself, and they both had the best sleep that they had gotten in a long time.


Alfred was surprised, when he awoke, to see Ivan still next to him, his arms around America's waist. Russia was fast asleep, snoring softly. Alfred had completely expected Ivan to be gone – to have waited for America to fall asleep then leave.

Russia soon woke a few minutes later, and looked blearily down at Alfred.

"Good Morning," America said quietly.

"доброе утро," Ivan agreed, pulling Alfred closer. America almost pushed him away – he was completely confused on how to react. Russia must have woken up some more, however, because he released Alfred and moved away.

"Sorry," he murmured, "You're really warm."

America smiled faintly, being able to sense Ivan's lie and moved so that he could hug Russia himself.

"It's okay," he said, "It helped me sleep better." He took a deep breath before continuing hurriedly, "Because I still love you."

Ivan froze and stiffened, obviously surprised. At this change, Alfred pulled away sadly, quickly firing off jumbled excuses, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said it, ju-just pretend I never said it and- I'm sorry."

Russia sighed and grabbed America's face, dragging him into a quick kiss.

"You talk too much," he teased when he pulled away. Alfred smiled and Ivan had the urge to ask him something, so he did.

"Will you marry me?"


Prussia found Canada, the next day, cleaning the library. Panynte was seated happily in Matthew's hair, fluttering around every once and a while if the Canadian moved too much or too quickly before settling back onto Matthew's head when he stood still again.

Canada had a rather blank expression on his face – neither happy nor sad nor angry – but the way his skin was blotched showed that he had been crying. He was most likely too tired to cry now. Matthew was lethargically dusting the books, eyes skimming over the covers – all in Cyrillic. Prussia remained silent, watching him.

Canada was adorable, Gilbert decided – or maybe he already knew but forgot and, okay, that made his head hurt some more so he was going to stop.

Matthew sighed sometime during his dusting and the feather duster fell to his side. Tears were rolling down his cheeks again.

Prussia moved from his spot in the doorway silently and wrapped his arms around Canada. Matthew jumped and hiccupped.

"I'm sorry," Gilbert muttered. Canada turned around in Prussia's arms and buried his face in Gilbert's chest, sobbing.

"W-why?" Matthew asked, looking up at Prussia with tear-filled eyes.

Gilbert did not answer.


Prussia gently ran his fingers through the sleeping Canada's hair. He still did not remember having Matthew as a lover, but the sex was great. Gilbert could tell that Matthew remembered what made him feel good.

Prussia sighed quietly, so not to wake Canada.

Why was Matthew the only one he didn't remember, out of everyone he could possibly forget?

Canada's eyes sleepily opened.

"Rise and shine, lazy-butt," Gilbert said, smiling at the tired Canadian. Matthew grunted and closed his eyes, Prussia's hand in his hair luring him back into a black oblivion.

"Come on now," Gilbert complained, removing his hand. Canada opened his eyes again and sat up, yawning. Matthew stood up, stumbling slightly from drowsiness, and picked up his clothes.

"Hey, where are you going?" Prussia asked.

Canada paused to look at Gilbert.

"I'm not going to stay here. You don't remember me, and you don't love me. This was a stupid mistake b-because I can't forget, like you can." Matthew returned to picking up his clothes, crying again.

Prussia stood up and wrapped his arms around Canada, keeping him from going anywhere. Matthew tentatively returned the hug. Panynte settled in Canada's hair again, but both countries ignored the bird.

"I can learn, even if I don't remember," Prussia said, gently kissing Matthew's forehead. Canada looked up at him, a strange mixture of hope and repulsion of the idea on his face.

"C-could you?" he finally asked. Gilbert nodded, pulling Matthew closer.

"I could. And I might remember you one day."

Canada paused, reconsidering Prussia's offer.

"Okay," Matthew said, turning bright red, "Kiss me."

Gilbert chuckled and leaned in to catch Canada's lips in a gentle, chaste kiss. Matthew's arms hesitantly wrapped around Prussia's neck as he kissed back.

Gilbert pulled away suddenly, his head hurting the worst it had since it got bashed into a wall. He groaned and held his head. Canada managed to pull Prussia to his bed and put him in it. Matthew quickly got dressed and went to go get something – Gilbert was not paying all that much attention.


When Prussia awoke, he noticed a few things. One, there was a cool cloth on his forehead. Two, Canada asleep in a chair, next to his bed. Three, he was not in the hospital. That was an improvement.

And Four, Gilbert remember Matthew. He smiled, and decided that he could put his queen back on the chess board…

"Matthew," he said, shaking Canada, "Matthew, wake up."

Matthew looked up at Gilbert, tired, and asked,

"What is it, Gilbert?"

Prussia smiled and kissed the Canadian hard. Canada's eyes shook open and he froze, stunned, but slowly returned the kiss.

When Gilbert pulled back, and he said quietly,

"I remember."

Matthew let out a cry of delight and tackled Prussia, hugging him tightly. Panynte cheeped happily.


When Ivan walked into his study, he noticed something odd.

The black king on the chess board was knocked over, a clear sign of forfeit, and the black queen had returned to the board.

Ivan smiled, and began to put the chess board up.


A/N: And that's the end!!! I hope everyone enjoyed it!! This is my longest fanfic by far, and I'm partly-proud, partly-glad it's over with. I will still be posting one-shots and two-shots, for those of you who have become fans of mine, but nothing this big until I'm not taking 9 classes anymore. :)

Also, for those of you who want to read a much more amazing RussiaxAmerica, I suggest The Chosen End. [link] It's probably my most favorite by far. :)