Summary: Sakura never told her team of her family nor of anything that related to her home life. They all assumed it was great. Boy, were they in for a shock. Now something has told the truth and things have changed. Changed for the better or the worse has yet to be seen.

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto or anything related to any anime creatures that I've borrowed.

Chapter 1

The match Choji and the sound nin had just ended. Now only Team 7, Ino, Shikamaru, Kiba, and a few others were left.

At that point, Naruto was riled up and ready to fight.

"I'm going up next and going to win. Just you wait and see Teme!"

"Hn. Dobe."


Sakura just laughed at her teammates antics. Underneath the mask, Kakashi smiled. That was until he looked at the screen. The screen that had the names of the next combatants.

"I wouldn't be laughing right now, Sakura. Look at the screen," Kakashi gravely said.

Lo and behold, the screen announced the next fight: Haruno Sakura vs. Yamanaka Ino.

Ino's team, knowing their rivalry groaned and flinched at the coming battle. They wondered what in the world possessed the screen to match up those two.

Team 7 was pretty much oblivious to the rivalry of the two. Well, may be Naruto. Kakashi could probably guess and Sasuke would know since their rivalry was centered around him. Or knowing him, he didn't care.

The two rivals looked at each other and quickly got to the field . The match was on.

The two really fought it out.

Sakura managed the first hit with a powerful (for her that is) upper cut, then a kick to Ino's midsection. With the force of that kick, it sent Ino flying to the wall.

Ino wasn't going to let that stop her, so she quickly got out a few kunai and shuriken. They didn't really do much as Sakura dodged them all.

Of course, the two traded insults, but that was normal really.

"You're not going to win this Forehead girl. I'll win Sasuke's acknowledgement."

Sakura was just silent. There was no response at all to Ino's bait. That had Ino's hackles up.

The battle went well, however, there was no sign of who was winning. It had just went back and forth between the two of them.

Around the screen unbeknownst to all, something red and full of malicious intent oozed out.


"Didn't you hear me? I'm not going to lose."

Sakura finally responses with, "Righ-"

Right then and there, Sakura was cut off. The reason because a tendril of red wrapped around her. That tendril was connected to a huge mass of red that suddenly appeared.

"Sakura-chan! Don't worry we'll save you!" Naruto cried out in horror.

" Oh, beautiful cheery blossom, don't not fear. For I, the youthful Lee, shall rescue you from the evil clutches of whatever that is," Lee cried out is his, uh, youthful manner.

"Lee! Do your best in saving the cherry blossom!" Gai also said in his, erm, youthful voice.




Everyone sweatdroppped at the two's antics. Tenten and Neji still couldn't believe that these two were on their team and tried to pretend that the two currently youthful *cough* men didn't exist.

"Oi! Aren't you guys going to try to help Sakura?!" a rather pissed off Ino snarled at the stands, "You just said that you'd rescue her! If you are then go do it! Sakura, can you hear? You okay? SAKURA!"

Unfortunately, Sakura was knocked out by the mass.

"What are you?" the Hokage asked. He was worried for the pinkette. The mass just radiated pure malicious intent. There was also pain, but not as much.

"Pain, sadness, regret, guilt. Destiny," a voice rasped out.

"What is this that you are talking about?"

"You asked what we are. Pain, sorrow, guilt, sadness. Destiny."

"Who are you then?"


Somehow with that one word, the tension increased. People couldn't help but think that this might be the shinigami, death god. Also, known as the soul reaper.

"Let go of Haruno Sakura."

"No! She 's ours. So much pain, sorrow, guilt, hatred. A future that could have been had. Dreams shattered. Wills crushed. Ours. She'll be our warrior. A fallen angel. A plague on humanity."

"Nani?! Sakura-chan wouldn't do that! She's too gentle a 'plague on humanity' as you say it. There's no way that Sakura-chan would have shattered dreams!" Naruto cried out.

"For once, I actually agree with the Dobe."

"Ursai, Teme! You're not helping!"

"Neither are you, Dobe."

Kakashi seeing that Naruto was going to open his mouth again decides to break you their fight.

"Okay you two, argue later, get back Sakura now."

While those two were arguing, Reaper had replied saying, "Never" and with that, drew Sakura closer to the mass and swallowed her up. The very moment Sakura was completely swallowed up, the malicious intent was even greater than that of Orochimaru.

"Hahahahaha! Such pain, hatred, and guilt. A great wellspring of power indeed."

"Give back Sakura!" Ino cried out desperately. She did not want to remember how Sakura was just swallowed up. What was even worse that she could still see Sakura, even if it was just her silhouette, the red around her pulsing.

"In a rather twisted sense, I am Sakura. I can see and feel things in the way she would. I can remember things that have happened. Ah yes, in fact, you two were in the mist of battle weren't you? Before I came in, yes? Well, we can't stop now can we? And since I've already established the fact that I am Sakura, I'll just take her place. Go and attack!"

Suddenly creatures resembling nothing that the shinobis had ever seen before appeared. It was colored yellow and purple mainly, with orange on the tips and ends. The body was in a yellow spiral that created a hollow opening. The body and head was purple, its hands yellow with orange tips. The wings looked like a bat's, but blunter. No eyes or mouth could be seen. There was also a red tendril connecting it to the mass. (If you don't get the description, look up D-Reaper's creatures and look for something that vaguely matches the details)

To make matters worse that it already was, there were a lot of them. To add to that, they were smart. And Io was getting pissed off and scared.

"Ack! What the hell are these?!" Ino cried out for the umpteenth time when one of them cut her or when they massed up together.

"Now then, what kinds of memories can we drudge up to power up these weaklings?"

Everyone sweatdropped at the statement. This was weak? Those creature looked like they could take out an entire or ten squadron of ANBU and still have enough power to take out the village.

"Aha, why not the memories of you childhood," Reaper sinisterly cackled at the memories," Shall we start then, hmm?"

This is my first fanfic, so please tell me if I need to make changes or if I should just dump this entire thing and not write for the next century or two.

So, should I continue or not? Criticism is welcome, just no flames please. =)
