Code Geass: Tatiana's Turn

A/N: I don't own Code Geass, if I did there would be an R3 already.

This is my first fanfic, so reviews are very appreciated!

~Chapter One: Sir Artur~

a.t.b. 2038, rural Japan

"Hurry up, Bobby! We're having pizza tonight, remember?" I looked up at the sky. Fifteen minutes until dark and we're still only halfway home. I hope we're having pepperoni tonight.

"What is it with you and pizza, seriously? Could you ever eat enough pizza?"


Bobby sighed. "Sis, slow down. My legs hurt."

I turned around to face him. "Do you wanna rest a bit? I know we're not supposed to, but… Oh look! Perfect timing!"

Just around the bend and heading our way was a cart full of hay. I jumped out into the middle of the road, waving down the driver. Bobby tugged at my dress.

"He looks suspicious. I… I'ld rather just walk."

"Don't worry so much! I'm sure he'll be fine. He feels nice and familiar."

"You and your feelings…" I knew he wouldn't argue with me. I'ld been right so many times before, even in the most dangerous situations. Not that there are many dangerous situations, at least here and now. Not since the war ended twenty years ago. But when there were, I could charm myself out of them every time. Mother said it was as if I knew what the person wanted. In this case…

"Yes, young lady, what can I do for you?" His voice was much stronger and younger than he looked. Then again, it wasn't as if I could see much of him anyways. I decided that he was someone to be approached directly.

"Hi, I'm Tatiana and this is my brother Robert. Would you like a nice meal and a place to stay for the night?"

He hesitated a moment, then chuckled. "You're a fearless one, aren't you? Tatiana, you say?"

"Yes, sir. In exchange would you please give us a ride the rest of the way there?"

"I'ld be honored to. Climb on."

"Thank you very much! C'mon, Bobby!" I climbed on and reached down to help Bobby up. He grumbled but got on anyway.

"It's just about eight minutes straight down this road, sir. We're having pizza tonight! I'm sure my parents would love to share, we always get more than one… well mostly it's for me… but I'll share with you!"

"You remind me of someone I know."

" Oh, well, thank you! OH! I'm so sorry! What's your name, sir?"

"My name? You can call me… Artur."

"Artur! Wonderful!"

"Sis, you're pronouncing it wrong."

"It's alright by me. Please, call me Artur."

"Sir Artur, thank you so much! Please wait out here while I let my parents know about you."

Bobby and I jumped from the cart and raced each other to the door.

"Mama! Papa! We're home!"

"Welcome back." Behind my parents, I could see another familiar face. I smiled knowingly.

"Kagami! W-what are you doing here?" Bobby had a deep blush all over his face. God, he was so obvious. I snickered.

"I-I came to help your parents out a bit while you two were gone. Thank you very much for the work." She was quiet a moment. "I'll be going now."

"Wait! Please, stay for dinner with us!" C'mon Kagami, I know you like Bobby too.

"I-I would, but I really must be going now. Thank you again, Mr. and Mrs. Mihara." She passed by Bobby quickly on the way to the door, who blushed even harder if that were possible.

Suddenly I remembered. "Mama, Papa, there's a nice young man who gave us a lift home in need of food and board. May I please bring him in?"

Mama smiled. "Sure, I trust you."

I ran outside. "Sir Art-"

He was gone. I could just barely hear the sound of horse's hooves receding away.

"I wanted to return the favor…"

I came back inside. "Artur left already. I wanted to share my pizza with him! And he-"

"Sis, you're still pronouncing his name wrong."

"What did you hear it as?"

"He said Ar-tu. Not Artur."

"You mean like R2-D2?"

"Yeah. R2."

So what do you think? If you have any questions please email me, I'll do anything to clear stuff up without ruining the plot ^_^