
Now, a little warning here- this is going to be short! Okay? Okay.

--Four years later

Kagome pushed the shutter and heard the camera whir, signalling the successful shot;

"Great picture, Mamoru! Perfect!" she encouraged the small boy and he grinned toothily before hopping off the stool and wobbling towards the rest of the children. Kagome sighed as she stood, arching her back in an attempt to stretch it; her bulging stomach moved with her and she rubbed a hand over it soothingly.

Ring Ring

Kagome groaned as she trotted to the kitchen and grabbed the phone off the wall- the only place the children couldn't reach it at this age.

"Hello?" she breathed and a familiar female voice chimed from the other end,

"Kagome dear! How are you?"

"Izayoi, I'm fine. The baby should be here any day now, how are you?" Kagome twirled the phone cord around her index finger as Izayoi laughed on the other end.

"I sure hope I get to be there this time," her mother-in-law said and Kagome nodded, even though the woman couldn't see her; "How are the children? How many are there now?" Izayoi chuckled while Kagome rolled her eyes,

"There's 9, thank you very much. And I don't think that's enough," she sighed sadly, peeking around the corner to see said children tearing apart her living room while others-the good ones- watched the movie she had put on.

"How can that not be enough? Inuyasha's going to go crazy with all those children around, especially since you don't have any time to spend with him."

"I do have time, in the evenings, and yet he always decides that the evenings are great for him to put in extra hours at work," Kagome growled and Izayoi sighed.

"He's just like his father- and brother, for that matter. It's all about providing for the family with those men," she laughed and Kagome joined in.

"Well it was great talking to you Izayoi, but it's about snack time for the children. I'll call you when I start feeling contractions this time, okay?" she smiled and Izayoi thanked her before hanging up; Kagome sighed as she pulled out her premade sandwiches and handed them all off to the children.

"Thank you, Mama!" Kyo appeared at her side, his hair at an awkward length- he wouldn't let her cut it because he wanted it long like Daddy's- and his tiny ears were twitching at all the excess noise;

"You're welcome, Kyo," Kagome hugged her son before letting him go finish watching the movie. "Alright everyone, sit down and eat your sandwiches while I clean the place up for Daddy," Kagome ordered and the hyper kids all groaned before going to sit on the floor, watching the movie while they ate. Kagome worked her way around the room as fast as she could with her large belly, but was interrupted by the doorbell ringing; she hobbled to the door and swung it open, smiling when she caught sight of Sango.

"Kagome!" Sango threw up her arms in excitement before embracing her best friend, "It's been so long!" she complained, entering the home and looking around the messy living room; "Oh dear- Inuyasha won't be very happy with this mess." Kagome glared at her,

"That's why I was in the middle of cleaning before you showed up," she pointed her finger accusingly at her best friend and Sango smiled sheepishly;

"Don't worry, I'm here to help!" she puffed out her chest and they soon had the living room spotless. As they sat down to a glass of lemonade they chatted.

"So how's school going?" Kagome asked and Sango rolled her eyes.

"I'm beginning to wonder why I wanted to be a dentist," she groaned and Kagome laughed. "I've only just graduated from college, and now I have 4 more years in dental school!" she complained and Kagome rolled her eyes.

"Well honestly, who wants to be a dentist, anyways? It's your own fault for picking suck a random goal."

"It's not random! My dentist was my best friend until I was 14! Then I had to get braces and hated the whole practice," Sango grimaced and Kagome howled with laughter.

"So why?"

"Well, I realized my dentist was only helping me- I would've hated to have crooked teeth for the rest of my life. And plus, all kids are afraid of dentists, so I figured I'd become a dentist like mine was- awesome and hilarious," she grinned and Kagome nodded, raising her glass in a silent cheer. The click of the front door sounded and a voice rang out,

"I'm hooommme!"

"Daddy!" the children all ran to greet Inuyasha, following Kyo's lead in glomping him and sending him to the ground with a thump.

"Ugggh, Kyo, why? Why do you always have to torture me in new ways?" Inuyasha groaned, sitting up and sending kids tumbling everywhere; Kagome stepped in front of him, a huge smile on her face.

"You actually came home early for once," she said and Inuyasha rolled his eyes as he stood, picking his briefcase off the floor while Kyo hung from his other hand;

"Of course, I missed you so much that I rushed and got a ticket," he held a slip of paper up and Kagome gasped.

"You dolt! How many times have I told you to stop speeding?" she demanded, closing the front door and ushering the children back into the living room,

"Hey, what are they watching?" Inuyasha asked, changing the subject. Kagome rolled her eyes,

"Monsters versus aliens. It's quite hilarious," she smiled and Sango entered to room.

"Sango! I didn't know you were here!" Inuyasha greeted, standing to give her a hug and Sango flopped down on the couch beside Kagome;

"You know Yash, you should be home a lot more with Kagome being so close to her due date," Sango chided and Inuyasha glared at her.

"What do you think I'm doing right now?" he lifted his palms to the sky and Sango grinned, patting his head,

"At a boy," she encouraged before standing. "Well I only dropped by to make sure you hadn't gone into labour all on your own," she sighed, almost as if she was disappointed and Kagome slapped her playfully.

"Get out, you dentist wannabe," she joked, walking her friend to the front door; she opened the door and Sango gasped,

"I almost forgot! Great sign, it looks perfect!" she gestured to the large sign on the front lawn and Kagome grinned.

"I know, isn't it?" The large wooden sign had been painted white, and in large colourful letters it read:

Gome-chan's Nursery and Photo Centre

"It really catches your attention," Sango mused,

"That's what I was hoping for. How's Miroku, I forgot to ask," Kagome smirked and Sango sighed.

"That bastard finished his schooling this year and is now looking for a job- can you believe him? Wanting to be a teacher?"

"And a Religion one at that," Kagome laughed,

"And Art, too! He said he really liked our last Art class and wanted to make a class like that," Sango huffed before blushing; "Though I still can't believe what he did last week." Kagome grinned,

"What, asking you to marry him in front of a huge crowd?" she laughed when Sango turned beet red;

"Oh shut up! Not everyone's already happily married like you!" she pointed to the wedding picture hanging in the hallway. Kagome and Inuyasha had married 6 months after Kyo had been born, Inuyasha not wanting to waste time; it had been a beautiful and very white wedding.

"Well I'll do your wedding pictures for you; I won't make you pay a fortune like I did for my photographer. It was ridiculous!" Kagome complained and Sango nodded,

"Well I'll go now, call me when you're going into labour this time," she winked before jogging to her car. Kagome closed the door and headed back to the living room where Inuyasha was entertaining their son and all her daycare children. She looked to the clock and almost screamed,

"Gack! It's almost 5! Your parents will be here soon, hurry everyone!" Kagome hollered and the children quickly scampered, locating their belongings and grabbing their bags, lining up in the hallway just as the door bell rang. Kagome opened the door, a huge smile on her face, "Ayame! On time, like always!" she laughed, giving her high school friend a hug and Ayame shrugged,

"Well, you know Kouga. Always in a rush," she pointed to the awaiting car where Kouga waved from the driver's seat. "Alright Mamoru, Akira, thank Kagome-chan and let's go," Ayame ordered and her two-year old twins waddled over to Kagome, hugging each of her legs and thanking her before following their mother to the car.

"Oh, Ayame!" Kagome called after them, "Mamoru did great on his first pictures! I'll have them ready for next week," she informed and Ayame nodded in thanks before taking off.


When all the children had gone and Kyo was left, completely pooped and sprawled over Inuyasha's knees, Kagome was exhausted; she plopped down next to Inuyasha and he draped his arm across her shoulders.

"Why do you want more kids to sign up? 10 is already enough, and plus we've got our daughter coming along," Inuyasha said and Kagome rolled her eyes,

"It's not 10, Kyo doesn't count," she said and Inuyasha sighed. Kagome gasped, clutching her stomach and arching her back, "Oh!" she breathed and Inuyasha turned to her,

"What? What is it?" he demanded and Kagome gripped his arm and he flinched,

"Baby! Baby!" she screamed, gesturing to her stomach and Inuyasha stood, tucking Kyo under his arm like a football and raced around the house, locating the bag they had packed for the birth. As Kagome wobbled out of the house, she looked back; she was breathless every time she looked at her home. It was the perfect home she had pictured in her high school painting. A baby blue house with flower gardens under the windows, it was a 4 bedroom house and quite large, considering Inuyasha was the co-owner of Taisho Industries, along with his brother Sesshomaru.

"Do we have everything?" Inuyasha asked and Kagome shook her head,

"Call your mother! And Sango! And my mother!" she ordered and Inuyasha sighed,

"Do I have to call all of them?" he groaned, buckling Kyo into the back seat of their Journey.

"Yes! I already told Izayoi I'd call her for this one," Kagome grunted as she climbed into the front seat, buckling her seat belt while Inuyasha whipped out his phone and turned the car on. He sighed as the phone rang and he sped through the streets,

"Here we go again."

Done! How did you like it? I don't know if I'm satisfied with it, but oh well! There it is! And no one commented on my story idea from the last chapter D; Phooey! Well, thank you to everyone who's read my story through it all, I hope to see your names in my emails for a while *wink*







Deity of Anime









SilverSpirit 101

Prbly1andnvragin Maribby09










Shorte is Jappa

Love is killing me








Kikyou 26



Inuyashaloves kagome4ever


Natomie 14












Inukag lover Kikyo hater


There, that's everybody from every chapter! Thank you to everyone! And also, I named Kyo after my cat because I couldn't think of a good name. In which my Kyo is named after the one from fruits basket, because he's an orange tabby :D R&R please!
