In An Instant

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ, they belong to that Japanese dude whose name I can neither spell or pronounce.

"Arise Shenlon!" A man yelled. He had long gray hair, amber eyes and a beaky nose. He pursed his thin lips and began to laugh insanely as seven golden balls near his feet began to glow. The sky grew dark and lightning began to flash. A bolt of light shot upward from the now glowing balls and began to twist into a gargantuan shape.

"You have awakened me from slumber. I will grant three wishes and three alone." The dragon growled at the man, his ruby eyes gleaming. "I grow impatient. Do not keep me waiting."

"I would like to wish back the planet of Vegita-sei, and all the creatures that died on it." He laughed.

"Your wish has been granted." The dragon snorted, and then growled, "What is your second wish?"

"I wish the Saya-Jins back to life." He shouted, somewhat insanely.

"It is done." The dragon appeared bored. "What is your final wish?"

"I wish for a peanut!" The man howled.

"A peanut?" Shenlon sounded slightly shocked. Okay, that is definitely new.

"Yes, a peanut. Is that bad?"

"." Shenlon couldn't speak. Finally he said, "Your wish has been granted. I bid you farewell." As the dragon disappeared in a giant flash of light and the dragon balls spread to the corners of the planet once more, one lone peanut fell from the sky.

"I have a peanut, I have a peanut!" The man yelled in a sing-song voice, dancing in a circle.

Raditz woke up in the middle of a grassy plain, wet with dew and only half conscience. His armor had a large hole in the stomach area, but that was not new, it had been there for over fourteen years. The dew was new, as was the feel of grass on his face. Moaning he rose to a sitting position and took in his surroundings. I'm alive. Was the first thought that rolled through his head. The next thought he had was him wondering where he was. He seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by grass. A large crater was next to him.

I died here. The realization of that came slowly. I don't know how long ago, more than eight years, certainly, but I know this place.

Slowly he rose to his feet, and into the air. His ankle-length black hair swayed behind him, and flipped in the morning breeze. He uncurled his tail from about his waist, allowing the long furry appendage to lash behind him. Taking to the air he reached up a hand to click on his scouter only to discover that it was missing.

Nappa opened his eyes to discover that he was free-falling through the air. "What the- holy- I'M GONNA DIE!" The blundering pin-head cried, before remembering he could fly. The bald Saya-Jin gave short shake of his head, as though trying to clear out the muck, or replace the empty air space. Needless to say, it didn't work. He lifted into the air, confused as ever, before switching on his scouter.

Turles gave a shuddering breath as he levitated out of the enormous crater he had woken up in. His scouter beeped and clicked away, and he began to slowly fly towards the large power level south west of his position, unwittingly heading towards his cousin.

Nappa found Raditz not far from his original position, only a few miles away. The large Saya-Jin saw the confused look on his friend's face and frowned. "Hey, Nappa, what's going on? Why are we alive? Not that I'm complaining, but last checked, I was very much dead." Raditz had to admit that this was a nice change from hell, but he didn't understand anything.

"How should I know? I'm supposed to be dead to, I think." Only Nappa could be that stupid.

Before Raditz could reply, Turlis appeared. "All right, why are you two alive?"

"Probably the same reason you are." Was Nappa's reply.

"Now," Turlis continued, completely ignoring Nappa's comment, "Where are the highest power levels around here?"

"Towards the south." Nappa frowned. "Too low by far to match us. The highest is only four-hundred."

"I know that pin-head!"

"I didn't." Raditz broke in.

"Let's go." Turlis commanded.

Unknown to the party at Capsule Corporation, three Saya-Jins, all of which that were supposed to be dead, were heading their way. None of that particularly concerned any of them, they were much stronger than the other Saya-Jins realized. What concerned this party was Goku, the Saya-Jin black hole. He was eating everything in sight.

"Goku!" Chichi and Bulma screeched, "Save some for the rest of us!"

The Saya-Jin, Goku, looked up. "But I'm hungry." He sighed, onyx eyes pleading. His spiky black hair stood up, going in all directions at once. "Please." He was almost begging.

"Kakarotto, I wonder how high you fell from when you got that bump. Saya- Jins don't beg!" A short man with black hair that stood up like a candle flame, growled. Only their hair and eye color were alike. The tall man was goofy, and fun-loving, unless in a fight. He stood a head above his 5'4" Saya-Jin companion. The short man was foreboding and constantly scowling.

The earth-raised Saya-Jin laughed. "Very high. I thought you would have figured that out."

"With your thick skull it would have to be." The other Saya-Jin, Vegita, muttered.

It was loud enough for everyone to hear, much less Goku, with his sharp Saya-Jin senses. Every one paused, worried how he would react. "Um, I think I'll take that as a compliment, Thanks Vegita."

Krillian let out a sigh of relief. The ex-monk was relieved he wasn't mad, and ran his fingers through his black hair. Eighteen, who every one had begun to call Juu, smiled. Yamcha growled, brushing his short black hair from his face.

"I thought you would like to know that there are three high power levels coming quickly toward us." Goku's oldest son, Gohan, scowled, angry at Vegita for the crack on his father's integrity.

"Well, we're not going anywhere. Let them come." The six and a half foot tall Namek-Jin called Piccolo laughed. His green skin made him stand out, as did his cape and turban.

Videl gulped. "There isn't going to be a fight, is there?"

"I hope so!" Goten, Gohan's seven year-old brother, laughed. "Me and Trunks wanna fight 'em if there is!" The eight year old lilac haired boy next to him nodded vigorously in agreement.

"Yeah!" Vegita's son chuckled.

"I don't think so." Bulma put her foot down. "If you fight, I won't let you spar for a week. I don't care what your father says!"

"But mom!" He whined. "Dad, tell her I can fight!"

"Do what your mother says, boy." He growled in reply.

"What is going on?!" Several light years away, King Vegita, of Vegita-sei, was yelling at his council.

"We do not know your highness." One brave councilor mumbled. "We were as dead as you!"

The tall king, who could have been the Earth Vegita's twin, only taller and with a goatee, sighed. "I know you were dead! I want answers!"

Nappa, Radditz and Turles arrived at capsul corp. with an hour of being sensed, right when Vegita hed gone in for a drink, and to get more food.

"Hey, little cousin." Turles taunted. "Let's see you take us out now!" He laughed and Goku seemed delighted.

"You learned to hide you ki?" He exclaimed happily. "That's great! Maybe now you'll be a descent fight."

"What? You are not impressed by our power levels?" Raditz exclaimed.

"Am I supposed to be?" He looked confused.

"Of course." He snorted. "We're twice you power."

"No, your not." He laughed. "I'm surpressing my ki."

"Not possible." Nappa stated, then added uncertainly, "Is it?"

"Of coure not you Baka." Turles growled.

"Daddy, who are they?" Goten, Goku's look-alike youngest son asked without any fear. "They are so weak. Videl could take them."

"HEY!" Videl snapped. "Don't start buddy!"

"Calm down." Gohan muttered touching his mate's arm. "He didn't mean it like that!" Videl glared at him before mumbling things about stupid outerspace monkeys and shut up.

Trunks followed his father from the house, joking. Vegita laughed and Bulma waved. "Veggi-kun, we've got visitors."

"I know Woman!" He yelled. "Now Shut Up!"

"Why?" She was playing around with him, laughing.

"Because I am-"

"The prince of all Saya-Jins. Yes Veggi-kun, we know." She laughed.

"Don't speak to the prince in that manner you little whore!" Nappa yelled, grabbing her around the neck. She gave a small whimper of terror.

Vegita, help! She yelled through their bond, just as Trunks screamed, "Daddy! Mom's in trouble!"

"Put down my mate." Vegita snarled.

"Put Bulma down right now." Goku agreed, both of them spoke in a low and dangerous tone. Then, when Nappa didn't respond, Vegita flashed into Super Saya-Jin. Nappa dropped Bulma without a sound.

"Your the legendary!" Radditz gaped.

"Sit and eat." Chichi took over. "But bathe first. You just came back from the dead and I assure you, we can all smell it." They growled, but a glare from Vegita shut them up and they left immediately.

"Guys, Vegita-sei is back! It appeared in the middle of nowhere!" Bulma raced from her house a few hours after the trio of nitwits showed up.

"What do you mean, 'Vegita-sei is back'? Planets do not appear in the middle of nowhere! Especially after not being there for years!" Vegita yelled.

"Can it Veggie-chan." Bulma snorted. "I didn't stick it there. Someone must have made a wish."

"Yeah, and someone would wish us back, why?" Turlis let out a snort. "I mean, Kakarotto going Super Saya-Jin has a better chance of happening than that."

"Pity I am a Super Saya-Jin then, isn't it?" No one had thought Goku was listening. "If your going to use an analogy, the least you could do was use a true one."

"Did you just say analogy?!" Bulma gasped. "And you know the meaning of the word!?"

"I'm not that stupid." Goku frowned at her.

"Yeah, and I don't think you're Super Saya-Jin, either." Turlis laughed.

"Not Super Saiya-Jin eh?" Goku snickered, flashing into Super Saiya-jin.

"Guys, stop arguing. We need to decide what to do about the planet that just reappeared. I have little doubt that the Saya-Jins were also returned. As long as they are there, Chickyuu is in grave danger from an attack." Bulma said, leaving no room for argument.

"Don't worry, if anyone comes to take over the planet, my dad will stop them." Videl winked then laughed.

"Yeah, they'd be scared away by his looks!" Vegita howled.

"If that didn't work his huge power level would!" Krillian said sarcasticaly. "It's got to be at least around four by now!" Every one who knew what he was talking about began to laugh, rolling on the ground.

"Of course," Tien added, "he could simply talk them to death!"

"In defense of Dad's integrity," Videl grinned, "he might manage to beat them." She left the sentence unfinished. But everyone thought the same thing. The person sent would have to be dead first.

"My father is a moron, do you realize that?" She sighed.

"Long, long ago." Was Krillian's reply.

"All right you guys, the ship should be ready in about a month. Who all is going?" Bulma announced.

"I am, certainly." Vegita smirked.

"And me as well." Goku nodded.

"I think all the Saya-Jins are." Gohan smiled. "This is something we must see."

"We need to take some ambassadors." Vegita added. "Krillian and tin-can already said that they would go. You, Chichi and Videl, of course, as our mates, but we need another boy and another girl, preferably younger, maybe Gohan's age. Not to make decisions, but to show what your society has to offer."

"What about Sharpener and Erasa? They could go without any problems." Videl said thoughfully.

"We should notify them to our coming." Turlis said, uncomfortable in his prince's presence.

"You are correct." Vegita agreed. "I was about to suggest that. Bulma, can we send a transmission out to there?"

"With no problems." She nodded.

The month seemed to drag on forever, getting supplies, and other materials needed in space. The Saya-Jins were growing restless as were the others at Capsule Corp. Sharpener and Erasa were told when and where to meet the entire crew, including Piccolo, who would be going with them on the journey.

The meeting was, shall we say, very, erm, interesting.

(A/N) I must be mad. I'm starting another story. I think some other people have had this idea, but this has actually been written for a long time. Meaning, I DIDN'T COPY! If you want this to continue, you must review. Flames are welcome. So far, I didn't get any from my other story and I am kinda curious about them. By the way, could some one tell me how to spell Nimbus's Japanese name?

REVIEW PLEASE! (Don't I sound so desperate?)